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Chapter 5

The Skeletal System

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Word Parts

Arthr/o Joint Kinesi/o Movement

Brachi/o Arm My/o Muscle
Carp/o Wrist Myel/o Bone marrow
Cervic/o Neck Orth/o Straight
Chondr/o Cartilage Os/te/o Bone
Cost/o Rib Ped/o Foot, Child
Crani/o Cranium Spondyl/o Vertebrae
Dactyl/o Finger, Toe Thorac/o Chest

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Structure and Function #1

 Skeleton
o 206 bones
o Rigid but articulating (movable at joints) framework
for muscles and other tissues
o Protects vital organs
o Stores minerals
o Makes blood cells

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Structure and Function #2

 Skeleton divided into two parts: axial and appendicular

o Axial
 Skull
 Chest
 Spinal column

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Structure and Function #3

 Skeleton divided into two parts: axial and appendicular

o Appendicular
 Arms
 Legs
 Shoulder
 Pelvic bones

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Structure and Function #4

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Structure and Function #5

 Ligaments: bands of tissue that connect two bones

 Tendons: attach muscles to bone
 Joints (articulations): places where bones come together

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Structure and Function #6

 Ossification
o Bone formation
o Begins early in fetal development when skeleton is
composed mostly of cartilage
o Osseous tissue: connective tissue with mature bone
cells called osteocytes

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Structure and Function #7

 Parts of the long bone:

o Diaphysis—shaft
o Epiphysis—each end of a long bone
o Epiphyseal plate—growth area of a long bone
o Medullary cavity—inside of the diaphysis
o Marrow—tissue that produces blood cells

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Structure and Function #8

 Compact bone—hard, dense bone and makes up

 Spongy bone—mesh-like bone tissue found in epiphyses
 Periosteum—membrane covering the bone surfaces
 Endosteum—inner surface of medullary cavity lined with
thin layer of cells

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Structure and Function #9

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Structure and Function #10

 Axial skeleton
o Cranium (head)
o Thorax
o Vertebral column
o Cranial bones enclose and protect brain
 Frontal bone; two parietal bones; two temporal
bones; occipital bone
 Joined by cranial sutures

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Structure and Function #11

 Main facial bones:

o Nasal bone—forms the bridge of the nose
o Zygomatic bones—form the cheeks
o Maxilla—immovable upper jawbone
o Mandible—movable lower jawbone

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Structure and Function #12

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Structure and Function #13

 Thorax
o Breastplate or thoracic cage
o 12 thoracic vertebrae, 12 ribs, costal (rib) cartilages,
o Major organs inside thoracic cage: heart and lungs
o Rib pairs attached to correspondingly numbered
vertebrae (back bones)

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Structure and Function #14

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Structure and Function #15

 Spinal column
o Five sections of vertebrae
o Prefix letter (C for cervical, T for thoracic, L for
lumbar), followed by number indicating placement on
 7 cervical vertebrae
 12 thoracic vertebrae
 5 lumbar vertebrae

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Structure and Function #16

 Spinal column
o At the base of spinal column are the sacrum and
o Sacrum formed by five fused sacral vertebrae
o Coccyx contains three to five fused coccygeal

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Structure and Function #17

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Structure and Function #18

 Appendicular skeleton
o Body’s appendages (upper limbs and lower limbs)
o Areas to which appendages are attached: shoulder
and pelvic girdles
o Clavicle: collarbone
o Scapula: shoulder blade

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Structure and Function #19

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Structure and Function #20

 Appendicular skeleton
o Humerus: long arm bone extending from shoulder
and ending at elbow
o Forearm: ulna and radius
o Wrist: eight bones in two rows, called carpal bones
o Metacarpals: hand bones
o Phalanges: bones that make up the fingers

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Structure and Function #21

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Structure and Function #22

 Appendicular skeleton
o Hip bone (os coxae): fusion of three bones—ilium,
ischium, pubis
o Femur: long bone that extends from hip to knee
o Tibia and fibula: long bones that extend from knee to
o Talus: ankle bone
o Patella: kneecap

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Structure and Function #23

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Structure and Function #24

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Structure and Function #25

 Joints
o Or articulation is place where bones come together
o Synarthrosis: joint with no movement (cranium)
o Amphiarthrosis: joint with little movement
o Diarthrosis or synovial: joint with free movement

