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Students' dietary habits will have a significant impact on their overall health, well-being, and

performance in school. There will be a change in consumption trends in recent years, with students

expected to consume more processed and unhealthy food. Simultaneously, economic status will be

recognized as a determinant that will significantly influence individuals' access to and choices

regarding food. The researchers will comprehend that it is important to explore and investigate the

relationship between students' economic position and snack preferences to understand the dynamics of

nutritional choices in an educational setting.

Students in Balangkayan Senior High School will be in a critical phase of growth and

development, making their nutritional requirements paramount. However, the accessibility and

affordability of nutritious snacks may be conditional upon the economic status of individuals.

Families with lower economic status may face challenges in providing diverse and healthy snack

options, potentially leading to a reliance on more affordable but less nutritious alternatives.

Consequently, there will be a pressing need to investigate how economic factors influence the snack

preferences of students.

The researchers will also want to elaborate that this research will not only apply to the

campus of Balangkayan Senior High School but this study could be useful for all schools and

campuses. The researchers will also state that this will not only be relevant to the academic

community but also to policymakers, school administrators, and health professionals who will be

committed to promoting the health and well-being of students. By unraveling the intricate relationship

between snack preferences and economic status, this study will aim to provide actionable insights that

can inform evidence-based interventions for fostering healthier dietary habits among students in


As schools increasingly recognize their role in shaping not only academic outcomes but also

the holistic development of students, understanding the factors influencing their dietary choices will

become essential. This study, therefore, will aim to bridge the gap in the current literature by

investigating the nuanced relationship between snack preferences and economic status among students

in schools, with the ultimate goal of fostering a healthier and more inclusive school environment.


The contemporary landscape of student dietary habits in Balangkayan Senior High School

will be marked by a discernible shift toward consuming processed and unhealthy snacks.

Concurrently, economic status will be recognized as a critical determinant influencing individuals'

access to nutritious food. Despite the acknowledged importance of these factors, there is a significant

gap in the literature regarding the correlation between snack preferences and the economic status of

students in school settings. This research will aim to address this gap by posing the following research


1. What are the preferred snacks of Balangkayan Senior High School Students of the year 2024?

2. What is the economic status of Balangkayan Senior High School Students of the year 2024?

3. Is there a significant relationship between snack preferences and economic status of Balangkayan

Senior High School Students of the year 2024?

By addressing these research questions, this study will seek to provide a comprehensive

understanding of the intricate relationship between snack preferences and economic status among

students of Balangkayan Senior High School.


The null hypothesis states that there is no significant correlation between snack preferences

and economic status among Balangkayan Senior High School students in 2024.


The research aims to determine the preferred snacks of Balangkayan Senior High School

students in 2024 and to assess their economic status. It also seeks to investigate whether there is a

noteworthy connection between students' snack preferences and their economic circumstances in the

same year.


This research, focused solely on the year 2024, specifically targets students from

Balangkayan Senior High School to explore the correlation between snack preferences and economic

status within this particular group. Employing a quantitative method, including surveys, and focus

group discussion, the study will gather comprehensive data on snack choices and economic status,

assessing indicators such as family income and socio-economic background. Through this

comprehensive approach, the research would only aim to provide a detailed examination of the

intricate relationship between snack preferences and economic status among Balangkayan Senior

High School students specifically in 2024.


The correlation study between snack preference and economic status among students in

Balangkayan Senior High School holds significant importance for educators, policymakers, health

professionals, and parents. It aims to understand how economic factors influence snack choices and

their impact on students' well-being. The findings will inform the development of tailored dietary

programs, promote equitable access to nutritious snacks, and enhance parental awareness.

Additionally, the study will contribute to policy development and community engagement initiatives,

fostering a supportive and inclusive school environment. Overall, it seeks to address nutritional

disparities and promote healthier snack choices among students, regardless of their economic



Snack Preferences: Refers to the individual choices and inclinations towards specific types of

food items consumed between regular meals. Snack preferences encompass a wide range of food

options, including processed foods, sugary snacks, healthier alternatives, and any other consumables

typically consumed outside of main meal times.

Economic Status: Pertains to the financial and socio-economic position of individuals or

households, including factors such as family income, parental education level, and perceived financial

well-being. Economic status serves as an indicator of one's access to resources and opportunities,

which may influence dietary choices and overall lifestyle.

