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Journal of Leadership in Organizations, ISSN 2656-8829 (Print), ISSN 2656-8810 (Online)

Vol.3, No. 1 (2021) 1-15

Journal homepage: https://jurnal.ugm.ac.id/leadership


Zaidan Abdurrahman Qois1*, and Rahmi1*
1 Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, 16424, Indonesia


Introduction/Main Objectives: Leadership is important in

Keywords: enabling a person and a nation to improve and advance.
Background Problems: Leadership is not something that
Role of contemporary
leadership, library and
everyone seeks, especially in youth. The youth leadership
information science student crisis can be seen from the lack of students who want to
association, IMASIP FIB-UI. become chairpersons in university extracurricular activities.
Novelty: This research makes a three-fold contribution. First,
this study presents an analysis of the ‘Evolving Leadership
Article History: Practices Assessment’ quizzes (Olson and Singer, 2004)
Received distributed by the Chairperson and Vice-chairperson of the
Library Science Student Association (IMASIP) the Faculty of
Received in revised from Humanities, Universitas Indonesia. Second, this study
2021-02-21 assesses the IMASIP FIB-UI Daily Management Board. This
Received in revised from study also interviewed five informants with 12 closed-ended
2021-03-06 questions. Research Methods: This paper assesses youth
leadership by using a mix of qualitative and quantitative
2021-03-10 methods, with a case study approach. Finding/Results: Our
result shows and supports the assumption that age and years
of leadership will affect the scores obtained at IMASIP,
which further research must examine. This research also
suggests that the Daily Management Board performance can
be maintained by connection, contribution, and
collaboration. Conclusion: The results identify efforts to
build and improve leadership among students, including
developing and increasing seminars and training in
leadership to prepare students who have a role as the
successors of the nation’s leadership.
* Corresponding Author at Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Humanities,
Universitas Indonesia, Depok, 16424, Indonesia.
E-mail address: zaidan.abdurrahman@ui.ac.id (author#1), rahmi.ami@ui.ac.id (author#2)

This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).

Qois and Rahmi Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.3, No. 1 (2021) 1-15

1. Introduction and McCartan, 2016). This paper has three

purposes. The first is to analyse the
Being a leader is not easy. Leadership is the
Chairperson and Vice-chairperson’s personal
ability to inspire yourself and other
assessment of the Library Science Student
individuals through ideas and behavioural
Association (IMASIP) at the Faculty of
examples in enabling a person and a nation
Humanities (FIB-UI), based on the ‘Evolving
to improve and advance (Byke and Lowe-
Leadership Practices Assessment’ quiz by
Wincentsen, 2014; ). Several major leadership
Olson and Singer (2004). The second is to
theories emerged during the 20th century,
show the Chairperson and Vice-
such as Great Man theory, Trait theory,
chairperson’s average value to the Daily
Process leadership theory, Style and
Management Board, based on the IMASIP
Behavioural theory, Transformational,
FIB-UI Accountability Report. Last is to
Transactional and Laissez-Faire leadership
investigate interviews using 12 closed-ended
theory (Nawaz and Khan, 2016). Academics
questions answered by the Chairperson and
and practitioners have carried out the
Vice-chairperson of IMASIP FIB-UI and
consensus around advancing the idea that
make suggestions for building and
leadership is a flexible development process
enhancing leadership among students. This
(Wittenborg, Ferguson, and Keller, 2003).
research then suggests building and
However, the consensus cannot yet be
enhancing leadership among students as
generalized to students, especially in
future successors and leaders of the nation
extracurricular activities at the university.
(Rahmi and Lo, 2015).
The principles of ‘from’, ‘by’ and ‘for’
students form student majors and
extracurricular activities at the university. On
2. Literature Review
the other hand, leadership is not something
2.1. The Leadership Role in Library
that everyone seeks. For example, the lack of
students who want to become the and Information Science
Chairperson of the Student Executive Board Theories, definitions, classifications and
(Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa or BEM) explanations about leadership are already
characterises the Universitas Indonesia present in contemporary literature
leadership crisis. Therefore, the researchers (Wittenborg, Ferguson, and Keller, 2003;
intend to evaluate and develop what has Byke and Lowe-Wincentsen, 2014;
happened to the previous leadership in a Halaychik, 2016; Nawaz and Khan, 2016).
student association called the Library Science Academics and practitioners have reached a
Student Association (IMASIP) at the Faculty consensus over the years that has resulted in
of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia (FIB- the belief that leadership is a flexible
UI). The first author was the Chairperson of development process (Wittenborg, Ferguson,
IMASIP FIB-UI in 2019-2020. and Keller, 2003). The main theories on the
This paper will assess youth leadership's matter that emerged during the 20th century
problem to evaluate and develop leadership include the Great Man theory, Trait theory,
roles at IMASIP FIB-UI by using a mix of Process leadership theory, Style and
qualitative and quantitative methods with a Behavioural theory, Transformational,
case study approach (Bryman, 2016; Robson Transactional and Laissez-Faire leadership
Qois and Rahmi Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.3, No. 1 (2021) 1-15

