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1. 3GS=Third Technology Generation Speed /:d tek'n l d i d en 'rein spi:d/: Cng ngh truy n thng di ng bng thng r ng th h th ba t c cao. 2. CRT=Cathode Ray Tube /koud rei tju:b/: ng phng tia m c c (bng hnh). 3. LCD=Liquid Crystal Display /'likwid 'kristl dis'plei/: Mn hnh tinh th l ng. 4. SIM=Subscriber Identity Module /sb'skraib ai'dent ti 'm dju:l/: kh i m ch nh n d ng thu bao. 5. GPRS=General Packet Radio System /'d en r l 'pkit 'reidiou 'sist m/: H th ng v tuy n chuy n m ch gi. 6. ADSL=Asymetric Digital Subscriber Line / ,si'metrik 'did itl sb'skraib lain/: ng thu bao s b t i x ng. 7. A=Ammeter / 'mit /: Ampe k . 8. AC=Alternating Current / ' :lt :neiti 'k r nt/: Dng i n xoay chi u. 9. ACB=Air Circuit Breaker / e 's :kit 'breik / : C u dao chnh. 10.ACH=Automatic Battery Charger / , :t 'mtik 'bt ri 't :d /: B n p c quy t ng. 11.AG=Auxiliary Generator / :g'zilj ri 'd en reit /: My pht ph . 12.AS=Ammeter Switch /'mit swit/: Cng t c ampe k . 13.ASS=Auto Synchro Switch / ' :tou 'sinkrou swit/: Cng t c chuy n ch sang ha t ng. 14.AUTO=Automatic /, :t 'mtik/: Ch t ng. 15.AUX=Auxiliary / :g'zilj ri/: Thi t b ph tr . 16.AVR=Automatic Voltage Regulator /, :t 'mtik 'voultid 'regjuleit /: B t ng i u ch nh i n p. 17.ASD=Auto Synchro Device /' :tou 'sinkrou di'vais/: Thi t b ha ng b t ng. 18.ATS=Auto Transfer Switch /' :tou 'trnsf : swit/: Cng t c chuy n t ng.
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ENGLISH FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING . Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.

19.BCB=Battery Charge & Discharge Board /'bt ri t :d


dis't :d b :d/: B ng phng n p c quy. 20.BCS=Breaker Control Switch / 'breik k n'troul swit/: Cng t c i u khi n Aptomat. 21.BELL=Bell / bel/: Chung. 22.BL=Blue Lamp / blu: lmp/: n tn hi u mu xanh. 23.BS=Buzzer Stop / 'b z Stop/: T t ci. 24.BZ= Buzzer /'b z /: Chung bo. 25.CCT=Cross Current Transformer / kr s 'k r nt trns'f :m /: Bi n dng tr c ti p. 26.COS=Change Over Switch / teind 'ouv swit/: Cng t c chuy n m ch cng su t l n. 27.CS=Control Switch / k n'troul swit/: Cng t c i u khi n. 28.DC=Direct Current / di'rekt 'k r nt/: Dng i n m t chi u. 29.DG=Diesel Generator / 'di:zl 'd en reit /: My pht diesel. 30.DM=Dimmer / 'dim /: B i u ch nh sng. 31.DS=Disconnecting Switch / ,disk 'nekt swit/: C u dao cch ly. 32.ECD=Engine Control Device / 'end in k n'troul di'vais/: Thi t b i u khi n ng c diesel. 33.ECS= Engine Control Switch /'end in k n'troul swit/: Cng t c i u khi n ng c. 34.EG=Emergency Generator/ i'm :d ensi 'd en reit /: My pht s c . 35.ES=Earth Lamp Switch / : lmp swit/: Cng t c ki m tra cch i n n i t c a cc pha. 36.ELI= Emergency Light / i'm :d ensi lait/: n s c . 37.EXS=Excitation Switch / ,eksi'tein swit/: Cng t c h i t ( dng bm dng kch t t acquy vo m ch kch t .). 38.ESB= Emergency Switch Board / i'm :d ensi swit b :d/: B ng i n s c . 39.FM=Frequency Meter / 'fri:kw nsi 'mi:t /: T n s k . 40.FL=Fluorescent Lamp / flu 'resnt lmp/: n hunh quang. 41.FLS= Fluorescent Lamp Switch / flu 'resnt lmp swit/: Cng t c n hunh quang. 42.FMS= Frequency Meter Switch /'fri:kw nsi 'mi:t swit/: Cng t ct ns k .
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ENGLISH FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING . Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.

