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Benton Middle School

15709 E. Olive Branch Dr., La Mirada, CA 90638 | | 501(c)(3) Organization | Tax ID 84-3472127

Benton Middle School Performing Arts Booster Meeting on Monday, AprilJ8, 2024
I. Meeting called to order at 5:37pm
II. Roll Call
A. President-Heather Bragg
B. Vice President- Rob Valiquette (not in attendance)
C. Secretary- Sara Keife
D. Treasurer- Erin Berry (not in attendance)
E. Auditor- Beatrice Bazua (not in attendance)
F. Members at large- Beckie Corrales
III. Correspondence: none at this time
IV. Minutes
A. Motion to approve March minutes. Heather Bragg motions .. all approved
V. Treasurer's Report- Refer to Treasurers Report
VI. Band Budget Discussion
A. SNAP raised $37,412(we still have a couple days til the end amount)
B. Discussion regarding holding a pizza party for the top15 sellers for the SNAP raise
VII. Topics (Wants and needs)
A. Mr. Summers
1.Hosting SCSBOA We need volunteers at Excelsior
B. Ms. Lin
1. What can we do for the cast and crew
2. Concert Tuesday May 7 th .. Concessions will be needed

IX. Discussions-
A. Board meeting at 6:30 PLEASE SHOW UP
B. Discussions regarding nominations
1. Rob Valiquette for President
2. All other positions are open
A. Need to have all nominations done by May 14th
B. We will look into contacting parents at festival
C. Coffee with the principal to discuss Prop 28
Meeting adjourned a6:25pn
Next Meeting May 6th at 5:30pm

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