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Section A- Measurement

1. Jack hit his sister 3 times while the family ate dinner at a restaurant. Jack’s mom put 3 tally
marks on a tracking sheet. What type of data collection did Jack’s mom utilize?
a. Duration
b. Rate
c. Frequency
d. Percent of occurrence

2. Melissa and her sister were counting how many times they could jump over the rope in a 1-
minute time interval. What type of measurement procedure are they using?
a. Frequency
b. Rate
c. Percent of occurrence
d. Duration

3. Nelson’s mom starts a timer every time he engages in tantrum behavior. When the tantrum
ends, mom turns the timer off. She then writes the number of minutes on a piece of paper.
What type of data is Nelson’s mom collecting?
a. Latency
b. Inter-response time
c. Trials to criterion
d. Duration

4. Jace provides his client with a direction to stand up and then immediately begins to count in
his head. After the number 15, the client stands up. Jace writes “15s” on the client’s data
sheet, notating that it took the client 15 seconds to follow the direction. What type of data
collection was Jace using?
a. Duration
b. Latency
c. Inter-response time
d. Rate

5. Amelia finishes one worksheet and the teacher measures the time it takes for her to begin the
next worksheet. Which measurement procedure is being used?
a. Rate
b. Latency
c. Inter-response time
d. Frequency

6. Tracey’s RBT writes a + for each trial that Tracey gets correct and a – for each trial she gets
incorrect. There are a total of 5 trials and Tracey responded correctly in 4 of them. Tracey
texts the BCBA 80. Which measurement procedure would be the best choice?
a. Percent of occurrence
b. Trials to criterion
c. Percent of non-occurrence
d. Frequency
7. Tracey’s RBT writes a + for each trial that Tracey gets correct and a – for each trial she gets
incorrect. There are a total of 5 trials and Tracey responded correctly in 3 of them. Tracey
text the BCBA 40. Which measurement procedure was used?
a. Percent of occurrence
b. Trials to criterion
c. Percent of non-occurrence
d. Frequency

Use the below table to answer questions 8-10

Trial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Observer 1 1 3 2 3 1 4 1 2 1 1
Observer 2 1 2 2 3 1 3 1 2 1 0

8. Using Total Count IOA, what is the percent of agreement between observer 1 and observer
a. 80%
b. 73%
c. 70%
d. 84%

9. Using Interval-by-Interval IOA, what is the percent of disagreement between observer 1 and
observer 2?
a. 30%
b. 70%
c. 84%
d. 67%

10. Using Interval-by-Interval IOA, what is the percent of agreement between observer 1 and
observer 2?
a. 30%
b. 70%
c. 84%
d. 67%

11. You are working on a toothbrushing task analysis with a client. The BCBA brought the goal
to the house right before going on vacation and when she returned the goal was mastered.
The BCBA asked the RBT how many trials it took for the client to successfully complete the
task independently. What is the BCBA asking about?
a. Reinforcement schedule
b. Treatment design
c. Trials to criterion
d. Standard celeration chart
12. The above chart displays:
a. Line graph
b. Cumulative record
c. Standard celeration chart
d. Decreasing trend

13. A cumulative record will only go ___.

a. Up to 10
b. Down
c. Up
d. Up to 100
14. What does the above cumulative graph tell you about the client’s manding behavior?
a. The client acquires 1 mand per month, except for August
b. The client did not acquire any mands over the past 2 months
c. The client currently has 6 mands
d. The client acquired more mands in July than any other month

15. A momentary time sampling procedure should be used when___

a. Recording the amount of behaviors per interval
b. Monitoring on-task behaviors of numerous students
c. Monitoring behaviors that occur at high rates
d. Collecting baseline data

16. Britani’s RBT observes reading for 1-minute intervals and marks a + if Britani reads during
the entire interval or a – if she looks around the room for more than 4 seconds. Which
recording procedure is Britani’s RBT using?
a. Momentary time sampling
b. Partial interval recording
c. Whole interval recording
d. Event recording

17. Partial interval recording ______ the ______ in behaviors.

a. Overestimates … increase
b. Underestimates … increase
c. Overestimates … decrease
d. Underestimates … decrease

18. What are the 3 procedures for measuring behavior?

a. Standard celeration, timing, and descriptive
b. Equal interval, cumulative recording, and time sampling
c. Experimental, descriptive, and event recording
d. Event recording, timing, and time sampling

Section B- Experimental Design

1. Reversal design is the most powerful demonstration of a functional relationship.
a. True
b. False

2. A graph needs to have at least __ data points.

a. 4
b. 2
c. 1
d. 3

3. Under what circumstance is it recommended to begin with treatment when using a withdrawal
a. Behaviors are occurring at high frequencies
b. Behaviors are impeding the student’s social interactions
c. The behaviors are too severe
d. Parents request it

4. Which of the following are limitations of reversal design?

a. Can be time consuming
b. Some behaviors can’t be reversed
c. It’s easy to implement
d. Both A & B

5. If the behaviors are too risky to return to baseline, which experimental design should you use
instead of reversal?
a. Multiple baseline design
b. Changing criterion design
c. Alternating treatments design
d. Component analysis

