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SUCCESS DOI UBLE SUCCESS DoUB! DUBLE SUCCESS DOUr 2UBLE SUCCESS DOL DUBLE SUCCESS DO ICC fe BREAKTHROUGH - TOGRADE 8. GRADES, 6&7 REVISION PACK 9 SUBJECTS ENGLISH MATHEMATICS INTEGRATED SCIENCE SOCIAL STUDIES TECHNOLOGY STUDIES EXPRESSIVE ARTS HOME ECONOMICS SPECIAL PAPER ONE SPECIAL PAPER TWO ini go CESS DOUBLE suocess vousle IBLE SUCCESS pouBLE su CUBE SUCSESS DOUBLE SUGEESS DOUBLE SUCCES DOUBLE SHESERS ROUBLE suncESS Dounl S DOUBLE Sunzess DousH SUCCESS Di SOUBLE SUCCESS DOUsLE SU ARN VANS. SS DOUBLE SUCCESS DOUBLE Wu. SET INOK NS fom SUCCE = pas Sees ee SUSEESS DOUBLE SUCCESS DO :SS DOUBLE SUCCE $$ are SUCCESS DOUBLE SUCCESS DOUBLE SUCCESS DOUBLE ou CESS DOUBLE SUCCESS DOI cE §§ DOUBLE s! \USLE SUCCESS DOUBLE SUCCESS DOUBLE SUCCESS DOUBLE SUScese DOUB Dot IBLE SUCCESS DOUBLE UBLE SUCCESS DOUBLE ~" SUCCESS DOUBLE ‘CCESS DOUBLE CESS DOUBLE 2CESS DouBLE 3CESS DOUBLE 2CESS DOUBLE 3CESS DOUBLE 3CESS DOUBLE SESS DOUBLE ICES DOUBLE: SEES BOUBLE 3CESS DOUBL SCESS DOUBLE. 3CESS DOUBLE: 3GESS DOUBLE; SESS DOUBLE 3CESS DOUBLE : 2ESS DOUBLE SCESS DOUBLE SCESS DOUBLE § SSESS DOUBLE § 2CESS DOUBLE s 3CESS DOUBLE § 3CESS DOUBLE s SGESS DOUBLE § 3CESS DOUBLE 5 SCESS DOUBLE § X0ESS DOUBLE 5: SCESS DOUBLE SI 2CESS DOUBLE SCESS DOUBLE Si 20ESS DOUBLE 5: SCESS DOUBLE St / (SESS DOUBLE St CESS DOUBLE st CESS DOUBLE SL CESS DOUBLE SL 2058S DOUBLE St CESS DOUBLE SL CESS DOUBLE St GES Dovste st :GESS Dove: iGE88 BOUBLE St 2CE8S DOUBLE st SCESS DOUBLE St 3CESS DOUBLE SL 2CESS DOUBLE St 3GESS DOUBLE SL 20ESS DOUBLE SL SESS DOUBLE Su SGESS DOUBLE SL {CESS DOUBLE Sy 3GESS DOUBLE S11 CESS DOUBLE Sy CESS DOUBLE Su CESS DOUBLE Su SCESS DOUBLE SU CESS DOUBLE SY) CESS DOUBLE Su! SCESS DOUBLE Sy 30ESS DOUBLE SY ICESS DOUBLE Sy SOESS DOUBLE SU SCESS DOUBLE Sy “SESS Douste S {GESS DOUBLE SU) SCESS DOUBLE SU ‘CESS DOUBLE SU 2CESS DOUBLE SU 1OESS DOUBLE SU 2CESS DOUBLE SU “CESS DOUBLE SU SUCCESS Bourse Sh ISCESS DOUBLE: HL CESS ESUELE SUCCESS DOURLES OUBLE SUCCESS DOUBLE.SU ISCESS DOUBLE SUCCESS DOUBLE SU ESS DOUBLE SUCCESS DOUBLE SU SS DOUBLE-SUCCESS DOUBLE SU ICCESS DOUBLE SUCCESS DOUBLE SU GRADE 5, 6&7 9 SUBJECTS ENGLISH MATHEMATICS INTEGRATED SCIENCE SOCIAL STUDIES TECHNOLOGY STUDIES EXPRESSIVE ARTS HOME ECONOMICS SPECIAL PAPER 1 SPECIAL PAPER 2 VYVVYV Viv ne ee eee eee a TE EERE CONTENTS ENGLISH 1-19 MATHEMATICS 20-38 INTEGRATED SCIENCE 39-58 SOCIAL STUDIES 59-75 TECHNOLOGY STUDIES ~ — - — EXPRESSIVE ARTS - ea 76 - 94 HOME ECONOMICS ~ ~ ~~ > SPECIAL PAPER 1 95 - 112 > SPECIAL PAPER 2 113 - 147 GRADE 5, 6 & 7 ENGLISH REVISION QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS WILL. ECZINEKEN AAS. Cogs, BREAKTHROUGH TO GRADES. GRADES, 6 AND 7 VOLUME 1 w " Put your books . . There are ..., . The thief .. . A large crowd came to watch the game between Zambia and Kenya GRADE 5, 6 & 7 ENGLISH that desk. . Aon B. of C. in D. to . books in this box. A. plenty B, many C. much D. lots ‘stole the bicycle has been arrested. A. which B. whom C. who, D. whose did not grow maize because they had no fertilizer. . A. their B. there C. them D. they . Its either Paul goes to the market . A.or he cleans the kitchen, B. unless C. despite D. in spite the bad weather. A, but B. unless C. despite D. in spite, 7. Last holiday , Elias .. to visit her cousin in Livingstone. 8. The sick man drove .. to the hospital. Acherself B. himself C. themselves D. yourself 9. There are .. . people in the Northern Hemisphere. A. a few : B. a litle : c. few D. little 10.Flowers are not only beautiful .. also attractive. Aor B. nor C. but D, and .. two hours. 1L.E will be working in the garden tomorrow... A. with 8. until C. since D. for .. people like gossiping. A. plenty B. much C. many D. lots 13. The new Grade One pupils were shown A. around B. during C. through D. under 14, The pupils are not happy because ... A. their B. there C. they D. them 15.Husbands should . A. cooked B. cooks C. cook ..». teacher is sick. . for their families. D. cooking 16.Chewe ,Cecilia .. A. with B. and . C.elther D. or Mulenga went to the village yesterday. 17. The chief and his head persons sat .. A. in B. under Cat D. below 18. Today we ... A. has 8. have C. had D. hasn't 19.Girls who fall pregnant can stil go back to schoo! .. A. after B. before C. where the tree, .. many cases of child abuse, D. soon 20.The Bishop .. A. Is prepared B. is just prepared C. just prepares a sermon when suddenly the door burst open. D. was just preparing 21.Men should not .. more than one women A, married B. marry C. marrying D. marries 22.You should not hurt .... A. myself B. itself C. themselves D. yourself 23.The woman ... A, that B. whose .-» €ar Was stolen ,reported the matter to the police. C. who's D. who 24,Some people are fond .. A. for B. at C. off D. of 25. It is either Steven goes to the market .. A. and B. but C. nor ». he cleans the kitchen. D. or 26. Katongo Is the .. .. footballer in our school this year. A. good B. better C. most good D. best 27. There are A. many B. lots C. much D. plenty ern nrs/annn EEE EE EERE .. activities taking place at the show ground. 28. My sister brought me this skirt. It is ... A. his B. ours cme D. mine 29. The children were happy when . A. their B. them C. there D. they 30. The log was too ... A. heavier + made it to grade 8 for a small boy to lift, B. heavy C. heavly D. heaviest SENTENCE MEANINGS 31. Only if you ring her, will she come. The sentence means that .. A. she will come if you ting her B. she will never come even if you ring her C. she will ring you when she comes D, she won't come after you ring 32.If he had studied hard, he would have passed the examination. This sentence means that he .. A. passed because he studied hard B. did not pass because he did not study hard C. will pass because he has studies hard D. failed although he studies hard 33.If he had drunk dirty water, he would have got cholera. The sentence means he... A. got cholera B, must get cholera C. didn’t get cholera D. will get cholera 34. Neither the boys nor the girls were able to get the question correct. This sentence means that. A, both girls and boys got the question correct. B. only the girls got the question correct. C. both boys and girls failed to get the question correct. D. only the boys failed to get the question correct. 35. Mr Kachifye was assassinated by one of his political enemies. This sentence means Mr Kachifye was 7 ‘A. arrested by one of his political enemies B. chased by one of his political enemies C. killed by one of his political enemies D. protected by one of his political enemies 36. The games were organised in conjunction with Yosefe Basic school and Mfuwe Basic School. The word conjunction means. A, separately B. individually C. group D. together 37.1 am certain that the bus comes at ten hours, The sentence means .. ‘A. 1am doubting that the bus will come at ten hours B. | am sure that the bus comes at ten hours C. | am happy that the bus comes at ten hours D. | am not yourself when the bus comes. 