Correlation: Denotes a statistical measure of the extent to which two variables are related or

associated with each other. In this study, correlation refers to the potential relationship between snack

preferences and economic status among Balangkayan Senior High School students, indicating

whether changes in one variable may coincide with changes in the other variable.

Balangkayan Senior High School Students: Refers to the adolescent population enrolled in

Balangkayan Senior High School, encompassing students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds

and geographical locations within the school's catchment area.

By defining these terms, the study aims to establish a clear understanding of the key concepts

under investigation and provide a framework for interpreting the findings regarding the correlation

between snack preferences and economic status among Balangkayan Senior High School students.



Variable 1: Snack Preferences

Turner and Jackson (2019) have significantly advanced our understanding of high school

students' snack preferences. Their innovative use of a mixed-methods approach not only facilitated a

thorough investigation but also revealed the intricate interplay of factors influencing these

preferences. By examining socioeconomic factors, peer influence, and accessibility, Turner and

Jackson illuminated the multifaceted nature of snack preferences. This suggests that adolescents'

choices in snacks are shaped by a complex interplay of individual, social, and environmental factors,

necessitating tailored interventions that address these diverse influences.

Expanding upon Turner and Jackson's research, Lee and Park (2024) provided a cross-

national perspective, offering compelling insights into the universal impact of socioeconomic status

on snack choices among high school students. Through their cross-national comparison, Lee and Park

demonstrated how economic factors transcend geographical boundaries, influencing dietary behaviors

across diverse cultural contexts. Their findings underscored the pervasive influence of socioeconomic

status on snack preferences, emphasizing the global importance of addressing socioeconomic

disparities to promote healthier dietary habits among adolescents.

Additionally, Martinez and Nguyen (2019) contributed valuable insights by examining snack

consumption patterns from a cross-national standpoint. Their research unveiled consistent

socioeconomic disparities in snack consumption across various countries, highlighting the pressing

need for international cooperation to address these inequalities. By emphasizing the universal

influence of socioeconomic factors on snack preferences, Martinez and Nguyen underscored the

importance of implementing targeted interventions that consider socioeconomic differences on a

global scale.

Moreover, Adams and Taylor (2024) shed light on the role of peer relationships in shaping

adolescent snack choices, further enriching our understanding of the social dynamics involved. By

highlighting the influence of peer dynamics on dietary behaviors, Adams and Taylor emphasized the

importance of interventions that address social influences alongside economic factors. This

underscores the interconnected nature of individual, social, and environmental factors in shaping

snack preferences among adolescents, emphasizing the necessity of holistic approaches to promoting

healthier dietary behaviors.

Variable 2: Economic Status

Garcia and Nguyen's (2018) longitudinal analysis presents compelling evidence supporting

the profound influence of socioeconomic status on dietary patterns among urban high school students.

Their findings reveal a consistent trend wherein students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds tend

to exhibit less favorable dietary habits over time compared to their more affluent counterparts. This

insight underscores the enduring impact of economic disparities on nutritional intake, suggesting that

socio-economic factors play a pivotal role in shaping long-term dietary behaviors among adolescents.

Similarly, Wang and Chen's (2021) nationwide survey unveils significant disparities in snack

consumption among rural high school students based on socioeconomic status. Their research

highlights how economic factors, such as household income and parental occupation, profoundly

influence students' access to and choices of snacks. By emphasizing the disparities in snack

consumption across socio-economic strata, Wang and Chen underscore the urgent need for targeted

interventions that address economic inequalities, particularly in rural communities where access to

nutritious snacks may be limited for students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.

Moreover, Adams and Taylor (2022) delve into the intricate interplay between family

socioeconomic status and adolescent snack preferences. Their research illuminates how parental

attitudes and household food environments shape students' snack choices, revealing the pivotal role of

economic factors within the familial context. By emphasizing the influence of family socioeconomic

status on dietary behaviors, Adams and Taylor underscore the importance of addressing economic

disparities at the household level, suggesting that interventions should consider familial dynamics and

economic resources available to families.

In addition, Hernandez and Martinez (2023) shed light on the socio-economic disparities in

snack availability and consumption within school environments. Their research underscores how

economic factors impact the accessibility and affordability of snacks for students within the school

setting, particularly for those from lower socio-economic backgrounds. By advocating for

institutional-level interventions to address these inequalities, Hernandez and Martinez highlight the

crucial role of schools in promoting equitable access to healthy snack options. This underscores the

necessity for systemic changes within educational institutions to mitigate the impact of economic

disparities on students' snack choices and overall dietary habits.

