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At CEM we believe that your relationship with us and with your fellow students can continue to be of real benefit, long after youve completed your studies and wherever you are in the world.

Our new association Newly launched during spring 2010, the CEM Alumni Association aims to maintain and strengthen the Colleges links with former students, foster relationships between them and promote the sharing of expertise. We see your qualification as just the beginning a base upon which to build many long and productive relationships that can help you in developing your career. There has never been a more important time to stay connected with other industry professionals and keep abreast of industry developments. Our interactive Association has been built with this in mind and offers its members a wealth of benefits that come with being an integral part of CEMs extensive global community. Be a part of it Membership is free and open to all alumni on completion of any CEM course. To enjoy the benefits of staying in touch with the CEM community, please register at


We hope that you will find CEMs Alumni Association a valuable resource and support tool throughout your working life and beyond. The Association is exclusively for CEM alumni and provides the following features and benefits: Access to an online social networking community a virtual community where you can display a personal profile, read and post comments on specific topics, contact other alumni, network with industry experts and interact with fellow alumni as you choose Specialist groups and discussion forums join other like-minded alumni and chat online on subjects and topics relating to your course or other areas of interest; a great resource for all alumni engaged with the property and construction industries Events and seminars be amongst the first to hear about CEMs wide range of networking, social and professional development events and seminars Exclusive CPD discounts and other offers keep knowledge and skills up to date, and your career on track, by taking advantage of discounts on our professional development training options

Shaping tomorrows property world

CEM Alumni Association

Graduation was the icing on the cake and a great way to share my achievement with family, fellow students and College staff, who all gave me so much support through the course.

Alumni and case studies

Belen Lopez Team Secretary, Jone Long LaSalle Course studied: Diploma in Surveying Practice



Career path Having broken to my father (a QS-trained contractor) the news that I wanted to pursue an academic career that might not lead to the construction industry, he was probably relieved when I did not get a place to read English Literature at Cambridge. He himself had qualified by distance learning and urged me to go along and see CEM, which was running one of the few courses that would lead to a degree in quantity surveying. So ultimately my career path was motivated by a combination of missing out on my first choice (one of those sliding doors moments for which I have had every reason to be grateful), parental pressure, an inborn love of building and buildings, and the reputation of the College. From sharing time on the course with general practice surveyors, I gained an early appreciation of the complex (and not always complementary) relationship between cost and value, and it is probably no accident that I spent most of my professional career specialising in commercial development. My current role Government and the construction industry share a number of characteristics: both are huge (construction represents about 9% of UK GDP employs more than 2 million people , and has an output of some 114 billion per annum); both are diversified and fragmented; and both are often accused of lacking a joined up approach to their remit. There has long been a call for someone to provide an interface between the two, hence the creation of this role. There are currently two major priorities: firstly, to get more value out of the industry, particularly in the delivery of public sector works; secondly, to get carbon out of the industry, given how much energy is consumed in the occupation of buildings.

Looking from the other end of the telescope, while it will always be the prerogative of government to make its spending plans according to its own purposes, it needs to be understood that the stop/go consequence of capital expenditure being used as an economic regulator is not without other consequences that rebound to the public purse. Improving the understanding of this must be one key objective for a Chief Construction Adviser. The construction industry looking forward At a time when it is proving difficult for entrants to the industry to get a job, let alone the quality of work they need to get a proper training, it may appear insensitive to sound a hopeful note but I am nonetheless optimistic. This may be partly innate, but it is also informed by recognising both the challenges and the opportunities inherent in the countrys legal commitment to make the transition to a low carbon economy, and the parallel signs that the industry is well placed to use that opportunity to implement some of the ideas for modernisation that have been developing over the last two decades. To deliver the buildings we need to this new standard will mean we have to be at our best, and we will also need new skills and new ways of working. Education is critical to this, raising early awareness of both the challenge and the opportunity, and embedding from the outset of ones professional/technical training the predisposition to work in the integrated way that will be essential to produce good answers to increasingly demanding questions.

Paul Morrell OBE government Chief Construction Adviser, HM government Course studied: BSc in Quantity Surveying

... this role presents a real opportunity for the sector to work with Government, and to prepare for the skills, growth and other challenges facing the construction industry.