38. Unless you work very hard, you will not make it to a high school for your Grade 10. This sentence means... ‘A. if you work hard you will not pass B. even if you work hard you will not pass C. if you do not work hard, you will not pass D. it’s not easy to pass. 39, Kanswe Was transferred to Malawi. The word transferred means. A. moved B. expelled C. suspended D. shown 40. He could have died but for the Police. This sentence means he .. A. died because of the police B. did not die C. was killed D. ran way 41.1 spend all my time alone because I feel shy to talk to other people. This sentence means.. A. Lam free to be with other people 8. Lam not comfortable in the company of people. C. I don't like people D. people don’t like me 42.If she had come on time, she wouldn't have been late for the lessons. This sentence means she, ‘A. was late for lessons B. did not come for lessons C. will not come for lessons D. came for lessons 43.Mrs. Kulimani gave no attention or care to the crying baby, The words no attention or care mean. A. avoid B. upset C. neglected D. crying 44.Buses are not to be overloaded. This means that . A. rules allow overloading B. buses will load C. drivers are told overload D. buses should not be overloaded 45. The computer has done more good than bad to society. This sentence means the computer is .. A. very good B. very harmful C. more harmful than useful D, more useful than harmful 46. The dress is too tight for Bupe to wear. This sentence means that Bup. A. can wear the dress 7 8, cannot wear the dress C. may wear the dress D. will wear the dress 47.Unless you hurry, you will be late for church. This sentence means. A. you will come late when you hurry. B. if you go to church, you will be late C. if you do not hurry, you will be late for church D. when you hurry, will be fate for church 48. Chameleons disguise themselves by changing colour, The word disguise in the sentence means. A. kill B. hide C. move D. run 49. There was terror in the village when people were told that a lion had been seen nearby. The word terror means .... A. anger 8. fear C. joy D. tears 50. If you join the club, you must abide by its rules. Abide by means to .. rules. A. avoid B. break C. disobey D. obey PUNCTUATIONS 51.A. “what do we learn from history” Asked the teacher B. “what do we learn from History?” asked the teacher. C. “what do we learn from history?” Asked the teacher” D. “what co we learn from History. Asked the teacher.” (See 52.A, Isn't Jeremiah here? B, Isnt Jeremiah here Isnt, Jerehmiah here. D, Isnt Jerehmiah here? 53. A. The pupils and Mr Mbewe ‘went to Chipata ! B. The pupils and, Mr Mbewe went to Chipata? C. The pupils and Mr Mbewe went to Chipata. D. The pupils and Mr Mbewe ,went to Chipata, 54.A. “Have you ever been to Lusaka? “asked the teacher. B. “Have you ever been to Lusaka’ asked the teacher. C. “Have you ever been to Lusaka,? Asked the teacher D. “Have you ever been to Lusaka, “asked the teacher, 55. A. The Grade 7 pupils, skipped, hopped, jumped and ran? 8, The Grade 7 pupils, skipped ,hopped jumped and ran. C. The Grade 7 pupils skipped hopped jumped and ran, D. The Grade 7 pupils skipped ,hopped, hopped, jumped and ran. 56.A, He lost Mututa’s book. |. He lost Mututas’ book C. He lost Mututas, book . He lost Mututas book. 57.A, Michael is,hard ~working said Mwila. . Michael is hardworking said Mwila, C. "Michael is hard working,” said Mwila ). Michael is hard working said Mula. 58.A, Musho Joseph Mick and Christine will attend the wedding, 8, Musho, Joseph Mick and Christine will attend the wedding, C. Musho, Joseph, Mick and Christine wil attend the wedding, D. Musho Joseph Mick and, Christine will attend the wedding, 59.A, “Do you enjoy fish James” Bertha asked, B. “Do you enjoy fish James?” Bertha asked, C."Do you enjoy fish James”?Bertha asked. D. "Do you enjoy fish James,”Bertha asked. 2 9 2 9 60... Martha ,shouted watch, out. B. "Martha shouted ,"watch out. C. "Martha shouted watch out” D. Martha shouted ,“watch out!” 61.A. Put,mangoes,guavas and bananas in the same basket. B. Put mangoes, guavas and bananas in the same basket. C. Put mangoes guavas, and bananas,in the same basket, D. Put mangoes guavas and bananas in the same basket. 62. A. As it started, raining people came running into the room. B. As it started raining, people came running into the room? C. As it started raining people came running into the room. D. As it started raining, people came running into the room. 63.A. “Lam very sorry my friend, “said Mrs Simasiku, B. “lam very sorry , my friend, “said Mrs Simasiku. C. lam very sorry, my friend said Mrs Siriasiku. D. “lam very sorry ,"my friend , said Mrs Simasiku. 64.A. Our “School” Motto is Together we stand. 3. Our School” Motto is Together we stand. -. “Our Schoo! Motto” is Together we stand. Our School motto is ,”Together we stand.” 65.A. “Yes Sir ,he said ,theres nobody else here.” poe B. Yes ,Sir ,he said ,”There’s nobody else here,” C. “Yes , Sir™ he said , “there’s nobody else here” D. "Yes , Sir" he said , “there's nobody else here.” Each question has four paragraphs. You must choose the paragraph which has the sentence in the best order 66. A, The boat moved away in complete darkness, as the boat got away from the land, Wind started blowing. The water became rough and shortly it started raining. It was a heavy storm. B. Tt was a heavy rain storm. The boat moved away in complete darkness, The water became rough and shortly it started raining. As the boat got away from the land, wind started blowing, C. The boat moved away in complete darkness. It was a heavy rain storm. As the boat got away from the land, wind started blowing. The water become rough and shortly started raining. D. The boat moved away in complete darkness. The water became rough and shortly it started raining. It was a heavy rain storm. As the boat got away from the iand, wind started blowing 67. A. Myname is Ngoza,I go to Kawaza primary school .My teacher is Mr Zimba_.He teaches very well. B. My teacher is Mr Zimba .My name is Ngoza .I go to Kawaza Primary School. He teaches very well, C. My name is Ngoza .He teaches very well.I go to Kawaza primary school.My teacher is Mr:Zimba D. My teacher is Mr Zimba .He teaches very well. My name is Ngoza. I go to Kawaza Primary school, WAAL. CC ZINERET IAS. Com, 68. A. One day, a mouse went out in search of food .The snake caught the mouse and ate it.It had its head down