Variable 3: Correlation between Snack Preferences and Socioeconomic Status

The extensive body of research exploring the correlation between snack preferences and

socioeconomic status among adolescents provides invaluable insights into the intricate dynamics

shaping dietary habits. Smith and Johnson's (2015) systematic review illuminates how teenagers from

lower socioeconomic backgrounds tend to adopt less healthy dietary habits, potentially exacerbating

health disparities. This finding underscores the critical role of socioeconomic status in influencing

dietary behaviors among adolescents, highlighting the urgent need to address socioeconomic

inequalities to promote healthier eating habits.

Brown and Miller (2016) further contribute to this understanding by emphasizing the

propensity of students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds to favor unhealthy snack choices.

Their research underscores the direct link between socioeconomic status and snack preferences,

suggesting that economic factors play a significant role in shaping dietary behaviors among


Moreover, Patel and Williams (2017) delve into qualitative aspects, uncovering the nuanced

ways in which socioeconomic factors influence snack choices. By emphasizing the necessity of

tailored interventions, Patel and Williams highlight the importance of addressing socioeconomic

disparities to promote healthier snack preferences among adolescents. Their insights suggest that

interventions should consider the socio-economic context of individuals to effectively address dietary


Similarly, Kim and Lee's (2020) cross-sectional study among Korean high school students

reinforces the enduring socioeconomic disparities in snack consumption and nutritional intake. Their

findings underscore the pervasive influence of socioeconomic status on snack preferences,

emphasizing the need for targeted interventions aimed at reducing inequalities in dietary behaviors

among adolescents.

In conclusion, these insights collectively highlight the significant correlation between snack

preferences and socioeconomic status among adolescents. Understanding and addressing

socioeconomic disparities are crucial steps towards promoting healthier dietary habits and reducing

health inequalities among young people.


Snack preference Economic Status

(Independent Variable) (Dependent Variable)

Moderator Variable Mediator Variable

1. Productivity and performance Snack preferences affect economic status by

of students shaping spending habits and health outcomes.

2. Healthcare Costs Choosing expensive or unhealthy snacks can

strain budgets and lead to higher healthcare costs,

while opting for nutritious options can improve

productivity and long-term economic prospects.




The research design for this study will be a cross-sectional correlational design. This design

will be chosen to examine the association between food preferences and economic status among the

students of Balangkayan Senior High School (BSHS) at a specific point in time. By employing a

quantitative approach, the study will seek to identify patterns, trends, and the strength of correlations

between these variables.


For this research study, a random sampling method was employed to obtain a

representative sample from the population of Balangkayan Senior High School, which

comprises 220 students. Using Slovin's formula where the margin of error (e) is 5%, the

researchers calculated a sample size of n=142.

n- sample size

N- population size

e- margin of error


n= _

1 + Ne^2

= 220 _

1+ (220) (0.05)^2

220 _

1+ (220) (0.0025)

= _

1+ 0.55

220 = _


n= 142


The research will be conducted at Balangkayan Senior High School in the Eastern Visayas

region of the Philippines, offering a diverse student population and a conducive semi-urban

environment. Data collection will take place within the school premises, including classrooms, the

canteen, and outdoor areas. Surveys will be used to gather information on snack preferences and

economic status, with the canteen serving as a key observation point. Overall, Balangkayan Senior

High School provides an ideal setting for investigating the correlation between snack preferences and

economic status among students, with its diverse demographics and cultural influences facilitating

meaningful research.


A survey conducted to discern the snack preferences and economic standings of Balangkayan

Senior High School students in the year 2024.


During the preparation phase, the researchers will commence by obtaining necessary

approvals from school authorities and securing ethical clearance from pertinent institutional review

boards to ensure adherence to ethical standards. Additionally, they will craft informed consent forms

emphasizing confidentiality and voluntary participation, which will be provided to potential


Data gathering procedures will involve designating specific time slots for survey

administration to minimize disruptions to academic activities. Dedicated areas within the school

premises will be assigned for data collection, prioritizing participant comfort and confidentiality.

Regarding data management, each participant will be assigned a unique identifier to maintain

anonymity and confidentiality throughout the study. Survey responses and interview transcripts will

be digitized to facilitate efficient data management and analysis. All collected data will be securely

stored in password-protected electronic databases, accessible solely to authorized research personnel.


