Videos Practice

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WRINKLE Definition: in this context: an unexpected problem or complication Example sentence:
Your idea for how to propose marriage to Julie is perfect, except for one small wrinkle: she just
accepted a proposal from Jeff!
SERVER ROOM Definition: the room where the main computers and internet servers of a company,
building or facility are kept Example sentence: There is no internet connection in the whole building.
Please send someone down to the server room to see what might be the problem
FIREWALLS Definition: parts of computer systems designed to block unauthorized access to the
network Example sentence: The criminal hackers were able to get past the bank's firewalls and
transfer millions of dollars to an offshore account.
HACK Definition: to gain unauthorized access to data in a system or computer Example sentence:
Don't use an e-mail password that is too easy to guess: it could allow someone to hack into your e-
mail account and steal all your personal data.
SLIGHT Definition: very small or light Example sentence: You made a slight mistake in your
calculations; the correct answer to the math problem is 101.25, not 101.27.
MILITARY GRADE Definition: of a standard or level meeting the requirements of use by the military
Example sentence:The suspension on my off-road vehicle is military grade; in fact it's the same one
used for the Army's Hummer vehicles.
LAYERS Definition: levels in a system organized in a specific orderExample sentence: There are four
layers of security to my online banking account: first my username, then my e-mail address, then my
password, and finally an access code sent to my mobile phone.
JUST Definition:a word used to minimize the importance of something said just before or after it
Example sentence: Don't worry about that cough, you just have a common cold. It's not Covid 19, I
am sure of that.


What is the objective of the discussion in this scene?

How to best organize the financial aspects of the operation.
How to obtain military grade security equipment.
How to hack through the firewalls of the building's servers.
How to access the server room of a building.

What does the man on the computer say is the only way to access the servers?
from the elevator shafts of the building
from the firewalls protecting the servers
from the vent ducts of the building
from outside the building

Why do the men need to access the building's servers?

to control the automatic telephone line to the police
to control the door to the server room
to control the infrared sensors throughout the building
to control the elevators and security cameras

Why can't the man on the computer hack through the servers' firewalls?
He does not have the right hacking skills.
The firewalls are impossible to hack.
Hacking through server firewalls is illegal.
They don't have enough time.

How does Brandt describe his role on the team?

as "the computer expert"
as "the hacker"
as "military grade"
as "the helper"

Where is the server room located?

on the building's rooftop.
in the building's basement
on the building's 113th floor
on the building's 130th floor

 Benji: This.. this is a slight wrinkle, but nothing... nothing to ………………. about. We're just going to have
to go ……………… the server room from the outside.
 Ethan: What?
 Benji: Well the firewalls on this building's server are military grade. I could hack it, but it would take too long.
 Ethan: Then hard-wire in.
 Benji: And there's ……………….. layers of next-gen security between us and the server room. There's no
way we can get to it from inside.

 Brandt: If we can't get to the server, we don't control the elevators, we don't control the security cameras.
This ………………. is over before it even begins.
 Benji: I'm telling you, we can get to it from outside!
 Ethan: "We"?
 Benji: I'm... I'm on the computer.
 Brandt: I'm just... uh, the helper.
 Ethan: What floor is it on?
 Benji: Oh, 130.
 Ethan: A hundred and thirty? ……………………?
 Benji: Pressure-sensitive; not enough time.
 Ethan: Elevator shaft?
 Benji: Infrared sensors.
 Brandt: Not enough time...
 Ethan: How am I supposed to do this?


rare Definition: not common or usual Example sentence: It's rare to see snow in Florida, as it is usually so warm
there all year long.
Witnessing Definition: seeing (something) important happen Example sentence: We are witnessing a historic
moment that we will surely want to tell our grandchildren about!
Unique Definition: very special or unusual; unlike anyone or anything else Example sentence: Our mental
capacities make humans a very unique species, different to all other animals.
Sell our ouls Definition: to do something immoral or bad in order to get something wanted, such as success or
money Example sentence: Are we willing to sell our souls and market a bad product, just to increase our profits?
15 minutes of fame Definition: a phrase that refers to a very short time of popularity and media attention, after
which a person is quickly forgottenExample sentence:The television competition winner had her 15 minutes of fame
before the national audience moved on to something new.
Irritation Definition: the state of feeling annoyed, impatient, or slightly angry Example sentence: I try not to let my
irritation with work affect my life at home.
Bottom line Definition: the most important part of something; the final result or outcome Example sentence: No
matter how much we like this candidate, the bottom line is that he does not have enough work experience for this
Label Definition: a company that produces musical recordings Example sentence: The band decided
to create their own independent label after having issues with their previous music company.


What does the younger man think about the fishermen singing?

Their sound is truly original.

They will be popular for about 15 minutes.
Their look and style are unique.
They have a fun new way of singing old songs.
Why do the fishermen laugh when the younger man mentions a record deal?

They do not believe he is serious.

