Stawi East Africa

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attitudes required for enhancing their

Stawi East Africa What is Stawi (EA)? business success

Stawi East Africa is a management consultancy We strategically advise our clients in
company that provides technical capacity
5 managing internal and external business
support including tested innovative risks to avoid losses and assist them to
development solutions to the private sector, invest wisely in profit maximization even
governmental and non-governmental in the most uncertain, competitive and
organizations towards turning social and highly dynamic business environment
economic challenges into opportunities for
wealth creation and prosperity
Products and Services Why you need Stawi (EA)?
HOW does Stawi (EA) work?
Service Package 1: Market Research,
1. We gather market information for our and Business Planning Support
1 clients and assist then in developing their
plans then link them up with the best
We identify the best and most profitable and
available business opportunities in the
market sustainable business opportunity for you in the
market. Develop a market driven business plan
2 We identify affordable sources of funds and mentor you towards your desired success.
that can finance projects and businesses for
our clients and then position them to Service Package 2: Financial Access
enhance their chances of accessing, and Inclusion Support
securing & managing these resources
We prepare & position you strategically to
3 We provide our clients with the latest attract donor grants and affordable bank loans.
information on the appropriate innovative We alert you whenever there is funding
technology solutions that can drive their
P.O Box 40615 – 80100 opportunity & we help you develop winning
business growth objectives and success in
Mombasa the highly competitive modern digital project proposals or business plans and link you
Cell: +254721389019 business environment to donors, banks, venture capital and
Email: investments firms among other financial service
We assist our clients to build a highly
4 performing, motivated and dynamic providers. We can link you with strong partners
workforce by providing their staff with the who can enhance your chances of securing large
right on the job skills, knowledge and grants and loans for your business & projects
Service Package 3: Appropriate Which Organizations Qualify?
Technology Solutions
We can supply you with the best & latest  Governmental and Non-Governmental
software technology solutions that match your Organizations
business needs, provide you with free after-sale
training & service, train your staff on how to  Private Sector Companies
optimize business opportunities through using
mobile phone applications, Web based internet
 Community Based Organizations, Faith
Based Organizations, Associations, Trusts
solutions, social media and bulk SMS platforms. and Foundations
Service Package 4: Performance Based  Other Categorises of Businesses,
Management Training Organizations and Private Individuals
Your staff will be trained on communication
skills for effective customer care, personal Whom Should I Contact?
management for results, change management,
emotional intelligence, team management and
interpersonal relations in a dynamic and multi- For Additional Information
cultural work environment. This will assist in
harnessing maximum productivity from your
staff and rapidly drive your business growth
Maitha K. Mwawashe
Service Package 5: Business Risk Associate Director Technical Services
P.O Box 40615 – 80100
Management Services
You will be trained on how to identify and Cell: +254726323932
manage internal and external business risks. We Email:
will help you scan the external environment.
Help you in auditing your internal systems with Samuel Wabuke
a view to divest in high risk & non-productive Associate Director Business Development
practices and invest in less risk activities that yield Services
high value for money. We will help you comply P.O Box 40615 – 80100
with the law, position your organization to Mombasa
harness opportunities that require maximum Cell: +254721389019
statutory compliance and assist you manage risks Email:
related to internal fraud and cyber crimes

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