Alumni and case studies


Profile: Hannah Beamish Course: BSc in Estate Management Job: Trainee Development Surveyor Employer: Hill Residential Limited, Cambridge, UK

Why CEM? Its an internationally recognised establishment with a reputation as the Oxford and Cambridge for surveying and real estate degrees. As most of the courses are RICS and/or CIOB accredited, they provide a strong foundation for further career progression within the surveying and construction industries. Why distance learning? Simply because it complements full-time working so well. The College has an extensive database of resources, to which you have full access, and each module is constructed to give you an in-depth insight into the industry. By learning the relevant skills and theory through the course assignments and study folders, you are able to apply these skills and knowledge in your everyday working life in a very practical manner, which I am doing more and more as I progress through the course. The course My role as a Trainee Development Surveyor is to research and appraise potential development and strategic sites. Having gone straight from the sixth form into the development industry, I needed to study a degree that would get me up to speed fairly quickly with the property sector, so that I could develop further in my role; the course has definitely given me more confidence in this regard.

The benefits Employers look favourably on individuals who have studied a distance learning degree as it requires a lot of determination and effort. Another key highlight is getting the opportunity to study new material which, although perhaps not directly related to your working role, is still extremely interesting. For example, I am in the process of studying commercial property management, which has opened my eyes to a whole new aspect of the property industry. The support structure I am extremely lucky as Hill Residential has fully sponsored me to study this degree. I have also been fortunate enough to work with highly skilled professionals in their field, who are always willing to go through complex course elements and offer their advice. The future As part of the final year of the course, you are able to start your first year of the RICS APC, and this is the next challenge that I am looking forward to starting within the next couple of years. Once you receive the RICS accreditation, as a surveyor you can work anywhere in the world. I would thoroughly recommend this career to anybody who likes change and loves taking on new challenges.


Profile: Ryan Holmes Course: Diploma in Surveying Practice Job: Commercial Property Manager Employer: Carter Jonas LLP, Newbury, UK

Why CEM? CEM offered not only a course that satisfied the academic requirements to be eligible for Associate Membership of RICS, but also the opportunity to broaden my knowledge of the property industry considerably. Why distance learning? I enjoy working in a professional environment, with professionals, so distance learning meant that I could assimilate and appreciate the theory learned and realise the benefits on a daily basis, whilst still carrying out a job I love doing. The course My role includes the management of commercial properties and tenancies on behalf of landlords and tenants on various forms of leases, so my management duties are varied and encompass most aspects of commercial property practice. Consequently, I felt that the course was practical and very relevant to what I do on a day to day basis. As a bonus, some of the course subjects also gave me valuable insight into aspects with which I would not normally get involved, such as planning and building pathology. The benefits Apart from satisfying the academic requirements of the RICS in order to become an Associate Member, my studies at CEM have extended my knowledge of the property industry significantly, and as a result I have been able

to give more considered and practical advice to my clients. This includes being able to offer a wider scope of solutions, often to short term problems, that show long term benefits for their investments. The support structure Having a full time job, as well as a young family, whilst studying was certainly a challenge, but the support structures, both at CEM and Carter Jonas, helped me overcome any obstacles that would ordinarily have got in the way of me completing the diploma. My employer gave me financial support, as well as access to a lot of information via qualified specialists. I also worked with two surveyors, who had also studied through CEM, and found the experience they passed on to me to be invaluable. The future I know that there will always be a demand for property management services, as there will always be property to manage, and the dynamism of the industry means I have the option of diversifying my activities. I plan to complete my AssocRICS assessment this year and I am looking forward to having a formal qualification behind me to help me progress further.


Profile: Trevor Wright Course: MBA in Construction and Real Estate Job: Group Project Director Employer: Bluu Solutions/Bluu Green, London, UK

Why CEM? My own particular approach was to firstly evaluate the educational establishments offering MBAs, and then secondly to ask for advice and recommendations from other senior professionals who had completed similar courses; after much research and consideration I decided that CEM offered the best route for my MBA. Why distance learning? As a mature student in a senior management position with a young family, I needed a course that provided real flexibility when studying, but also a structured path with realistic deadlines. Detailed course notes backed up by additional quality reading matter, good communication channels and thorough guidance throughout the course also meant that I could use my two-hour train commute to advantage when trying to balance work, study and family time. The course As well as developing my own management skill set, the course also broadened my whole commercial awareness from an economic, social and environmental perspective in the context of global estate and construction management. It offered a comprehensive educational path to complement my experience, while allowing me to research specialist areas of construction and develop collaborative methods to deliver sustainability solutions to discerning clients.