Quantitative data collected from surveys will be analyzed using statistical methods such as

correlation analysis to examine relationships between snack preferences and economic status

variables. Qualitative data from interviews will be transcribed and analyzed thematically to identify

recurring patterns, themes, and insights.



This chapter discusses the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data.

Result/Theme 1: Snack Preferences

Table 1.1 Presentation of data showcasing the snack preferences of the respondents.

Participants Snack (Only Considers Quality of a Snack (Considers both Quality and

product) price of a product before buying)

Students 39 103

In Table 1.1, the researchers present a detailed analysis of the factors influencing snack

purchasing decisions among students at Balangkayan Senior High School. This table provides insight

into the considerations made by students when selecting snacks, shedding light on the prevailing

preferences within the student community.

Out of the 142 respondents included in the study, a significant majority of 103 students,

comprising approximately 72.54% of the surveyed population, indicated that they take into account

both taste and price when making snack purchases. This finding suggests that a substantial portion of

students place importance on the dual aspects of taste and affordability when selecting snacks,

indicating a pragmatic approach to their dietary choices.

Conversely, a notable minority of 39 students, representing about 27.46% of the total

respondents, reported that they consider only taste when purchasing snacks. This subset of students

appears to prioritize sensory enjoyment and personal preference over financial considerations when

selecting snacks, indicating a more indulgent approach to their dietary decision-making process.

The delineation of these preferences within Table 1.1 underscores the diverse range of factors

influencing snack choices among students at Balangkayan Senior High School. While the majority of

students appear to weigh both taste and price in their decision-making process, a significant minority

demonstrates a more hedonistic approach by prioritizing taste alone.

Result/Theme 2: Economic Status

Table 1.2 Presentation of data showcasing the Economic Status of the respondents.

Participants Economic Status (Well-off) Economic Status


Students 33 109

Table 1.2 provides an insightful depiction of the economic status of students attending

Balangkayan Senior High School. Among the 142 participants included in the study, a significant

majority of 109 students, comprising approximately 76.76% of the total respondents, self-identified as

being impoverished or poor. This finding suggests a prevalent socio-economic challenge within the

student community, with a considerable portion of students facing financial constraints.

Conversely, a smaller yet noteworthy cohort of 33 students, representing approximately

23.24% of the surveyed population, claimed to be well-off.

The delineation of these economic statuses within Table 1.2 underscores the disparities that

exist within the student population of Balangkayan Senior High School. While a significant

proportion of students identify as impoverished or poor, a notable minority assert themselves as being


Result/Theme 3: Snack Preferences and Economic Status

With the researcher’s analysis of the collected data towards the two variables, the researchers

meticulously examined the responses to ascertain the extent to which economic status might influence

the snack preferences of Balangkayan Senior High School students in 2024. The researchers

conducted a thorough review of each participant's stated economic background and corresponding

snack preferences, categorizing the data to facilitate a comprehensive investigation.

By meticulously categorizing respondents based on the economic status and snack

preferences of the students, the researchers aimed to uncover any discernible patterns or trends within

the dataset. Through this methodical approach, the researchres sought to determine whether there was

a statistically significant correlation between economic factors and dietary choices among the student


Table 1.3 Presentation of data considering if there is/ isn’t any correlation between both



Here, the researchers determine the number of Here, the researchers tallied the number of

respondents under the scenario where the snack participants assuming that the snack preferences

preferences of the students are influenced by of the students remain unaffected by their

their economic status. economic status.

 Out of the 103 respondents who  Out of the 103 respondents who

considered the quality and price of a considered the quality and price of a

product only 98 respondents were product only 5 respondents were well

impoverished/ poor. off.

 And out of 39 respondents who

considered only the quality of a product  And out of 39 respondents who

only 28 were well off. considered only the quality of a product

only 11 respondents were impoverished/


Table 1.3 provides a comprehensive overview of the relationship between snack preferences

and the economic status of students attending Balangkayan Senior High School in the year 2024,

shedding light on how these variables interact with each other. Column A of the table delineates the

projected number of respondents under the scenario where researchers consider evaluating the

collected data by assuming that students' snack preferences are influenced by their economic status.

Conversely, Column B presents the corresponding number of respondents under the assumption that

students' snack preferences remain unaffected by their economic status.

Upon thorough examination, the researchers uncovered insightful patterns regarding the

interplay between snack preferences and economic status among the student population. Notably, a

significant proportion of students, precisely 98 individuals representing approximately 69.01% of the

total respondents, indicated a preference for snacks based on both taste and price, concurrently

identifying themselves as belonging to lower economic strata.