6. All of the following are variations of the multiple baseline design EXCEPT:
a. Multiple baseline across behaviors
b. Multiple baseline across components
c. Multiple baseline across settings
d. Multiple baseline across subjects
7. Max’s BCBA is working on decreasing spitting behaviors. Initially, the intervention is
implemented, and Max is reinforced if he spits less than 20 times per day. He’s then
reinforced if he spits less than 16 times per day. Then he’s reinforced if he spits less than 12
times per day. Which time of design is Max’s BCBA using?
a. Parametric analysis
b. Changing criterion design
c. Component analysis
d. All of the above

8. When utilizing a changing criterion design, how many behaviors can the experimenter
intervene on at once?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 1
d. 4

9. A changing criterion design is just as strong as other designs in regard to functional relations.
a. True
b. False

10. Which of the following are types of multielement designs?

a. Parametric, multielement, alternating
b. Simultaneous, multiple schedule, component
c. Concurrent schedule, multiple schedule, multi-element
d. Alternating, simultaneous, reversal

11. A parametric analysis involves:

a. Determining effective amounts of an intervention
b. Increasing or decreasing parameters of an intervention
c. One independent variable
d. All of the above

12. Julie is a BCBA and has a client who is using a token economy system and schedule for
transitions. Julie systematically withdraws and reintroduces the interventions in order to
determine which combination is most effective. What procedure is Julie using?
a. Component analysis
b. Parametric analysis
c. Withdrawal
d. Functional analysis
13. The above graph displays which type of experimental design?
a. Reversal
b. Multiple baseline
c. Changing criterion
d. Alternating treatments

14. The above graph displays which type of experimental design?

a. Reversal
b. Multiple baseline
c. Changing criterion
d. Alternating treatments
15. The above graph displays which type of experimental design?
a. Reversal
b. Multiple baseline
c. Changing criterion
d. Alternating treatments

16. The above graph displays which type of experimental design?

a. Reversal
b. Multiple baseline
c. Changing criterion
d. Alternating treatments

17. Which of the following are functions of behavior?

a. Attention, escape, access to tangibles
b. Automatic reinforcement, control, freedom
c. Escape, retrieval, demand
d. Task completion, play, access, attention

18. The above graph suggests that ______ is most likely the function maintaining Jacob’s
aggressive behaviors.
a. Escape
b. Attention
c. Access
d. Automatic

Section B/C- Experimental Design/Behavior Change Considerations

1. When Ricky’s BCBA accepted his case, he reviewed the interventions that were already in
place. Unsure of which interventions were effective, he began to take interventions out, while
monitoring Ricky’s behaviors. What is this an example of?
a. Parametric analysis
b. Component analysis
c. Nonparametric analysis
d. Alternating treatments

2. Which option below is an example of a nonparametric analysis?

a. Julie begins receiving 8mg of medication, then 10mg, and finally it’s increased to
b. In order to earn reinforcement, Julie has to earn 4 tokens, then 12 tokens, and then
8 tokens.
c. Julie walks to the store by herself, then with friends, and then with the dog.
d. Julie earns tokens for reinforcement one week and then the next week she doesn’t
earn tokens

3. Which option below is an example of a parametric analysis?

a. Julie begins receiving 8mg of medication, then 10mg, and finally it’s increased to
b. In order to earn reinforcement, Julie has to earn 4 tokens, then 12 tokens, and then
8 tokens.
c. Julie walks to the store by herself, then with friends, and then with the dog.
d. Both A & B

4. All of the following are unwanted effects of reinforcement except:

a. Client begins to request more items
b. Client begins to follow staff that typically provides reinforcement
c. Challenging behaviors increase
d. Challenging behaviors are accidentally reinforced

5. An extinction burst occurs when:

a. A previously reinforced behavior no longer contacts reinforcement
b. Problem behaviors decrease
c. Adults stop listening to children
d. Tasks become easier

6. What is behavioral contrast?

a. When a behavior is punished and decreases in one setting, but it increases in other
b. As punishment procedures increase, problem behaviors decrease
c. Clients mimic the behaviors of other people
d. Therapists compare children’s behaviors

7. Which of the following is an unwanted effect of punishment?

a. Students begin to follow the adults presenting the punishment
b. Punishers are reinforced by their own behavior
c. The function of the problem behavior is lessened
d. Untrained teachers will jump in to assist

8. Melissa’s BCBA implements a new plan for reinforcement. Initially, she reinforces Melissa
on a CRF schedule, and then fades to an intermittent schedule of reinforcement. Which
unwanted effect of reinforcement did Melissa’s BCBA plan for?
a. Shadowing the discriminative stimulus
b. Behavior excess
c. Escape
d. Reinforcing the undesirable behavior
9. Toby was previously reinforced for engaging in tantrum behavior when tasks were presented.
Toby’s family began receiving ABA services in the home. One of the goals was for parents
to place tantrums on extinction. Toby’s parents asked to stop because “his behaviors were
getting worse.” What is the “increase” an example of?
a. Extinction increase
b. Negative reinforcement
c. Extinction burst
d. Positive punishment