because it was looking for something to eat. The mouse did not see the snake and ran straight into it. B. The snake caught the mouse and ate it. It had its head down because it was looking for something to eat. The mouse did not see the snake and ran straight into it. The snake caught the mouse and ate it. C. One day, a mouse went out in search of food. It had its head down because it was looking for something to eat. The mouse did not see the snake and ran straight into it. The snake caught the mouse and ate it. D. The snake caught the mouse ate it. The mouse did not see the snake and ran straight into it. It had its head down because it was looking f ‘or something to eat. One day, a mouse went out in search of food. 69.4. During youth Day week celebrations, my teacher asked me to Prepare my poem. | found the teacher asked me to prepare my poem. I found a book about a wasted future. I made some notes for my poem. B. I went to the library to prepare my poem. I found a book about a wasted future. During youth week celebrations, my teacher asked me to prepare a poem on HIV and AIDS. I made some notes for my poem. c T made some notes for my poem.t went to the library to prepare my poem. During youth week celebrations, my teacher asked to prepare a poem on HIV and AIDS.I found a book about a wasted book. During youth week celebrations, my teacher asked me to prepare a poem on HIV and AIDS, I made some notes for my poem. I went to the library to prepare my poem. I found book about a wasted future. 70.A. I decided to call the police immediately. A moment later, the police appeared and took them for questioning. It was obvious that they were thieves last night, I saw two men breaking into a shop. B. last night ,1 saw two men breaking into a shop. I decided to call the police immediately. It was obvious that they were thieves. A moment later the police appeared and took them for questioning, -_Tewas obvious that they were thieves lastnight I was two men breaking into a shop. I decide to call the police immediately. A moment later , the police appeared and look them for questioning. D. last night, I saw two men breaking into a shop it was obvious that they were thieves. I decided to call the police immediately. A moment later, they appeared and took them for questioning. 71-A. it was a wrist watch. His mother bought him a present. Kenny had done very well at school. 8. Kenny had done very well at school. His mother bought him a present. Tt was a wrist watch. C._ His mother bought him a present, Kenny had done very well at school, It was a wrist watch, D. Kenny had done very well at school. It was a wrist watch, His mother bought Him a present. It was a wrist watch. WW. eczmaterials .Com 72.4. Lam very hungry. Unfortunately, I don’t have any money today. Give me a piece of meat. I will pay you at the month end. B. Give me a piece of meat. Unfortunately, I don’t have money today. Tam very hungry. I will pay you at the month end. C. Lam very hungry.Give a piece of meat. I will pay you at the month end. Unfortunately, I don’t have money today. D. Iwill pay you at the month end, I'am very hungry. Give me a piece of meat. Unfortunately, I don't have money today. 73.A. All the animals shouted. He is riding like a king when they reached the town. Look at the tortoise. B. look at the tortoise. When they reached the town. All the animals shouted. He is riding like a king C. when they reached the town. All the animals shouted. Look at tortoise. He was riding like a king. D. He riding like a king. Look at tortoise. All the animals shouted. When they reached town, 74.A. Siphiwe is thrilled, She is reading a letter from Jane her English friend. Jane and her family used to live Malawi. They now live in London. B. She is reading a letter from Jane ,her English friend. Jane and her family used to live in Malawi. Siphiwe is thrilled, They now live in London. C. They now live in London. Jane and her family used to live in Malawi. Siphiwe is thrilled. She is reading as letter from Jane ,her English friend. D, Jane and her family used to live in Malawi, She is reading a letter from Jane, her English friend.Siphiwe is thrilled. They now live in London. COMPREHENSION TEXT: 1 A fishermen living near the river recently had an unlucky day's fishing. He was standing on a low when he knocked his tin of bait into the river, Leaning over the side of the bridge, he tried to look the tin and pull it out of the river. As he did so, his car keys fell out of his pocket and disappeared in the water, feeling annoyed with himself, the fisherman bent over the bridge to see where his keys had gone. As he did so, the bridge collapsed and he fell into the tiver. This was the “last” straw. The fisherman crawled out of the river and went back to his car. There he discovered that he had locked the doors and could not get in. His anti theft lock had immobilized his car. The fisherman finally walked home sadly. 75. The fisherman went back home... A. in his car 8. ina boat C. by bicycle D. on foot 76. The tin of bait fell into the river when the fisherman. A. walked home B. fell into the river . knocked it accidentally D, standing on the bridge 77. The fisherman’s “last straw” was when A. The bridge collapsed B. he knocked his tin of bait C the keys fell into the river D. he walked home 78. The word “anti” in the story means A. after B. before C. against D. catch 79. The fisherman leaned over the bridge when, A. he could not get into his car B. the bridge broke CC. the bait fell into the river D. the keys fell into the river, TEXT : 2 Usten to me Dingisowayo. Here is what my power will do. I shall colonize the empty land between my empire and the sea. This land will be filled with SWAZIS from the north, and Swaziland will be occupied by Xasas,Tembe and finquoes from the south. The next couple of years will be devoted to this work. The empire will unite even as it expands. I also command that my people should go to school to learn the white man’s knowledge. In ten years to come , I will conquer ignorance with the same zeal I have BREAKTHROUGH TO GRADES, GRADES, 6&7 (0966/0977 15522) P45 conquered all over enemies. I have built a nation Dingisowayo, I will never weaken. There will be killing of cowards, and the weak until knowledge can keep us strong on its own. 80. It would take Shaka’s people ... A. 10 years B. 24 years C. 12 years D. 15 years 81. Shaka must have considered himself to be .. A. cruel 8. powerful C. dever D. a coward 82. Shaka wanted Dingiswayo to hear . A. what he had done. B, some of the things he killed. C. his future plans D. about his previous dreams. 