43.GS=Governor Motor Control Switch / 'g v n 'mout k n'troul swit/: Cng t c i u khi n ng c tr ng ( dng thay i t c ng c diesel.). 44.GL=Green Lamp / gri:n lmp/: n tn hi u mu xanh l cy. 45.GSP=Group Signal Panel / gru:p 'sign l 'pnl/: B ng kh i ng theo nhm. 46.H=Heater / 'hi:t /: B gia nhi t. 47.IL=Incandescent Lamp / ,inkn'desnt lmp/: n s i t. 48.ILS=Incandescent Lamp Switch / inkn'desnt lmp swit/: Cng t c n s i t. 49.INST=Instantaneous / ,inst n'teinj s/: B t c th i. 50.INV=Inverter / in'v :t /: B bi n t n. 51.KS=Knife Switch / naif swit/: C u dao. 52.LTD=Long Time Delay / l taim di'lei/: Th i gian tr di. 53.MANU=Manual / 'mnju l/: S tay; sch h ng d n. 54.MC=Magnetic Contactor / mg'netik 'k ntkt /: Cng t c t i n t . 55.MCCB=Molded Case Circuit Breaker / mould keis 's :kit 'breik /: Aptomat c . 56.MG=Motor Generator ( Main Generator:/ mein 'd en reit / ) / 'mout 'd en reit /: My pht chnh ( my pht ng c.). 57.MIN=Minute / 'minit/: Pht. 58.MS=Machine Side / m 'i:n said/: C nh my. 59.MSB=Main Switch Board / mein swit b :d/: B ng i u khi n chnh. 60.MV=Magnetic Valve / mg'netik vlv/: Van i n t . 61.M =Insulation Resistance Meter / ,insju'lein ri'zist ns 'mi:t /: ng h o i n tr cch i n. 62.NP=Name Plate / neim pleit/: Bi n ghi tn. 63.OCR=Over Current Relay / 'ouv 'k r nt ri'lei/: Rle b o v qu t i. 64.OL=Orange Lamp / ' rind lmp/: n tn hi u mu cam. 65.OVR= Over Voltage Relay /'ouv 'voultid ri'lei/: Rle b o v qu p. 66.PBS=Push Button Switch / pu 'b tn swit/:Cng t c nt n.

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ENGLISH FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING . Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.

67.PF=Power Factor Meter / 'pau 'fkt 'mi:t /: ng h h s cng su t. 68.PT=Potential Transformer / p 'ten trns'f :m /: My bi n th . 69.PWC=Power Controller /'pau k n'troul /: B phn chia t i tc d ng cho my pht. 70.PLC=Programmable Logic Controller /pr grm bl 'l d ik k n'troul /:B i u khi n logic kh trnh. 71.RL=Red Lamp / red lmp/: n tn hi u mu . 72.SCR=Silicon Controlled Rectifier / 'silik n k n'trould 'rektifai /: B ch nh lu c i u khi n b ng ch t bn d n silic. 73.SEC=Second / 'sek nd/: Giy. 74.SG=Shaft Generator / :ft 'd en reit /: Tr c my pht i n. 75.SHS=Space Heater Switch / 'speis 'hi:t swit/: Cng t c ng m hng s y. 76.SHC=Shunt Trip Coil / nt trip k il/: Cu n dy i n th m c sn. 77.SNP=Service Name Plate / 's :vis neim pleit/: B ng ghi tn d ch v . 78.St=Starter / 'st :t /: B kh i ng. 79.STD=Short Time Delay / :t taim di'lei/: Th i gian tr di. 80.SYN=Synchroscope / 'sikrouskoup/: ng b k . 81. SYL= Synchronizing Lamp /'sikrouskoup lmp/: n ha ng b . 82.SYS= Synchroscope Switch /'sikrouskoup swit/: Cng t c ng b k . 83.T=Thermometer / 'm mit /:Nhi t k . 84.TB=Terminal Block / 't :minl bl k/: B ng u dy. 85.TG=Turbo Generator /t b u 'd en reit /: My pht i n ch y b ng tuabin. 86.TL=Transparent Lamp / trns'pr nt lmp/: n trong su t. 87.TT=Test Terminal / test 't :minl/: Thi t b ki m tra u cu i. 88.UVC=Undervoltage Trip Coil /' nd 'voultid trip k il/: Cu n nh i n p th p. 89.V=Voltmeter / voult,mi:t /: Vn k . 90.VAR=Varmeter /va: mi:t /: i n k v cng. 91.VR=Voltage Regulator /'voultid 'regjuleit /: B n p.
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ENGLISH FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING . Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.