Section D- Fundamental Elements of Behavior Change

1. Which of the following are verbal operants?
a. Mand
b. Tact
c. Intraverbal
d. All of the above

2. Bria vocally requests juice from her mom, and her mom gives her juice. Which verbal
operant is in effect?
a. Mand
b. Tact
c. Intraverbal
d. All of the above

3. Mark hears mom say “bird” and then he says “bird.” Which verbal operant was Mark
working on?
a. Mand
b. Echoic
c. Tact
d. None of the above

4. What is point to point correspondence?

a. Verbal stimulus and response have to have the same beginning, middle, and end
b. The word sounds the same, but is spelled differently
c. The words match the actions
d. Both A & C

5. A boy in a room without windows hears a dog barking outside and says “dog!” The boy
is engaging in which verbal operant?
a. Mand
b. Echoic
c. Tact
d. None of the above

6. Which of the following are examples of tact extensions?

a. Solistic
b. Metaphorical
c. Generic
d. All of the above

7. Parker does not currently have “marker” in his repertoire. In order to teach him to request
marker a(n) _____ prompt is utilized.
a. Mand
b. Echoic
c. Tact
d. None of the above

8. Melissa and her co-worker were discussing lunch options. The co-worker said, “I think I
want pizza today.” This is an example of a(n) ______.
a. Mand
b. Echoic
c. Tact
d. Mimetic

9. Brandon is teaching his client to sign the word block. He begins by teaching the client the
sign on the table and then teaches the client the sign in the air. What procedure is being
a. Autoclitic
b. Stimulus Prompt
c. Shaping
d. Mimetic

10. When Cari learned how to get dressed in the morning, her mom began by prompting her
to complete all of the steps except for the last step (button). Once Cari successfully
buttoned her pants independently, her mom stopped prompting her to zip. Once Cari
successfully zipped and buttoned her pants, mom stopped prompting her to pull her pants
up. Which chaining method is Cari’s mom using?
a. Forward Chaining
b. Backward Chaining
c. Total task presentation
d. Shaping

11. June is an RBT who just started a new case. The BCBA went to the home with her for the
first session and showed her how to utilize the PECS book. The BCBA ____________
the procedure for her.
a. Shaped
b. Imitated
c. Modeled
d. Prompted
12. Jessica has a token board at school. She was being reinforced on a VR10 schedule, but
the teacher began to see an increase in behaviors. The schedule was then set as a VR7.
Which did the teacher do to the schedule?
a. Thin
b. Shape
c. Hold
d. Thicken

13. Which is not a form of differential reinforcement?

a. Reinforce behaviors that you want to change
b. Reinforce alternative behavior
c. Reinforce other behavior
d. Reinforce if behavior is less than the specified limit

14. When working with children, it is important to pair yourself with _________ first.
a. Demands
b. Easy targets
c. Reinforcement
d. Parents

15. Martha’s last RBT failed to write down her reinforcement schedule, but she was on a
VI4. When the new RBT started working, she began to reinforce Martha on a VI10.
Martha began to engage in an increased amount of problem behaviors. What has
a. Ratio strain
b. Differential reinforcement
c. Schedule densing
d. Limited hold

16. When using compound schedules of reinforcement, the ____________ schedule of

reinforcement allows reinforcement to be provided according to which criteria is met
a. Multiple
b. Chained
c. Tandem
d. Alternative

17. When Marshall emits correct responses, he is reinforced an average of 6 times. Which
reinforcement schedule is being used?
a. Fixed Ratio
b. Variable Ratio
c. Fixed Interval
d. Variable Interval

18. Ronald is currently being monitored for refusal behavior. The BCBA is currently using
two reinforcement schedules for him. On one schedule, he is reinforced for intervals
where refusal does not occur. On the other schedule, he is reinforced every third time he
engages in replacement behaviors. The schedules are presented randomly. Which
compound reinforcement schedule is being utilized?
a. Mixed
b. Concurrent
c. Conjunctive
d. Chained

19. On day 5 of training, Matt engaged in 7 instances of aggression and did not receive
reinforcement. On day 8 of training, Matt engaged in 5 instances of aggression and was
given reinforcement. On day 10 of training, matt engaged in 8 instances of aggression
and did not receive reinforcement. Which reinforcement method is being utilized?
a. DRO
b. DRH
c. DRL
d. DRI

20. Which reinforcement method requires an individual to be reinforced on a specific time

schedule regardless of behaviors that may or may not have occurred?
a. VR1
b. VI1
c. FI1
d. NCR

21. Luci is being taught to use her fork during dinner. When the BCBA began working with
the family, Luci was only holding her fork with a physical prompt, for each bite. The
BCBA recommended Luci only receive reinforcement when she holds the fork
independently for 2 or more bites. After 3 days, the contingency changed and Luci
received reinforcement for holding the fork independently for 4 or more bites. Which
form of differential reinforcement is Luci’s BCBA implementing?
a. DRI
b. DRL
c. DRA
d. DRH

22. John sits on his hands, which distracts him from doing his work. The BCBA began
teaching him to squeeze his hands together instead of sitting on his hands. Whenever the
BCBA sees John squeeze his hands together, she provides him with a token for his token
board. Which form of differential reinforcement is John’s BCBA implementing?
a. DRI
b. DRL
c. DRA
d. DRH

23. Functional Communication Training involves all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Teaching tacts
b. Teaching mands
c. Reinforcing functionally equivalent behavior
d. Identifying antecedents and functions of behavior

24. If following the prompt hierarchy from least to most intrusive, which order listed below
is correct?
a. Independent, Model, Full physical, Partial physical
b. Independent, Verbal, Visual/picture, Model
c. Full physical, Model, Gesture, Independent
d. Verbal, Model, Partial physical, Visual

Section E

Please use the below scenario to answer questions 1-3:

Mr. Jones is an 8th grade science teacher. Throughout the day, he offers students
numerous opportunities to earn reinforcement for completing assignments and
participating in classroom discussions and group work. Students sit in groups of 5.

