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A: Hi guys, my name is Andrea

M : Hello Andrea, my name Is Mauricio, Where are you from?

A: I’m from Trujillo. Mauricio, where do you live?

M: I live in Chepén. Jefferson, do you have any brothers or sisters?

J: I have two sisters. They are very beautiful and funny. .Lorenza, do you have any pets? y

L: Yes I have a dog. Andrea Do you like any sport or exercise? What?

A: Yes, I love them. My favorite sports are wrestling and gymnastics. Maurico, What TV
programmes or series do you like?

M:I love action movies, and you Jefferson, what movies or series do you like?

J: I like horror movies, for example "El cadaver”. Lorenza, How often do you go to the
cinema? I go every weekends

L: …. Andrea What did you do last weekend?

A: I visited my grandparents and then I went out to play with my cousins. Mauricio. Can you
speak any other languages?

1) How often do you play football?

- I play football every weekend
2) How often do you eat fast food?
- I eat fast food every weekend.
3) How often do you go shopping?
- every day
4) How often do you cut your hair?
- I cut my hair twice a moth

a) How often do you go shopping?

- I go shopping twice a week
b) How often do you play video games?
- I play video games three times a week.
c) How often do you watch TV?
- I watch TV every day.
d) How often do you drink coffee?
- I drink coffee three times a week.
e) How often do you go to parties?
- I go to parties twice a week
f) How often do you chat to your friends?
- I chat
g) How often do you visit your family?
- I visit my family once a moth

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