92.VS= Voltmeter Switch / voult,mi:t swit/: Cng t c vn k . 93.W=Wattmeter / 'w t,mi:t /: Woat k . 94.WH=Watt Hour Meter /'w t 'au 'mi:t /: ng h oat gi . 95.WL=White Lamp / wait lmp/: n tn hi u mu tr ng. 96.YL=Yellow Lamp / 'jelou lmp/: n tn hi u mu vng. 97.DB=Distribution Board / ,distri'bju:n b :d/: T i n. 98.CB=Circuit Breaker / 's :kit 'breik /: Ng t i n t ng. 99.ACR=Automatic Circuit Recloser /, :t 'mtik 's :kit ri'kl uz /: My c t t ng l i. 100. UPS=Uninterruptible Power Supply / ' n,int 'r ptibl 'pau s 'plai/: B lu i n. 101.ADC=Analog Digital Converter / 'n l g 'did itl k n'v :t /: B bi n i tn hi u s sang tn hi u tng t . 102.DAC= Digital Analog Converter /'did itl 'n l g k n'v :t /: B bi n i tn hi u tng t sang tn hi u s . 103.AFC= Automatic Frequency Control /, :t 'mtik 'fri:kw nsi k n'troul/: i u khi n t n s t ng. 104.ALU= Arithmetic and Logic Unit / 'rim tik nd 'l d ik 'ju:nit/: Kh i s h c v lgic. 105.CPU= Central Processing Unit / 'sentr l 'prousesi 'ju:nit/: n v x l trung tm. 106.RAM=Random Access Memory / 'rnd m 'kses 'mem ri/: B nh truy nh p ng u nhin. 107. ROM=Read-Only Memory / ri:d 'ounli 'mem ri/: B nh ch c. 108. IDE=Integrated Development Environment / 'intigreitid di'vel pm nt in'vai r nm nt/: Mi tr ng pht tri n tch h p. 109.FSB=Front Side Bus / fr nt said b s/: H th ng m ch truy n thng tin gi a CPU v chipset c u b c(NB= North Bridge). 110.VGA= Video Graphics Array / 'vidiou 'grfiks 'rei/: M ng h a hnh nh. 111.TB= Terabyte /'ter bait/: n v o thng tin(1TB=1024GB). 112. COM=Component Object Model / k m'poun nt ' bd ikt 'm dl/: M hnh i t ng thnh ph n. 113. CD=Compact Disc / k m'pkt disk/: a quang h c.
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ENGLISH FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING . Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.

114.DVD= Digital Versatile Disk /'did itl 'v :s tail disk/: a k thu t s a nng. 115.GPS= Global Positioning System / 'gloub l p 'zini 'sist m/: H th ng nh v ton c u. 116.SMS= Short Message Services / :t 'mesid 's :vis/: D ch v tin nh n ng n. 117.MMS=Multimedia Message Services / ,m lti'mi:di 'mesid 's :vis/: D ch v tin nh n a phng ti n. 118.PDF=Portable Document Format / 'p :t bl 'd kjum nt 'f :mt/: nh d ng ti li u kh chuy n. nh d ng ny cho php trnh by ti li u theo cch c l p v i chng trnh g c, ph n c ng v h i u hnh. 119.MSC= Mass Storage Control / ms 'st :rid k n'troul/: S i u khi n b nh kh i. 120.PIC= Programmable Interrupt Control /pr grm bl ,int 'r pt k n'troul/: B i u khi n ng t l p trnh c. 121.PCI= Peripheral Component Interface / p 'rif r l k m'poun nt 'int feis/: Giao di n thnh ph n ngo i vi. 122.USB= Universal Serial Bus / ,ju:ni'v :sl 'si ri l b s/: ng truy n d n tu n t a nng. 123.HDD=Hard Disk Drive / ha:d disk draiv/: a c ng. 124.WAN= Wide Area Network / waid 'e ri 'netw :k/: M ng di n r ng. 125.LAN= Local Area Network / 'louk l 'e ri 'netw :k/: M ng c c b . 126.OEM=Original Equipment Manufacture / 'rid nl i'kwipm nt mnju'fkt /: Hng ch t o thi t b g c. 127.SAM= Sequential Access Method / 'si:kwntl 'kses 'me d/: Phng php truy c p tu n t . 128.FPS=Frame Per Second / freim p : 'sek nd/: T c hi n th khung hinh trn giy. 129.PDA= Personal Digital Assistant / 'p :s nl 'did itl 'sist nt/: Thi t b s tr gip c nhn. 120.ICT=Information Communication Technology / ,inf 'mein k ,mju:ni'kein tek'n l d i/: Cng ngh thng tin truy n thng.
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ENGLISH FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING . Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.

121. FAT=File Allocation Table / fail ,l 'kein 'teibl/: B ng phn b t p tin. 122.NTFS=New Technology File System / nju: tek'n l d i fail 'sist m/: H th ng t p tin cng ngh m i. 123.AFC= Automatic Frequency Control /, :t 'mtik 'fri:kw nsi k n'troul/: i u khi n t n s t ng. 124.AGC= Automatic Generator Control /, :t 'mtik 'd en reit k n'troul/: i u khi n phn ph i cng su t t ng. 125.AMR=Automated Meter Reading / ' :t meitid 'mi:t 'ri:di/: c i n k t ng. 126.ARS=Auto Reclosing Schemes / ' :tou ri'kl uzi 'ski:mi:z/: S t ng l i t ng. 127.APGS= Automatic Protection Group Selection /, :t 'mtik pr 'tekn gru:p si'lekn/: L a ch n nhm b o v t ng. 128.AR=Auto Restoration / ' :tou ,rest 'rein/: T ng ti l p l i i n. 129.DAS=Data Acquisition Systems / 'deit ,kwi'zin 'sist miz/: H th ng thu th p d li u. 130.DCS=Distributed Control System / distribju:tid k n'troul 'sist m/: H th ng i u khi n phn tn. 131.SCADA=Supervision Control and Data Acquisition / ,su:p 'vi n k n'troul nd 'deit ,kwi'zin/: H th ng i u khi n phn tn v thu th p d li u. 132.DFR=Digital Fault Recorder / 'did itl f :lt ri'k :d /: B ghi s c s . 133.LS=Limit Switch / 'limit swit/: Cng t c gi i h n. 134.EHV=Extra High Voltage / 'ekstr hai 'voultid /: Siu cao p. 135.EF=Earth Fault / : f :lt/: S c ch m t. 136.ELCB= Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker / : 'li:kid 'breik /: My c t ch ng dng r. 137.FCO=Fuse Cut Out / fju:z k t aut/: C u ch t ri. 138.UV=Under Voltage / ' nd 'voultid /: Rle b o v th p p. 139.RPR=Reverse Power Relay / ri'v :s 'pau ri'lei/: Rle b o v cng su t ng c.
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's :kit