83, According to the passage, you can tell that shaka wanted to build a nation of - people, A, cowards,fools and weak B, fools,cowards and brave C. strong,brave and intelligent. D. strong,fools and weak. 84. Shaka wanted to .... A. leave and destroy B. improve and weaken C. expand and improve D. introduce a university ... to complete that work. A good juice and ripe pineapple can satisfy craving just as any chocolate bar, In addition to being a delicious food, there are many health properties in the fruit. It is grown abundantly in North Western province of Zambia, especially ‘around ikelenge. The best can be achieved through eating it fresh, canned of frozen or by drinking its juice. The pineapple is loaded with vitamins and minerals. Its_ nutrients calcium, potassium fibre and vitamin C. Besides, it is low in fat and cholesterol. It is high in the enzyme bromelain and the antioxidant vitamin C, both of which play a major role in the body's healing process. 85. Name the two main nutrients found in pineapple A. carbohydrates and vitamins 8. proteins and minerals. C. vitamins and minerals. D. fats and manganese. SS a A eS aa 86.A pineapple has .... A. more .. elements that helps keep the body healthy, 87.Calcium and potassium in pineapple are required for A. eye and ears. B. hair and skin. C. hands and legs. D. Bones and teeth, 88. The word juice in the story means. A. liquid B. solid C. water D. fresh 89. It is true to say that protein pineapples can be used as ‘A. medicine B, enzyme C. cholesterol D. fibre 90. The best title for this story can be . A. pineapples are sweet . B. pineapple have been all nutrients. C. minerals in pineapple. D. importance of pineapple Trade is an activity that has been practiced by the human race since time immemorial and reached its peak in the 18" century. Initially, this trade was done in a primitive manner because quantity was not considered. Trade therefore, is the buying and selling of goods and services. The form of trade and the way it is carried out has constantly changed and improved with the time. In Africa and Zambia in particular, trade traces its roots from the era of the slave trade. The development of the manufacturing industry in Europe ied to the demand for raw materials and labour to work on the plantations in America. Africa was seen as the source of both cheap labour and raw materials. This marked the beginning of the slave trade, and it continued for materials, This slaves were expected to work extra hard on the plantations. Farming activities on the plantations increased because of the demand for raw materials. Because of the nature of the trade, it formed a pattern which became known as the “Triangle Slave Trade” 91.Slave were used to A. operate machines B. work in factories. . work on the plantation D. drive cars ijeleeeereeneneeunemmeninasmenneiint $2. The word era in the story means .. A. period of time B. decade C. century D. millennium 33.In the Triangle Slave Trade, America supplied. A. raw material. B. slave labour C. manufactured goods D. machinery. 94. The Triangular Slave Trade involved .. A. four 8. three C. five D. seven ‘95, From the story, which continent did not benefit from the trade? A, Europe B America Africa DAsia 96.In the story “quantity and quality were not considered”means that trade was A unfairly done. B fairly done. C good D profitable. ‘A warthog went into a cave to keep warm. Soon a hungry lion came into the cave.”Unless I do something quickly,lion will eat me,"thought warthog. So he held his tusks against the roof of the cave. Then he yelled, "Lion ! Don’t hurry,welll both be Killed.”The lion put his paws against the roof. Warthog said,’Lion you are much stronger than me. You must hold the roof while I get some big branches to hold it up. “yes, you are right. I am very strong! Said lion, look! I can hold it up easily! Run and get the branches, warthog. Get some big stones too. Take your time. This is very easy work for me!”when he got outside, warthog laughed. “what a foolish Lion!"he said, 97. Warthog went into the cave because ... A. he wanted to sleep. B. he wanted to keep warm. C. it was his sleep. D. he liked it. 98. Warthog put his tusks against the roof of the cave because. A. It was failing B. his tusks were strong. C.he had a plan to get away. D. he liked playing tricks. 99. It is true to say that ‘A. warthog was afraid of the Lion. B. Lion was afraid of the warthog. C. Lion was very angry. D. the roof of the cave was failing, 100. Lion was holding the roof of the cave because he ‘A. was strong. B. was training, C. was foolish. D. feared that it would fall. LA 14.4 27.A 40.B 53.C 66.8 79.8 924 2B 15.C 28.D ALB 54.4 6A 80.4 93.C 3. 16.B 29.D 42.4, 55D 68.C SLA 94.8 4D 17.B 30.B 43.C ENGLISH ANSWERS 5A 18B 3A. 44D 56.4. 57.C 69D 82.C 95.D 0.D 83.4 96.4, 6D 19.4 32.B 45.D 58.C 1B 9B ™D 20.D 59.B 72.0 85.C 98.C 8B 2B 34.C 47.C 60.D B.D 86.B 99.4, 9C 10C ILD 22.D 23.8 24.D 35.C 36D 37B 48.B 49.4 50.D 6IB 62D 63.B 74D 75D 76.D 87.D 88.4 89.8 100.4, WW. eczinarerials Com 12.€ 25.D 38.C SLC 64.C 71. 90.D BA 26D 39.4, 52.4, 65.D BC 91.C Ld EZ MMIERSNNS = COKN DOMUNLOAQ F&SE 5 = LCZ PAST PAVERS e LCZ AWXVEOOXKS = OWE SQQOL SW Yaow a3 Yous 38) => TWSTAGRANLL — @ECLMORES Aas => FACCRs + TEL RoeeesS =) NAMES + QCCT_ Messy \MOAEDGE \S_VREE__ GRADE 5,6 &7 MATHEMATICS REVISION WWW. eczinarerials Com QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS GRADE 5, 6 AND 7 MATHEMATICS Find the sum of 352.79km ,400km and 39.5km. . A. 792.29 km B. 360.74 km C. 79.229km D. 36.074 km A lady bought a radio at k600.00 and sold it at a price of k750.00 later on. How much profit did she make? A. K100 B. K150 C. K250 D. K1350 150 books were shared among John, Samuel and Grace in the ratio 1:2:3 respectively. How many did Samuel receive? AS B, 50 C.25 D.15 Calculate the average mass of three boys with masses of 50kg,35kg and 29kg. A. 29kg 8. 35kg C. 38kg D. 50kg The difference between 5072 and 30 125 is A. 2500053 B.35197 C. 25053 D. 2593 A. K 7575.00 8. K7755.00 C.K 7757.00 D.K 7775.00 N . Convert 8500 grams to kilograms, A, 85 kilograms B. 8.5 kilograms C. 0.85 kilograms D, 0.085 kilograms . Convert = to decimal fraction. A. 32.0 B.3.2 €.3.125 D. 0.32 1. Subtract 213.78 from 376.34 A. 162.65 B. 162.56 C. 126.65 D. 126.56 |. Set A ={dress, shoes, bag, hat} and set B = {bag, coat, shirt, dress}.list the set B. A. {dress, bag} B. { coat, dress} . {shoes, bag} D. {shirt, coat) . Divide K240 in ratio 4:3:1 A. K30: K90:K120 B. K90:K30; K120 C. K100: K80: K60 D. K120: K90 : K30 one day. How many bags of beans were carried altogether by the two lorries? A. 19701 B. 28 025 C. 36 049 D. 36 349 Ao + One lorry carried 8324 bags of beans In two days. Another lorry carried 28025 bags in 13. K 180 + K1260 + K176 + K18 A. K 2796 B. K 1634 C.K 1633 D.K 1624 14. The Roman numeral CDXLIV in Hindu Arabic can be written as A444 B. 455 Cc. 564 D. 664 15. Three brothers were given 525 goats each. How many goats were given to the brothers altogether? A175 - B, 525 . 