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Comment – Larissa

Quote: „Parents often know better which partner fits their child, so they might make a much
better choice.”

In some cultures, the practice of arranged marriages is still common, while in others,
parents only have a strong influence on their children's choice of partner. This is due to the
fact that in these cultures it is glorified that "Parents often know better which partner fits
their child, so they might make a much better choice.". In my point of view, the final
decision on a child's love choice should be made by the child alone, but advice, help and
opinions from parents are welcome in these matters. In other words, I mostly don't agree
with the quote.

While it's true that some parents know their children well, and know their preferences, it's
important to know that a marriage involves much more than knowing whether your child
would prefer a blue or red shirt. To really know whether two people would get on well in a
marriage, you need much more than knowing a person's status, their inheritance or how
many cars they own. The truth is that practice, not theory, will tell you whether two people
should be together or not. Because the criteria that parents impose for their children's love
partner are often superficial, and this leads to a conflict of interest later on in the marriage.

Moreover, this superficiality can be dangerous. From the moment you have to share your
life with someone you hardly know and don't get on with, a certain anger can be generated
due to the unfulfillment felt by both parties. Your partner can turn out to be dangerous,
even though they look perfect on paper.

However, especially at a young age, people tend to lose their way and make rash decisions.
In some cases, a parent's help and opinion could have a good impact on their child's life. It
could prevent the child from getting involved with people with bad intentions.

In short, I think children should have control over their love lives. However, in extreme
situations of danger, or where the child asks their parents for help, their opinion would be
welcome in my opinion. But it's important to remember that each case is different, and
what doesn't work for one person might work for another!

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