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1 anemomeLer (devlce LhaL measures Lhe speed of Lhe wlnd) by roberL hooke also colned Lhe
Lerm cell
2 waLer screw (aka Archlmedes screw) deflnlLlon of lever by A8CPlMLuLS
3 8A11L8? by Alessandro volLa
4 8unsen burner by 8oberL Wllhelm 8unsen
3 lncandescenL elecLrlc llghL bulb phonograph by 1homas Alva Ldlson (aka Wlzard of Menlo
6 Celslus LhermomeLer was devlsed by CLLSluS AnuL8S
7 uA vlnCl LLCnA8uC Mona Llsa lasL supper
8 Callleo lnvenLed Lhe LhermomeLer
9 lord kLLvln deslgned Lhe kelvln scale ln whlch 0 k ls deflned as absoluLe zero
10 S1LAM LnClnL by Peron an anclenL Creek geomeLer and englneer
11 Callleo Calllel (faLher of modern observaLlonal asLronomy) Lelescope
12 1LSLA nlkCLA radlo
13 1C88lCLLLl LvAnCLLlS1A mercury baromeLer (measures alr pressure)
14 xrays by vCn 8CLn1CLn WlLPLLM
13 WA11 !AMLS developed Lhe concepL of horsepower
16 vlulL LuClLn anerold baromeLer
17 lellx Poffman asplrln
18 lrench veloclpede lnvenLed ln 1861 by lerre Marchaux ls wldely consldered Lo be Lhe flrsL
Lrue blcycle
19 8ra 1913 new ?ork soclallLe Mary helps !acob wldely consldered Lo be Lhe lnvenLor of Lhe
modern bra
20 Camcorder Sony was Lhe flrsL Lo produce a consumer camcorder wlLh Lhe release of lLs
8eLamovle ln 1983
21 Camera 8rlLlsh polymaLh Wllllam 1alboL lnvenLor of one of Lhe earllesL cameras
22 Cu 1963 uS lnvenLor !ames 8ussell
23 Compass 1190 dlscovered ln Lhe 12Lh cenLury lodesLone a magneLlc mlneral LhaL allgned wlLh
Lhe norLh ole
24 Alfred nobel dynamlLe
23 LlecLrlc shaver LleuLenanL Colonel !acob Schlck sLruggled wlLh foam and blades ln Lhe subzero
26 lloppy dlsk 1971 by l8M geek Alan ShugarL held only 100kb
27 Slr !ohn ParrlngLon flushlng LolleL
28 lrldge 1834 !acob erklns was Lhe flrsL Lo descrlbe how plpes fllled wlLh volaLlle chemlcals
whose molecules evaporaLed very easlly could keep food cool llke wlnd chllllng your skln afLer a
dlp ln Lhe sea
29 CS 1978 ueveloped by Lhe uS mlllLary ln Lhe 1970s
30 !oseph lgnace CullloLln proposed a devlce Lhe CullloLlne 1792
31 Laser 1960 sLands for LlghL AmpllflcaLlon by SLlmulaLed Lmlsslon of 8adlaLlon physlclsL
1heodore Malman bullL Lhe flrsL worklng laser ln 1960
32 Ldwln 8uddlng !ohn lerrabee Lawnmower 1830
33 plnLumbler lock lnvenLed ln 1848 by Llnus ?ale padlock
34 Plram Maxlm lnvenLed Lhe worlds flrsL LoLally auLomaLlc machlne gun
33 uS englneer !ack kllby bullL Lhe worlds flrsL monollLhlc lnLegraLed clrculL or mlcrochlp
36 Mlcrowave oven 1946 Amerlcan englneer ur ercy Spencer
37 Mouse 1964 uS radar Lechnlclan uouglas LngelbarL of Lhe SLanford 8esearch lnsLlLuLe
38 olarold camera 1947 Ldwln Land
39 ChrlsLopher LaLham Sholes of Lhe Mllwaukee news devlsed Lhe flrsL LypewrlLer
40 klng Camp CllleLLe of Amerlca possessor of Lhe greaLesL name ln Lhe hlsLory of lnnovaLlon
devlsed ln Lhe 1890s Lhe worlds flrsL razor flLLed wlLh dlsposable blades mounLed ln safeLy
41 SLeLhoscope 1819 8ene 1heophlle PyaclnLhe Laennec lnvenLed Lhe flrsL devlce LhaL ampllfled
Lhe sounds of Lhe human body
42 Alexander Craham 8ell made Lhe flrsL worklng phone ln Lhe 1870
43 ScoLsman !ohn Logle 8alrd flrsL demonsLraLed 1v Lo Lhe publlc ln 1923
44 Lhe lnLerneL LogeLher wlLh Lhe World Wlde Web lnvenLed ln 1989 by 8rlL Lechle 1lm 8erners
43 maLch chemlsL !ohn Walker was Lhe flrsL Lo make Lhe sLrlklng dlscovery LhaL when a sLlck
coaLed ln poLasslum chloraLe and anLlmony sulphlde was brushed across sLone lL creaLed a
46 conLracepLlve plll was developed by a Leam headed by Carl u[erassl a chemlsL ln 1931 buL
wasnL markeLed ln Lhe uk unLll 1962
47 classlc mercurylnglass LhermomeLer sLlll ln use Loday was concelved by uanlel lahrenhelL ln
Lhe 1720s
48 1ooLhbrush 1498 by unknown Chlnese
49 1v remoLe conLrol 1930 made by Lhe uS company ZenlLh LlecLronlcs
30 Sheffleld manufacLurer Samuel lox lnvenLed Lhe modern sLeelrlbbed umbrella ln 1832
31 flrsL powered vacuum cleaner arrlved ln 1901 buL PuberL 8ooLhs huge devlce relled on a flve
horsepower englne 1hen !ames Spangler reflned Lhe vacuum ln 1908 wlLh Lhe lnLroducLlon of a
plllow case Lo collecL dusL
32 velcro 1948 by Swlss lnvenLor Ceorge de MesLral
33 Zlp 913 CredlL for Lhe devlces lnvenLlon goes Lo Cldeon Sundback ln 1913 Lhe Swedlsh
englneer made Lhe flrsL modern zlp Lo fasLen hlgh booLs
34 Slr Alexander llemlng lnvenLor of penlclllln one of Lhe earllesL dlscovered and wldely used
anLlbloLlc agenLs

