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A step into the world of college academia let the student to experience a maze
challenges that involves stay late at night, being thrift and different chaos in pursuing
the course. Education is essential for anyone who wants to improve their level of living,
reduce poverty, and get an advantage over others in terms of employment and
profession. College is often perceived as the most exciting phase in one's life full of
fresh experience, learning and personal growth carries a multitude of obstacle of
students to overcome. Beneath the surface of this exciting journey are various
challenges ranging from financial constraints to mental health struggles, which can
sometimes overshadow the transformative potential of higher education. The
researches conducting this study in aims to give awareness and help student to
overcome difficulties. The purpose of these research is to find out the possible solution
to the challenges encountered by the BSBA graduating student of VCI in pursuing the
course. In the pursuit of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) degree
at VCI a hypothetical institution, graduating students encounter various challenges that
shape their academic journey and professional aspiration, these challenges encompass
a diverse range of academic, financial, and personal hurdles, which collectively
contribute to the transformative experience of completing their undergraduate
education. Understanding these challenges provide insight into the unique journey of
BSBA students at Veritas College of Irosin (VCI) shedding light on the complexitier
inherent in pursuing a Business Administration degree in today's educational landscape.
The researcher will be tackled only to those BSBA graduating students of Veritas
College of Irosin.


BSBA students face various challenges in terms of budgeting. These challenges
include the rising cost of college attendance and the complexity of the financial aid
process. Additionally, students may encounter limited job opportunities and a lack of
supervision during attachment placements, which can impact their ability to earn income
and manage their finances effectively. Furthermore, the impact of work experiences on
academic performance, advancement expectations, and career preparation can also
affect students' financial situations In some countries, the issue of cost-sharing in higher
education leads to students and their families being required to contribute more to the
costs of their education, which can pose financial challenges for BSBA students.
Overall, these challenges highlight the need for improved support and resources to help
BSBA students navigate the financial aspects of their education.
Students intending to major in the field of business administration (strategic
management option) need to be fully prepared on what strategies and approaches they
will adapt to sharpen their analytic, decision making, and innovative capabilities as
these are expected of a modern-day leader in a business organization. Additionally,
students are expected to prepare on what strategies and approaches they will employ to
develop proficiency in several important spheres needed to be effective in business
administration. Specifically, they have to prepare on what it is that they intend to do to
achieve proficiency in deploying information technology to achieve organizational
objectives, understanding current economic inclinations and public policy, and
synthesizing knowledge of behavioral processes and procedures in business entities
(Preparing for a Career, 2008). Consequently, students must individually prepare on
how to develop and refine these skills as they go about their studies.
Waddock and Lozano (2013) argue that students should be prepared by being
granted the necessary knowledge on the number and marketability of the various
specializations under the domain of business administration. Some students lack the
knowledge that the business administration program at the university level is an
umbrella program that incorporates a multiplicity of specializations. Thus it is always
important to provide students with up-to-date knowledge about the requirements of
these fields and their relevance to the current job market. From the interview with the
final year student, it is clear that the most important specializations under the cadre of
business administration include accounting, finance, human resources, strategic
management, operations management, international business, public relations, and
tourism and hospitality (J. White, personal communication, March 12, 2014).
An interview with the final year student demonstrates that some universities provide
students with the leeway to select courses and customize their studies based on their
future job requirements. However, universities come up with their own rules on the
mandatory units to cover per semester (J. White, personal communication, March 12,
2014). Drawing from this exposition, it is evident that the program puts much emphasis
on management, leadership, as well as strategy formulation and implementation. The
knowledge and skills accumulated upon exposing students to these courses, according
to the interviewee, provide an enabling environment for graduates to provide the
needed leadership and management capacities to run contemporary organizations.
Personal observations of part-time students in this field reveal that most of them are
indeed taking refresher courses in leadership and management to keep up with the
current trends and reinforce their productivity within work contexts.
The information above will be used by the researchers in their study. By this
related information it will help the researchers to know what challenges have been
experienced by the BSBA students. And as a researchers and a BSBA student, it
provides information for us to be ready if we also encounter just one kind of challenge.


-This study aims to determine the extent of implementation of the challenges
encountered by the BSBA graduating students of VCI in pursuing the course.

1. What are the challenges encountered by the BSBA graduating students of VCI
in pursuing the course in terms of :

c.Future Employment

2. What coping mechanism did the respondents employed in order to address those
3. What could be proposed band on the result of the study?


This research is made with the aim to provide crucial information and knowledge
regarding the chosen topic from the respondents, recent studies or theses, and related
sites needed for the expected importance to the individuals as follow:
The Researchers
Being a novice for this kind of topic is a challenge for the upcoming BSBA like the
researchers. So this will be an instrument that will guide and navigate them in
discovering credible, reliable, and tantamount factors that are known as indispensable
data for further understanding on the topic. Indeed, this research is going to be the chief
source of enlightenment that they will surely need in their future studies.
This Study is significant to the following :
Department of BSBA - the result will provide the students with some knowledge
on how students overcome the challenges and difficulties that they may encounter. This
topics help students to conquer every problem.
The Teachers of BSBA Department - the given data would guide the teacher's
to have a deeper understanding about this study and for them to identify the different
challenges of every student.
The Parents - the result of this study will help the parents to give the right
guidance so they can give better attendance and behavior, get better grades,
demonstrate better social skills and adapt better to school.
The Future Researcher - the conducted studies will further open choose for
future researchers to refine and expand studies in challenges encountered by the BSBA
students. This may serve as a source of information on how they cope up with these
difficulties encountered.

