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anthropology 201 assignment

name: Akhona Radebe

student number: 223028612

Pink eye is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the clear membrane that covers the white part
of the eye and the inner eyelid, Jasim, H.Z and Al-Jubay, M., (2024). Its usually caused by a
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bacteria or viral infection but it can also be caused by allergies, irritants, or foreign object in
the eye. The most common symptom of a pink eye includes redness, itching, discharge and
swelling of the eye lids, Ahir, Y.S and Chaudhari, R.G., (2023). Medical anthropologist can
play a significant role in curbing the spread of pink eye. In this essay I will be discussing the
role of medical anthropologist in curbing the spread of pink eye in eThekwini.

Firstly, we need to understand the function of the medical anthropologist. Medical

anthropologist focuses on the relationship between culture, society, and health, Kaufman,
S.R., and Morgan, L.M., (2023). They look at how social structures, cultural practices, and
beliefs affect health, illnesses and healthcare systems in various communities and groups.
Medical anthropologist research many aspects of health and illnesses. Such as how different
culture see wellness and illness, medical system, healing practices, healthcare inequalities and
the effect of globalization on health, Ekaterina, S., (2023).

The first thing that medical anthropologist could do is to carry out an ethnographic study to
better understand the areas cultural norms, customs, and beliefs around eye health disease,
Singer, M and Baer, H., (2019). They can create community resonant therapies that are
culturally appropriate by learning about how different cultures view pink eye. The medical
anthropologist must also question the improvement of healthcare and promote the
implementation of cultural changes within healthcare sector. Medical anthropologists use the
application of anthropological theories and methods to question of health, illnesses, medicine,
and healing, Helman, C.G., (2023). They understand how disease and illness has been
experienced and distributed in other cultural groups. Creating successful preventative plans
requires an understanding of the behaviours that lead to the spread of pink eye.

The medical anthropologist can also raise awareness by working with public health officials
to raise awareness about the pink eye, its symptoms and how it spreads. By educating the
public about the condition, medical anthropologists can help people to take preventative
measures and treatment. Medical anthropologists can carry out behavioural study to pinpoint
risk factors including messy living conditions and restricted access to healthcare facilities,
Mc Elroy, A and Townsend, F.K., (2018). They can collaborate with the community members
to spread the knowledge about pink eye. They can also provide the healthcare providers with
training so that they can understand the cultural beliefs and practices that may influence the
patients attitudes towards wanting to care for pink eye. Medical anthropologist can help
modern health doctors and traditional healers work together to improve access to treatment

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for ailments like pink eye, Wangmo, D., and Kumari, R., (2023). They might investigate the
possibilities for combating ancient healing methods into current healthcare services and foster
communication and mutual understanding between these two healing systems.

Medical anthropologists can recognise the obstacle that keep people from getting pink eye
treatment, such as lack of economy, lack of access to transportation or cultural norms. They
can create access to healthcare facilities by removing these obstacles. In under-privileged
communities such as eThekwini, medical anthropologist can promote better access to
healthcare services, especially eye care in rural areas where they have little or no access to
eye care so they have to travel to town for them to get the care and this cost a lot of money
because town is very far, they need to have transport fare which is a lot of money. To identify
weaknesses in the healthcare system and push for funding to fill them. They can work with
regional healthcare providers, legislators, and leaders of the community.

In overall, medical anthropologists play a critical role in limiting the development of pink eye
in eThekwini. Medical anthropologists can make a substantial contribution to prevention and
control initiatives by exploring the cultural complexities around eye care, interacting with
communities, working with healthcare practitioners, and tackling institutional barriers to
healthcare access. Their holistic approach, which is based on an awareness of regional
customs and beliefs, enables the creation of focused, successful interventions that are
sensitive to cultural differences. Medical anthropologists can make a significant contribution
to advocating for policies that promote eye health and lessen the incidence of pink eye in the
eThekwini region through research, education, and advocacy, Gibson, N.C., (2024).


Jasim, H.Z. and Al-Jubory, M., 2024. Understanding conjunctivitis: Symptoms, Causes, and
Treatment. Sch J App Med Sci, 3, pp.255-258.

Kaufman, S.R., and Morgan, L.M., 2023. The anthropology of the beginnings and ends of
life. Medical Anthropology, pp.465-489.

Medical anthropologist focuses on the relationship between culture, society, and health.

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Ekaterina, S., 2023. Unveiling the Cultural Significance of Illness and Healing: Perspectives
from Psycho-logical and Medical Anthropology. Social Science Chronicle, 2, pp.1-15.
Singer, M., Baer, H., Long, D. and Pavlotski, A., 2019. Introducing medical anthropology: a
discipline in action. Rowman & Littlefield.
Helman, C.G. ed., 2023. Medical anthropology. Taylor & Francis.
McElroy, A., and Townsend, P.K., 2018. Medical anthropology in ecological perspective.
Wangmo, D., Kumari, R., Jha, N.K. and Sinha, A.K., 2023. Health Care Systems Among
Broq-pa Tribe. In Ethnomedicine and Tribal Healing Practices in India: Challenges and
Possibilities of Recognition and Integration (pp. 177-203). Singapore: Springer Nature

Gibson, N.C., 2024. Frantz Fanon: Combat Breathing. John Wiley & Sons.

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