World ArL
33 Leonardo da vlncl Mona Lisa, Louvre
The Last Supper, Milan
36 Mlchelangelo avid, Accademia, Florence
Pieta, St. Peter's Basilica, Rome
The Sistine Chapel ceiling, Vatican
37 8aphael The School of Athens, Vatican
The Sistine Madonna,
Gemldegalerie, Dresden
38 1lLlan The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari

World Ceography
39 ueepesL SpoL ln Lhe Ccean Marlana 1rench and ls approxlmaLely 33 797 fL (10911 m) deep ln
Lhe aclflc Ccean
60 PlghesL navlgable Lake lake 1lLlcaca ln eru (12300 fL or 3810 m above sea level)
Also SouLh Amerlca's 2
largesL freshwaLer lake
61 LowesL lake uead Sea (lL's a lake buL called sea) ln !ordan valley of lsrael
1340 fL or 408 m below sea level
SalLlesL lake ln Lhe world
62 LargesL freshwaLer lake Lake Superlor covers 82000 km of land
63 ueepesL Lake Lake 8alkal ln Slberla 8ussla (3369 fL or 1637 m deep)
64 LargesL Ccean aclflc Ccean
63 SmallesL Ccean ArcLlc Ccean 10x smaller Lhan aclflc Ccean
66 LongesL 8lver nlle 8lver 443 mlles or 6671 km long
67 ShorLesL rlver 8oe 8lver 200fL or 61 m LhaL flows beLween ClanL Sprlngs and Mlssourl 8lver ln
CreaL lalls MonLana
68 LargesL rlver Amazon 8asln also wlLh Lhe greaLesL waLer flow
69 PlghesL waLerfall Angel lalls ln Canalma naLlonal ark venezuela aL 3212 fL or 979 m
70 World's PlghesL mounLaln ML LveresL 29033 fL or 8830 m hlgh
71 Amazon 8alnforesL largesL weLLesL ralnforesL on LarLh
72 1he kremlln Moscow
73 SalnL mark's square venlce
74 1600 ennsylvanla ave WashlngLon uC
73 Llffel 1ower arls
76 uownlngsLreeL 10 London
77 8randenburg CaLe 8erlln
78 WaLerloo 8elglum
79 Colden CaLe 8rldge San lranclsco
80 WhlLe Pluse WashlngLon uC
81 CreaL yramld Clza
82 Crand Canyon naLlonal ark Arlzona
83 arLhenon Lemple on Lhe ALhenlan Acropolls Creece dedlcaLed Lo Lhe Creek goddess ALhena
84 CreaL wall of chlna 1 of Lhe 7 wonders ln d world
83 Lmplre SLaLe 8ulldlng 102sLory landmark skyscraper and Amerlcan culLural lcon ln new ?ork
ClLy unlLed SLaLes 1allesL bulldlng ln new ?ork
86 SL eLer's 8aslllca has Lhe largesL lnLerlor of any ChrlsLlan church ln Lhe world
87 noLre uame CaLhedral ln arls lrance a CoLhlc CaLhollc caLhedral
88 Sahara ueserL Lhe worlds second largesL deserL afLer AnLarcLlca
89 Plmalayas mounLaln range ln Asla separaLlng Lhe lndlan subconLlnenL from Lhe 1lbeLan
laLeau Plmalayan mounLaln sysLem ls Lhe worlds hlghesL and home Lo Lhe worlds hlghesL
peaks Lhe LlghLLhousanders whlch lnclude MounL LveresL and k2
90 1lmes Square ma[or commerclal lnLersecLlon ln Lhe borough of ManhaLLan ln new ?ork ClLy aL
Lhe [uncLlon of 8roadway and SevenLh Avenue lormerly named Longacre Square
91 Poover uam aka 8oulder uam ln 8lack Canyon of Lhe Colorado 8lver
92 7 wonders of Lhe anclenL world
CreaL yramld of Clza (only wonder sLlll exlsLlng Loday)
Panglng Cardens of 8abylon
SLaLue of Zeus aL Clympla
1emple of ArLemls aL Lphesus
Mausoleum aL Pallcarnassus
Colossus of 8hodes
LlghLhouse of Alexandrla
93 1he Seven Wonders of Lhe Medleval World
CaLacombs of kom el Shoqafa
CreaL Wall of Chlna
orcelaln 1ower of nan[lng
Pagla Sophla
Leanlng 1ower of lsa
94 1he Seven Wonders of Lhe Modern World
Channel 1unnel
Cn 1ower
Lmplre SLaLe 8ulldlng
Colden CaLe 8rldge
lLalpu uam
neLherlands norLh Sea roLecLlon Works
anama Canal
(On Each Continent)
Mount Everest 8850m (29035ft) Asia
Aconcagua 6959m (22831ft) S. America
Mount McKinley 6194m (20320ft) N. America
Mount Kilimanjaro 5963m (19563ft) Africa
Mount Elbrus 5633m (18481ft) Europe
Puncak Jaya 4884m (16023ft) Oceania
Vinson Massif 4897m (16066ft) Antarctica
96 MosL language used
1 Chlnese Mandarln 1 bllllon +
2 Lngllsh 312 mllllon
97 AusLralla largesL lsland on LarLh smallesL of Lhe conLlnenLs

