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My portfolio

Name : Reachel Josua Pesik

NIM : 230911020014


Song :

Wishful thinking – grent perez

I've got you on my mind Every July

Did I take too long Did we lose our time
I guess that's how love goes
Not like TV shows but who really knows
What if we changed and the world doesn't look quite
the same
Then, could we make memories picture us laying by
the beach or is it all in my head
Wishful thinking again
Maybe we're driving down our street but it's all in
my head
Wishful thinking again wishful thinking again
cause I still think about the day that we met covered
in sweat
I can't believe I fell in love from the first time I laid
Made me realise i needed you more than I needed
That didn't help cause something inside kept saying
You better not go show cause what if she says no
what if we changed
And the world doesn't look quite the same
Could we make those memories
Picture us laying by the beach or is it all in my head
Wishful thinking again
Maybe we're driving down our street but it's all in
my head
Wishful thinking again wishful thinking again
Picture us laying by the beach or is it all in my head
Wishful thinking again
Maybe we're driving down our street but it's all in
my head
Wishful thinking again Wishful thinking again

Song story:
The song story about to never give up and stay to
keep the energy stay positive even you in any rough
tough situation.

My opinion about this song :

My opinion for the song its been an inspiration song, the
lyrics makes hearthfelt and moving, as a listener I can
relatethe emotion and the express about the singer and
make me feel motivate too.

1. Wishful (adj)
Definition : having or expressing a desire or hope for
something to happen
Sentence : I had heard the same wishful tone over the
Collocation : wishful thinking
Word Family :
Noun : wish
Verb : wish for
Adj : wishful
Adv : wishfully

2. Mind (noun)
Definition : the part of a person that makes it possible
for him or her to think, feel emotions, and understand
Sentence : you have such a suspicious mind
Collocation : mind games, mind reader, open your mind
Word Family :
Noun : mind
Verb : mind
Adj : mindful
Adv : mindlessly
3. Quite (adv)
Definition : to a certain or fairly significant extent or
degree; fairly.
Sentence : it's quite warm outside
Collocation : quite sure, quite good, quite close
Word Family :
Noun : quite
Verb : quite
Adj : quite
Adv : quite
4. Fell (verb)
Definition : be captured or defeated.
Sentence : the besieged city fell after three months
Collocation : fell asleep, fell down, fell silent
Word Family :
Noun : fall
Verb : fell
Adj : fallen
Adv : fallingly
5. Inside (noun)
Definition : the inner side or surface of something.
Sentence : she ran a finger around the inside of the bowl.
Collocation : inside of, inside out, inside my mind
Word Family :
Noun : inside
Verb : inside
Adj : inside out
Adv : insideingly
6. Same (adj)
Definition : not another different place, time, situation,
person, or thing.
Sentence : Risel still going out with the same friend.
Collocation : same as, same thing, same way, same here
Word Family :
Noun : same
Verb : samey
Adj : same
Adv : samey
7. Memories – memory (noun)
Definition : the faculty by which the mind stores and
remembers information.
Sentence : I've a great memory for faces.
Collocation : memory loss, memory trick, memory lane
Word Family :
Noun : memory
Verb : remember
Adj : memorable
Adv : reminicently

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