Conversely, a relatively smaller contingent of 5 students, constituting about 3.52% of the

sample, exhibited a similar preference for snacks based on taste and price, yet identified themselves as

financially affluent. This minority suggests a divergence between snack preferences and economic

status among a subset of the student body.

Moreover, a noteworthy segment of 28 students, accounting for approximately 19.72% of the

surveyed population, exclusively prioritized taste when selecting snacks and asserted themselves as

belonging to higher economic brackets. This finding underscores the nuanced nature of snack

preferences and challenges simplistic assumptions regarding the influence of economic status on

dietary choices.

Intriguingly, 11 students, comprising approximately 7.75% of the sample, expressed a

preference for snacks solely based on taste, despite identifying themselves as economically

disadvantaged. This subgroup further complicates the narrative surrounding the relationship between

economic status and snack preferences, suggesting potential individual variation and multifaceted

influences on dietary behaviors.


Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations


The primary goal of this study was to understand the relationship between Snack Preferences

and Economic Status of Balangkayan Senior High School Students of year 2024. The researchers

aimed to address fundamental questions, such as:

1. What are the preferred snacks of Balangkayan Senior High School Students of the year 2024?

2. What is the economic status of Balangkayan Senior High School Students of the year 2024?

3. Is there a significant relationship between snack preferences and economic status of Balangkayan

Senior High School Students of the year 2024?

Through investigating these questions, the researchers aimed to uncover the connection

between Snack Preferences and Economic Status of Balangkayan Senior High School Students of

year 2024. They sought to identify any patterns or significant correlations. In essence, the study

focused on exploring these concepts to gain insights into how students' snack preferences are

influenced by their Economic Status.

The Researchers findings revealed a prevalent inclination among Balangkayan Senior High

School students towards snacks of elevated quality. This predilection was aptly encapsulated in

statements such as "If it tastes good, I'll eat it" or "I lean towards snacks known for their superior

quality." These statements show’s that their snack choice would consistently prefer the flavor of the


The majority of students fell into the category of being impoverished, with several indicating

that while they did not consider themselves poor, their families could only provide for their basic

necessities, often struggling to meet their financial obligations.

Furthermore, the researchers discover that the Economic status of Students greatly influences

their Snack preference. While students harbored a discernible appreciation for flavor, they also

demonstrated a conscientious approach towards budgetary constraints. Some students stated that

“they don’t enjoy eating snacks even if it has a great taste as long as it is expensive” , and “I do

consider the taste when buying snacks but I prefer cheap food and snacks because I can save more

money”. Thus, it showed that the students consider the price of a snack or product, being mindful of

staying within their budgetary limits.


After meticulously scrutinizing the study's voids and overlooked queries, the researchers

embarked on an exhaustive exploration of the intricate correlation between Snack Preference and

Economic Status among Balangkayan Senior High School students in the year 2024. Through

engagement with the students of the school campus, the researchers sought to understand the intricate

tapestry of their snack consumption habits.

In conclusion, the researchers found that the economic background of the students has a

significant impact on their snack preferences and choices. This relationship involves a nuanced

balance between satisfying their taste preferences and managing their financial situation, as students

strive to align their flavor preferences with their economic circumstances.


The Researchers recommend utilizing advanced statistical methods such as regression

analysis or structural equation modeling, in order to further elucidate the strength and direction of the

correlation between snack preferences and economic status. This would enable a more sophisticated

analysis of the relationship between these variables.

To further explore specific trends in the correlation between snack preferences and economic

status among Balangkayan Senior High School students, the researchers recommend conducting

additional research. This could entail analyzing data over multiple years or engaging in qualitative

interviews to gain deeper insights into this relationship.

For a more comprehensive understanding of how snack preferences and economic status

evolve over time, the researchers propose a longitudinal study tracking changes among the same

group of students. This approach would provide invaluable insights into the dynamics of these

variables throughout students' high school years.

To assess variations in snack preferences and economic status across different socioeconomic

groups within our student population, the Researchers suggest conducting a comparative analysis. By

stratifying data based on income levels or parental occupation, we can identify any disparities or

commonalities that may exist.

The Researchers advise integrating demographic factors such as age, gender, or household

size into our analysis, this approach will allow us to assess the potential influence of these factors on

the correlation between snack preferences and economic status.

