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In many professional sports, there is an increase in the number of

athletes using banned substances to improve their performance.

What are the causes of the phenomenon and what are some of the
possible solutions?

In many professional sports, it is becoming commonplace for athletes to abuse prohibited

substances to boost their overall performance. This essay will discuss how stiff competition and
lax testing systems are the main cause of this problem, and the most suitable solutions are
imposing heavier punishments on violators=lawbreakers and revamping testing facilities.
The main cause of this problem is the fierce competition that exists in most any sports. In other
words, most many professional athletes feel that they have to take substances like steroids to give
themselves an advantage over other strong opponents. Another reason is the lack of strictness in
testing procedures. Many athletes who take advantage of banned substances can still get off scot-
free due to the holes in testing systems. For example, a high-profile mix martial artist named Jon
John who is notorious for using PED described how easy it was to get away with cheating in an
interview in 2015.
A viable solution is to heavily punish lawbreakers. If sports clubs and establishments raise
(impose hefty fine) the fine for using banned substances, many athletes will think twice before
making an attempt to cheat. Another the way to deal with this issue is to upgrade testing
amenities. This will eradicate any holes existing in the system and ensure that the test result is
highly accurate. For instance, after the UFC had made major investments to provide their staff
with the latest testing equipment, many fighters in their organization got caught.

In conclusion, strong competition and ineffective testing systems are the main cause of this
problem, and the most suitable solutions are enforcing harsher punishments on violators and
reforming testing facilities.

In the realm of professional sports, the abuse of prohibited substances to enhance performance is
becoming increasingly prevalent. This essay will explore how intense competition and
inadequate testing systems primarily contribute to this issue. It will also propose the most
effective solutions: enforcing stricter penalties on offenders and overhauling testing facilities.
The primary catalyst for this issue is the intense competition inherent in sports. To put it simply,
a significant number of professional athletes feel compelled to consume substances such as
steroids to gain an edge over formidable opponents. Another contributing factor is the leniency
of testing procedures. Numerous athletes who exploit banned substances manage to evade
punishment due to loopholes in the testing systems. For instance, Jon Jones, a high-profile mixed
martial artist infamous for using performance-enhancing drugs, candidly described how
effortless it was to circumvent the system in a 2015 interview.

One practical solution is to impose severe penalties on offenders. If sports organizations increase
the fines for using banned substances, athletes may reconsider their decision to cheat. Another
approach to address this issue is to enhance testing facilities. This would eliminate any existing
loopholes in the system and ensure the accuracy of test results. For example, after the UFC
invested heavily in equipping their staff with state-of-the-art testing equipment, a significant
number of fighters in their organization were caught.

In conclusion, intense competition and ineffective testing systems are the primary causes of this
issue. The most effective solutions involve imposing stricter penalties on offenders and
upgrading testing facilities. This approach will not only deter athletes from cheating but also
ensure a level playing field for all competitors.
In many professional sports, there is an increase in the number of athletes using banned
substances to improve their performance.
In the realm of professional sports, the abuse of prohibited substances to enhance performance is
becoming increasingly prevalent.
In many professional sports, it is becoming commonplace for athletes to abuse prohibited
substances to boost their overall performance.

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