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Nama : Morleon Steve Willyam Tambunan

Prodi : Sistem Informasi
UPBJJ : Medan

A. What is the main ingredient of my favorite food?
Answer :

 150 g tempe
 1 tablespoon flour
 1 egg
 1 spoon Royco
 1 cup vegetable oil for frying
B. When we add the egg in making bregedel tempe? (Between we mask the tempe and shape
the tempe)
Answer :

we can add eggs after Mash tempeh with a fork and adding eggs that have been mixed with
flour and royco in a bowl

C. How many ingredients do you need to cook “my favorite food”?

Answer :

5 ingredient

A. What happen if you using your smartphone during the exam?
Answer :

will result in evidence being confiscated and dealt with in accordance with the academic
misconduct procedure.

B. What happen if you communicate with other candidate during the examination?
Answer :

will be dealt with in accordance with the academic misconduct procedure.

C. How much time does a coordinating invigilator give announce?

Answer :
a coordinating invigilator will announce to the room when the exam has twenty minutes
remaining, five minutes remaining and when the examination is ended.


A. What is the part of speech of abide?

Answer :

Abided or abode

B. What is the first meaning of the word abide?

Answer :

accept or act in accordance with (a rule, decision, or recommendation)


A. In which two colleges is the percentage of male and female students almost the same?
Answer :

USC and Yale

B. Which college has the greatest disparity between the percentage of male and female
Answer :


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