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to determine the extent of implementation of the Challenges
Encountered by the BSBA Graduating Students of VCI in pursuing the course.
The respondents of the study were the BSBA graduating presently enrolled for
the school year 2020-2021. This study then determine the respondents only into the
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) especially BSBA specialization
student in 4th year Graduating Students at Veritas College of Irosin (VCI). The
respondents we randomly selected to determine the sample of study.
The descriptive correlational research was employed, the relevant data gathered
were limited to what was measured by the survey questionnaires constructed by the
researchers. However, some items and variables were prepared, modified and added
for the purpose of the study.

The study is limited to the Graduating Students of BSBA not on other Graduating
Educational Curriculum.
This is not intended to the ABM students of the Veritas College of Irosin, it does
not cover the 1st to 3rd year student BSBA, and not on the instructor or professors.
This chapter presents the related literature and studies which covers the study of
Challenges encountered by the Graduating students where part of several literature materials
will be shown to fully understand the research to be done.

Foreign Literature
Modular coaching was first delivered by using American educators. It is described by
way of John L. Hughes (2000) as an individualized instruction that provides bases for close
interaction between the newbies and the difficulty matter. With the modules, the inexperienced
persons are predicted to reply often in the interaction with an instructional application at their
learning rate. Assessment of Students Learning is a three-unit professional education subject
taken by Education students. It involves concepts and principles on what and how our future
teachers assess their future learners. Though there are existing references. In this subject,
there is a limited book that contains all the lessons stipulated in the course design or learning
program used in the University. As instructor of this Assessment of learning for almost 8 years,
the researcher had seen the relevance of having a module in delivering the content of this
subject. Aside from the fact that it will offer individualized instruction, the module blends the
theory and practice which are vital to students learning experiences (Good, 2000) Researched
the “individualization” of the modules because learners proceed with the instructions at their
own pace, also stated that modular instructions catered to the individual learning differences so
that learners are prompted to actively participate in determining what they need to learn (Duker
2000). The amount and the pace of their learning must match with their ability, motivation and
interest, not in comparison with other learners Gibbons (2001) believed that individualized
instruction is one of the multi-media approaches providing the development of coherent
instructional programs that prepare learners for complete control of their education, Good
(2000) cited modular approach to be modernizing the teaching process suited to learners to
advance at their own best rate through passing unnecessary instruction and satisfying their
needs, thus in individual cases, will be able to earn their degree in considerably shorter period.
Of time. Lardizabal, (2001) said that it is a package of learning activities that learners have to
accomplish. It can be used as part of a course, as a complete course, or as a curriculum design.
Students can find the following advantages. Working at their own pace, assuming responsibility
for learning, Students find that textbooks are not the only source of learning. They know exactly
what they have to learn, Learners are encouraged to master the module, and Competition for
grades is reduced, Lardizabal, (2001). Modular instruction promises a more efficient mass
education by offering more effective individual instruction at time when a teacher is faced with a
problem of producing learning in a large group all at the same time It is a technique of
self-instruction that involves the presentation of instructional materials to demonstrate their skills
and comprehension, Deterline, W., (2002). It is described that modular instruction provides the
basis for a close interaction between the learner and the subject matter, that the learner is called
upon to respond actively in the interaction with an instructional program, and that the rate at
which the interaction proceeds are governed individually by each learner’s response, Hughes J.
L. (2005) The advantage offers to the teacher who uses the modular approach. These are: it
provides the opportunity for organizing numerous sequences to reflect special interests of the
teacher and students, it allows the teacher to focus on the deficiencies of students in the subject
matter, it serves to eliminate the necessity of covering the subject matter already known to
students. With the use of modules, the progress of a student is assessed and the routine aspect
of instruction is reduced giving the teacher a chance to enjoy her personal contact with the
students, Greager, J. And Murray, D (2005). The instructional modules form an important
educational innovation and teaching technique. Aside from proposing a solution to the problems
of teaching instruction, modules are more efficient mass education by giving more effective
individual instruction, Acelejado, (2007). The preparation of self-instructional modules includes
careful analysis of the course plan or syllabus, preparing preliminaries and designing of the
learning activities. The design of the learning activities includes the objectives, directions,
pre-test and key, activity proper, self-evaluation exercises and post-tests, Johnson, D. W., &
Johnson, (2009). The modular system has been considered as an alternative to traditional
teaching for a long time. The modules in the principles and methods of teaching include lessons
and topics which meet the requirements of authorities in teacher education. The contents of the
modules reflect the most important aspects of what is being taught. The modules provide
evaluation activities which relate to the content and objectives of the lessons, however, there is
no provision for pre-test and post-test activities in each module. There is highly significant
difference herein the students and the teacher’s assessment of the characteristics of the
modules with the teacher’s assessment higher than that of the students. The principles and
purpose of modular instruction, its advantages for both students and instructors, and a
comparison between the conventional and modular approach are presented. Present evidence
suggests that modular instruction meets the needs of today’s students more learning and the
content, Reiser, B. J. (2007).
According to the PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge), motivation is
powering people to achieve high levels of performance and overcoming barriers in order to
change. Psychologists have provided different definitions according to attitude to the motivation
phenomenon. What is certain and must be acceptable to the marked individual differences is
that people have different motives. In addition, individuals need to know their personal
characteristics in driving forces which can be easily identified before acting with motivation.
Generally, motivation is the driver of guidance, control and persistence in human
behavior (Tohidi & Jabbari 2011). Motivation is a powerful, yet tricky beast. Sometimes it is really
