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Source Code Management (SCM)
Source code management (SCM) is the process of
tracking changes in source code, documentation,
configuration files, and other artifacts related to
software development. It involves managing the
codebase, versioning files, and facilitating
collaboration among developers working on the
same project
5 Key aspects of
1.Version Control
3.Conflict Resolution
5 Key aspects of SCM
1. Version Control:
Version control systems (VCS) allow
developers to track changes to their code over
time. It helps manage different versions of files,
enabling collaboration and preventing
accidental data loss.
5 Key aspects of SCM
2. Repository:
A repository (often called a repo) is a
central location where code and related files are
stored. It contains the entire history of a
5 Key aspects of SCM
3. Conflict Resolution:
Conflicts occur when multiple developers
modify the same code simultaneously. Effective
conflict resolution ensures that changes are
merged correctly.
5 Key aspects of SCM
4. Collaboration:
Source code management facilitates
collaboration among team members.
Developers can work on different parts of the
codebase simultaneously.
5 Key aspects of SCM
5. History:
The history of a codebase includes all
changes made over time. It provides insights
into who made what changes and when.
Tools used for SCM
• GitHub
GitHub is a widely-used code hosting
platform for version control and collaboration.
It provides tools for developers to track changes
in their code, manage projects, and work
together in a shared environment
Tools used for SCM
: •Git
A distributed version control system that
allows developers to track changes, create
branches, and collaborate efficiently
• GitLab
Similar to GitHub, GitLab offers Git
repository hosting, continuous integration, and
project management features.
Tools used for SCM
• Apache Subversion (SVN)
A centralized version control system that
maintains a single repository for all files.

• CVS (Concurrent Versions System)

An older system that allows multiple developers
to work on the same codebase simultaneously
Tools used for SCM
• Mercurial
A distributed version control tool similar to Git.
• Monotone
A decentralized system that ensures data
integrity and security.
•Bitbucket Server
Provides Git and Mercurial repository hosting,
along with features like pull requests and code reviews
Tools used for SCM
• Team Foundation Server (TFS)
A Microsoft product that integrates version
control, project management, and build pipelines.
• Bazaar
A decentralized system that emphasizes
simplicity and ease of use.
Benefits of SCM
> It allows multiple developers to work on a
project simultaneously, without the risk of
overwriting each other’s changes. This can greatly
speed up development time, and make it easier to
coordinate the work of a large development team.
Benefits of SCM
> It is also makes it easy to revert to a previous version
of the code, in case a change causes problems. This can
save a lot of time and effort, and minimize the risk of
introducing bugs into the codebase.
> Lastly it provides a clear history of the development
of a project. This can be useful for identifying the source
of bugs or understanding how a particular feature was
Effective SCM
1. Choose the Right SCM Tool
2. Use Branching and Merging
3. Implement Code Reviews
4. Automate Build and Deployment Processes
5. Maintain a Clean and Consistent Codebase
Importance of SCM
> Detailed Historical Record: SCM maintains a
comprehensive history of changes.
> Code Backup: Ensures data safety.
> Effective Communication: Enables seamless
> Quality Assurance: Improves application

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