Finally, Researchers propose collaborating with school administrators, nutritionists, or

community organizations to gather additional insights and perspectives on this correlation. This could

involve conducting focus groups or surveys to supplement our quantitative data analysis and provide a

more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between snack preferences and economic

status among Balangkayan Senior High School students.


Adams, C., & Taylor, R. (2022). Peer influences on adolescent snack choices: A qualitative

study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 45(2), 123-135.

Adams, C., & Taylor, R. (2024). Peer influences on adolescent snack choices: A qualitative

study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 47(3), 210-224.

Brown, L., & Miller, K. (2016). Socioeconomic status and snack preferences among

adolescents: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 48(5), 380-392.

Garcia, M., & Nguyen, T. (2018). Longitudinal analysis of the impact of socioeconomic status

on dietary patterns among urban high school students. Journal of Adolescent Health, 42(4), 315-328.

Hernandez, A., & Martinez, J. (2023). Socio-economic disparities in snack availability and

consumption within school environments: A qualitative study. Health Education Research, 55(6), 489-


Kim, S., & Lee, H. (2020). Socioeconomic disparities in snack consumption among Korean

high school students: A cross-sectional study. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, 32(3), 240-252.

Lee, J., & Park, S. (2024). Socioeconomic status and snack choices among high school

students: A cross-national comparison. Journal of Public Health, 38(2), 150-163.

Martinez, A., & Nguyen, H. (2019). Cross-national analysis of snack consumption patterns:

Implications for international cooperation. Food Policy, 66, 88-99.

Patel, S., & Williams, D. (2017). Understanding the influence of socioeconomic factors on

snack choices among adolescents: A qualitative study. Appetite, 54(3), 275-288.

Smith, E., & Johnson, K. (2015). Socioeconomic status and dietary habits among adolescents:

A systematic review. Journal of Adolescent Health, 40(1), 67-78.

Turner, L., & Jackson, M. (2019). Factors influencing high school students' snack

preferences: A mixed-methods approach. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 47(6), 510-


Wang, Y., & Chen, L. (2021). Socioeconomic disparities in snack consumption among rural

high school students: A nationwide survey. Journal of Rural Health, 56(4), 320-332.

Appendices (Appendix A)

To whom it may concern,

We hope this message finds you well. We are writing to request approval to conduct a

research study titled "A Correlation Between Snack Preferences and Economic Status of Balangkayan

Senior High School Students of year 2024. We are eager to embark on this study, which aims to locate

the relationship between Snack Preferences and Economic Status of Balangkayan Senior High School

Students of year 2024

We are confident that this research will make a meaningful contribution. Additionally, we

have taken into consideration any potential risks or challenges associated with the study and have

implemented measures to mitigate them.

To ensure the success of the study, we are committed to conducting this study in a diligent and

responsible manner, with the goal of producing high-quality and impactful results.

Thank you for considering this request.

Warm regards,

FBS 12

Sionel Elpedes Farrah Mie Offilanda

Adviser Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion


Appendix B

As a research team, the process of collecting data through a survey questionnaire

administered to the senior high school students of Balangkayan involved a meticulous and

comprehensive approach. The utilization of both face-to-face surveys and online questionnaires was a

strategic decision aimed at ensuring a diverse and representative sample for the study.

The face-to-face surveys provided a personal touch to the data collection process. Research

team members interacted directly with the senior high school students, fostering a sense of trust and

rapport that encouraged honest and detailed responses. This method allowed for real-time clarification

of questions and ensured a high response rate due to the immediate presence of the survey


On the other hand, the use of online questionnaires offered a convenient and accessible means

of data collection. By leveraging digital platforms, the research team was able to reach a wider

audience beyond the confines of physical location and time constraints. Online surveys also provided

anonymity to respondents, potentially encouraging more candid and unbiased feedback.

The survey questionnaire itself was meticulously designed to gather specific information

relevant to the research objectives. Careful consideration was given to the wording of questions, the

order of presentation, and the overall structure of the survey to minimize bias and ensure clarity for

respondents. Additionally, measures were put in place to safeguard the confidentiality and privacy of

the participants, adhering to ethical standards in research practices.

Data collection through surveys is a crucial step in the research process, as it lays the

foundation for analysis and interpretation of findings. By employing a combination of face-to-face

surveys and online questionnaires, the research team was able to capture a diverse range of

perspectives and experiences from the senior high school students of Balangkayan, enriching the

depth and breadth of the study's results.


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