1. If Mr. Jones were to implement an interdependent group contingency, what would it

look like?
a. Melissa met all of the criteria, so Mr. Jones gave her and the rest of her group
b. Melissa’s group was the first group to complete all of the assigned work, so they
were given candy. In another group, only 1 student completed all of the work, so
the group did not receive candy.
c. Melissa completed her work and was allowed to pick 1 student to receive candy
with her.
d. Melissa and 3 other students were the only ones to complete all of the assigned
work, so they were the only ones who received candy.

2. If Mr. Jones were to implement a dependent group contingency, what would it look
a. Melissa met all of the criteria, so Mr. Jones gave her and the rest of her group
b. Melissa’s group was the first group to complete all of the assigned work, so they
were given candy.
c. Melissa completed her work and was allowed to pick 1 student to receive candy
with her.
d. Melissa and 3 other students were the only ones to complete all of the assigned
work, so they were the only ones who received candy.

3. All of the following are group contingencies, EXCEPT:

a. Melissa met all of the criteria, so Mr. Jones gave her and the rest of her group
b. Melissa’s group was the first group to complete all of the assigned work, so they
were given candy.
c. Melissa completed her work and was allowed to pick 1 student to receive candy
with her.
d. Melissa and 3 other students were the only ones to complete all of the assigned
work, so they were the only ones who received candy.

4. Which scenario below provides the best description of habituation?

a. Kira packed her lunch the night before and enjoyed it more, so she began to do
so more often.
b. Kira packed her lunch the night before, for 7 straight nights, and was able to
sleep for an extra 15 minutes. Kira began to pack her lunch every night.
c. Kira jumped and ran out of the bathroom every time she flushed the toilet. After
a few days, Kira stopped jumping and running out of the bathroom when the
toilet flushed.
d. Both A and B

5. An example of the matching law could say that:

a. An person will only put in the effort that they have to
b. For every action, there is a reaction.
c. When you smell food, you become hungry
d. All of the above

Please use the below scenario to answer questions 6-8

Jessie visibly jumps after she hears thunder.

6. Jessie jumping is considered a(n):

a. Unconditioned Stimulus
b. Neutral Stimulus
c. Conditioned Response
d. Unconditioned Response

7. The thunder is considered a(n):

a. Unconditioned Stimulus
b. Neutral Stimulus
c. Conditioned Response
d. Unconditioned Response

8. Reflexive relations:
a. Go through little changes over a person’s lifetime
b. Are related to evolution
c. Is also referred to as the US-UR relationship
d. All of the above

9. Dennis’s BCBA removes tokens from his token board whenever Dennis hits another
person. What is this an example of?
a. Reflexivity
b. Response cost
c. Behavioral contrast
d. Rehearsal

10. Before asking Mariah a question, as an opportunity to earn a piece of candy, the teacher
says her name and tells her to listen. When the teacher calls her name and tells her to
listen, this is considered:
a. Discriminative stimulus
b. Transitivity
c. Translucency
d. None of the above

11. Tommy is using a token board in school to increase direction following. Direction
following increased from 20% per session to 80% per session in school. During this same
time period, Tommy’s parents reported increased noncompliance in the home. What
topic could the school BCBA discuss with Tommy’s parents?
a. Behavior momentum
b. Stimulus equivalence
c. Generalized identity matching
d. Behavioral contrast

12. Which of the following accurately lists the steps in behavioral skills training?
a. Explain, read, practice, feedback, retry
b. Discussion, observation, feedback, assistance, document
c. Instruct, model, insitu, rehearsal, feedback
d. All of the above

Section F

1. When developing a token economy system, be sure to:

a. Clearly state what the student needs to do in order to earn tokens
b. Conduct a preference assessment to determine the backup reinforcers
c. Select tokens that are durable and easy to provide immediately
d. All of the above

2. When determine the exchange rate for a student’s token economy system, be sure to:
a. Begin with low exchange ratios
b. Increase ratios as exchange rate increases
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above

3. Ella has vowed to eat healthier and limit her junk food intake. Ella goes home and
throws all of her junk food in the trash. This is considered a self-management strategy.
Which option below could also be considered a self-management strategy for Ella?
a. Putting a dollar in a jar every time she eats junk food
b. Buying candy bars every day on her lunch break
c. Telling others that she is trying to lose weight
d. Taking pastries to work because the bakery was having a sale