528 D. 1575 16.A plantation is divided into equal plots shown in the diagram below. The region represented by cane cultivation is ... degrees, A.360° B. 225° c. 90° D. 45° Qrange Bananas 17. The mathematical statement B C E means A. set B contains set B. set B is a subset of set E C. set E is a subset of set B D. set E is not a subset of set B 18. The angle made between North and East in the diagram below Is A. acute B obtuse C. right angle N D. reflex s 19. It costs a carpenter K450 000 to make a table. If the table is sold at a profit of 20% ithen the selling price is . A. K540000 B. K450000 C. K360000 D. K90000 20. One million sixty four thousand is the same as . A. 1000064 B. 1000640 C. 1064000 D. 1640000 21. What is the perimeter of the shape below? 7om 6em 2cm| 10cm A. 320m B. 33cm C. 34cm D. 35cm 22. If 15 + Z= 23, then Zis A6 B.8 C.28 D. 36 ts 23. K750 000 ~ K 265 000 A. K 458 000 B. K485 000 C.K 548 000 D. K 845 000 24. Mrs, Bwembya had a water bill for K45 262.65 and an electricity bill for K 97 739.23. How much money does she need to clear the two bills? A. K43 006.99 B.K 1436.88 C. K143 001.88 D. K144 026.88 25. Mutinta wants to send 13 letters to her friends by post. If the charge for posting one letter is K1000.00. What would be the cost of posting her 13 letters? A. K1000 B. K 2000 C. K13000 D. Ke9000 26. K 701.82 ~ K107.28 = ‘A. 545.45 B. K594.54 C. K809.10 D. K909.10 27. Joseph was 12 years in 2002. How old would he be in 2016? A. 26 years B. 15 years C. 14 years D. 2 years 28. Whats the union of set A and B sets .. A=(2,4,6,8,10,12) B= (3,6,9,12} A {6.12} B. {2,4,6,8,10,12} C.{3,6,9,12} D.{2,3,4.6,8,10,12} 29. Which symbol can be Put in the box to make the sentence below true? 3120 13 A< B= c> Dou 30. In Hindu- Arabic numerals the Roman numerals LXVII can be written as A97 B, 87 c.77 D.67 31. 1FX + 10=23 find the valve of X A.10 B.13 C. 23 D. 33 32. As a ratio * can also be written as ASA ‘ B.4:5 Cc. D. Bla sie 33. If the cost of 6 books is K 25 800, what is the cost of one books? A K43 B. K.25 740 C.K 25 860 D.K 154 800 34, The intersection of set A =(e,f.g,i} and set B=fa,b,d,¢,f,g} is A {a,b,c} Bie.f,h} 35. 35210+ 45000- 40 757= A35 453 B 39.453 C41 453 D62453 ee 3. Temperature 30°° -~ 20% Ne 40°° by | Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat ‘On which day was the lowest temperature recorded? A. Friday B. Sunday C. Tuesday D. Saturday 37.90116 + 34 261 + 85 634= A209 001 5.210011 C.219 901 D.219911 38 The number 854632 can be written in expanded notation as A. 800000 + 50000 + 4000 +600 +30 +2 : 3. 80000 + 5000 + 4000+ 600+ 30 +2 C. 8000 + 5000 + 400+ 60+30+2 D. 800 +50 + 40 + 60 +30 +2 35 Mr. Galande is paid K2500 per hour for doing a piece of work. How much does he eam when he works for 40 hours? AK 35 500 B. K 42 500 C.K 80000 D. K 100000 42. The sum of any given numbers is found by A. division 8. muttiplication C. addition D. subtraction 41, The place value of the 2 in the number 274001 A. hundred B, thousand C. ten thousands. D. hundred thousands. 42. Which of the shapes below have parallel lines? ee : A. Nand B B. CandD c. BandD D. Aandc 43.A school bought 274 books. 186 of these books were given to the pupils. How many books were not given out? A. 128 B 118 c. 112 D. 88 44, 48 hours 24 minutes + A. 18 hours 6 minutes B. 12 hours 6 minutes C. 6 hours 12 minutes D. 6 hours 6 minutes 1 1 45. A farmer has 17 = m of wire and buys 10; more. How many meters of wire does she now altogether? A y m B7m C28m D 1037 m 46. 9000 eggs are packed in trays holding 30, eggs each. What is the total number of trays used? A.3 B. 30 Cc. 300 D. 900 ee e 3 <7. Express = as a percentage. A. 70% B. 60% ©. 50% D. 30% 8. Change 242 five to base 10 A.52 B.72 Cc. 242 D, 1432 +3.A farmer planted 165 rows of orange trees. If each row has 18 orange trees, how many trees were planted altogether? A. 1050 B. 2700 C. 2750 D. 2970 50. Betty bought a packet of sugar at K 8200 and loaf of bread at K 4500. How much change did he receive from K20000? A. K 12.700 B. KB 700 C.K 8300 D.K 7 300 51, Look at the table Town [Mon [Tue | Wed Thur Ndola ae /3t% 31% 32 | Kitwe 26°C 29% 22 26% | vlusaka 24% 28% —«[aate «32% | Livingstone (23 32% 34% 33% Find the average temperature of Ndola, Kitwe, Lusaka and Livingstone on Tuesday. A. 30% B. 31% C. 32% bast Www. eczmareriats =Com (lenin emma tneeeememmmaee ee 52. 143 102 + 32 784 + 24 110 equals A, 99 996 B. 199 969 C.712 024 D 199 996 53. What fraction of the whole is shaded in the figure? 54. The difference of two numbers is obtained by... A. subtraction B, addition . multiplication D. division 55. Find the perimeter of the shape below 10cm ___ 2cm 2cem 4-7 A. 56cm B. 60cm C. 50cm D. 52cm 56. A woman gets an allowance of K 55 300 each month. How much does she get in 8 months? A. K 442 400 B.K55 292 C.K 55 308 D. K 6912 .04 BREAKTHROUGH TO GRADES. GRADES,6&7 (0966/ 0977-51552) P30 SK 483.78 + K 48,26 + K 1204.83 A. K 736.97 B. K 1736.86 C.K 1638.87 D. K 1736.97 3B. school had 4 classes. Each class needed 24 desks. Find the total number of desks needed. A6 5. 86 c.96 0.76 The sum of two right angles makes up ... A an acute angle 8. an obtuse angle C.a reflex D. a straight angle 2.A bus starts off from Solwezi at 06 45 hours and takes 12 hours 35 minutes to reach Zambezi. At what time will it reach Zambezi? A. 05 50 hours 8B, 06 10 hours C. 19 20 hours D. 18 80 hours Find the average of 32 ,26 and 41. A.16 B. 33 c.17 D.99 62. 1.2m + 25 cm + 300 cm= A. 445om, 8.175 cm C. 350cm D. 670 em 63. The distance between two towns is 98km, Mary takes 2 hours to ride her motor cycle between the two towns. What Is her average speed? A. 49 km 7 B, 100 km/h . 196 km/h D. 49 km/h 64. What is the difference between the value of 5 in the number 25 and 6 in the number 6113? A, 5995 B. 595 ci D. 30.000 69. Three girs received K 816 000 for winning a swimming competition. The first g's got K 418 000. IF the other two girls received equal amounts of the remaining money, how much did each girl get? A. K 398 000 8. K 199 000 ©. K 1214 000 D. K 408 000 66. 12; 36: 60 in lowest terms is Ai:3:5 B.3:1:5 €.2:6:10 D.10:2:6 67.4 shopkeeper bought 351 chickens and 249 chickens from two different farmers. How many chickens were bought altogether? A. 600 B. 590 c. 118 D. 102 68. In Roman numerals, the number 1230 can be written as ... A. MCCXXX B, MCMCCXXX C. MLXXX D. MCMLLXX Se eee =n words, the number 909 099 can be written as A. Nine hundred thousand ninety — nine: = Nine thousand ten thousand ninety — nine ‘© Mire hundred ten thousand ninety - nine D. Nine hundred nine thousand ninety — nine 7. 