Strive Final Paper

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Communication Insights: Experiences As A Social Media Intern for Strive Sports

Ryan Ardizzone

COMM 495: Spring Internship

Salisbury University

Upon arrival here at Salisbury University I was unsure as to what I was going to choose

as my major. Starting my first semester as “undecided” I struggled to come to a decision. One

thing that I did know for sure was that whatever I chose, I wanted to be able to produce creative

and meaningful work. I came to the decision to get my degree in Communications with a focus

on Media Production. Four years later, only a few weeks away from graduation, I could not be

more happy with my decision. Growing up I always had a niche for photography and video

editing. Throughout my highschool career I was able to really find an appreciation and liking for

sports media content. When starting my search for a semester internship I wanted to find

something that aligned with my post graduation goals, and not just a credit fulfillment. Although

a lot of media production courses here at Salisbury tend to be aided more towards studio

production and scripted work, I knew that kind of work was my lesser preference. Connections

and conversations through classmates led me to come across a potential internship opportunity

with a sports physical therapy company. This company was called Strive Sports Medicine and

Physical Therapy. I knew that this internship would offer a much more creative approach and

work process then a local news station would have to offer. Although the job sounds more

precious on paper, I was very happy that the calculated risk I took paid off. I chose to follow

through with this internship at strive due to the fact that I was staying within the world of sports

media. The idea of working with recovering athletes and creating social media content to

promote a business was very intriguing to me. Furthermore, I was excited at the opportunity to

be able to create content and storytell on the side of sports media that is not displayed as much,

which is recovery. After securing the internship with Strive Sports over the winter break, I was

very eager to hit the ground running in the spring. Strive was going to be able to highlight

multiple areas of what companies are going to be looking for in an employee. Areas such as

communication strategies, storytelling, content creation, camera skills, and editing skills are all

things that would be labored over during my time at Strive.

Over the past few months, one of the most eye opening experiences has been grasping the

importance of file management. In the realm of photography/videography, the number of projects

and files add up quickly. It is important to keep an organized external hard drive as you navigate

from project to project. I found myself constantly going back to previous projects, which would

have been a nightmare to keep track of if I did not have all of my content organized by week and

project. File management sounds like a fairly simple concept, however, it is often undervalued

and overlooked. Strive has really taught me the value of time. Staying organized is the key to

maximizing your time. During my first few weeks at Strive I found it challenging to

communicate with clients. However, Dr. Travis and I clicked very well in terms of

communication. We were able to have very productive conversations and continuously find

solutions to any given problem that came up. Due to this healthy relationship between Dr. Travis

and I, he was able to help me and overcome this small obstacle. As the weeks progressed my

communication skills and strategies with clients developed with it.

As a result of this internship, I feel that I have been properly exposed as to what it is like

to work with a client to come together and reach a goal. My experiences at Strive are comparable

to what a creative marketing agency does. Collaborating with Dr. Travis and converse about

what ideas and visions he had in mind, and taking that information and being able to construct a

cohesive product was very eye opening. Although I had a somewhat large amount of creative

freedom with my projects, taking time and planning out the steps to a cohesive project was very

valuable. I learned a lot about what the storyboard process looks like when planning to create

content. There were instances where I felt that I might not be able to meet a certain goal based on

how it was proposed. This is where the importance of communication is really highlighted.

Making sure everyone involved in the creative process is on the same page before starting

production is essential for the work environment, as well as ensuring a cohesive end product.

At Strive Sports, I quickly realized that careful file management is the backbone of every

successful video project. Whether it's organizing raw footage, managing project timelines, or

archiving completed works, efficient file management streamlines workflows and minimizes

potential setbacks. The chaos of misplaced files or disorganized folders can derail even the most

promising projects, leading to delays, frustration, and compromised quality. I was able to be

successful from the start of my internship. Dr. Travis and I created a shared google drive file

where we both would be able to access the contents at any given time. I chose to organize it by

breaking it up into three separate folders. These three folders were video clips, photos, and

completed reels. This way not only myself, but also Dr. Travis was able to have access to all of

the completed content. Furthermore, each folder was broken down and labeled by each week,

making the search for content efficient and easy. I found that keeping finished content to be

slightly easier to keep organized than the raw footage. All of the raw footage was kept on a

specific external hard drive, organized in a similar way as the google drive. I am confident that

the techniques that I have learned and executed have contributed to my success at Strive, and

also in my future careers.

Prior to arriving at Strive, I was not sure what to expect in terms of work environment.

Due to the fact that I was going to be working as a social media intern, I assumed that I was

going to have to conform and attempt to replicate ideas and content that have already been set.