ENGLISH FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING . Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.

140.HMI=Human Machine Interface / 'hju:m n m 'i:n 'int feis/: Giao di n ng i my. 141.LBS=Load Break Switch / loud breik swit/: Thi t b ng c t t i. 142.LOP=Loss Of Phase / l s v feiz/: S c m t pha. 143.NPS=Negative Phase Sequence / 'neg tiv feiz 'si:kw ns/: Th t pha ngh ch. 144.3-D=Three Dimension / ri: di'menn/: Khng gian ba chi u. 145.SH=Safety Helmet / 'seifti 'helmit/: i n. 146.DLL= Dynamic Link Library / dai'nmik lik 'laibr ri/: Th vi n lin k t ng. 147.FAQ=Frequently Asked Questions 'kwest nz/: Nh ng cu h i th ng g p. / 'fri:kw ntli :skt

148.HTML=Hyper Text Markup Language / haip tekst 'm :k p 'lgwid /: Ngn ng nh d u siu vn b n. 149.HTTP= Hyper Text Transfer Protocol /haip tekst 'trnsf : 'prout k l/: Giao th c truy n tin siu vn b n. 150.IP=Internet Protocol / 'int :net 'prout k l/: Giao th c m ng.

Vocabulary items Pronunciation

1.Friction tape(Am) / 'frikn teip/ 2.Switched socket / switt 's kit/ 3.Miniature circuit breaker 4.Hammer 5.Lampholder 6.Breaker 7. Switch 8.Light switch 9.Bell push

Parts of Meaning in speech Vietnamese

(n) (n) Bng dn B ng i n c cng t c v c m B ng t i n dng nh Ci ba Ci ui n Ci ng t i n Cng t c Cng t c i n Cng t c

/ 'min t 's :kit (n) 'breik / / 'hm / (n) /lmp'hould / (n) /'breik / (n) / swit/ (n) / lait swit/ (n) / bel pu]/ (n)
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ENGLISH FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING . Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.

10.Two-way switch / tu: wei swit/ 11.Pull- switch 12.Rotary switch 13.Pin / pul swit/ / 'rout ri swit/ / pin/

(n) (n) (n) (n)

14.Fuse / fju:z/ (n) 15.Bracket for / 'brkit f : (n) fluorescent tube flu 'resnt tju:b/ 16.Electric bell / i'lektrik bel/ (n) 17.Three-core cable / ri: k : 'keibl/ (n) 18.Fuse wire 19.Copper conductor 20.High-voltage conductor 21.Extention cord 22.Electric tool 23.Thermoplastic (n) / 'k p k n'd kt / (n) / hai 'voultid (n) (n) (n) / fju:z wai /

chung i n Cng t c hai chi u Cng t c ko dy Cng t c v n C c (c a phch c m) C u ch Chui n ng neon Chung i n Dy cp ba li Dy ch Dy d n b ng ng Dy d n cao th Dy d nhnh D ng c s i n Dy cp i ch u nhi t ng h v nng i n i n n a n n

k n'd kt / / iks'tenn k :/ / i'lektrik tu:l/

/ , :mou'plstik/ (n)

24.Universal test / ,ju:ni'v :sl test (n) meter 'mi:t / 25.Outlet(Am) / 'autlet/ (n) 26.Plug point (n) / pl g p int/ 27.Earthed socket (n) / :d 's kit/ 28.Underfloor socket 29.Wall outlet 30.Adapter 31.Transmission line /, nd 'fl : 's kit/ / w :l 'autlet/ / 'dpt / /trnz'min lain/
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(n) (n) (n) (n)

i n c dy n i t i n c dy n d i sn i n t ng B n n i n i n

ENGLISH FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING . Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.

