LDRS 500 Case Study Sample

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Author’s name

Trinity Western University

LDRS 500: Leadership Foundations

Prof’s name

Month date, year



Hook statement (thought provoking question, quote). Background information about the

themes in the paper. Thesis statement will follow. [use active voice – who did what?]

The Problem (describe issue, avoid unnecessary details)

The problem that xyz (2018) explains in the study is ….. ….. …… …………….

……………….. ………………………………… …………… ……………. ………………..

………………….. …………………. …………………… …………… …………………..

……………………. ………………….. …………

Context of the Problem (who, what, why, where, when, how) (quote info from paper)

………….. ………………… ……………………… ………………………

……………………………. …………………… ………………… . …………….

……………….. ……………… ………………… …………… ……………. ………………..

………………….. …………………. …………………… …………… …………………..

……………………. ………………….. …………

Key Factors of the Problem (reasons why there is a problem, summary of paper)

……. ……… ….……………. ……………….. …………………………………

…………… ……………. ……………….. ………………….. ………………….

…………………… …………… ………………….. ……………………. …………………..

……… … …. ……..…

…………… ……. ………………… ………………… ……………………

…………………………… ……………….. …………….. ……………………………..

………………………….. …………………. ……………………………….

Analysis (get info from outside source)

A short intro to section …………….. ………………….. …………………… ………..

Option 1

Analyze a solution ……………. ……………….. …………………………………

…………… ……………. ……………….. ………………….. ………………….

…………………… …………… ………………….. ……………………. …………………..


Option 2

Analyze a solution…………………. ………….. ………………….

………………………… ……… ……………. ……………….. …………………………………

…………… ……………. ……………….. ………………….. ………………….

…………………… …………… ………………….. ……………………. …………………..


Recommendations (based on analysis who is involved, when will this recommendation take

place, short term plan, long term, potential problem, contingency plan)

A short inro to section…………. …. …. ………………….. ……… …………. ………..

………. ….. ……….

Suggestion 1

Mention and justify your recommendation ……………. ………………..

………………………………… …………… ……………. ……………….. …………………..

…………………. …………………… …………… ………………….. …………………….

………………….. …………

Suggestion 2

Mention and justify your recommendation ……………. ………………..

………………………………… …………… ……………. ……………….. …………………..

…………………. …………………… …………… ………………….. …………………….

………………….. …………

Suggestion 3

Mention and justify your recommendation ……………. ………………..

………………………………… …………… ……………. ……………….. …………………..

…………………. …………………… …………… ………………….. …………………….

………………….. …………


Rephrase your thesis statement ……………. ………………..

………………………………… …………… ……………. ……………….. …………………..

…………………. …………………… …………… ………………….. …………………….

………………….. …………

Reference List

Achterberg, J. (1985). Imagery in healing. Shambhala Publications.

American Psychological Association. (2017). Stress in America: The state of our nation.


Baider, L., Uziely, B., & Kaplan De-Nour, A. (1994). Progressive muscle relaxation and guided imagery in

cancer patients. General Hospital Psychiatry, 16(5), 340–347. https://doi.org/10.1016/0163-


Bernstein, D. A., & Borkovec, T. D. (1973). Progressive relaxation training: A manual for thehelping

professions. Research Press.

Cunningham, A. J., & Tocco, E. K. (1989). A randomized trial of group psychoeducational therapy for

cancer patients. Patient Education and Counseling, 14(2), 101–114.


Freebird Meditations. (2012, June 17). Progressive muscle relaxation guided meditation [Video].

YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDZI-4udE_o

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