easy to get motivated, and you find yourself wrapped up in a whirlwind of excitement. Other
times, it is nearly impossible to figure out how to motivate yourself and you’re trapped in a death
spiral of procrastination. According to Lloyd L. (2011), “At some point, everything is ending.
Have you even started?”. In other words, at some point, it is easier to change than to stay the
same. It is easier to take action and feel insecure at the gym than to sit still and experience
self-loathing on the couch. It is easier to feel awkward while making the sales call than to feel
disappointed about your dwindling bank account. This is the essence of motivation. Every
choice has a price, but when we are motivated, it is easier to bear the inconvenience of action
than the pain of remaining the same. Somehow, we cross a mental threshold-usually after
weeks of procrastination and in the face of an impending deadline-and it becomes more painful
to not do the work than to actually do it (Clear, 2018).
According to Lifeline Australia (2016), economic problems are a situation where cash
worries are inflicting personal stress. Many people are facing tough monetary times and they
have an effect on mental health, educational performance or motivation can be significant. This
includes disturbing a lot or feeling anxious over money, arguing with loved ones, headaches,
feeling unwell, subject in sleeping, feeling responsible spending cash on non-essentials, anxiety,
stress, and even failing grades in school. A normal monetary problem of college students is they
do not take the time to check before they attain an excess in deposit card debit or different
debts. Many college students who are out on their own for the first time can also get caught up
in a cycle of overspending that comes with consuming out, shopping for new garments or
partying. This lifestyle can emerge as very costly quickly and as a result, it can prolong ordinary
debt. To avoid needless expenses, comply with a price range in which you pay your integral
fees first and go away yourself a specific amount of your earnings for entertainment, then stick
to that budget. Try cost-saving thoughts such as gazing at movies at home, cooking your
very personal foods commonly and purchasing for garments from good buy shops (McDaniel,
2018). According to Vierstracte (2013), economic hassle is the main. Reason of college
students enrolled in university to dropout. About 30% of Quebec University’s pupil population
dropout due to economic problems. It has been installed that financial issues make a
contribution to shedding out, alternatively it is unsure how one of a form method for financing
postsecondary education have an impact on persistence and academic success in university.
The financial status or the social economic status is most commonly determined by
combining both parents’ educational level, occupational status, and the income level. In most of
the studies done on academic performance of students, it is not surprising that financial status is
one of the major factor studied while predicting academic performance. It Is believed that low
financial capacity negatively affects academic achievement because lesser financial status
prevents access to vital resources and creates additional stress at home carried out. A study on
economic status in education research and policy found that social economic background
remains one of the major sources of educational inequality and adds that an individual’s
educational success depends very strongly on the financial support of the parents. (Guirit, 2015)
Galiher (2006) and Darling (2005), used GPA to measure student performance because
it is the main focus of the academic performance for the particular semester. Some researchers
used test results or previous year results since they are studying performance for the specific
subject or year (Hijazi and Naqvi, 2006 and Hake, 1998). Many researchers have discussed the
different factors that affect the student’s academic performance in their research. There are two
types of factors that affect it, these are internal and external classroom factors and these factors
strongly affect the academic performance of the respondents. Internal classroom factors include
student’s competence in English, class schedules, class size, English text books, class test
results, learning facilities, homework, environment of the class, complexity of the course
material, teacher’s role in the class, technology used in the class and exams systems. External
classroom factors include extracurricular activities, family problems, work and financial, social
and other problems. Research studies shows that students’ performance depends. On many
factors such as learning facilities, gender and age differences, etc. that can affect student
performance (Hansen, Joe B., 2000). Harb and El-Shaarawi (2006) found that the most
important factor with positive effect on students’ performance is Parental Involvement. (Aramay,
Literature points out that poor financial status affects academic performance, mental and
physical well-being, and even their ability to find employment after graduation (Bodvarsson and
Walker, 2004; Lyons, 2003; Lyons, 2004). Studies show that mental illness and rates of suicide
are strongly connected to both poverty and unemployment. The unemployment rate is generally
high more so as there have been some economic recessions worldwide
Eyles et al. (2020), they mentioned that missed school time can have a negative impact
on children’s educational outcomes and future well-being. Many schools have provided purely
online lessons to their students in order to mitigate the negative impact of physical closures. The
evaluation of the effectiveness of distance education delivery for students’ academic outcomes
is critical, especially during a severe pandemic like COVID-19. PsyArXiv (2021), stated that the
growing number of studies seek to evaluate the impact of school closures during the ongoing
COVID-19 pandemic. While most studies reported severe learning losses in students, some
studies found positive effects of school closures on academic performance.
In addition, (Sintema, 2020) commented that student’s academic performance is likely to drop-in
classes held for both end-of-year and internal exams due to reduced student communication
time and lack of
consultation with teachers when learning/comprehension difficulties arise. Students may face
some concerns and problems, such as limited internet connectivity or signal disruption due to
poor signals. Some students may face difficulties at home, such as disruption from family
members, which can lead to poor academic performance. Nevertheless, Al-Rahmi et al., (2020)
stated that online learning is quickly becoming one of the most efficient ways of imparting
knowledge. The virus had such an impact that online education appeared to be an omnipresent
aspect of our expanding environment, leading to school closures and the end of physical
interactions between teachers and students. Fortunately, most schools and educational
institutions quickly transitioned to an online method of allowing students to resume their studies.
As a result, education has undergone significant transformations, such as the rise of e-learning,
in which instruction takes place remotely on digital platforms rather than in physical classrooms.
Moreover, academic studies have demonstrated that each student has an inclination towards a
determined cognitive strategy that helps give significance to the new information. Over the last
years, a great number of investigations have emerged confirming the connection between styles
of learning and academic performance success.

