U9&U10 MAELT-II Practice Task

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UNITS 9 & 10: Dogme ELT


Student’s name: Josué Darinel Flores Flores


You have two weeks for doing this practice task. It must be uploaded through the Task section of UNIT 10 by the end of the extra week.

● Read the instructions for this practice task carefully before you do it. Remember that your work should reflect the rationale behind it.
● Proofread your work before you submit it.
● Make sure you meet the deadline for this practice task.

● Remember that if your task file is made of a Word document you don’t have to compress it in order to upload it. However, if your file is large, you may want to

compress it before uploading it.

● If you want to share a video, please upload it to drive or YouTube and share the link in your task. Here is a tutorial for you to upload the video to YouTube:

● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zmwger4oAyY&feature=youtu.be
● Please, if necessary, upload the evidence to your drive. You have a drive in your UDV mail; see this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gw18LBVuz1U
● Do not send evidence or task to your facilitator’s mail, as due to SEP regulation, they are not allowed to receive nor grade any student’s academic work. All students’

academic work must be submitted on the UDV platform.

● Submit your task once it is complete.

● Evaluation of this task:

Lesson plan is worth 35 points

Evidence* is worth 35 points

Evaluation of the lesson 30 points

● Please refer to the Guidelines for the MAELT-II Tasks for details about what you have to consider while doing your task before submitting it.


The main aim for this task is to provide you with an opportunity to plan and implement a lesson based on the approach you studied this unit that is, Dogme ELT
Secondary aim: To develop analytical skills so as to be able to interpret and implement in a lesson the principles of Dogme ELT.
Personal aims may be:

* To recognize the principles of Dogme ELT in the personal teaching practice.

* To reflect on the personal approach to teaching in order to revise it and make any necessary changes to improve it.

* To include new teaching techniques in the language classroom.


Once you have read the compulsory and optional material of units NINE and TEN, have gone through the Power point presentations and accessed the web links provided, please:
Plan a lesson that reflects the principles of Dogme ELT
You may use the lesson plan format provided below to help you plan your lesson.
Include evidence of your work (e.g. students’ reflections on the lesson, pictures or video of learners during the lesson)
Wrap-up: Report the experience and the outcomes of the lesson:

Write a 200-word reflection on what you learned; the following questions will help you write your reflection:

* What principles of DOGME ELT were taken into consideration for planning and implementing the lesson?

*Was it easy or difficult to implement the Dogme-based lesson? Why?

*What type of activities did you use? Why?

* Did the lesson go as planned? Explain.

*What difficulties did you face? How did you solve them?

* What characteristics of the approach did you recognize in your regular teaching routines?

* Did you find anything you would like to change in your teaching approach as a result of this practice task? What?

* How did your students respond? Did they enjoy the lesson? Was the lesson any different from the lesson you usually teach?

⮚ Keep Dogme ELT principles in mind when planning and implementing your lesson

Dogme ELT Vows of Chastity

1. ...” Teaching should be done using only the resources that teachers and students bring to the classroom - i.e. themselves - and whatever happens to be in the classroom. If a particular piece of

material is necessary for the lesson, a location must be chosen where that material is to be found (e.g. library, resource centre, bar, students' club…).
2. No recorded listening material should be introduced into the classroom: the source of all "listening" activities should be the students and teacher themselves. The only recorded material that is

used should be that made in the classroom itself, e.g. recording students in pair or group work for later re-play and analysis.
3. The teacher must sit down at all times that the students are seated, except when monitoring group or pair work (and even then it may be best to pull up a chair). In small classes, teaching

should take place around a single table.

4. All the teacher's questions must be "real" questions (such as "Do you like oysters?" Or "What did you do on Saturday?"), not "display" questions (such as "What's the past of the verb to

go?" or "Is there a clock on the wall?").

