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A trip to the beach


● Josefa
● Maria Ignacia
● Rafaella

Josefa: I have an idea as long as you want to hear it.

Maria Ignacia: Yes, tell us.

Josefa: After leaving school we can schedule a trip to the beach.

Rafaella: It is a good idea due to the high temperatures that will be.

Maria Ignacia: Oh! Let's go out in the morning because there is less traffic.

Rafaella: I love the idea.

Josefa: Well, see you tomorrow at my house.

María Ignacia and Rafaela: Well, see you.

The next morning

(María Ignacia arrives first at Josefa house)

Maria Ignacia: Hello Josefa, are you ready for today's trip?.

Josefa: Hello, if I'm ready, I just need Rafaella to arrive.

(As soon as the brief conversation ends, Rafaella arrives)

Rafaella: Hello friends, we are ready for today.

Josefa and María Ignacia: Hello, yes.

(The three of them went to take the bus to go to the beach)

María Ignacia : Will any of you know how many hours of travel it is?.
Josefa: According to what I read 2 hours unless there is a lot of traffic 2 and a half
hours, but since it is early I doubt there will be traffic.

Rafaella: And if we take a break, to arrive with energy.

Josefa and María Ignacia: We think the same.

(Two hours pass and they arrive at the beach)

Rafaella: How beautiful the day is, it's going to be a great day.

Josefa: What do you think about going to eat something before going to the beach?.

María Ignacia: Would that be okay, what do you want to eat?.

Rafaella: I'll eat something with fries unless they don't sell it.

Josefa: I think there is a restaurant nearby that sells that, lets go.

María Ignacia and Rafaella: Let's go.

(The girls ate at the restaurant and then went to enjoy the afternoon on the beach)

María Ignacia: Thank goodness we decided to come here, because however it would
be too hot.

Rafaella: Yes, let's take advantage of this day before it gets late.

Josefa: I agree with you.

(The three of them had a great day after so much stress from classes, but it was
already getting late and it was time to leave)

Josefa: The bus leaves in 25 more minutes, so let's pack our things to return home.

María Ignacia: True, we have to schedule another trip of these.

Rafaella: And yes, but first we have to think about the evaluations, which we have
too many, and then we plan another trip.

Maria Ignacia: Exactly, we have to do well first.

Josefa: Girls, it's time to go.

(The three of them took the bus to go home, but they took away a nice memory of
the day and were eager to plan another trip together).

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