Local Literature
According to Lev Vygotsky (2000), Modular gaining knowledge of is a structure of
distance getting to know that uses Self-Learning Modules (SL.M) primarily based on the Most
Essential Learning expertise (MELCS). The modules include sections on motivation and
evaluation that serve as an entire guide of both teachers’ and students’ favored competencies.
Teachers will monitor the learners’ growth via home visits. The modular approach situates
Filipino college students to examine in the relief of their homes. Limited contact with teachers
will place parents or guardians as the newbies model or the “More Knowledgeable Other”
(MKO). Someone has a higher appreciation or higher potential level than the learner, regarding
a unique task, process, or concept. Human learning is a social process Parents are partners of
teachers in education. They are ‘home facilitators, the tagapagdaloy’ means channel, but they
will not teach the subject matter. It is the teacher’s duty to teach, Dr. Lourdes Servito, (2001). A
Filipino author, cited that a module is a self-contained. And independent unit of instruction with a
primary focus on a few well-defined objectives. A handout distributed during the Workshop in
the Application of Educational Technology DECS-UNESCO referred to it as a set of learning
opportunities systematically organized around a well-defined topic containing the elements of
instruction that cover specific objectives, teaching-learning activities and evaluation using
criterion-referenced measures, Morallo, (2000). As Fe C. Nepomuceno, (2000) cited, a module
can be a short segment programmed interwoven between other forms of instruction to cover
limited, specific units rather than an entire course. Another Filipino author, classified the use of
modules, together with programmed instruction, self-learning kits and correspondence courses,
and mastery learning technique, under the self-pacing method of instruction, Garcia, (2015).
Nepomuceno described the modules in the following statements It focuses on a distinctive,
identifiable skills or set of skills. Or outcomes other than skills, It is fairly short so as to make
students use their study time efficiently, It is essentially self-teaching, even though it may
encourage group work, It blends theory and practice, and combines doing with. Reading and
reflecting. It provides a list of further readings or sources related to the skill being promoted. It
provides suggestions to students for participating in the format of their own projects, explanatory
activities, and evaluation criteria, It is reality-oriented in the experience that it includes the
students in actual situation if not possible, tried to use stimulation technique, and It offers
feedback for improvement and redesigning a module can be superb for college students and
teachers because It gives opportunity for organizing numerous sequences of experience to
mirror special pursuits of the trainer or student; Self-instructional
units permit the teacher to focal point on student deficiencies in subject remember that need to
be corrected and also serve to eliminate the necessity of protecting concern already recognized
to the student, It affords a way of assessing college students progress in learning. It reduces the
pursuits factors of instruction mastering the instructor is free to engage in non-public contact
with the student, the independent nature of self-instructional units facilitated the updating of find
out about materials except primary revisions, and It serves as model for teachers who want to
enhance their own materials and insert their very own personality.
Motivation is defined as “the psychological forces that determine the direction of a person’s level
of effort, as well as a person’s persistence in the face of obstacles” Motivation provides a goal
that the employee works towards, thereby giving the employee a direction to follow. The concept
of motivation means a process of stimulating people to action to accomplish desired goods
(Constanza, 2012).
A vast body of literature exists on the relationship of motivation and performance In professional
work and organization settings (Osterloh, Frey & Homberger, 2011). Motivation is the process of
attempting to influence others to do your will through the possibility of gain or reward (Roque,
Many governments have adopted a insurance of looking out for to increase the vary of students
coming into greater education and to finance this expansion by way of way of transferring prices
from the state to the individual. Some coverage has been pursued with fairly little difficulty for
the have an have an effect on that the growing monetary burden may additionally moreover
have on students. According to Villa Fuerte (2015), many university college students are coping
with each day dwelling charges greater effectively than they had anticipated to in the first year.
However, these in a hard monetary feature at the start of their size of examine about had been
possibly to face multiplied issues in the route of their first year. Two difficulties in specific having
overlooked payments at the start of the academic program, and having to wait for the first pupil
loan fee performance. Have been proven to have a bad effect on academic Poor economic
administration is one of the fundamental motives of economic troubles amongst students.
According to Alan Greenspan, “the huge variety one hassle in current day technology and
financial system is the lack of monetary literacy”. Most students have a tendency to fail in
managing their cash (Marthen, 2011). These troubles are frequent amongst college students
who are trying to balance small budgets with dwelling costs and additionally for those college
students who have a tendency to spend a lot for their wishes and no longer for their needs.
Heavy borrowings and a lack of saving dependency have been blamed for the monetary
problems the Filipinos are going through in the us of a and distant places (Nicolas, 2015). The
Philippines has one of the fastest-growing economies. In the present, giving the human beings
the chance to have more financial strength than before. However, all these will fully go to waste
if we do no longer recognize how cash works and what are the consequences of having terrible
cash habits, thus principal to financial troubles (Go. 2017).
For many parents, the question of how much school allowance should they give their children is
a lingering one. Parents could spend anywhere between P25,000 and P30,000 (computed at
three times a week of classes for 18 weeks of two semesters at P250 allowance per school
year). College school students typically get P150 to P250 (excluding transport allowance) per
day. Students from exclusive schools like Ateneo and DLSU receive where surrounding places
to eat tend to be more expensive receive
higher allowance. The allowance covers P50 to P100 for lunch, P30 to P50 for merienda, P20
on average for photocopies, and P50 to P80 for school requirements like printing, buying pens,
etc. Students outside of Manila, especially those living in municipalities usually get about P100
to P150 per day (excluding transport allowance). Transport allowance is easy to compute,
however. Emma, mother of a college student, says that she gives her son, Paulo, P250 per day
which is P100 higher than his allowance when he was in high school. This is to account for
more photocopies and requirements in college. She notes that giving too much allowance to a
student risks financial irresponsibility including unnecessary hanging out with friends and
playing LAN-based games in computer shops. Donna, a college. Student from a single income
family note that she only receives P100 as an allowance. Even if she deems this insufficient,
she notes that she understands that with the death of her father, it means less resources and
she need to make do with what is given. Her siblings who are in high schoolIn Ibaan, Batangas
receive P30, which is enough for the needs of a student in a public high school. The frequency
of giving the allowance is another issue. Students who live with their parents usually receive
their allowances daily or weekly. Students who move to study away from their homes receive
theirs weekly or monthly. Consider the cost in terms of time and transaction charges when
deciding the frequency of remitting allowance for children who live away from home. (Canlas,
According to (Franchi, 2020) Education sector institutions and schools hurried to establish
reliable rules on government framework, educator organization, and the student’s management
when it comes to legislation. Amidst their lack of technical literacy, teachers who were used to
traditional teaching methods were compelled to adopt the new technology. Digital learning
seminars and community help networks were established to solve this issue. Drop-out rates
among students have risen as a result of educational factors. Academically, while students may
essentially study anything online, learning may be less than ideal, particularly in classes that
need face-to-face engagement and direct interactions. In connection. (Tang et al., 2020) also
evaluated the effectiveness of several digital learning styles. According to the survey, students
were displeased about digital learning in general, mainly in terms of interaction and answer
sheet techniques. Amidst this, students’ attentiveness, academic performance, and class
evaluations increased when digital learning and blended learning were combined. Also,
(Suryaman et al., 2020) investigated how children learned at home during the epidemic. Their
investigations indicated that students in a house learning setting encountered several
challenges, including a lack of technological proficiency, expensive internet expenses, and
restricted communication amongst and among students.In similar research, (Kapasia et al.,
2020) investigated how lockdown affects learners’ academic performance. According to their
findings, the lockout caused significant disruptions in students’ learning. (Gonzales et al., 2020)
discovered that isolating learners during a crisis had a significant positive impact on their
performance, contradicting the findings of Kapasia et al. (2020). These findings were linked to
students continued use of learning techniques, which enhanced their academic achievement.
Asynchronous digital learning happens without a set timetable for individual learners, whereas
synchronous online learning incorporates a socialization process between the teacher and the
learners. Digital learning has taken on the role of temporary remote instruction in response to a
crisis. However, some policy, socioeconomic considerations, and technology aspects have all
played a role in the migration to a new learning environment (Donitsa-Schmidt & Ramot, 2020;
Khalil et al., 2020, Varea & González-Calvo, 2020).