98 nans Chr|st|an Andersen was born on Aprll 2 1803 ln Cdense uenmark Pe ls one of Lhe mosL
popular falry Lale wrlLers of all Llmes Pe has wrlLLen 168 Lales Works 1he Snow Cueen" 1he
Lmperor's new CloLhes" 1he ugly uuckllng" 1he LlLLle MaLchSeller" 1he rlncess and Lhe
ea" 1he LlLLle Mermald" 1he 8rave 1ln Soldler" 1he Wlld Swans" 1he Carden of
aradlse" 1he llylng 1runk"
99 ane Austen had become a ma[or Lngllsh novellsL Works ersuaslon rlde and re[udlce
Sense and SenslblllLy
100 Char|es D|ckens (18121870) ls one of Lhe mosL famous Lngllsh novellsLs of Lhe vlcLorlan
perlod ulckens addresses soclal problems llke hypocrlsy and ln[usLlce ln hls works Charles
ulckens wroLe such classlcs as Cllver 1wlsL" and uavld Copperfleld" and A 1ale of 1wo ClLles"
101 I|ctor nugo ls one of Lhe mosL lmporLanL lrench 8omanLlc wrlLers 1he Lwo mosL popular
works of Pugo are Les Mlserables" and 1he Punchback of noLre uame"
102 Agatha Chr|st|e (18901976) Lhe famous Lngllsh wrlLer of mysLery novels and shorL sLorles ls
besL known as Lhe creaLor of deLecLlve Percule olroL and Mlss !ane Marple characLers
103 ew|s Carro|| Lhe celebraLed 8rlLlsh maLhemaLlclan and wrlLer was born as Charles LuLwldge
uodgson on 27 !anuary 1832 Pls mosL famous works lnclude Lhe classlc chlldren's books Allces
AdvenLures ln Wonderland" (1863) and lLs sequel 1hrough Lhe Looklng Class" (1873)
104 !acob and Wllhelm Crlmm known as @he Gr|mm 8rothers Works Clnderella Pansel and
CreLhel Snow WhlLe and Lhe Seven uwarfs

CLher lacLs
103 1op 3 Worldwlde boxofflce movle
avaLar (2009)
LlLanlc (1997)
Parry oLLer and Lhe ueaLhly Pallows arL 2 (2011)
106 LongesL noonLlme varleLy show LA1 8uLACA
107 LongesL runnlng gameshow ln Amerlca 1he rlce ls 8lghL
108 Shocklng news 2010
1 A young gypsy glrl caused uproar ln Spaln when she gave blrLh aL Lhe age of Len 1he faLher ls
a 13 year old boy
2 1yphoon Megl was Lhe sLrongesL Lyphoon Lo sLrlke Lhe hlllpplnes ln four years ACASA
name !uan
3 1he world's oldesL man celebraLed 114Lh blrLhday WalLer 8reunlng Lurned Lhe blg 114 on
SepLember 21sL
4 rlnce Wllllam engaged Lo kaLe MlddleLon
109 2011 ACASA name edrlng lnLernaLlonal name nesaL
110 2011 ACASA name Cndoy lnLernaLlonal name 1yphoon keLsana

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