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Structure and Function #26

 Joints
o Cartilage: connective tissue that enables movement
o Bursae: spaces within connective tissue filled with
synovial fluid

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Structure and Function #27

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Disorders Related to the Skeletal System

 Sprain: tear in a ligament

 Fractures: broken bone
o Simple fracture (closed fracture): no open skin
o Compound fracture (open fracture): broken bone
protrudes through the skin

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Disorders Related to the Skeletal System

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Disorders Related to the Skeletal System

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Disorders Related to the Skeletal System

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Disorders Related to the Skeletal System

 Bone disorders
o Osteomyelitis: inflammation caused by bacteria
o Osteoporosis: decrease in bone density and mass
o Rickets: causing bowed legs in children
o Osteomalacia: bone softening in adulthood
o Osteosarcoma: tumor of the bone
o Chondrosarcoma: tumor that arises in cartilage

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Disorders Related to the Skeletal System

 Joint disorders
o Arthritis: joint inflammation
o Osteoarthritis: general wear and tear on joints
o Rheumatoid arthritis (RA: immunologic abnormality)

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Disorders Related to the Skeletal System

 Spine disorders
o Herniated disc: disc that protrudes into vertebral
canal and puts pressure on spinal nerve
o Kyphosis (humpback): compression fractures of
o Lordosis: abnormal curvature in lumbar region
o Scoliosis: sideways curvature of spine

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Disorders Related to the Skeletal System

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Diagnostic Tests, Treatments, and
Surgical Procedures

 Reduction: realignment of broken bone

 Traction: elastics or pulley and weights to maintain
 Casts and splints to immobilize broken bone
 Medication for pain and inflammation and/or physical
 Arthrocentesis: drains fluid and relieves pressure in joint

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Practice and Practitioners

 Orthopedics: orthopedic medicine

 Orthopedic surgeons: coordinate patient care with
physical therapists, occupational therapists, kinesiologists
 Rheumatologist: physician who specializes in treatment
of joint disorders and arthritic conditions

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Practice Exercise #1

What is a compound fracture?

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Answer to Practice Exercise #1

A compound fracture involves a break in the bone that

protrudes through the skin.

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Practice #2

What is scoliosis?

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Answer to Practice #2

Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine.

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Practice #3

 Identify these word parts:

o carp/o
o lumb/o
o phalang/o
o dactyl/o
o brachi/o
o myel/o

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Answer to Practice #3

 Identify these word parts:

o carp/o: wrist
o lumb/o: lower back
o phalang/o: bones of fingers and toes
o dactyl/o: fingers, toes
o brachi/o: arm
o myel/o: bone marrow

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Practice #4

 Identify these abbreviations:

o Fx

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Answer to Practice #4

 Identify these abbreviations:

o ACL: anterior cruciate ligament
o ROM: range of motion
o Fx: fracture
o TKA: total knee arthroplasty

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Practice #5

 Analyze this term:


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Answer to Practice #5

Analyze this term:

Amphi- arthr/ -osis

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Both Joint Abnormal

sides condition

Amphiarthrosis is a joint with

little movement.

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Practice #6

 Analyze this term:


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Answer to Practice #6

Analyze this term:

Oste/ o/ -genesis

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↓ ↓

Bone origin

Osteogenesis refers to the

formation of bone.

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Practice #7

 Analyze this term:


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Answer to Practice #7

Analyze this term:

Arthr -algia
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Joint pain

Arthralgia is pain in a joint.

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Practice #8

 Analyze this term:


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Answer to Practice #8

Analyze this term:

Oste/ o/ -malacia

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Bone softening

Osteomalacia is softening of the

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Practice #9

 Analyze this term:


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Answer to Practice #9
Analyze this term:

Arthr/ o/ -scopy

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Joint Use of
t for

Arthroscopy is an examination of the inside of a joint viewed with

an instrument.
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Practice #10

 Analyze this term:


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Answer to Practice #10

Analyze this term:

Cost -ectomy
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↓ ↓
Ribs Surgical
removal of

Costectomy is the surgical

removal of a rib.

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