Foreign Studies
Sufian et al. (2020) investigate students' perceptions of the Online Learning as a result
of the COVID-19 pandemic in their study Despite network issues, students find that learning
with online tools is interactive. Students said that using digital sources is simple and that it
teaches them. how to complete tasks. It demonstrates a positive outcome in terms of student
use of online learning tools. Similarly, Markus Wolfgang Hermann Spitzer (2021) also
investigated the academic performances of the students in Digital Learning. It says in the study
that improving the performance of students in online learning environments could be caused by
several factors. For example, the student's performance may have improved due to increased
usage of similar educational online platforms during the pandemic. This is evidenced by
reporting that more exposure to online-learning environments can lead to increases in the
academic achievement of high school students. Also, the researcher has suggested that online
learning has a positive impact on the performance of students. According to Hakan Ulum's
(2021), the effect of online learning on academic performance is at an understandable level. By
Increasing this effect, the performance of online learning requires support from teachers to
prepare learning materials, design learning appropriately, and utilize various websites, software
technology, and various other tools to support the effectiveness of online learning. The level of
impact will increase if a few other difficulties are eliminated such as students, lack of interaction
with the instructor, response time, and lack of traditional classroom socialization. In addition,
COVID-19 pandemic-related social distancing has posed extreme problems for all students to
get online as they have to work in time constraints and resource constraints. Another study by
Ram Gopal, Varsha Singh & Arun Aggarwal (2021) informed that If the teacher delivers the
course content suitably and understands the student's expectations, it will have positive effects
on the learner's performance and will perform better in the examinations. Teachers perspective
is critical because their enthusiasm leads to a better online learning process quality and
academic performance for the students. It explains that students' satisfaction or understanding
through online learning depends on the teacher's instruction, including assistance and
responsibility. Despite this, the students still need to be disciplined and acknowledge their
academic performance. In addition. Agung et al. (2020) mentioned that carrying out online
learning has many impacts. Some students found that during online learning, their IT literacy
made strong progress. Students get to enjoy the experience of using online learning and it
improves their skills on finding information. It also helps them to become independent and
responsible in completing their task. Students have also mentioned it is a challenge because it
requires more reading on their own. On the other hand, it also showed that even though most of
them had a poor internet connection and ample internet data quota at their home, the students
were committed to joining the online course. This is because they can get access to the
resources used in the class anytime.Xiao (2012) examined students and their families' Income
in China. He studies almost 407 students in their early years. The study measure students
reading skills and observed families in their home. Also, it took part in the families' home and in
the student's skills. Moreover, it was well-organized study with the chosen children and the
process of measuring them and their families. The results with numbers were very clear and
shows. how can the families income affected their children learning (Zhang, 2012).
The study shows how the mother language can affect her children education. The
languages differences are results of the low income and environments of the mothers. This
study took months from variety children. and homes. The results were very clear and show how
students can learn from their mothers. The percentage represents how students learning are
connected to their homes. The language that mothers used with their children can affect their
education skills. In the study, mothers with low income are using simple sentences and
vocabularies with their children. On the other hand, complex sentences and vocabularies are
used from high-income mothers with their children. (Abraham, Crais, and Vernon-Feagans
2013) Sean (2013) represents in his study how students from families with high Income are
having best performance than low-income families' students. His study took a place in United
States for several years. He shows how timing is important for the families' Income. The Impact
of the Income can be shown in the early of the student's learning. This may show better results
to the student's academic achievement. Moreover, students from high income have the
opportunity to get into any colleges or universitie.