1000.25 ~ 129.15. = A. 87 110 B. 87 11 871.10 87.110 What is the place value 4 in the number 842 132? A hundred 8. ten thousand ©. thousand D. hundred How many line of symmetry has the shape below? Ow Pp RwNe 9 Find the product of 35 41 and 112 596 592 396 592 396 597 295 592 oO ens Cost K 16000. Find the cost of 9 pens of the same kind. K 28 800 K 32 000 K 72.000 WWW.eczmarerials Com D. K 81.000 - o fa) 7S: tfset A = { 1,2,3) and set B= {2,4),, how many members are in the intersection set? AL C B.2 a3 DS 76. Divide K 85 260 by 15. A. K 1278 900 B.K 85 245 C.K 6 684 D.K 5684 77.4 car covered a distance of 180km in 3 hours, Calculate its average speed, A. 120 km/h B. 105 km/h C. 80 km/h D. 60 km/h 78. Find the sum of 68 749 and 24 926 A. 93 675 B. 93 665 C. 43 823 D. 43 223 79. The Roman numeral DCCLILE can be written in Arabic humerals as ..... A. 652 B. 653 C. 753 D. 752 80. 2.01 + 3.091 + 4.903 = A. 10. 002 B. 10.812 C. 10. 992 D. 11.002 81. If Bis taken away from y the answer is 72. What is the valve of y? A90 B. 80 c.72 D8 ¢ g ® 0.3008 - 0.0229= A. 0.3282 B. 0.3019 C.0.28 D.0.2779 Convert 3810 to a number in base five A. 123 B. 213 C.231 D. 301 A piece of land was bought at K32000 and sold at K 16000. Calculate the loss A. K 2000 B. K 16000 C. K32000 D.K 48 000 Arrange the numerals VI .X XV,IX in order from the smallest to the largest. AXV.XIXVI B. IXVLX.XV C. VLIX.XV D. X,VIIX.X, Look at the diagram below A D c The lines parallel to AB is A AD B. BC c. pe D.AC 27. The mass of a bag of rice was 25.46kg. This mass expressed to 1 decimal place is A. 26.0kg B. 25.5kg ©. 25.4kg D. 25.0kg 88. The angle marked X below is acute B. an obtuse C. aright angle D. arefiex angle 89. If9 books cost K54.00 how many books of the same type will cost K96.00 A36 B16 14 D.12 90. Convert 0.007 to a common fraction ae “10 7 100 z i000 7 0000 91. Find the lowest common multiple of 6,12 and 18 A.36 B.29 c.18 D.12 $2.8 men can build a house in 6 months. How jong willittake 12 men to do the same job working at the same rate? : A3 B.4 cs D4 95. Mr. Kaloba gota loan of K5000 at the rate of 8% per annual for 10 years. Find the interest he paia, A. K 400 000 B. k40 000 ©. Kao00 D.K 400 A B. S Found off 48573 to the nearest 1000 = “ow many lines of symmetry does the shape below have? AO B.1 54 oranges are shared among Patricia , Maria and Faustian in the Fatio 2:3:4 how any oranges will Martha get? A12 B18 C24 D227 se | Teenie 99. Express 18 as a product of its prime factors. A. 1%2) B. 2x3: C. 2x9 D. 3x6 3 : 100. Express = as @ decimal’. 3x3 x3 A. 0.360 B. 0.365 C.0.370 D. 0.375 Www eczmarerigis Lei MATHEMATICS ANSWERS LA 14D 27K 40c BSA 66A 79C 928 2.8 15D 28.D 41D 54a 67A 80A 93 3D 40 5D 6D 7B 16D 29.0 424 55A 68A 81B 94D 178 80.D 43D 56A 69D 82D 954 18.C Sib 44B 57D Toc 834 96.4 19.4 82.8 45C 58C 713 B4B 97C 20.C 33.4 46C 59D 723 85C 98B OM 8.D 21A 34. 47B 6c 13B 86C 99D 9.8 22.3 35B 48B 61B TAA 875 100D 10.A 23.B 36D 49D 62A TBA 883A ILA 24.C 387B 50D 63D 76D 89B 12.D 25.C SBA SIA 64a 77D 90C 18.8 268 39D 52D 658 | 78A 91A (A. LEZ MEDALS - COWL DOAUNLOAD VEXE 5 © FOZ RAST PALES © LOZ AKXVR0o¥S = OWER SQQOOL SIN Yow Tor ————— 4 Wu. ECZM ZARYE RLAS.CON Youn &s | => TWSTAG RAL, @ECTMAKES \as > FACE RNR FECL heseSS =>) VALTER Q oy | : ial cells What will be the effect of ciosing the switch in the circuit above? A. the nail will be magnetised B. the cells will be magnetised C. the switch will be magnetised D. the wire will be magnetised 12. The fusion of the nuclei from the pollen grain and ovule is called ... A. pollination B. dispersal C. fertilization _ D. germination 13.A grade seven pupil wanted to find out the welght of two cabbages using hands. The disadvantage of hand weighing is that it is A. very accurate B. not easy C. very heavy D. not standard 14.A patient with diarrhoea should be encouraged to take oral re-hydration salt in order to A. restore the energy, B. replace the lost water and salt, C. make him enjoy the drink D. stop the diarrhoea 15.In a car battery ,what are the stages of energy change? A. chemical ~ mechanical B. Mechanical ~ electrical C. Chemical — electrical D, electric — chemical "Mich of the following animals is a mammal that feeds on vegetation? A. lion 8. shark C. Leopard D. Hippopotamus 7 When measuring a patient's temperature, a nurse puts the thermometer A. behind the ear of the patient. 8. under the chin of the patient. C. under the arm pit of the patient D. in the hands of the patients Why is the process of water purification carried out in towns and cities? To A. remove poison 5. remove suspended particles C. make it safe for drinking, D. make it tasty 19.Bals are classified as mammals because they... A, feed on meat and insects. B, have feathers, C. care for their young ones. D. live in dark places, 20.An expectant mother whose diet lacks calcium is likely ... A, to have a baby with weak bones, 8. to give birth to a premature baby. C. to have a healthy baby. D. to have a baby with strong bones, 21. Four things are needed for Photosynthesis to take place . These are sunlight chlorophyll, water and A. oxygen 8. Hydrogen C. Nitrogen D. Carbon dioxide 22. Which of the following makes a drum produce a louder sound? A. Heating the skin of the drum, 8. Using a drum made of very thick skin, C. Using a drum made of flesh skin. D. Using a drum made of dry wood. 23.The diagram below shows a stigma of a flower after pollination. What is the function of structure A on the diagram? A. it carries females sex cells, B. it carries male sex cells, C. it provides food to the female sex cells. D. it provides food to the male sex cells. 24. The glass pane on the bathroom windows is made of translucent glass, This is to A. reduce the amount of light getting into the bathroom. B, prevent the light from getting into the bathroom. C. reduce the cost of buying curtains. D. increase the amount of light getting into the bathroom. 25. The diagram below shows the initial process of copper purification in a floatation tank copper concentrate +—air air bubble slurry Which of the following explains why the air is blown under pressure into the floatation tank? A. to enable the copper mineral to float. B. to stop the copper mineral from floating. C. to remove the impurities from the copper. D. to try the copper minerals. lah eleaeledelee aie! | iol | | | | | fb 25 Which of the following are water borne diseases? cholera dysentery and typhoid cholera,typhoid and tuberculosis. C. Measles, cholera and dysentery. D. Tuberculosis, measles and scabies, = When a magnet is suspended and left to swing in the air, it will come to rest pointing in direction. A. North and East & North and South C. North and west D. South and East ‘@ Croose the instrument which is correctly paired with its function, Instrument F function ~ Anemometer wind direction 3 Hygrometer wind speed ‘Thermometer Temperature D. Wind vane Humidity 2-How can you improve the soil to make it suitable for farming? By .... A. applying compost manure. 