The benefits The emphasis the course placed on the importance of theory and strategy being applied to your own individual organisation has already paid dividends. As a demonstrable example of theory into practice, the MBA has helped me to develop a new division within our group and expand beyond the office design and refurbishment services of Bluu Solutions. The new Bluu Green sustainability consultancy aligns the sustainable triple bottom line approach with the property strategies of our international clients, with the aim of achieving excellence in energy efficient solutions. The support structure The support offered by both the College and my employer was very good and I also found that the fact of supporting myself financially, while a big commitment, kept me focused throughout. Ultimately, however, your family support will prove an essential part of your success, as you need to be allowed time to dedicate to evening and weekend study. The future I now have an internationally recognised qualification, the knowledge and skills to offer innovative solutions to prospective clients and the confidence to pursue global opportunities and challenges for the benefit of my own diversifying organisation.


Profile: Nicola Dyer Course: PGDip in Conservation of the Historic Environment Job: Property Operations Manager, Chastelton House Employer: The National Trust, Cotswolds, UK

Why CEM? Several people within the building preservation trust world, with whom I had worked and admired (such as the late Hilary Weir), had lectured on the course and mentioned it to me as the ideal building conservation qualification: at that point I had 4 years experience within heritage but no formal qualifications other than my BA in Music. Why distance learning? I was working full time and had a young baby when I applied and doing a full-time course was not practical financially or personally. Distance learning seemed a slightly daunting prospect but, the fact I was self-financed and had to be disciplined with my time, made studying precious and so it was easy to slip into doing the recommended amount of study. Contact between students was quickly established through the forums, and the lecture days and exams were exciting milestones along the way. The course The two-year diploma was just right in terms of the time and commitment needed to gain a recognised qualification which would give an extra bit of clout to my career. I wanted to work in built heritage but knew that a general surveying qualification wouldnt necessarily be for me as all my passion was for historical buildings and their context. The modules being so varied was a major part of the appeal this acknowledged the role of many different professions within heritage, without focusing purely on the architectural or surveying disciplines.

The benefits The Diploma undoubtedly gave me an edge when applying for my current role. All Trust properties are run for the enjoyment and education of their visitors, but at Chastleton conservation is very much at the fore, so it was vital that the person managing the site had a sound technical knowledge of historic buildings, as well as a flair for presenting them to people at all levels. The course consolidated my heritage experience and I can now confidently deal with every aspect of running this important Jacobean house. The support structure Even through the upheaval of changing employers and a having new baby, I found the course held my attention and remained a consistent priority. I was entirely self-funded, which at the time was difficult, but the fact I enjoyed the course so much, and could see the value it was adding to my career, helped to sustain me. The future The Trust has seen the value of my qualification in terms of both my development and their gain; with their support I have become an incorporated member of the CIOB and I hope to apply for full membership of the IHBC. My project management experience has increased and this, combined with ongoing CPD and work shadowing, should see me in the right direction to continue with the Trust in a surveying role in the future.

NTPL/Nadia Mackenzie

NTPL/Ian Shaw


Profile: Kevin Morris Course: MSc in Facilities Management Job: Commander Employer: Royal Navy, UK/Middle East

Why CEM? I knew a student who was already on the Facilities Management course and he spoke very highly of the course structure, content and lecturers. This, together with CEMs reputation in this field, made the CEM course a natural choice over others, and one that would expand my horizons and underpin the experience gained throughout my Service career. Why distance learning? It was the only option open to me given the need to maintain a demanding full-time position. The flexibility offered by the course was underlined half way through when I was appointed abroad, but was still able to continue to study with minimum disruption. I found that self-discipline, planning and good management meant that I could successfully work assignment deadlines around my employment commitments and lifestyle without any real problems. The course While I had a wealth of practical experience, this was very much from a Service rather than a civilian perspective, which placed me at a disadvantage when managing civilian contractors. The course enabled me to understand the theory and work practices used, which I could then apply on a daily basis, and it also gave me the confidence to research whether civilian techniques could be used in a warship, thus enhancing my credibility and effectiveness in the workplace.

