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educational Age of the

back ground respondents
educational back ground Pearson Correlation 1 -.040
Sig. (2-tailed) .437
N 378 378
Age of the respondents Pearson Correlation -.040 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .437
N 378 378

Probit Analysis

Data Information
N of Cases
Valid 353
Rejected Out of Range 2
Missing 2
LOG Transform Cannot be 0
Number of Responses > 23
Number of Subjects
Control Group 0
Edu uneducated 2
1-4 24
5-10 66
11-12 102
ceteficate and d 83
first dgree and 44
7 23
8 9
9 0
10 0
a. Cases rejected because of out of range group values.
Convergence Information

Number of Optimal
Iterations Solution Found


a. Parameter estimates did not converge.

Parameter Estimates
95% Confidence Interval
Parameter Estimate Std. Error Z Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
PROBIT work experince .132 .178 .741 .459 -.217 .480
Intercept uneducated -.377 1.750 -.215 .829 -2.127 1.373
1-4 -.127 1.326 -.096 .924 -1.453 1.199
5-10 .054 1.157 .046 .963 -1.104 1.211
11-12 -.025 1.215 -.021 .983 -1.241 1.190
ceteficate and d .035 1.163 .030 .976 -1.127 1.198
first dgree and .186 1.065 .175 .861 -.879 1.252
7 -.130 1.328 -.098 .922 -1.458 1.198
8 .119 1.139 .105 .917 -1.020 1.258
a. PROBIT model: PROBIT(p) = Intercept + BX (Covariates X are transformed using the base 2.718 logarithm.)
b. Corresponds to the grouping variable Edu.

Covariances and Correlations of Parameter

work experince Response
PROBIT work experince .032 .624
Natural Response .103 .866
Covariances (below) and Correlations (above).

Natural Response Rate Estimatea

Estimate Std. Error
PROBIT .024 .930
a. Control group is not provided.

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