32.Cutting pliers 33.Combination 34.Pipe wrench 35.Round nose pliers 36.Wire strippers 37.Electric soldering iron 38.Shock-resisting 39.Cable clip 40.Plug 41.Three-phase plug 42.Earthed plug 43.Screwdriver 44.Philip's head 45.Cross-point screwdriver 46.Put the plug in 47.Shock 48.Fuse 49.Switch on/off 50.Turn on/off 51.Assemble 52.Absorb 53.Acceptor 54.Accurate 55.Actuate 56.Adjust

/ 'k ti 'plai z/ / k mbi'nein/

(n) (n)

Km b m dy Km b m th ng Km k p tng Km mi nh n Km tu t v M hn i n M an ton c a th i n N p ng dy Phch c m Phch c m ba pha Phch c m c ti p t Ci tua-vt Tua-vit b n ch u Tua-vit b n chi u C m phch vo Gi t i n Hn, g n, n i c u ch M / ng M / ng. L p rp H p th B nh n Chnh xc Kh i ng i u ch nh

/ paip rent/ (n) / raund nouz (n) 'plai z/ / wai 'strip z/ (n) / i'lektrik 's ld ri (n) 'ai n/ / k ri'zisti/ / 'keibl klip/ / pl g/ / ri: feiz pl g/ / :d pl g/ / 'skru:,draiv / / fi'lipz hed/ (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n)

/ kr s p int (n) 'skru:,draiv / (v) / put pl g in/ / k/ / fju:z/ / swit n/ :f/ / t :n n/ :f/ / 'sembl/ / b's :b/ / k'sept / / 'kjurit/ / 'ktjueit/ / 'd st/
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(v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (n) (adj) (v) (v)

ENGLISH FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING . Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.

57.Algebraic 58.Allow 59.Alter 60.Ammoniumchloride 61.Amplifier 62.Amplify 63.Analogous to 64.Antenna 65.Apparatus 66.Appliance 67.Application 68.Arcing 69.Armature 70.Armour 71.Attach 72.Bar 73.Base 74.Battery 75. Battery charger 76.(be) applied to 77.(be) connected between 78.(be) connected to 79.(be) located within 80.(be) mounted on

/ ,ld i'breiik/ / 'lau/

/ ' :lt / / 'mounj m- (n) 'kl :raid/ / 'mplifai / / 'mplifai/ / 'nl g s tu:/ / n'ten / /,p 'reit s/ / 'plai ns/ /,pli'kein/ / :ksi/ / ' :m t / / ' :m / / 'tt/ / b :/ / beis/ / 'bt ri/ /'bt ri 't :d / (n) (v) (adj) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (v) (v) (n) (n) (n) (n)

(n) (v) (v)

is Cho php Bi n i Clorua amoniac B khu ch i Khu ch i Tng t ng ten My mc, thi t b dng, thi t b ng d ng S phng tia l a i n Ph n ng B cs t G n vo, nh km Thanh, mi ng C c baz Pin, c quy B n p c quy a vo N i gi a N iv i Bn trong G n trn M c dy i n Qu n quanh

/ 'plaid tu:/ (v) / k 'nektid (vp.) bi'twi:n/ / k 'nektid tu:/ (vp.) / lou'keit wi'in/ (vp.) (vp.) (vp.) (vp.)

/ 'm tld n/ 81.(be) wired to / wai d tu:/ 82. (be) wound / wu:nd raund/
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ENGLISH FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING . Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.

round 83.Beam 84.Bearing 85.Bias 86.Biogas 87.Biomass 88.Bodies of water 89.Body 90.Boiler 91.Brightness 92.Brush-gear 93.Bulb 94.Bulk supply 95.Bus bar 96.Cable conduit 97.Capacitance 98.Capacitor 99.Carbon brush 100.Category 101.Ceramic capacitor 102. Ceramic coating 103.Chassis 104.Chemical 105.Choke 106.Circuit 107.Circulate

/ bi:m/ / 'be ri/ / 'bai s/ / 'baiou,gs/ / 'bai ums/

(n) (n) (n) (n) (n)

Chm Bi, b c Phn c c Kh gas Kh rc th i Kh i l ng n c V t th , v N i hi sng B ph n ch i Bng n trn Ngu n cung c pl n Thanh ci V b c dy cp i n dung T i n Ch i than Lo i, d ng T s V s V Ha ch t Cu n c m khng M ch, chu vi Tnh tu n

/ 'b diz v 'w :t / (n) / 'b di/ / 'b il / / 'braitnis/ / br gi / / b lb/ / b lk s 'plai/ / b s b :/ / 'keibl 'k ndit/ / k 'psit ns/ / k 'psit / / 'k :b n br / / 'ktig ri/ (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n)

h ng,

/ si'rmik (n) k 'psit / / si'rmik 'kouti/ (n) / 'si/ / 'kemikl/ / touk/ / 's :kit/ / 's :kjuleit/
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(n) (n) (n) (n) (v)

ENGLISH FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING . Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.