theory (Nawaz and Khan, 2016). In addition, Table 1. Command and control leadership matrix
Command and control
Olson and Singer (2004) offer two main
Characteristics System Reinforcing
approaches to leadership, consisting of 1) values leadership
command and control and 2) chaos and actions
The hierarchical, Efficiency Commanding
complexity (Olson and Singer, 2004). These
approaches remind us to familiarise structure Expertness Controlling
ourselves with the characteristics and values
Control as Replication Delegating or
that inform our behaviour as leaders. organising force communicating
Standard- downward
Predictive isation
2.2. Command and Control
Two main influences shape the leadership Organisation as
landscape in the library system across a machine
Source: Olson and Singer (2004)
governments, companies and non-profit
institutions. The first, command and control,
2.3. Chaos and Complexity
is a traditional top-down hierarchical model
Command and control were dominant
with roots in the American industrial era.
leadership theories until the 1990’s when
Fredrick Taylor introduced scientific
different organisational behaviour
management as one of the first quantified
approaches became increasingly important.
management techniques in the 1920s.
An emerging approach, called ‘chaos and
Scientific management is a response to initial
complexity, is now recognised as more
challenges in managing plant efficiency. The
descriptive of fast-moving, dynamic,
human element is crucial for the success of
networked organisations. Margaret
production output and can also measure and
Wheatley (1994), in her book Leadership and
evaluate human efficiency as an important
the New Science, first introduced the idea
indicator of success. The essence of scientific
that organisations are complex systems that
management is monitoring and controlling
depend on external influences or events, such
human and machine resources to create
as the entry of new competitors, to change.
efficient and cost-effective processes and
Wheatley (1994) recognises that most
systems that maximise profits. Scientific
organisational behaviour—how
management coined the term ‘command and
organisations change and how people build
control’ to describe this type of leadership.
networks and share information in ways that
The metaphor for command and control is
seem unstructured but effective—reflects the
the organisation as a machine. Table 1
way change occurs in nature and the
highlights the main characteristics of
biological systems of the organisation itself.
command and control, its values and
Wheatley (1994) asserts that organisations
leadership actions that strengthen and
are at their best when they operate more like
maintain the system and function.
chaotic or complex systems because that is
the natural way for humans to behave and
act. The essence of management in complex
organisations is to recognise external
changes and adjust the organisation to take

Qois and Rahmi Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.3, No. 1 (2021) 1-15

advantage of certain changes that enable it to 2.4. Connections, Contributions and

grow and meet goals. Collaborations
For this reason, chaotic and complex Strengthening leadership actions that make
environments are also called adaptive complex systems work are connections,
systems. Complex systems can only survive contributions and collaboration (Olson and
and develop if designed to be open, flexible Singer, 2004). Connections are important
and responsive to external changes in the leadership skills because they support and
organisational environment. If the enable relational structures that encourage
organisation does not adapt quickly enough, information-sharing and keep systems open
it stops growing and eventually dies, only to and functioning (Australian Library and
have a more flexible and adaptive system Information Association, 2014). Leaders
replace it. create and maintain connections both
For example, libraries that fail to offer or internally and externally with the
adapt their programs to serve better- community, city or district government,
emerging demographics, such as older academic institutions and other
populations or multicultural communities, stakeholders. Leaders also even change
will eventually become less valuable and connections based on library goals and
more likely to be replaced by the Internet, strategies, priority programs and projects,
bookstores, community organisations and political processes, and key players,
other libraries that innovate and stay active including appointed and elected officials.
and important. The metaphor for complexity The leader takes situational actions, taking
is a living or adaptive system. Table 2 advantage of a change to move and improve
highlights the main characteristics of the organisation to always be positioned for
complexity, what is valued in complex growth and success.
organisations, and leadership actions that Work leaders who involve contributing
strengthen those who maintain an with leadership connect to each individual
organisation and make it function as a and make explicit to them how their work
complex system. relates to the success of library goals and
Table 2. Complexity leadership matrix strategies (Olson and Singer, 2004). In other
Characteristics System values Reinforcing words, all individuals must see how they
leadership each impact the overall success of running
library activities every day. Identifying
The flat, Relationships Connecting
networked contributions as the main focus of leadership
structure Effectiveness Contributing enables people to form new and different
Change as Openness Collaborating relationships and share information across
organising force departments. This encourages creativity and
often inspires excitement among individuals
Flexible, solutions
adaptive because they can use more of their talents,
Information break boundaries, and grow networks within
Organisation as sharing
a living system organisations and between libraries,
Source: Olson and Singer (2004) stakeholders and partner organisations.