Looking back on this now, I realize that I could not have been more incorrect. Dr. Travis allowed

me to have a considerably large amount of creative freedom with my work. This is not to be

confused with the idea of allowing me to do whatever I want. For each project there was still a

large amount of creative planning and storyboarding. We would spend lots of time going over

how to approach each project, and how to continue to be successful throughout the entire

process. Keeping this in mind, I was still able to find my own creative work flow. Within the

media production industry, I have found that it is important to find and maintain a creative work

flow, especially in the realm of advertising. My time at Strive has taught me that a creative

workflow ensures that ideas are constantly flowing and evolving. It prevents stagnation by

encouraging continuous exploration. Creativity thrives in an organized environment. A

structured workflow helps content creators manage their time effectively, allowing them to focus

on brainstorming, planning, and executing ideas. In collaborative environments, a creative

workflow serves as a roadmap for team members to collaborate effectively. It establishes clear

roles, responsibilities, and communication, creating synergy and ensuring that everyone is

aligned with the creative vision. This was something that I felt took some time to perfect. Lastly,

I found that my opportunity to find my own creative work flow allowed for long-term growth. It

encourages continuous learning, improvement, and refinement of skills, laying the foundation for

professional growth and development.

As a result of this internship, I can confidently say that I found the area of media

production that I want to pursue a future in. Media production as a whole is very broad. Areas

ranging from live broadcasting, tv production, scripted production, editing, sound design, and

graphic design. I have found that cinematography and editing within the sports media field is

what I will be pursuing. Combining two of my passions, videography and sports. I have

completed many different types of projects this semester. I have really fallen in love with the

post-production and editing side of media production. Having the ability to take different video

clips and piecing them together to create a cohesive cinematic story really amazes me. Strive

Sports has allowed me to explore different areas within the editing process. I have learned many

different editing techniques. On the contrary, Strive has also allowed me to find the areas in

which I do not like as much. Being able to work on the “Recovery Room Video” project with

Strive allowed me to see I don't like scripted work as much as I like being out in the field.

Having planned out specific clips and shots to acquire, as well as scripted audio is not as

entertaining in my eyes. I was introduced to some scripted work through some courses here at

Salisbury, but working on a project outside of an academic scenario really helped me narrow my


Reflecting on my time at Strive, I'm filled with a sense of achievement regarding my

overall performance. However, the area where I feel the most proud would be my management

skills. As I touched on previously, I can attribute almost all of my success to being able to remain

organized in all aspects of the job. This includes ability to be punctual, meeting deadlines, and

most importantly my file management. Throughout my academic career I never would have

considered myself to possess the strongest organizational skills. I would even go as far to say

that I struggled with this aspect of work. Working with Dr. Travis and the members at Strive

really have molded this concept of organization into my life. I believe my consistent schedule

with Strive and frequent meetings played a big role. I will definitely be taking everything that I

have learned this semester with me to any future career I find myself in, because I believe it is a

very valuable skill.

During my internship experience, I disappointed myself and possibly others by hesitating

to ask for help and clarification when needed. This reluctance stemmed from a fear of appearing

incompetent and a desire to prove my capabilities independently. However, I soon realized that

this approach was counterproductive, as it led to learning from mistakes rather than gaining

clarity beforehand. Recognizing that this behavior does not benefit my growth and potentially

impacted project progress, I now view asking for help as a strength and commit to seeking

clarification proactively. Moving forward, I will prioritize reaching out to supervisors,

colleagues, and mentors for assistance and feedback, viewing it as an opportunity for growth

rather than a sign of weakness. By having a more open and communicative mindset, I am

confident that I will enhance my performance and contribute more effectively to future


In conclusion, my internship experience at Strive Sports Medicine and Physical Therapy

has been nothing short of valuable. As I approach graduation, reflecting on the journey that

brought me here fills me with a sense of gratitude and accomplishment. Choosing to pursue a

degree in Communications with a focus on Media Production was a pivotal decision that has

shaped my career in ways I could never have anticipated. Throughout my time at Strive, I was

afforded the opportunity to immerse myself in the dynamic world of sports media, where

creativity and innovation met with purpose and meaning. From navigating the intricacies of file

management to honing my communication and collaboration skills, every aspect of my

internship experience contributed to my growth and development as a media professional. One of

the most significant lessons I learned during my internship was the importance of adaptability

and flexibility in the face of challenges. As I grappled with unfamiliar tasks and ventured outside

my comfort zone, I discovered areas of creativity within myself that I never knew existed. Dr.

Travis, the founder of Strive, played a pivotal role in creating an environment where

experimentation and exploration were not only encouraged but celebrated. Moreover, my

internship at Strive provided me with invaluable insights into the various areas of media

production, helping me to refine my career aspirations and narrow down my interests. While my

passion for storytelling and post-production emerged as clear focal points, I also gained a deeper

appreciation for the collaborative nature of media production and the power of effective

communication in achieving shared goals. As I look ahead to the next chapter of my journey, I

am filled with optimism and excitement for the opportunities that lie ahead. Armed with

newfound skills, experiences, and insights that I have gained from my time at Strive, I am

confident in my ability to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of media production. In closing, I

am incredibly grateful for the guidance, mentorship, and support I received throughout my

internship at Strive. The lessons learned, connections built, and memories created will forever

hold a special place in my heart as I embark on this new chapter of my professional journey.

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