4. Which teaching method focuses on building fluency and is individualized, utilizing

graphs to display student progress?
a. Precision teaching
b. Personalized system of instruction
c. Direct Instruction
d. Incidental teaching

5. Which teaching method requires teaching to occur in the natural environment, utilizing
the student’s own items and environment to teach necessary skills?
a. Precision teaching
b. Personalized system of instruction
c. Direct Instruction
d. Incidental teaching

6. In the 1960, Lovaas developed a teaching method that it fast paced, involves frequent
repetition, and only provides prompts when necessary. What was it called?
a. Precision teaching
b. Discrete trial training
c. Direct Instruction
d. Incidental teaching

7. Before school every day, Mrs. Lumin reviews the reading lesson for the small groups
that she will meet with throughout the day. The teacher reads the scripts, so she
doesn’t have to stop the lesson to review the book. Mrs. Lumin teaches in a rapid pace
and requires the students to respond chorally. Which teaching method has just been
a. Precision teaching
b. Personalized system of instruction
c. Direct Instruction
d. Incidental teaching

8. When using an augmentative communication system, it is important to:

a. Ensure the device is always charged
b. Provide an increased amount of prompting, initially and then began to fade
c. Ensure the necessary icons are programmed into the device
d. All of the above

Section G

1. As a behavior analyst, you are assigned to assist a new teacher with reducing student
behaviors in the classroom. The teacher reported “the students don’t listen and they
just run around the classroom.” You go into the classroom for your first observation. It is
a large classroom with 3 carpet areas, all with toys and pillows on them. Tables are
cluttered with supplies and papers. During circle time, you observe students playing
with the items on the carpet. Also, during instructional time, students play with the
items on the tables. What would your first recommendation be to the teacher?
a. Prompt the students to stop the behavior, when it’s seen
b. Sanitize the classroom by storing supplies and toys in closed bins
c. Remove items from students’ hands when they play with them
d. Send students to another part of the room when they play with items during
instructional time

2. You have a client who also receives speech and occupational therapy. Sometimes your
session overlaps with one of the client’s other therapies. What is the correct action
when this occurs?
a. Observe the session, collect data, and talk with the therapist about goals and
problem behaviors
b. Have parents sign an authorization form, allowing you to communicate with the
c. Call the parent and tell them about what you observed
d. Observe the session, collect data, and talk with the therapist about goals and
problem behaviors, if an authorization is already on file

3. You are a new behavior analyst and have only worked with adults with autism, in the
workplace. The company you work for just assigned you a 3-year-old who displays
aggression and tantrum behaviors. What should you do in this situation?
a. Accept the case
b. Decline the case
c. Accept the case only if the company can provide you with another analyst or
supervisor to provide you with supervision on the case
d. Call the family and ask them if they would like to work with you

4. Lamar typically eats a wide variety of foods and does not engage in any problem
behaviors during mealtimes. Two weeks ago, Lamar began throwing food when parents
put it in front of him. Lamar’s parents contact you, a behavior analyst, to “help fix his
behavior.” During an interview with the parents you:
a. Ask the parents if Lamar has had any type of tests/evaluations completed to rule
out any medical conditions contributing to the behavior
b. Recommend the parents stop presenting foods
c. Ask the parents what types of foods he’s throwing
d. Both A and C

5. As a behavior analyst for a company, you have been hired to help improve the
workplace environment and increase staff performance. There was a behavior analyst
working before you, but they left to pursue another opportunity. One of the first things
you should do is:
a. Review the reports that were completed by the previous behavior analyst
b. Interview past employees to determine why they left
c. Recommend the manager removes all wall cues
d. None of the above

6. Following the initial interview with parents, the behavior analyst should:
a. Conduct an observation and begin data collection to determine appropriate
b. Begin writing a treatment plan and goals according to the problem behavior
description provided by the family
c. Consult with the child’s school team to determine appropriate goals for home
d. Both A and C

7. Which option below provides the best description of an intervention to present to

families who are new to ABA services:
a. First, present Max with the Premack Principle
b. When tantrum behaviors occur, place them on extinction
c. Before starting a new activity, tell John “first math, then break”
d. When in the community, have Mark tact items

8. Which is the most accurate explanation of a function of behavior?

a. Martin engages in tantrum behavior because he doesn’t like to work
b. Refusal behavior occurs to gain socially mediated escape from demands
c. Malia engaged in tantrum behavior because mom made her upset
d. A student leaves the classroom because he felt like it

9. According to Skinner, private events are not observable. Which of the following are
examples of private events?
a. Feeling sad
b. Being stressed over a paper
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above
Section H

Use the graph above to answer questions 1-3

1. When measuring data, level is considered:

a. The direction the data is moving in
b. The time of day the behavior occurs most often
c. A plateau on a graph
d. The mean value of a data set

2. Julie is analyzing her client’s data to determine what she should implement next. The
graph is displaying high variability. What does this mean for Julie?
a. Continue collecting data until stable
b. Analyze the trend
c. Compare the highest level to the lowest level
d. None of the above

3. If analyzing a trendline for aggressive behaviors, the BCBA would like to see the
a. Increasing
b. Decreasing
c. Remaining constant
d. Variable