8. over — crowding the seeds C. removing the weeds D. watering every day. 30. Which of the following foods provides proteins to people who live near rivers and lakes. A. eggs and pumpkins 8. carrots and fish C. fish and groundnuts D. meat and oranges. .. make(s) animals lose weight ,be less productive and have poor quality of meat. A. dirty surroundings B. insufficient food C. Overgrazing pheteee: OSS + D. water Lan. AEN 32, Why is important to chew food thoroughly before it is swallowed? A. because it makes you salivate. B. for easy and proper digestion, €. in order to kill germs, D. for easy and proper indigestion. 33. Mrs. Chiwawatala always grows maize on her field. The third year the maize was healthy. Which of the following would you advise her to grow for crop rotation. A. Cabbages 8. Groundnuts C. Onions D. Rice -- means keeping the body clean neat and having good appearance. A. Bathing B. Cosmetics C. Eating D. Grooming 35.Grade Seven pupils were measuring the volume of water using two measuring | cylinders. The first was at 30ml and the second was at 40ml. The difference in volume is A. 10m! B. 70m! C. 700m! D. 1200m! 36.A child put @ teaspoon of water on a hot frying pan. Afterwards the water disappear What happened to it. A. it boiled up. B, it was absorbed C. it condense D. it evaporated, 37.In which of the following is a magnet used? A, Bulb B. Stove C. Socket! D. Generator * one’s blood does not clot when the vein is cut. It could lead to .. nickening of blood vessels. 8. loss of water and carbon dioxide from the body. C. formation of more blood, 5. loss of blood and then death. 35. Which of the following pieces of information best explains why cattle is kept in certain eas only. A. some areas are infested with tsetse flies. 5. some areas are infested with ticks. C. some areas are too cold. D. some areas are infested with tape worms, +. If a child does not feel free to greet visitors At home, which of the following could be the reason for his behaviour? A. the child is shy, 8. the child lacks self — confidence and self - esteem. C. the child does not like visitors, D. the child is afraid of visitors, 41.Which disease will affect you if don’t use a mosquito net? A, malaria B, measles C. mamps D.T.B 42. The Environment council of Zambia stopped the operations of a pesticide factory which Was near a river after it was found that a lot of fish was dying every day. Why was this fish dying. A. the fish was killed by noise from the factory. 8, the water was contaminated by chemicals from the factory. C. the fish died because there was no food to eat, D. the fish died because the water was very cloud. 43. Which parts of the house allow air to enter the house, ‘A. door and walls B. windows and vents C. roof arid door LAN. ceZHARENAIS -COM D. walls and roof To 44,All sounds produced by A, bangs B. prisms C. explosion D. vibration 45. The process by which plants make their own food is called A. transpiration B. respiration C. photosynthesis D. germination 46. Which of the following organs is correctly paired with its function? A, heart — purification of blood B, lung — pumping of blood C. skin absorption of heat D. stomach - storage of food 47.Malnutrition means A, bad feeding * B. good feed C. eating more food D. eating less fruits 48.Apart from manure and crop rotation ,soil fertility can be improved by less. A. fertilizers B, lime C. ploughing D. weeding 49.Why are skin lightning creams bad for our skin? They cause A, lead to skin cancer B. add beauty to people C. promote HIV and AIDS D. affect the brain 50. Plants that have pods are known as A. cereals B. legumes C. fruits D. beams "=production does not take place in mushrooms because they do not have ‘ent which grows where it is not wanted such as among crops is called A decorative mess © eed crop 1D. cop rotation The excessive loss of water by the human body is called A sweating eee ‘© rehycration < vomiting D. dehydration the diagram of the digestive system below. Meme the part labeled 55.Bananas are flowering plants that do not produce seeds. They are produced by A. stem cutting B, runners C. rhizomes D. suckers 56.Which of the following is. bad conductor of electricity A. nylon cloth B. aluminum C. wire D. metal 57.4 lightning ..... A. conductor -. can be used to protect building from lightning. B. wire C. rode D. shock 58.The long slender female part of a plant is called A, anther B. stamen C. pollen D. pistil 59.What do we call the process of changing electricity into different forms of energy? A. energy conversion B. light energy C. sound energy D. heat energy 60. Which of the following minerals is brownish — red metal A. lead B. zinc C. cobalt D. copper 61. The solar system consists of... A2 B7 c8 D9 Plants ‘NE source of energy causes pollution? ‘T= SEST way young people can prevent themselves from being infected by HIV/AIDS is Using condoms © Seing faithful to one partner © Practicing abstinence ©. 2ving multiple sexual partners, = ‘amily is using un-iodized salt, they are likely to suffer from a disease called & Goitre = Mainutrition © . Antiseptic ointment SiiitnelssbnlnminnlilateRiechmelMlesteme tele 69. Study the table showing drugs and organs affected by the drug. Drug Organ Alcohol Liver ,kidneys Tobacco ‘Small intestine, lungs Which organ is not affected by any drugs shown in the table? A, lungs B. liver C. Kidneys D. small intestine 70.A grade 7 pupil failed to fix two magnetic parts together. What could have been the problem? A. He was not strong enough to fix them. B, The magnets were worn out. C. The two parts being fixed had like poles, D. The two parts being fixed had unlike poles. 