108.Close-cycle method 109.Coat 110.Coil 111.Commutator 112.Component

/ klous 'me d/ / kout/ / k il/

'saikl (n) (v) (n) (n) (n)

hon Phng php khp kn Phun, m Cu n dy C gp i n Thnh ph n, linh ki n, b ph n Than ch nn Tnh ch t d n Ch t d n i n C u hnh Xem xt C u t o, lm thnh S ti p xc, ch ti p xc Ph n i u khi n Tnh quy c Li ng cong Hnh tr L ch, lm l ch h ng S lm l nh h ng B d, my d Thi t b H a Ch t i n mi Hi u i n th

/ 'k mju:teit / / k m'poun nt/

113.Compressed graphite 114.Conductance 115.Conductor 116.Configuration 117.Consider 118.Constitute 119.Contact 120.Control 121.Conventional 122.Core 123.Curve 124.Cylinder 125.Deflect 126.Deflection 127.Detector 128.Device 129.Diagram 130.Dielectric 131.Difference

/ k mprest (n) 'grfait/ (n) / k n'd kt ns/ / k n'd kt / / k n,figju'rein/ / k n'sid / / 'k nstitju:t/ / 'k ntkt/ / k n'troul/ / k n'ven nl/ / k :/ / k :v/ / 'silind / / di'flekt/ / di'flekn/ / di'tekt / / di'vais/ / 'dai grm/ /,daii'lektrik/ in / 'difr ns in
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(n) (n) (v) (v) (n) (n) (adj) (n) (n) (n) (v) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (np)

ENGLISH FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING . Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.

the potential 132.Distribution substation

p 'tenl/ /,distri'bju:n


,s b'stein/ 133.District heating / 'distrikt 'hi:ti (n) scheme ski:m/ 134.Eddy-loss 135.Efficiency rate 136.Electrode 137.Electrolysis 138.Electrolyte 139.Electrolytic capacitor 140.Electromotive force 141.Emit 142.Employ 143.Enclose 144.Energize 145.Energy conversion ratio 146.Equation 147.Equivalent resistance/ 148.Even 149.Evident 150.Excessive 151.Exert 152.Extent 153.Fault / 'edi l s/ / i'fi nsi reit/ / i'lektroud/ / ilek'tr lisis/ / i'lektr lait/ (n) (n) (n) (n) (n)

Tr m i n h th H th ng phn ph i nhi t T n hao dng xoy Hi u su t i n c c i n phn Ch t i n phn T i n ha

/ i'lektr 'litik (n) k 'psit / / i'lektroumoutiv (n) f :s/ / i'mit/ / im'pl i/ (v) (v)

Su t ng

i n

/ in'klouz/ (v) (v) / 'en d aiz/ / 'en d i k n'v :n (n) 'reiiou/ / i'kwein/ (n) / i'kwiv l nt (n) ri'zist ns/ / 'i:vn/ (adv) / 'evid nt/ / ik'sesiv/ / ig'z :t/ / iks'tent/ / f :lt/
Good wine needs no bush!

(adj) (adj) (v) (n) (n)

Pht ra S d ng, tiu th Ch a Kch ho t H s bi n i nng l ng Php tnh i n tr tng ng B ng ph ng; trn tru, u Hi n nhin V t tr i Sinh ra, t o ra Ph m vi, c ng Dng i n

ENGLISH FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING . Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.

154.Feedback voltage 155.Feedstock

/ 'fi:dbk (n) 'voultid / (n) / 'fi:dst k/ v (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (v) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (v) (n) (adj) (n)

ng n m ch do s c i n p ph n h i Nhin li u Phn phng x i n tr nh n pin Khung Cng th c Nhin li u th Khung, s n Ma st Th c hi n Nhin li u ha th ch r n Cng su t my pht Ngu n a nhi t nh sng, nh chi Than ch Xanh l c L i B gia nhi t B t n nhi t Kh heli Treo Gi Thu c v th y i n Nh my pht

156.Fission of / 'fin radioactive 'reidiou'ktiv/ 157.Fixed resistor / fikst ri'zist / 158.Flashlight 159.Former 160.Formula 161.Fossil fuel / 'fllait/ / 'f :m / / 'f :mjul / / 'f sl fju l/

r c

162.Frame / freim/ 163.Friction / 'frikn/ 164.Fulfil / ful'fil/ 165.Gaseous and / 'geizj s nd solid fossil fuel 's lid 'f sl fju l/ 166.Generator / 'd en reit capacity k 'psiti/ 167.Geothermal /,d i:ou' :m l source s :s/ 168.Glare 169.Graphite 170.Greenish-blue 171.Grid 172.Heater 173.Heat sink 174.Helium 175.Hinge 176.Holder 177.Hydroelectric / gle / / 'grfait/ / 'gri:ni blu:/ / grid/ / 'hi:t / / 'hi:t,sik/ / 'hi:lj m/ / hind / / 'hould / /,haidroui'lektrik/

178. Hydroelectric /,haidroui'lektrik

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ENGLISH FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING . Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.

power plants 179.Impedance 180.Impede 181.In parallel 182. In series 183.Inductance 184.Inert 185.Instrument 186.Insulator 187.Intense 188.Interference 189.Intermediate energy carrier 190. Intermediate substation 191.Interpole 192.Interrupt 193.Ionized gas 194.Iron core 195.Isolate 196.Junction point 197.Lamination