Saving money for an emergency fund is important for everyone at all. times. Having a
savings account for emergencies can prevent financial disaster in the event of student's
unemployment after graduate. An emergency fund can come in handy any time students
experience a shortage in income or an Increase in expenses. An emergency fund can also help
students avoid using their credit cards or incurring debt to pay for emergencies that arise. Dave
Ramsey, an outspoken radio talk show and television show host who teaches a course called
Financial Peace University, suggest on his website, that people should have
a starter emergency fund of $1000.00. Ramsey suggests this serve as emergency fund until
they have paid off all of their high interest credit card debt, at which they should begin building a
full savings account for emergencies. There was a survey done by Varcoe (1990) for 934
households in California. regarding methods for meeting unexpected expenses or emergency
expenses. He found that they use regular savings; 22 percent used emergency savings; 14
percent borrowed money from a financial institution; and 8 percent borrowed from friends or
family. Therefore 22 saving now or saving earlier can certainly be a good starting point and can
help student cope with those minor emergencies that crop up in day-to-day life. Building an
emergency fund for unexpected needs is important. (Alfeche & Dagondon, 2018)
Ming Barcelona, TNS Philippines Associate Researchers Director, he explained that "Despite
the Filipino teens' having limited budget to spend, low price does not necessarily make any
brand a shoe-in for their patronage. The TRU study remind us the mind sets, preferences and
purchasing habits of Filipino teens,whether in brand values, the latest product offspring’s, or on
values and social issues should not be ignored", added by Gary de Ocampo, TNS Philippines
Managing Director. (Barcelona and de Ocampo, 2011)Renee Paula Manalang Rojas is 15 years
old, daughter of Sheila Rojas and Randy Rojas. She is a graduating student at Little Merry
Hearts Montessori Center. Her mom was a head nurse and her dad was working at an office, no
specific work was given. She has 2 siblings and 1 niece and it seems like they are having a hard
time on budgeting their money/income because they are all attending at a school. Her estimated
allowance is 500 pesos and that 500 pesos was for foods and for some other stuffs that she
liked. Her house is just a walking distance from school that's why she doesn't need to keep
money for transportation purposes. (Carpio, 2016)
Several studies (Adnett, 2010; Andrade, 2006; Baklashova & Kazakov, 2016; Bound et
al., 2016; Brown & Jones, 2013; Ortiz et al., 2015; Scott et al., 2015; Shah et al., 2019; Vickers
& Bekhradnia, 2007; Witherell & Clayton, 2014) highlighted and emphasized the deliberate part
of international students in the development of their host country’s economy. For instance, one
of the most popular destinations for international students—the United States of America–
reported that international students contributed $45 billion to the economy in 2018 and $41
billion in 2019 (NAFSA, 2019). Although there has been a decline in the enrollment of
international students, the US still received a $28.4 billion contribution to the economy in the
2020/2021 academic year from international students (NAFSA, 2021). These students not only
add to the economy, but their contribution also improves the higher education budget in their
host countries. An OECD article by Van-Damme (2017) reported that international students
contribute immensely to the total expenditure of international students hosting countries on
higher education. Countries like Australia and New Zealand receive an income from
international students equal to one-quarter of their total expenditure; the United States receives
2.4%, and Canada receives 8.2%. Van-Damme (2017) noted that in Denmark, where higher
education is free for domestic students and international students pay, the country receives
13.3% of its higher education budget from international students.
International students offer their host countries numerous economic benefits. However,
few studies acknowledge the presence of economic difficulties in the lives of these students.
Robertson et al. (2010) and Shah et al. (2019) noted that the primary financial challenge
international students face is the tuition fee. In most countries, domestic students pay less than
international students. These students still pay when studying in European countries like
Denmark, Sweden, and Poland, where education is free for European Union (EU) and
European Economic Area (EEA) students. However, countries like Norway, Germany, and
Iceland offer free education to everyone who studies in a public institution (Lungu, 2022), while
countries like the Czech Republic offer tuition-free education only to international students who
want to learn the Czech language (Taylor, 2022).
Nevertheless, there is still a considerable variation in domestic and international tuition
fees. Undergraduate international students pay the highest tuition fee, making it seem like they
are a source of revenue (Cantwell, 2019). Countries with no higher education tuition fees, like
Sweden and Denmark, are known to charge international students. Moreover, international
students in countries with subsidized fees for domestic students, like the UK, Australia, Canada,
and New Zealand, still pay premiumfees (Johnstone & Marcucci, 2010), usually more than
double that of what domestic students pay. Despite all this, the enrollment of international
students keeps increasing steadily. Lee et al. (2006) suggested that the potential for economic
gain is a common rationale for universities admitting international students. Cantwell (2019) and
Van-Damme (2017) also posited that these universities might see international students as
“cash cows” instead of an addition to the student body to improve cultural diversity. However,
Van-Damme (2017) noted that the high cost of tuition is a way for countries to reduce the influx
of international students and only welcome those with financial stability.
Financial support is another economic challenge for international students, with their first
year being the toughest. During the first year, they are yet to get familiar with their new
environment and may not fully understand the cost of survival. Besides, international students
cannot depend on employment in the host country to fuel their education and living costs. Open
Doors (2019) reported that about 62% of international students in the US have their primary
source of income outside the country. Some have business in their home country or receive
assistance from family, friends, and their home country’s universities and government.
For graduate students, having to do research without enough exposure in research
methodologies and knowledge related to the area can be the most challenging experience.
Graduate schools may need to modify programs that are less structured to become more
structured if they want to produce quality students. According to Fischer and Zigmond (1998),
students will not be able to write good dissertations unless they find the issues they are studying
to be compelling. They also should choose projects that will be interesting enough to merit a
PhD whether their experiments work or not. It is difficult for graduate students to do researches
and prepare good dissertations without enough knowledge and skills related to the area.
Providing qualified teaching staffs to teach graduate programs should become a priority by the
government. More excellent students should be recruited by the universities and then sent to do
graduate studies. If a university has enough qualified academic staffs, advising and supervising
works can be improved. Faculty should not consider advising and supervising graduate students
as secondary. Lipshutz (1993) suggests that advising or mentoring means treating students as
colleagues, not as apprentices. The success of graduate students is often associated with
whom they work and get advice. In order to improve the success rate of graduate students,
work with graduate students should be evaluated with other aspects of faculty member’s
performance, namely, research and undergraduate teaching. Lack of research resources is
another serious issue that needs to be resolved immediately because it may affect students’
progress. The need to order foreign textbooks and journals from overseas and to pay the price
in foreign currencies are the main problems faced by many institutions because funding is in
Malaysian currency. It is suggested that institutions improve certain services such as inter-library
loan and share on-line resources between them, so that they are able to provide their graduate
students easy access to various resources. Success in managing these two problems will help
graduate students obtain more meaningful experience in their studies. Other challenges, such
as lack of research opportunities, limited opportunities in professional development, and
financial aid problems although needing attention, can be resolved gradually. Since these
problems are mostly caused by limited funding, on-going discussion between university
management and Malaysian Ministry of Education to increase the budget is needed. With
enough budgets, universities can increase and offer more research grants and assistantships
and sponsor students to attend conferences or seminar in the region so that they can develop
professional experiences outside their classrooms A decision to do graduate study is a serious
commitment. The experience of being in graduate school can be challenging, rewarding, and
intellectually stimulating. Returning to college is likely to be stressful for mature adults, because
of the conflict created by the demanding nature of students’ role as well as other roles that they
have to perform (Anderson & Miezitis, 1999). Furthermore, they usually have working
experience and often have many adult responsibilities. Performing multiple roles can cause
them to be depressed and under considerable stress. Attending university that does not have