They have never sung together before.
He did not offer them enough money.
He told a joke in the middle of his offer.
What does the younger man want to do with the fishermen?
Get their music label contract signed right away.
Move them to Hollywood to meet the label executives.
Decide who will leave the group so it is smaller.
Get them professional singing lessons.
Why does one fisherman compare the younger man to an ant?
Ants are annoying and hard to get rid of.
Ants are small but strong.
Ants collaborate to make things happen.
Ants eat any food you leave out.
How does Danny describe watching the fishermen sing?
as a rare moment in the music business
as boring as watching them fish
as a great business opportunity
as the best moment of his life
What does Jim excuse himself to go do at the end of the clip?
to get back to his work as a fisherman
to practice his singing
to think about Danny's proposal
to tell his wife about Danny's visit


 Danny: Watching you sing was one of those rare moments in the music business where you realize you are
witnessing something truly original. The bottom line is, you've got a unique sound.
 Danny: And ………………. we can help you get it ………………. by a ………………..
 The Fishermen: Ha ha ha, ha ha ha, ... !
 Danny: All right, all right, no, no, no, look... I'm serious. So how's about we crack open the champagne and
get this deal done? Right here, right now.
 Rowan: Hang on, you mean this is for real?
 Jim: Thanks for the offer, son, but we're just fishermen, see? We have no need to sell our souls for 15
minutes of fame, ………………. to an Emmet.
 Danny: An Emmet?
 Jim: It's old Cornish for an ant, something that …………………. in large numbers, causes great irritation,
and is a hell of a job to get rid of. Now, if you don't mind, some of us have got some real work to do.

TALENT Definition:people with a special ability or favorable characteristicsExample sentence:Before we buy this
company, have you interviewed the staff? What is the talent like?
CARNAVAL Definition: an annual festival, particularly celebrated in Brazil, which marks the beginning of the forty-
day period before Easter Example sentence: If you have just one trip to make in your life, it should be to experience
the Carnaval in Rio de Janeiro.
WIGGLE Definition: to move up and down or from side to side with short quick motions Example sentence: If you
wiggle that feather, the kitten will become very interested in it. JIGGLE Definition similar to "wiggle": to move
something with quick, short movements up and down or side to side Example sentence: I tried to jiggle the key in
the lock, but it still won't open
ALONE Definition: without any other person Example sentence: Please come over for dinner tomorrow night. No
one should be alone on New Year's eve.
SANITY Definition: a normal, healthy state of mind in which the brain functions normally. Example sentence: Please
stop that banging noise! It's been going on for hours; I think I'm losing my sanity!
AROUND Definition: close by; in the vicinity Example sentence: There is no one around in the streets... is it a public
holiday today?
YOU ARE IN Definition: an expression that means "You have been selected" Example sentence: I have good news
for you from your job interview. You're in! Welcome to our company.


What are the birds trying to do in this clip?
wiggle and jiggle
find the right song for their Carnaval show
hit something
explore the Amazon
What kind of song are the birds looking for?
something that makes them fall in love
something that makes them want to move their bodies
something that makes them sad
something that sounds modern
What is the birds' reaction to the song?
They are bored by it.
They love it.
They hate it.
They have not heard it yet.
What was the result of the band playing the song for the birds?
They will go with the birds.
They have been selected to play in the Carnaval show
They will be sent to explore the Amazon.
They will be part of the headcount.

What is the name of this year's Carnaval show?

Jungle Wiggle
Amazon Untamed
Cool Talent
Tropical Adventure
What does the singer think about every morning?
She thinks about untapped territory.
She thinks about how her boyfriend feels.
She thinks about Carnaval.
She thinks about how things are popping in the Amazon.


 Pedro: We gonna …………….. the wildest, coolest talent in the jungle.

 Nico: It's our inspiration for this year's Carnaval show: "Amazon Untamed." Next.
 Janelle Monae: What kind of song are you guys …………….?
 Pedro: We need something that can make us wiggle. Something to make us jiggle.
 Janelle Monae: OK, I think I might have the song just ………………..
 Carla: All right... Hit it!
 Pedro: Who is ready for a tropical adventure?
 Janelle Monae: What is love, if it's not with you? And knowing ……………
………….. you feel it too. In your arms is where I long to be. 'Cause being with you gives me ………………...
Oh... listen to me darling. I wake up every morning thinking about the way you feel.
 Blu: Oh yeah, I got it. I'm good.
 Janelle Monae: Oh... I wonder if you know it. And what good is the party if you're not around...
 Charlie: Yo, this is untapped territory.
 Pedro: I'm loving this sight!
 Janelle
Monae: What good is love, (crazy love) If it's not your love? (it's a lazy love) What good is love, (baby love) i
f it's not your love? (it's a crazy love) Ohhh.... And knowing you're alone you've got to feel it too. Oh! Yeah!
 Pedro: We came to the right place! This is popping! It's popping in the Amazon!
 Janelle Monae: So what do you guys think?
 Pedro: Boom! That's it! You're in!
 Rafael: You're awesome.
 Janelle Monae: Well, that means we will see you guys at Carnaval.
 Carla: All right!
 Nico: Let's go, birds!
 Carla: Can you carry this?
 Blu: Wait, we didn't do a headcount!
 Luiz: Hey guys, wait up! They left without me! Again! That's messed up...
 Janelle Monae: What good is love, (baby love) if it's not your love? (crazy love)

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