4. Which data collection method would be best for elopement?

a. Duration
b. Event recording
c. Time sampling
d. Latency

5. If the teacher reports that John engages in most of his problem behaviors in the
afternoon, but the BCBA is only available in the morning, what would be an option for
the BCBA?
a. Visit in the morning for an observation, just in case the behavior can be seen
b. Provide the teacher with data collection sheets to verify the teacher’s report
c. Recommend another BCBA, with afternoon availability take the case
d. All of the above

6. A behavior analyst has been hired to increase a man’s workout frequency and duration.
In this case, frequency refers to ____ and duration refers to ____.
a. How often he works out; the amount of time between sets
b. How long he works out; how often he works out
c. How many days he works out; how long he works out
d. None of the above

7. Behaviors that occur at high frequencies should be measured using:

a. Whole interval recording
b. Momentary time sampling
c. Event recording
d. Partial interval recording

8. Temporal extent refers to:

a. Frequency of behavior
b. Duration of behavior
c. Latency
d. Inter-response time

Section I

1. Behaviors are to be defined in observable and measurable terms. Which option(s) below
could be considered observable and measurable definitions?
a. Mia gets upset several times per day
b. Mia doesn’t like her mom
c. Mia yells profanity at her mom when demands are placed
d. All of the above

2. During which process in a functional assessment is it appropriate to obtain information

about behaviors by interviewing parents, teachers, and other adults that come in
contact with a student?
a. Indirect assessment
b. Anecdotal report
c. All of the above
d. None of the above

3. Linda’s a BCBA who is in the process of assessing a new student. A hypothesized

function has been determined regarding tantrum behavior, however the BCBA would
like more information. What would be a good option for obtaining the additional
a. Questionnaire
b. Analog assessment
c. Scatterplot
d. Environmental assessment

4. All of the following are types of direct assessments EXCEPT:

a. Scatterplot
b. Standardized testing
c. Interview
d. Sequence analysis

5. June is a BCBA who was contacted by a parent due to behaviors that occur when the
child wakes up in the middle of the night. Which parts of the functional assessment
process would be difficult because of this?
a. Collecting data in the natural environment
b. Collecting ABC data
c. Interview
d. Both A and B

6. Indirect assessments are appropriate to conduct:

a. When behaviors are difficult to observe
b. When determining functional relations
c. When assessing mealtime behaviors
d. All of the above

7. A scatterplot is best to use when:

a. Determining rate of behavior
b. Assessing what time a behavior mostly occurs
c. Manipulating variables
d. Assessing treatment effects

8. Data was collected on Amira’s tantrum behavior during specific classes (art, music,
gym). Which would me the most appropriate graph to utilize?
a. Cumulative record
b. Histogram
c. Line graph
d. None of the above

9. After conducting a functional assessment, the BCBA identifies a behavior that the
parents did not mention. The client puts items in his mouth and bites on furniture
during times of low attention and when demands are placed. What should the BCBA do?
a. Discuss the behavior with parents and develop a plan to decrease it
b. Recommend parents ignore the behavior
c. Inform parents that the behavior cannot be addressed
d. Recommend parents only monitor to ensure that the client doesn’t ingest any
cleaning products

Section J
1. Kareem’s behavior analyst is teaching him how to make his bed. The steps include
putting pillowcases on the pillows and then putting the fitted sheet, straight sheet,
blanket, and pillows on the bed. Kareem requires assistance with all steps to ensure the
sheets will not fall off. Which training method would be most appropriate?
a. Forward chaining
b. Backward chaining
c. Total task presentation
d. All of the above

2. When selecting intervention strategies what is important to adhere to?

a. Interventions that are selected by the client
b. The social validity of the client and their family
c. Choosing procedures that the family agrees to
d. All of the above

3. Which environment below appears the most supportive for manding?

a. A house where items are stored in clear, labeled bins and the client must request
the items in order to gain access
b. A house where the items are placed on shelves, too high for the client to reach
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above

4. When implementing treatment plans it is important for services to occur:

a. In the most restrictive environment
b. In the least restrictive environment
c. In the client’s favorite place
d. Both A and C

5. Jaxon displays severe aggressive behavior, ethically, what would be the best
experimental design option for the behavior analyst?
a. Begin with intervention utilizing a BAB design
b. Extend baseline
c. Use experimental design chosen by parent
d. All of the above

6. There are 4 adults in Malcolm’s classroom. He only completes work for the teacher and
does not respond to the directions of other adults in the room. What should the BCBA
recommend for the classroom?
a. Recommend other adults refrain from giving Malcolm directions
b. Recommend Malcolm get placed in another classroom
c. Recommend he work with the teacher while another adult provides the
d. Recommend the teacher decrease his work tasks
7. All of the following are strategies to promote generalization EXCEPT:
a. Train family members and other staff on the intervention
b. Teach multiple exemplars
c. Teach in different environments
d. Training should come from one person

8. Jasmine presented Jamal’s mom with a list of interventions to implement and reviewed
a parent goal which stated that the parent would implement extinction when screaming
occurs. Mom stated that she tried that in the past and it didn’t work. What should
Jasmine do next?
a. Present the parent with articles to change her mind
b. Ask the parent what she’ll be able to consistently implement
c. Ask Jamal what he would like for mom to do
d. Recommend mom tries it again with modeling and feedback provided by Jasmine

