The French Revolution (1789-1799)

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The French Revolution of 1788-1789

The French revolution (1789_1799) is a period of socio-economic and political change. It could be
majorly said to be a period that marked the industrial revolution and modernization.
This period, as aforementioned, caused changes in the social, political and economic sphere. At first,
it ousted the Absolute monarchy of King Louis XVI and established a constitutional monarchy where the
king or queen or prince are guided by the provision of the constitution. The constitutional monarchy
regulates the power of the rulers and prevents them from acting ultra vires.
Accordingly, it also expired the use of subsistence mechanisms in the implementation of the labor
process. Not only that, but also reinstate mechanized tools for tilling nature. This can, in other ways, be
called industrialization or industrial revolution.
This revolution has also in many ways influenced the writings of so many scholars such as; Jean Jacques
Rousseau, in his social contract theory which states the rationale of state creation as being the result of
a contract as opposed to force theory. Others scholars like w.w Rostow, who propounded the
modernization theory. This theory states that every developed country has passed through five stages of
growth — from the traditional stage to the stage of high mass consumption.

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