5. Slavish adherence to a method (such as Audiolingualism, Silent Way, TPR, task-based learning, suggestopedia) is unacceptable.
6. A pre-planned syllabus of pre-selected and graded grammar items is forbidden. Any grammar that is the focus of instruction should emerge from the lesson content, not dictate it.
7. Topics that are generated by the students themselves must be given priority over any other input.
8. Grading of students into different levels is disallowed: students should be free to join the class that they feel most comfortable in, whether for social reasons, or for reasons of mutual

intelligibility, or both. As in other forms of human social interaction, diversity should be accommodated, even welcomed, but not proscribed.
9. The criteria and administration of any testing procedures must be negotiated with the learners.
10. Teachers themselves will be evaluated according to only one criterion: that they are not boring.”

(in: Thornbury, 2001 pp.4-5)

⮚ Analyze the lesson plans available in the PDF named ‘Dogme ELT lesson plans’
Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Josué Darinel Flores Flores

Date: Unit: 6

Grade Level: Topic: Healthy habits

Age and number of the SS: 18

Main and secondary aim(s):

Personal aims: Gain experience through observation and practice.

Remember that this approach claims that lessons should be materials free.
Authentic Materials/
Resources needed:

Possible problems/solutions: Timidity to express oneself due to fear of making mistakes and ignorance. / Encourage them to express themselves regardless of their mistakes and help them fill their
ignorance, being willing and available to help them at any time. Also make them see that mistakes are not bad, but part of life and that by recognizing them they can improve
and avoid them.
Think about it Opportunity to review vocabulary related to "healthy habits".

Get it ready Slips of paper for students to write down questions for later discussion.

Set it up Set up the classroom so students are in a horseshoe shape or any way they can communicate openly and still have access to a whiteboard.

Let it run 1. Write ‘Healthy habits’ on the board.

2. Ask students in groups to make a list of any vocabulary they know related to the topic.
3. Teacher notes down this vocabulary on the board.

4. Teacher asks a question e.g. What did you eat yesterday? Students reply to each other & report back to Teacher.

5. Teacher asks students what question did she ask? Note it down on board. Highlight tense & pronunciation features. Drill contracted form.

6. Teacher asks students in groups to write 4 questions using their brainstormed vocabulary on slips of paper.

7. Groups swap papers and make any corrections necessary. Students report questions to teacher.

8. Teacher focuses on language & makes corrections as necessary, analyses pronunciation points through eliciting, and discriminating between citation form & natural speech.

9. Teacher asks students to ask questions in groups and discuss their own experiences.

10. Teacher notes down examples of good language and errors.

Round it off Delayed error correction stage on board where students decide which language examples are correct and correct anything they find as errors based on the teacher's notes in the discussion stage. Finish by asking students who had the funniest or

strangest school experience.

Follow up Students’ slips of paper can be kept for review at a later date so they can see their progression concerning question forms.

*This lesson plan template is an adaptation of the one suggested by Thornbury and Meddings (2009)
Honestly, this time it wasn't so difficult for me to implement this methodology, but it did cost me a lot to plan at first. The lesson was better than in the previous practices, I focused on the interactions and dialogue with the
students, and it went quite well. Fortunately, the group with which I did my practice are not so shy, there were about 4 students who did not want to participate, about 4 who participated little and the rest participated well in
the first part. Although when carrying out the activity they were more participatory, and again I encouraged them to express themselves and ask for help when they needed it, and fortunately they did not hesitate to ask me
for help, and I gladly helped them. Also, on this occasion I optimized my times much better, I no longer lost so much time on one part of the plan. In addition, I functioned better, I managed my anxiety and nervousness
better, and I was given the necessary time for feedback. But, I still have a lot to improve and refine, anxiety and nervousness still affect me; I have a hard time optimizing time; I have a hard time with teacher talk; I have
difficulty speaking fluently in English; etc Fortunately, the students quite liked the activity and the methodology used, although personally it is not something that I would use all the time, perhaps as something for a change,
I prefer experiential teaching, but it is more difficult to implement, perhaps having at least three methodologies and approaches when making my plans would be good, in order to vary, and that the students do not get
bored or get into bad habits.

***Attach the evidence of the implementation of the lesson here


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