9. Randy has a goal that states he will tact 250 items. When the goal is included in the
treatment plan, what should be done first?
a. Decrease tantrum behaviors
b. Assess how many tacts Randy currently has
c. Begin teaching the first tact on the list
d. None of the above

10. Shayla is an RBT and the BCBA comes out to the house with her once a week. Shayla’s
BCBA asked her how she was tracking data if she wasn’t writing it down and she replied,
“I keep count in my head”. What should the BCBA do to ensure that the data being
reported is reliable?
a. Collect IOA data and review % of agreement
b. Suggest Shayla use a counter if she’s not going to write down each instant
c. Teach the client a replacement behavior and stop tracking data on the original
d. Continue with the current data collection process

11. What are behavioral cusps?

a. Prerequisite behaviors that allow a person to engage in multiple new behaviors
b. Behaviors that clients have reached their fullest potential on
c. Primary behaviors that are learned through repeated presentations
d. All of the above

12. If a BCBA is looking at frequency data from the last 3 months for tantrum, but is having
difficulties determining a data trend, what would be a good suggestion?
a. Color-code all of the numbers
b. Develop a graph and insert a fit line
c. Ask the teacher what she has observed
d. Only A and B
Section K

1. Why is it important for behavior analysts to have the support of the family before
implementing interventions?
a. To assist with generalization
b. To increase chances of family participation
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above

2. All of the following are important when training individuals to implement interventions,
a. Documentation
b. Opportunities to practice
c. Modeling
d. Self-control

3. While observing an RBT that you supervise, you notice that they incorrectly performed
an intervention. How can the mistake be corrected?
a. Fidelity checklist
b. Social validity checklist
c. Interobserver agreement data
d. Both A and B

4. The BCBA for a school has decided to place a student on a self-management program to
address verbal aggression. A good place to start would be to teach the student:
a. Transfer of technology
b. To imitate behaviors of other students
c. To record data on his instances of verbal aggression
d. Treatment integrity

5. According to Baer, Wolf, & Risley (1968), conceptually systematic means:

a. The intervention is replicable
b. The intervention is effective
c. The intervention generalized to other people
d. The intervention was described in behavioral terms

6. All of the following are a dimension of ABA EXCEPT:

a. Behavioral
b. Functional
c. Technological
d. Analytic
7. At what point should discharge criteria be discussed with the client and family?
a. At the outset of services
b. Once the client masters his first goal
c. Once the BCBA can no longer develop new goals for the client
d. When a significant change occurs within the family

8. Jace is a 6-year-old student in an emotional support classroom. Jace engages in multiple

unsafe noncompliant behaviors. The principal sent Jace home and informed parents that
he cannot return until he has an RBT with him. Which ruling, if any, is the principal
a. Right to effective education
b. Families for Early Autism Treatment
c. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
d. No rulings are being violated

9. Van Houten et al (1988) identified 6 basic client rights. A BCBA is working with a client in
a school setting. When the BCBA entered the classroom, the client was being tied to a
chair. The BCBA asked the teacher why this was happening, and the teacher responded,
“He just won’t stay in his chair.” What right(s) are being violated?
a. Most effective interventions
b. Therapeutic environment
c. Ongoing evaluation and assessment
d. All of the above

10. When evaluating the effectiveness of interventions, it is important to:

a. Collect and analyze data
b. Make changes to interventions as needed
c. Review data with families
d. All of the above

Section FK

1. If a child sees a doll on television and says the word “doll”, that is considered a(n):
a. Mand
b. Tact
c. Intraverbal
d. Echoic

2. If Mia’s mom says, “party time” and Mia says it right after her, that is considered a(n):
a. Mand
b. Tact
c. Intraverbal
d. Echoic
3. Finishing someone’s sentence, or filling in the blank would be considered a(n):
a. Mand
b. Tact
c. Intraverbal
d. Echoic

4. What’s one way to know that a student is manding for an item and it’s not a tact?
a. The item may not be present
b. The item is present
c. Someone else says it first
d. There is no way to tell the difference

5. The 6 attitudes of science include:

a. Empiricism
b. Mentalism
c. Conceptual analysis
d. Pragmatism

6. Behavior service delivery refers to:

a. Researching interventions
b. Consultation
c. Delivering reinforcers
d. Both A and B

7. Mentalistic explanations of behavior include hypothetical constructs, explanatory

fictions, and circular reasoning. Behavior analysts should use environmental
explanations instead. Which option below is an example of circular reasoning?
a. Dora hit Boots because she was mad at him
b. Dora hit Boots because she knows he will do whatever she tells him to afterward
c. Boots reported that Dora hit him, but no one observed it
d. Dora hit Boots and then Boots hit her back

8. Mentalistic explanations of behavior include hypothetical constructs, explanatory

fictions, and circular reasoning. Behavior analysts should use environmental
explanations instead. Which option below is an example of an environmental
a. Dora was denied access to outside and then she hit boots
b. Dora was presented with a task and then she threw her pencil at Boots
c. Dora lost her backpack and then began to cry
d. All of the above