enough facilities for graduate students will add to the burden as these problems can affect and
delay their progress. According to Caple (1995), graduate students who feel pressured,
spending time with someone with empathy for their circumstances and trained to help them
release their stress and find ways to adjust, is sufficient help. Although student affairs
professionals have limited capacities to change certain things that cause academic stress to
graduate students, they may help them manage their stress through advice and counseling.
Student affairs professionals who work in advising offices and counseling centers must
understand problems and stresses that graduate students face and help them integrate new
experience into their lives. Admission to the graduate program at the university where the study
was conducted (i.e., a 4-year, public university in the Southwestern United States) required
international and native students to demonstrate proficiency in the four language skills of the
English language (i.e., reading, writing, speaking, and listening). International students were
required to score 550 or higher on a computer-based test or 6.5 or better in an international
English language testing system (International Prospective Students, n.d.). However, some
international students who meet the minimal level of proficiency still encounter language barriers
in their graduate programs. All participants found that lacking in English language proficiency
presents a challenge in taking online classes (Byram & Feng, 2006). Olga explained, “My
English limits me in online classes. I only say a little due to the lack of my English proficiency”
(I3.L320-322.P9). Since online classes are heavily focused on reading and writing, not being
proficient in the language is a barrier in communication. Abby said, “I am international student
so to me taking offline classes is much easier because I can see their reaction, their body
language, everything” (I1.L353.P10). Olga disclosed that she struggles in online classes
because they are heavily dependent on writing: “I think the writing abilities is the hardest for me.
I need to think and work hard on my writing and spend so much time. I get discouraged
sometimes” (I3,L613-614.P16). Olga was persistent to improve in her writing and, thus used
different strategies. She said,“I tried to see other graduates so I ask them for help.... I also send
my papers to the writing center and meet with the tutors personally to learn more about
writing techniques” (I3.L591-595.P15). Like Katie, Abby faced similar struggles “sometimes
I can’t deliver my message very clearly....I got to think about my English a lot and I got to meet
my English tutor all the time otherwise my classmate cannot understand what I am writing”
(I1.L407-408.P11). Abby also mentioned that she had a very positive experience with an
international professor because the professor could relate to her experience, and would
push her to do better in a positive way. All participants expressed that face-to-face
classes helped them avoid miscommunication and receive immediate feedback.
Local Studies
In their study conducted, Siraye, Abebe, Melese and Wale (2028) found that the
top ten employability skills in greatest need of curricular attention, according to the perception
of graduates, were making decisions in a short time period, identifying problems, writing
reports, prioritizing problems, applying IT as a management tool, revising plans to include
new information, writing external business communication, providing novel solutions to
problems, relating well with supervisors, and identifying essential components of a problem.
They, then suggested that for the graduates to be successful in the labor market, universities in
their part need to design and implement their program curricula in line with the globally
acknowledged need for the long-term career development of graduates. Findings of the study
conducted by Pangilinan, Juan, Pascual, Santos, and Simangan (2019) also showed that
competencies/skills like critical solving skills, human relation skills and conceptual skills which
the graduates considered very useful. They also found that school-related factors such as
teacher relates subjects to the practical corporate situation; teacher conducts himself in a
professional manner and the teacher has a good communication skill, were considered to be
very important by the respondents. Dorji and Singh (2020) analyzed the relevance of the
course program of one university in Bhutan as perceived by its graduates. It was found that the
academic experience of the respondents is very relevant for employability. The program
provided them with opportunities to get a suitable job and they also found it very useful for their
current job. They ultimately perceived that they acquired adequate knowledge for the job.
The findings implied that the graduate students encountered low to moderate challenges
during the research process because the approved topics are within the range of their interest,
and they were given enough support to perform their research activities. The statement
supports the findings that the individual’s interest in a particular topic is significant. Researching
topics that are not of interest could affect the students’ performance, and there can be problems
in completing the study on time. Further, the supervisors (advisers) should develop research
skills and creativity by preparing a conducive research environment, and they are expected to
help their students overcome research problems (Akyurek & Afacan, 201)
The study’s first finding determined the students’ experiences in graduate school and
revealed three themes. Most Ph.D. students stated that they struggled with time management,
work-life balance, and stress management education in these themes. The participants stated
that they found it difficult to manage their time with their workloads, school activities, and
requirements, a lack of time spared in preparing assignments and other requirements, a lack of
interaction due to poor internet connections, and a lack of time for research work and
consultation.According to a study on students’ time management skills, the participants’ mean of
time planning was low, and thus they could not manage their time well (Başak, Uzun, & Arslan,
2008). Similarly, another study that looked at students’ time management skills on academic
performance discovered that time management skills effectively achieved performance
(Tanröen&Işcan, 2009). Also, according to Alharbi (2020), there is a significant and positive
relationship between time management, time planning, and academic performance.
Furthermore, GortnerLahmers and Zulauf (2000) discovered that students with time
management skills could use their academic time more efficiently. could make better use of their
academic time between time management In the study’s second finding, five codes were
created based on students’ experiences with work-life balance: Work, school time, study time,
Social Obligations, Relaxation, and Health Responsibilities. As graduate students, the student
participants stated that they have many responsibilities. They have obligations at work, in their
classes, in their families, and even within themselves. However, they believe that they must
complete their Ph.D. to be competitive and advance in their careers, as today’s jobs require a
higher level of education.Creating a work-life balance is especially important during stressful
times, according to Loreto (2019). It is well known that a high incidence of illnesses occurs in
college when students are under additional stress, such as when studying for exams or
completing the numerous papers and presentations required by professors. Dr. Michele
Associate Professor of Public Health at Southern Connecticut State University,
discusses in his published articles that there are numerous ways for students to balance their
lives while also meeting the daily demands of college
A study by Rotas & Cahapay (2020), It is said that online learning really affects students
because of new learning processes such as online teaching. We know that not all students learn
quickly through online teaching, as well as students who have difficulty learning. They cannot.
study because they do not have the tools needed to study.
According to Santos (2020), the current situation in distance learning is likely to
exacerbate existing inequalities and may cause barriers to online learning. Because some
students find it difficult to afford a study facilitator, to easily focus on online classes and
immediately provide assignments on the online system,
As stated by Baloran (2020), despite efforts to make education accessible to all,
students still face many difficulties in conducting distance education. Many students experience
stress due to the difficulty of keeping up with the learning process, such as fast learners who
even teach online. They are quick to adopt what needs to be done, unlike other students who
have difficulty understanding through online study causing student stress.
According to Joaquin, Biana, Dacela (2020) that this novel coronavirus affects more than
a billion learners worldwide that's why they implement online classes to the education system.
For instance, DLSU offers remote online learning that includes both synchronous and
asynchronous activities. On the other hand, many private sectors have signed a petition signed
by students and professors who are taking online classes as a new form of learning and may
confront a variety of challenges. Furthermore, it can have an impact on students' lives by
increasing their workload, which contradicts the purpose of lockdown, which is to adjust to the
current situation. It also stated that there are issues with integration and peer culture, as well as
the possibility of transmitting values in a "virtual" classroom. Because of the lack of human
interaction, some students may miss the point of the instruction. Because some students are
unreachable, under- resourced, under-served, and inaccessible, they must find a way to seek
Research Framework and Paradigm
This study is an open-ended question used in the investigation. The following theoretical
framework was created specially for the purpose of this study.