71.A group of young people in a certain township had a habit of sniffing petrol,cigarette lighter liquild, varnish,paint thinners and the contents of aerosol cans. How would they feel after sniffing these substances? A. Dizziness and nauseous B, Drowsiness and loss of coordination C. Feeling things that are not real D. Panicking and fighting 72. Name the sweet liquid produced by a flower. A. Anther B. Style C. Nectar D. Pollen 73. Which of the following is not a way by HIV is transmitted? A. Sexual contact with infected person. B. Mother to child transmission. C. Greeting and hugging an infected person. D. Blood transfusion 74. Which of the following is not true about space exploration? A learning what is exactly in the space B, learning the lives of other humans in the space, C. Searching where human beings can be live one day, D. searching for resources which may be used. ‘sSership was located near a mining site. The residents of the township complained ‘Sess there were so many cases of bronchitis. How was the problem related to the mining activity? : ‘& wtested water from the mines affected people's system. = Pollted air affected the people's respiratory system. | The rocks from the mines destroyed the people's homes. = Nose from the mining site disturbed the people. = of the following is not caused by lightning? & cath 2 cought fre >. skectric shock imbich of the following is an air bore disease? & oneumonia © oysentery >. dilharzias well ventilated house should have ail the following except & 2ir vents ~ 2 doors : roofs D. windows ‘7 What is added to drinking water in order to kill germs? 4 chiorine salt soda D. sugar ‘SE The copper wires in Zambia are cheaper than those imported because in Zambia copper 4. is more available more durable Cc has no market D. wires are of poor quality 81.Study the diagram of a simple circuit below, x | What name is given to X A. battery B, bulb C. switch D. wire ; 82. Which of the following can live both in water and on land? A. amphibians B. reptiles C. toad poles De livestock 83. Which type of treatment do people living with HIV get? A. insulin B. ART. C. penicillin D. BCG 84.A woman who slept in a room which is closed windows later developed a headache because the house had poor A. doors B. structure C. roofing D. ventilation 85. Tuberculosis (TB) is an airborne disease caused by A. bacteria B, virus C. fungs D. plasmodium ‘NHS of the following is a non- metal? ‘travels through solid liquid and gas by & radiation © convection < veration D. conduction ich of the following is highly infectious? & AIDS 7 & Anaemia C rickets >. heart attack ‘ Dreg addicts are a danger to the family because they. A. spend money on drugs will be very helpful to the family will be productive D. cooperate with family SE-WTich OF the following materials would be a craftsman not use for making cooking oi A wood D. metal SL Which of the following is the most important reason for packing food stuffs? A. to make it look expensive 5. to prevent it from being contaminated < to make it look more attractive ©. to assure the people that it is safe to eat == child who is suffering from vomiting and diarrhoea is always treated using (ORS). This 's to prevent A. dehydration 5. suffocation C thirstiness WWW. eczmarerials Com D. loss of appetite 93-A person feeling very weak ,having a dry skin and a dry mouth can be suspected of lacking A. blood B. water C. air D. food 94.Study the clagram of different fruits shown below. 2 Mango black jack seed guava The above seeds are dispersed by .. A, water B. wind C. animals D. explosion 95.Why are sorghum and millet grown in the southern Part of the country? A. they are cheap B, they are drought resistant C. they are high yielding D. they nieed a lot of water 96. Which of the following types of teeth are used for biting and cutting? A. incisors B. canines C. premolars ' D. molar 97. Which of the following is a disadvantage of crowding livestock? A. disease is more likely to spread. B. makes it easier to treat disease. providing food ,water and protection is easy, D. requires less space than letting animals wander freely, 3 Which of the following is one of the common causes of accidents in schools? A not water 5 knife C. beer D. razor Which mineral is most abundant and forms the largest source of income in Zambia? A zine cobalt C. copper >. manganese “2D. Which ofthe following isa source of water supply In the vilage? A. wells 5. taps C. boreholes D. dew Ac ZHOKAWOS Cory vs — 1C 2A 3.D 14.D 27.B 40.B 53.D 66.D 80. A, 93.4 15.4 28. 41.C 34.D 67.4 81.B 94. C 16.D 29.4 2B 55.D 68.0 82.B 95. B INTEGRATED SCIENCE ANSWERS 4.C 5B 6A 7B 8B 9.0 I7.€ 18.C 19. 20.4 21.A 22.4 30.C 31.B 32.B 33.B 34D 35.4 43.B 44D 45.C 46.D 47.4 48.B 56.A 57.4 58.D 59.4 60.D 61.D 6.D 70.C 71.B 72.C 74.0 75.B 83.B 84.D 85.A 86.D 87.B 88.4 96.4 97.4 98D 99.C 100.4 Ww. eczmarerials com 10.C 23.4 36.D 49.4 02.8 76.8 89.4 ILA 2A 37.D 50, B 63. TA 90. C (UL EEZMMEBNS - COW DOAUNLOAD FE 5 © TCZ PAST PALS e® LOZ ALK VR0OKS =» OWEA SQAOOL SIWW Yow —_____ ve WMLECZ ANTE REALS CON Yount 5) => TSTAGRAML, ECT MNES \as > Tacemook 2 LCL QOANTERES =) WATER * @. food wasting ‘= 4 set of social behaviour that is considered normal for either a man or woman in society is called.. ~. gender discrimination 5. gender roles C. gender equality Disex roles ‘2 Improved transport network has helped Zambia to... A communicate with &. telephone the C. trade with D. travel is SWnich of the following is a place of worship for Muslims? A church 8. mosque C. synagogue D. temple 25 Which of the following is an example of a civic duty? A. care for public property 8, drug abuse C. practising corruption D. vandalism 27. Keeping money for future use is called... A. saving 8. storing C. spending D. washing 25.The capital city of Zambia is. A. Choma 8, Livingstone . Lusaka D. Ndola 29, ~-Prayer is talking to God when we are alone. A. community B. general C. private D. public 30. Name a place of worship for Christians, A. church B. mosque ©. shrine D. temple 31. Drinking dirty water is likely to cause.........— A. cholera B. headache C. malaria D. measles 32.A list of items to be bought is called... A. budget B. cheque C. receipt D. ship 33, During rainy season most roads in rural areas become... A. attractive B. bad C. good D. stable 34.The buying and selling of goods is called... A. economy B. loss C. profit D. trade 35. Most mines are found in the......... A. central B. copper belt C. eastern -» province D. northern ‘het is the most likely cause of famine? & cought food security malnutrition [- w 9p wears Which of the following is a sex role for women? A. breast feeding 5 cooking C raking grass D. washing plates 32.The illegal use of public Funds and property is called? A. corruption grant < poverty D. robbery 35 Mention one environmental factor that influences agriculture systems in the world. A. climate B. food C. storage facility D. traditional practices 2. Which of the following is a symbol of independence? A. chitenge B. national monument C. national anthem D. men and women singing .is someone who sees an opportunity to make money and starts a business. A begger B. an entrepreneur C. an employee D. a trainee 42.One of the main duties of Non Governmental Organization is to .. A .help those in need of help B. oppose the government in power . raise funds for the country D. work with political parties

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