9. Parsimony refers to the simplest explanation when describing behaviors. What is

another name for Parsimony?
a. Lawful
b. Occam’s razor
c. Environmental
d. Mentalistic

10. In cultural selectionism:

a. Responses are taught by the previous generation and continued in each
b. Responses are respondent
c. Responses occur naturally
d. Responses occur as an interaction between the environment and genetics

11. Avoiding the dentist because of root canals is an example of:

a. Reflexive relations
b. Unconditioned reinforcement
c. Respondent-operant interactions
d. Conditioned reinforcement

12. Response class is defined as:

a. A group of responses that look the same but have a different effect on the
b. A group of responses that share certain characteristics
c. A group of responses that come from the same individual
d. A group of responses that look different but have the same effect on the

13. If your car breaks down in the winter and you do not have a blanket, it will become
really cold in the car. After waiting in the car for 2 hours, your feet and hands hurt to the
touch. Your hurting hands and feet are an example of:
a. Conditioned punisher
b. Neutral stimulus
c. Unconditioned punisher
d. Unconditioned reinforcer

14. Which term listed below is defined as 2 or more stimuli eliciting the same response?
a. Conditioning
b. Stimulus equivalence
c. Pairing
d. Stimulus class

15. Operant behavior is said to be ____ while respondent behavior is said to be ___.
a. Emitted; elicited
b. Elicited; evoked
c. Evoked; natural
d. Unconditioned; conditioned
16. While walking to the car in the rain, Jane puts her umbrella up for protection from the
rain. What is this example considered?
a. Negative reinforcement
b. Positive reinforcement
c. Automatic reinforcement
d. Automatic punishment

17. ________ generalization occurs when multiple similar stimuli produce the same
a. Response
b. Stimulus
c. Conditional
d. Contingency

18. Using a lighter or matches to light a cigarette is an example of _____ generalization.

a. Response
b. Stimulus
c. Conditional
d. Contingency

19. If generalization is not planned for, from the beginning:

a. Participants could become prompt dependent
b. Participants may not engage in the same behaviors in other locations
c. Participants may not engage in the same behaviors if items are different colors
or shapes
d. All of the above

20. In school there are short bells and long bells. The short bells signal that class is almost
over and the long bells signal that class is over. The teachers must state that class is
dismissed before students can leave. Stating that class is dismissed, only after the long
bell is an example of:
a. Stimulus discrimination
b. Conditional discrimination
c. Match to sample
d. Concurrent reinforcement

21. Respondent behavior is controlled by __________, whereas operant behavior is

controlled by __________.
a. Antecedents; consequences
b. Consequences; antecedents
c. The environment; reflexes
d. Only A and C
22. A reinforcer has an increasing effect on behavior. This type of effect is considered:
a. Evocative
b. Abative
c. Value altering
d. None of the above

23. A motivating operation will alter the value of a reinforcer, while a discriminative
stimulus will alter the:
a. Punisher
b. Behavior
c. Frequency
d. Contingency

24. Rapidly presenting a child with 3 easy tasks before presenting a more difficult task is an
example of:
a. Conditioning
b. Behavioral Cusp
c. Behavioral momentum
d. Behavioral contrast

25. _____ is the only verbal operant that directly benefits the speaker.
a. Intraverbal
b. Tact
c. Echoic
d. Mand
Answer Key- Section A
1. C 10. B
2. B 11. C
3. D 12. A
4. B 13. C
5. C 14. A
6. A 15. B
7. C 16. C
8. D 17. C
9. A 18. D

Answer Key Section B

1. A 7. B 13. B
2. D 8. C 14. D
3. C 9. B 15. C
4. D 10. C 16. A
5. A 11. D 17. A
6. B 12. A 18. D

Answer key Section B/C

1. B 7. B
2. D 8. B
3. D 9. C
4. C
5. A
6. A

Answer key Section D

1. D 7. B 13. A 19. C
2. A 8. D 14. C 20. D
3. B 9. C 15. A 21. D
4. A 10. B 16. D 22. C
5. C 11. C 17. B 23. A
6. D 12. D 18. A 24. B

Answer key Section E

1. B 7. A
2. A 8. D
3. C 9. B
4. C 10. A
5. A 11. D
6. D 12. C

Answer key Section F

1. D 5. D
2. C 6. B
3. A 7. C
4. A 8. D

Answer key Section G

1. B 7. C
2. D 8. B
3. C 9. C
4. D
5. A
6. A

Answer key Section H

1. D 5. D
2. A 6. C
3. B 7. A
4. B 8. B

Answer key Section I

1. C 4. C 7. B
2. D 5. D 8. B
3. B 6. A 9. A

Answer Key- Section J

1. B 5. A 9. B
2. D 6. C 10. A
3. C 7. D 11. A
4. B 8. D 12. B

Answer Key- Section K

1. C 6. B
2. D 7. A
3. A 8. C
4. C 9. A
5. D 10. D

Answer Key- Section FK

1. B 6. B 11. C 16. C 21. A
2. D 7. A 12. D 17. B 22. A
3. C 8. D 13. C 18. A 23. B
4. A 9. B 14. B 19. D 24. C
5. A 10. A 15. A 20. B 25. D

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