Intensive and career-focused, graduate school can sometimes feel like a more
challenging version of college. Along with some well-known obstacles that are reintroduced, it
offers fresh difficulties that students were not faced with throughout their undergraduate
education. Graduate for students, school may be both demanding and gratifying. Therefore, we
would like to talk about Three typical graduate school obstacles and how to get past them and
other struggles that graduating students encountered.

-imposter phenomenon, is the sense of self-doubt while taking on new challenges, a
pervasive worry of being discovered to lack the necessary skills for success, and
difficulty thinking you are deserving. Furthermore, even in cases where success is
attained, those who suffer from imposter syndrome think their accomplishments are the
product of chance rather than talent.
-graduate students are in charge of securing and paying for their own financial
assistance. Furthermore, just the cost of a college education can be a major obstacle to
academic success. Nevertheless, graduate students have access to a wide range of
scholarships and financial assistance programmes. To find out about the cost and
resources available to you as a graduate student, get in touch with the graduate
admission and financial aid office of your chosen university.

-Graduate degrees are well-known for the huge quantity of writing required in classes, as
well as the lengthy thesis. If you struggled with writing papers in college, you'll most
likely face the same difficulties in graduate school. That being said, there are various
approaches to conquer the seemingly impossible chore of writing a thesis or dissertation.


Graduate school is not simple, but by understanding some of the major challenges
students experience and how to overcome them, you may begin preparing now and devise a
strategy to overcome them in the future.

Positive Thinking
Relaxation Techniques
Ask others to help
Engaged in problem solving


Challenges- Something that needs great mental or physical effort in order to be done
successfully and therefore test a person's ability.

Conquer- Overcome and take control of a place or people.

Dissertation- a long essay on a particular subject, especially one written as a


Pervasive- Spread throughout so thoroughly as to be seen or felt everywhere.

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