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Nomor Nilai Soal

Jenis Soal

Below are verbs related to asking and giving

1 PG 2.5
directions except...

The Library is located next to the toilet. It means

2 PG 2.5
that the Library is .... the toilet.

3 PG 2.5 "Di depan" in English is...

If you want to know the location of the library,

4 PG 2.5
what should you say?

5 PG 2.5

6 PG 2.5

"You need to go straight, turn left and walk for

about 10 m, the teachers' room is between the
7 PG 2.5
library and laboratorium." The sentence above
is an example of…
What type of the road is it?

8 PG 2.5

What Type of road is it?

9 PG 2.5

Which of the following expression ask for

10 PG 2.5

11 PG 2.5

12 PG 2.5

13 PG 2.5

14 PG 2.5
15 PG 2.5

16 PG 2.5

17 PG 2.5

18 PG 2.5 These are asking opinion expect .….

19 PG 2.5
20 PG 2.5

21 PG 2.5

22 PG 2.5

“My classroom is very big “. The underlined

23 PG 2.5 word has a similar meaning with …
"My classroom is very big. There are twenty
classroom and forty chairs for students. The
teacher’s table is in front of the classroom. The
teacher sit behind the table. Behind her is the
whiteboard. Beside the whiteboard is a map of
24 PG 2.5
Indonesian archipelago. Under the map, there is
a bookshelf. There are two windows in the
room. Between the windows is a picture of
Prambanan temple. I like my classroom very
much. (Where does the teacher sit?)

My classroom is very big. There are twenty

classroom and forty chairs for students. The
teacher’s table is in front of the classroom. The
teacher sit behind the table. Behind her is the
whiteboard. Beside the whiteboard is a map of
25 PG 2.5 Indonesian archipelago. Under the map, there is
a bookshelf. There are two windows in the
room. Between the windows is a picture of
Prambanan temple. I like my classroom very
much. (Where is the whiteboard?)

My classroom is very big. There are twenty

classroom and forty chairs for students. The
teacher’s table is in front of the classroom. The
teacher sit behind the table. Behind her is the
whiteboard. Beside the whiteboard is a map of
Indonesian archipelago. Under the map, there is
26 PG 2.5
a bookshelf. There are two windows in the
room. Between the windows is a picture of
Prambanan temple. I like my classroom very
much. (Does the writer like his class very
much ?)

I and my friends … in library. We read some

27 PG 2.5
28 PG 2.5 He … not work because he has flu.

29 PG 2.5 Jisoo … song every night.

30 PG 2.5 My father … coffee every morning.

31 PG 2.5

32 PG 2.5

......primary students should be taught attitude,
moral value and character to be independent
PG 2.5 and responsible person in the future.(Complete
the following sentence!)


PGK 2.5

PGK 2.5


PGK 2.5

37 Where is the hospital?

PGK 2.5

38 Where is the Italian restaurant?

PGK 2.5

39 Please arrange the picture based on the words

bellow :


DRAG-N-DROP 2.5 Please arrange the jumbled conversation bellow
into a good conversation!
File Audio atau Video
Pilihan A

Turn left



I want to know the library

Go straight 20 m, turn right until you

found the library

Do you know the library?

Asking directions


Could you please show me your map?

Asking for help

Joshua is giving his opinion

I like it

Asking for opinion

In my opinion, children under the age of
ten should not drink soft drinks.

I think, it's beautiful

Many people don't like junk food

What do you think about my shoes?

Asking for opinion

You must go to school

Small rocky islands

to amuse the reader

In front of the classroom

Behind windows

Yes, the writer is




do not

Giving advice

In my opinion

In my opinion I like holiday

I like it, the film is so amazing

You must go to school

Beside the library

Next to the café

Tata: So, what do you think of this

painting of mine?
Pilihan Ganda
Pilihan B Pilihan C Pilihan D

Turn Right Go straight Choose one

Between Beside Behind

Beside In front of Behind

Can you tell me where the library I can give you the direction to
I don't know
is? the library

Go straight 20 m, turn right until

you found the library. The You can ask another friend. What should I do?
classroom is beside the library

May I ask you something? Where is the clinic? I can show you the clinic.

Giving directions Giving address Aking suggestions

Round road Tunnel Flyover

T. Junction Roundabout Intersection

Could you tell me the way to the Could you tell me the owner
Do you know who I am?
train station? of the bank?

Giving help Giving opinion Asking for an opinion

Joshua is asking Jun’s Joshua is answering Jun’s

Jun doesn’t like the novel
opinion opinion

Thank you I can’t hear you Let’s go

agreement Expressing opinion asking the price

Yes, I think so because soft
Personally I believe that soft I don't think I can buy soft
drinks are kinds of beverages
drinks are healthy and delicious. drinks for them.
I often drink.

I think it was fun and he's

It' s dark She's beautiful

The woman is very fat

Mostly junk food are expensive Junk food is a healthy food
because of junk food

Do you have any ideas for our What is your opinion about
How much is this fruit?
project next week? Climate Change?

giving opinion expressing opinion asking the price

You have to take him to the He should lie down and have
She would take rest
hospital bedtime

Long beautiful beach Huge waves of ocean Overseas cruisers

to explain the reader the step

to tell/ describe about
to persuade the reader how to go to Bale

Little Short Long

Behind the table Behind the whiteboard Behind the board

Behind teacher Beside the teacher In front of teacher

No, the writer does not No, the writer is not Yes the writer was

is have are
does do be

sing is does

drinking drinks drunk

does not am not

Asking for an opinion Requesting for gift Giving baker cake

They want to learn You can’t believe He totally understands

I think fried rice is my favorite I think I am going to

I like it
food Surabaya Next week
I love Kartini’s film its so
You forget Kartini’s day I can’t hear you call Kartini
inspiring me

You have to take him to the He should lie down and have
it’s normal
hospital bed rest time

In front of the factory Across the cinema Beside the police station

Between the police station and

In front of the cinema In front of the bus station
the library

Bia: Wow, I think you did a great

job! This is such a beautiful Tata: Do you really think so? Bia: Yes, I love this!
Pilihan E Pilihan F

Go back

in front of


Let's go to the library

Sorry, I can't help

I will go to the clinic

Giving suggestion
T. Junction

T. Junction

Do you know I am lost?

Asking for help

Joshua likes the Novel

What is it for?

In my opinion most children
like it

In my opinion she is kind

They agree that junk food is

not good for health

Do you like it?

asking direction
he should eat and drink a lot

Java traditional puppets

to tell/describe about Bale


Outside the classroom

Outside the classroom

Yes, the writer does




does not

Asking for help

Do you think that

I’m thinking of going to

Let’s go

He can see the doctor now

On the King’s road

Across the library

Tata: Thank you so much!

Kunci Jawaban PG dan PGK Jawaban Essay










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