The benefits The course not only broadened my horizons but also enabled me to increase the quality of my work, resulting in a promotion to Commander. Additionally it has opened up a number of Service appointments that may otherwise have not been available to me. I now have every confidence that my successful completion of the course will provide an excellent basis for a second career in the civilian environment. The support structure While the study days are very useful, I appreciated that CEM could record sessions as MP3 files to ensure that those who could not attend were not disadvantaged. My employer saw how closely the course outline mirrored my job description and, having assessed the benefits my increased performance was bringing to the organisation, increased its support from partial to total funding and provided additional study leave. The future Having left school with no qualifications and having achieved only mediocre GCSEs while in the Royal Navy, graduating at MSc level is a wonderful feeling its the pinnacle of my academic career and one that my younger self would have thought unachievable. The skills Ive acquired are essential for my next appointment and will underpin my transition into civilian employment.

Crown Copyright/MOD

Crown Copyright/MOD

My CEM: goINg gloBAl

Profile: James Childs Course: BSc in Building Surveying Job: Design Manager Employer: Urbanest, Sydney, Australia

Why CEM? In order to pursue a lifelong ambition of working overseas I needed an accredited course with both UK and overseas recognition. The reputation of the College as a leading teaching institution with close links to RICS, together with a degree validated by Reading (which is on the Australian immigration list of accredited universities), made obtaining my visa and employment overseas a lot easier. Why distance learning? This was the only viable choice as I could not afford to take time out of work for day release or full-time study. Although tough, I did find studying this way manageable, providing I was disciplined with my time. I attended all the faceto-face teaching sessions and used the VLE for the exchange of ideas and mutual support with other students. The course I always felt CEM delivered the course to the highest standard, without compromise. This was echoed by my employer, who also felt that it was both relevant and excellent value for money. Obtaining an Honours degree while still working made me realise how much you can achieve if you apply yourself, and I now have an academic qualification to support my 20 years of industry experience.

The benefits Completing structured and detailed assignments has helped me professionally, as I am now better able to conduct research, analyse information and produce reports, thanks to techniques learnt during my studies. Personally, I feel more confident in my ability and have less fear in taking on new tasks and responsibilities, as I know I have the skills to become competent in new areas. The support structure CEM staff members were very supportive, professional and caring throughout. The lecturers were superb, providing practical examples for each situation with a true relevance to the real world, and help was always available if I had any questions. My employer covered the cost of the course and also provided time for study in my final year, which was a big help. The future Since completing the course I have moved to Sydney and now work for a company which specialises in the supply and management of student accommodation. Without a doubt, enrolling with CEM was one of the best things I have ever done; it has changed me and my life in a hugely positive way by improving my confidence and giving me the motivation to strive for what I want.


Profile: Cherry Lynn Course: Graduate Development Programme Job: Landlord and Tenant Officer Employer: Oxfordshire County Council, UK

Why CEM? To have a chance of promotion, I needed a comprehensive understanding of the property industry. I knew only CEM could provide this. Why distance learning? Working full-time made distance learning a necessity. CEM offered me the perfect opportunity to fit my study around my existing commitments. The course The course more than fulfilled my requirements and provided a great foundation on which to build my property career. The online support, electronic tutor groups, discussion boards and weekly learning activities made it easy for me to stay motivated.

The benefits I started the course at 52 years of age. Coming from an administrative background with little technical knowledge, I feel far more efficient and confident in my role since I graduated from CEM. The support structure The virtual learning environment keeps you in touch with fellow students and the staff at the College so you feel part of a community. There is a considerable amount of support from the academic and administrative staff and this is given promptly and with good spirit. The future I have proven my commitment and shown that its never too late for a career change. I felt very proud when a colleague congratulated me on becoming a surveyor I still thought of myself as the secretary!


