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Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 Semester 2

Hari/ Tanggal:

1. Nisa : “Excuse me, what is your name?” Nira : “... is Nira.”

a. Hello b. I’m fine c. My name

2. This is my .... (mata)

a. nose b. eyes c. chin

3. I can hear the sound with my ...

a. eyes b. cheek c. ears

4. The sky is ....

a. blue b. red c. yellow

5. My hair is ... (hitam)

a. purple b. black c. yellow

6. We meet Mr. Benny in the morning. We say ...

a. Good bye b. Good morning c. Good night

7. The day after Sunday is …

A. Thursday B. Friday C. Monday

8. This is a plate. “Plate” in Indonesia is …

A. piring B. botol C. mangkok

9. “Bantal” in English is …
A. bolster B. pillow C. bed

10. Today is Wednesday. In Indonesia is ….

A. hari ini Senin B. hari ini Selasa C. hari ini Rabu

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