'pau pl :nts/ / im'pi:d ns/ / im'pi:d/ / in 'pr lel/ / in 'si ri:z/ / in'd kt ns/ / i'n :t/ / 'instrum nt/ / 'insjuleit / / in'tens/ /,int 'fi r ns/ /,int 'mi:dj t 'en d i 'kri / /,int 'mi:dj t ,s b'stein/ / ,int 'poul/ /,int 'r pt/ / 'ai naid gs/ / 'ai n k :/ / 'ais leit/ / 'd kn p int/ /,lmi'nein/

i n (n) Tr khng (v) C n tr (pre.phrase) M c song song (pre.phrase) M c n i ti p (n) t c m (adj) (n) (n) (adj) (n) (n) (n) (n) (v) (n) (n) (v) (n) (n) Thu c v kh tr D ng c o Ch t cch i n R td d i S can thi p Thi t b mang trung chuy n Tr m trung th C c t ph Ng t, gin o n Kh c ion ha Li s t Tch ra i m mt L ng ho c thp trong my bi n p Ch t, kha an ton Kn, khng r r C nh T n hao dy

198.Latch 199.Leek-proof 200.Limb 201.Line loss

/ lt/ / li:k pru:f/ / lim/ / lain l s/

Good wine needs no bush!

(n) (adj) (n) (n)

ENGLISH FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING . Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.

202.Link 203.Liquid 204.Load 205.Load centre 206.Loop 207.Luminous 208.Magnetize 209.Magnitude 210.Melt 211.Mercuryvapour 212.Metallic oxide 213.Mica 214.Molecular 215.Moving-iron meter 216.Negligible 217.Neutral state

/ lik/ / 'likwid/ / loud/ / loud 'sent / / lu:p/ / 'lu:min s/ / 'mgnitaiz/ / 'mgnitju:d/ / melt/ / 'm :kjuri 'veip /

(v) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (v) (n) (v) (n)

/ mi'tlik ' ksaid/ (n) / 'maik / (n) / mou'lekjul / (adj)

d n Lin k t, mc n i Ch t l ng T i, ph t i Trung tm ph t i Vng dy D quang T ha Bin Tan, ch y Hi th y ngn Oxit kim lo i M t lo i ch t cch i n Thu c v phn t ng h li s t quay Khng ng k Tr ng thi trung ha L ph n ng h t nhn B qua Chu trnh m Ch ng l i, c nl i i n p t i u My t o dao ng My hi n sng

/ 'mu:vi 'ai n (n) 'mi:t / (adj) / 'neglid bl/ / 'nju:tr l steit/ (n)

218.Nuclear reactor / 'nju:kli ri:'kt / (n) 219.Omit 220.Open-cycle 221.Oppose 222.Optimum voltage 223.Oscilator 224.Oscilloscope / o'mit/ / 'oup n 'saikl/ / 'pouz/ (v) (n) (v)

/ ' ptim m (n) 'voultid / (n) / ' sileit / / 'sil skoup/

Good wine needs no bush!


ENGLISH FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING . Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.

225.Overhead-line construction 226.Parameter

'ouv hed

lain (n) (n)

k n'str kn/ / p 'rmit /

H th ng dy tr n Tham s , thng s , tham bi n Dn, b t nho Quay quanh, ng ch t vo B ch kim G dn Chi u phn c c C c M c c i n th Chi t p D ng c o chnh xc D on p su t Nguyn l Thu c tnh, c tnh xu t H d tr th y i n S ch m cu G pb n Trch d n Tia, xuyn tm Ph m vi, vng, lo i, h ng My thu

227.Paste 228.Pivote

/ peist/ / 'piv t/

(n) (v)

229.Platimum 230.Plywood 231.Polarity 232.pole 233.Pole shoe 234.Potential 235.Potentiometer 236.Precision instrument 237.Predict 238.Pressure 239.Principle 240.Property 241.Propose 242.Pumped storage hydroelectricity 243.Punctuation 244.Quadruple 245.Quote 246.Radial 247.Range

/ 'pltin m/ / 'plaiwud/ / p 'lr ti/ / poul/ / poul u:/ / p 'tenl/

(n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n)

/ p ,teni' mit / / pri'si n (n) 'instrum nt/ / pri'dikt/ (v) / 'pre / (n) / 'prins pl/ (n) (n) / 'pr p ti/ / pr 'pouz/ / p mpt 'st :rid ,haidrouilek'trisiti/ /,p ktu'ein/ / 'kw drupl/ / kwout/ / 'reidi l/ / reind / / ri'si:v /
Good wine needs no bush!

(v) (n)

(n) (v) (v) (adj) (n)



ENGLISH FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING . Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.