Profile: Mark Lewis Course: Diploma in Surveying Practice Job: London taxi driver Employer: Self-employed

Why CEM? I chose CEM because it works closely with RICS and has a reputation as being a top college the built environments teaching equivalent to Oxford and Cambridge! Why distance learning? Working full-time and having a family meant I already had my hands quite full! The course I was looking for a recognised qualification that would take me into the surveying world a complete career change! The benefits The Diploma has prepared me well for my next career step and I thoroughly enjoyed my studies. Now I look closely at any new construction in London and take an interest in it. The builders probably think: What is he looking at?! As for flexibility, I revised in my cab in the taxi ranks at Paddington and Waterloo! The other cabbies thought I was totally insane!

The support structure I had no experience or background in surveying or property whatsoever. In order to be accepted on to the course, I had to have a mentor to oversee my work and give me pointers and encouragement. My mentor was amazing and allowed me to shadow him around sites for two years. The future I have proved to myself that I can do it. I am enrolling on to an energy assessor course and carrying on my new career. I lost my father suddenly during the first year of my Diploma; he would have been very proud.


Profile: Tim Mather Course: Graduate Development Programme Job: Surveyor Employer: Knight Frank LLP

Why CEM? CEM is recognised within the industry for being a centre of learning excellence and is RICS accredited. The course allowed me to gain a qualification while remaining in full-time employment. Why distance learning? I had just secured a job in the property world but hadnt the benefit of an industry-related qualification. My employer was keen to encourage my professional development and directed me to CEM. The course The GDP course provided me with a sound basis on which to further develop my skills and knowledge, allowing me to learn by experience through my day-to-day job, and put all the theory into context! Modules are broken down into manageable activities, helping to focus your attention. The course is challenging but it was made much easier by CEMs approach and its virtual learning environment.

The benefits I have certainly gained a great deal of respect from my colleagues since I graduated from CEM. It proved I not only had the dedication and commitment to complete my studies but also uphold my duties as a fee-earning member of the firm. I also got my first company car! The support structure The online forums help to reassure students and remind you that you are not alone some discussions would get quite heated and last for some time! The future I have met many people through CEM and stayed in contact with some; in some instances, my fellow students and friends are now clients of the organisation I work for.


Profile: Dave Gibson Course: BSc in Construction Management Job: Sergeant Major Employer: British Army

Why CEM? The practical side of construction has never been a problem for me. I wanted to learn more about planning, design and management to back up all my training and enable me to show that Id made an informed decision. CEM ticked all these boxes. Why distance learning? The very nature of my job means that I am often away, usually in very difficult-to-reach places. Distance learning provided the flexibility I needed. The course The course was structured yet flexible something I really needed it to be. Part of my study time was spent deployed in the Falklands, Oman and Helmand province, Afghanistan. Deserts, remote islands and war zones are difficult places my primary aim was to create safe environments and construct forward operating bases; therefore, I needed a course that would work around these diverse locations and situations.

The benefits For nearly 20 years I have been building structures, camps, schools, etc. and I was happy with that side of things. Now I have gained knowledge of planning, design, contracts and the legalities, which will benefit both my military career and civilian life. The support structure My fellow students have been an essential part of my studies and my life, and the support network you gain through them and your tutors should never be underestimated. The future Part of the plan is to set up my own business when I retire from, or decide to leave, the Army. In the meantime, the course has been testament to getting through some of the hardest times of my career.


Profile: Kitty Tan Course: MSc in Property Investment Job: Associate Director Employer: Savills, Shanghai

Why CEM? I had previous experience of studying at CEM before taking this course and found it to be really helpful. Naturally, when I decided to take my career a step further, CEM was my first choice once again. Why distance learning? An important issue for me is that distance learning allows you to study and work at the same time, providing the chance to stay in the market. The real estate market is always changing so its important that you keep up to date and remain involved. The course Due to the growing interest from overseas investors entering the Chinese real estate market, the department I manage is faced with having to produce a significant number of due diligence reports and we must be able to understand the market. Investors and developers look for different things.

The benefits The course has helped me to broaden my views and thinking; gain more knowledge and has given me more confidence when it comes to handling investment-related business. The support structure My employer supports my study as part of my professional development within the organisation. Networking is particularly important when you are a distance learner. The future Im looking forward to graduating and putting the confidence and knowledge I have gained to good use in my present employment.


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