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Technical Information…

PANWATER Counter Flow Film Fill Packing Media

The fill packing media in a cooling tower offers an expanded surface area for the distribution
of hot water to the induced ambient air to perform the evaporation process and thus, the
circulating hot water is being cooled down. The thermal efficiency and the life span of the fill
packing media are very much depending on the fill packing media design and materials of

Panwater’s PCF PVC fill packing media offers numerous features and advantages as below:

1. The PCF PVC fill packing media can be supplied in any length and of any with to the
maximum width of 1000mm. The width of the media sheets will become the height of the
media module when assembled. However, we always recommend and prefer media module
height of 300mm. With this module height, packing media module can be installed with each
layer perpendicular to the layer above and below. This arrangement of fill packing will
improve the distribution of water through the fills very effectively as the direction of water
distribution changes each time it pass through a new layer of fill packing.

Comparing with the same type of fills and of the similar fill height, say 1.2m, a 600mm module
height will only allow the water direction change once only in the entire film flow process from
the top to the bottom of the fills. While 4 layer of 300mm packing modules will allow 3 times
the water to change its direction. Each time the water changes its direction and flow into a
new layer of packing media, the efficiency of the water to air heat exchange is markedly
enhanced. And thus cooling efficiency is improved. Moreover, with each layer of the fill height
reduced to only 300mm, the overall buckling strength of the module is increased and thus the
media is capable of withstanding higher loading as well and this offer longer life span.

2. The PCF PVC fill packing media are manufactured with the edges on both ends of the sheets folded. These folded edges
will firstly increase the thickness of the sheet size at the edges to double the thickness of the sheet. Secondly, with the edges
being folded instead of just an bare cut edge, the PVC sheet materials is not easily being torn apart. Therefore, the media can
be regularly removed from the cooling tower for cleaning without damages due to handling.

This folded edge is the key design feature to Panwater’s cooling towers which have been well known for its long life span
comparing to most cooling tower in the market. The advantage of this key feature significantly reduced the total maintenance
cost and fill packing replacement cost of the cooling tower through out the entire life span.

3. The PCF PVC fill packing media is manufactured with micro-corrugations on the surface of the major corrugation. The
design is intended to create a maximum total surface area over a constant volume of fill packing to improve the efficiency. The
extra micro-corrugation not only increase the total surface area of the fill packing, it impede film flow velocity to allow a longer
holding time of the hot water in the fill packing section to interact with the induced ambient air for heat exchange process.

4. The PCF PVC fill packing is produced directly from new PVC resin into the PVC film and formed into the finished profile in a
single continuous production process. This type of manufacturing process ensures the quality and consistency of the finished
product is always maintained and controlled. Whereas fill packing media manufactured from standard PVC film need reheating
of the films and thermo forming into various profiles and shapes usually exhibit tendency to brittleness and other manufacturing
defects due to excessive reheating.

Panwater’s PCF PVC fill media has been used to replace fill packing media of cooling towers manufactured by others with
success. It is not limited to be used in Panwater’s cooling tower only.

Fill Packing Specification:

Model PCF-12 PCF-19 PCF-27

Materials PVC PVC PVC
Flute Size mm 12 19 27
Surface Of Exchange m2/m3 243 148 112
Minimum Water Loading m3/m2.Hour 8 5 3
Standard Dimensions Length, mm Variable <2000
Width, mm Variable <1000
Height, mm 300 300 300
Distance Of Support mm 1000 Max. 1000 Max. 1000 Max.
Width Of Support mm 50 Min. 50 Min. 50 Min.
Material Thickness mm 0.20 0.25 0.40
Weight Kg/m3 35 27 28
Continuous Operating Temperature o C 50 50 50
Intermittent Operating Temperature o C 55 55 55
Application Clean Indirect Cooling Water

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