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Basic Lateral Drills

1. Side-Shuffles

In a standing position, turn your body sideways and extend your right leg out to the side of your
body. Shift your weight onto your right leg and then shuffle the left leg toward it. Shift your
weight back onto your left leg and repeat. Keep your chest up and your feet pointing straight in
front of you. Don’t forget to turn around and repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.

2. Grapevines

Turn your body sideways again (like the shuffle) and step out with your right foot to your right
side. Then with your left foot step over so it is crisscrossing over your right leg, in front of you.
Shift your weight and step your right leg out again, then step the left foot so it is crisscrossing
behind your right leg. And so on.

3. Lateral Lunges

Stand with your feet about double your shoulder-width apart and then shift your weight to one
leg. Push your hips back as you lower your body down into a lunge. Lunge as low as you can
without allowing your pelvis or back to collapse. Keep your other leg straight and your foot flat
on the floor. Push back up into a standing position and repeat on the other side.
4. Step Across

Start by standing on the left side of a weight bench and put your right foot on the bench and
press your entire body up, bringing your left foot behind you and across to the right side of the
bench. Step back down and repeat. Make sure you do both sides!

5. Lateral Crab Walk

Sit down on the floor with your knees bent, your palms slightly behind you, and your feet flat on
the floor. Lift your glutes off the floor and walk your left foot and right hand to the left, followed
by your right foot and left hand. Then reverse the pattern. Like a crab!

6. Lateral Bear Crawl

The easiest way to describe this to basically crawl like a baby, but sideways, with your knees off
the ground. Make sense? Good.

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