249.Reciprocal 250.Rectangular 251.Rectifier 252.Regulate 253.Regulator 254.Relay 255.Release 256.Reliability gain 257.Require 258.Resemble 259.Resistance 260.Resistivity 261.Resistor 262.Rest

/ ri'sipr kl/ / rek'tgjul / / 'rektifai / / 'regjuleit/ / 'regjuleit / / ri'lei/ / ri'li:s/ / ri,lai 'bil ti gein/ / ri'kwai / / ri'zembl/ / ri'zist ns/ /,rizis'tiviti/ / ri'zist / / rest/

(n) (n) (n) (v) (n) (n) (n) (n) (v) (v) (n) (n) (n) (n)

S ngh ch o Hnh ch nh t B ch nh lu i u ch nh B i u ch nh Rle Phin b n, gi i phng tin c y Yu c u Gi ng nh Tr khng i n tr su t i n tr Xc l p l i tr ng thi ban u L yl i Bi n tr Thanh, dy Quay Ph n ng c a ng c Tr xt V tinh Th a mn i m bo ha inh vit, inh c Hn kn Thanh, mi ng, o n, secmng

263.Retrieve 264.Rheostat 265.Rod 266.Rotate 267.Rotor 268.Rub 269.Satellite 270.Satisfactory 271.Saturation point 272.Screw 273.Seal 274.Segment

/ ri'tri:v/ / 'ri: stt/ / r d/ / rou'teit/ / 'rout / / r b/ / 'st lait/ /,stis'fkt ri/

(v) (n) (n) (v) (n) (v)

(n) (n) /,st 'rein p int/ (n) / skru:/ / si:l/ / 'segm nt/ (n) (v) (n)

Good wine needs no bush!

ENGLISH FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING . Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.


/ 'semis :kl/

(n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (adj) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (v) (n) (n) (v)

276.Semiconductor /,semik n'd kt / 277.Sensor / 'sens / 278.Shaft / :ft/ 279.Signal 280.Silicon 281.Simultaneous 282.Sliding / 'sign l/ / 'silik n/ /,siml'teini s/ / 'sl di/

Hnh bn nguy t Ch t bn d n C m bi n Tr c Tn hi u Si lic Cng m t lc S tr t Cng t c tr t M ch l c S tt Pin m t tr i Hn M hn ng nam chm Phn lo i Ngu n Tr ng l ng ring Hnh c u, hnh tr C hnh c u Quay Tr c Phun L xo Ph n tnh c a ng c Hi Thp

283. Sliding switch /'sl di swit/ 284.Smoothing circuit 285.Soft-iron 286.Solar cell 287.Solder / 'smu:i 's :kit/ / s ft 'ai n/ / 'soul sel/ / 's ld /

288. Soldering iron / 's ld ri 'ai n/ 289.Solenoid / 'soul n id/ 290.Sort 291.Source 292.Specific gravity 293.Sphere 294.Sperical 295.Spin 296.Spindle 297.Spray 298.Spring 299.Stator 300.Steam 301.Steel / s :t/

(n) / s :s/ / sp 'sifik 'grviti/ (n) / sfi / / 'spherik l/ / spin/ / 'spindl/ / sprei/ / spri/ / 'steit / / sti:m/ / sti:l/
Good wine needs no bush!

(n) (adj) (v) (n) (v) (n) (n) (n) (n)

ENGLISH FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING . Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.

302.Strike / straik/ 303.Superconductor /,su:p k n'd kt / 304.Suspensiontype insulator 305. Syngas 306.System 307.Tabulate 308.Tension 309.Terminal 310.Thread 311.Tidal harneses 312.Tolerance 313.Trace 314.Transform 315. Transformer 316.Translate 317.Transmission 318. Transmission system 319. Transmission voltage 320.Transmit 321.Tube 322.Tubular 323.Tungsten 324.Uniform 325.Utilize / s 'spenn taip 'insjuleit / / 'sings/ / 'sist m/ / 'tbjuleit/ / 'tenn/ / 't :minl/ / red/ / 'taidl 'ha:nis/ / 't l r ns/ / treis/ / trns'f :m/ / trns'f :m / / trnz'leit/ / trnz'min/ / trnz'min 'sist m/ / trnz'min 'voultid / / trnz'mit/ / tju:b/ / 'tju:bjul / / 't st n/ / 'ju:nif :m/ / 'ju:t laiz/

(v) (n) (n) (n) (n) (v) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (v) (n) (v) (n) (n) (n) (v) (n) (adj) (n) (adj) (v)

nh, g V t li u siu d n S cch i n treo Kh t ng h p H th ng L p b ng S c cng u ti p xc Lu ng Nng l ng th y tri u Dung sai D uv t Chuy n i, bi n i My bi n p Bin d ch, t nh ti n S truy n, s pht H th ng truy n i n p truy n d n Truy n d n Ci ng C hnh ng Dy Vonfram u S d ng, t n d ng, khai thc Ci van T bi n thin

326.Valve 327.Variable capacitor

/ vlv/ (n) / 've ri bl (n) k 'psit /

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328. Variable resistor 329.Voltage 330.Wear 331.Wind generator 332.Winding

/ 've ri bl ri'zist / (n) (n) / 'voultid / / we / (n) / wind 'd en reit / (n) / 'waindi/ (n)


/ wai /


i n tr bi n thin i n p S n mn My pht Tuabin gi Cu n dy trong my bi n p Dy d n.

Good wine needs no bush!


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