Qois and Rahmi Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.3, No. 1 (2021) 1-15

Collaboration refers to doing the main consisted of the four IMASIP Chairpersons
work when problems or situations appear from 2016 to 2019 and the IMASIP Vice-
complex, new, unfamiliar and challenging. chairperson in 2016.
Collaborating on programs, budgets, and
strategic plans creates a mutual Table 3. Data Informants
ID Name (initial) Role in IMASIP Year
understanding and interdependence among KE01 JJX Chairperson 2016
members. Collaboration draws forth more WK02 FRH Vice-chairperson 2016
diverse perspectives and talents. KE03 YOM Chairperson 2017
KE04 MAM Chairperson 2018
Collaboration can also be slow and messy KE05 NAX Chairperson 2019
because team members must overcome
differences and be willing to trade one In the first stage, five informants
individual’s needs for the whole team’s completed The Olson Group Inc. quiz from
good. Leaders must encourage collaboration the book ‘Winning with Library Leadership:
because of its value in implementing new Enhancing Services with Connection,
programs and services and solving large and Contribution, and Collaboration’ by Olson
complex problems. If library leaders do not and Singer, 2004. Consisting of 36 questions,
involve individuals and their stakeholders in this quiz is a self-assessment tool that
connection, contribution and collaboration, provides information about leadership
organisations will find it difficult to respond practices because it involves connections,
effectively and quickly to change (Olson and contributions and collaboration. The
Singer, 2004). ‘Evolving Leadership Practices Assessment’
is designed to give feedback on four
3. Method, Data, and Analysis dimensions— awareness, emotion, personal
To understand the problem of youth behaviour and facilitation—related to a
leadership to evaluate and develop connection, contribution, and collaboration
leadership roles at the Library Science leadership. The assessment has no right or
Student Association (IMASIP) in the Faculty wrong answers; it is a tool designed to
of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia (FIB- provide information about leadership
UI), this research uses a mixture of practices. The ‘Evolving Leadership Practices
qualitative and quantitative methods with a Assessment’ quiz comprises 36 items, and
case study approach (Bryman, 2016; Robson when answered, the researchers calculate
and McCartan, 2016). and records scores by following the
First, the researchers contacted the directions in the book (Olson and Singer,
research informant, who was once the 2004). The score reflects leadership practices
Chairperson and Vice-chairperson of represented by three elements: (1)
IMASIP FIB-UI. Table 3 lists five informants connection, contribution and collaboration;
who were willing to 1) complete the quiz (2) awareness, emotions, behaviour and
designed by Olson and Singer (2004), facilitation; (3) the score for evolving
‘Evolving Leadership Practices Assessment’, leadership.
2) provide IMASIP accountability reports, In the second stage, four informants,
and 3) further interview participants with 12 representatives of the Chairperson during
closed-ended questions. The five informants 2016-2019, gave an accountability report. In

Qois and Rahmi Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.3, No. 1 (2021) 1-15

the accountability reports, the Chairperson 4.1. Analysis of ‘Evolving leadership

and Vice-chairperson of IMASIP gave scores practices assessment’ quiz in IMASIP
ranging from 1 to100, rating the Daily FIB-UI
Management Board. The Daily Management The research method explained above
Board consists of 13 sections: 1) Vice- includes the information that The Olson
chairperson, 2) General Treasurer, 3) 1st Group, Inc. designed this quiz in the book
Mandatory Student Representative Council ‘Winning with Library Leadership:
(DPM), 4) 2nd Mandatory DPM, 5) Head of Enhancing Services’ with Connection,
Human Resources Development Bureau Contribution, and Collaboration (Olson and
(PSDM), 6) Bureau Chief Public Relations Singer, 2004). This quiz consists of 36
and Media, 7) Head of the Secretariat, 8) questions. It uses ranges of total-score
Head of the Creative Business Bureau, 9) ratings: 1) 125 or more, 2) 110–124, 3) 100–109
Head of the Department of Community and 4) 100 or less. The score reflects three
Service, 10) Head of the Department of the leadership practice elements: 1) connection,
Arts, 11) Head of the Department of Sports, contribution and collaboration; 2) awareness,
12) Head of the Department of Research and emotions, behaviour and facilitation; 3) the
Development (RnD) and 13) Head of score for evolving leadership.
Department of Student Welfare Advocacy Category 1, a total score above 125: In
(Adkesma). Although no study assesses the general, students are balanced in all three
Chairperson, the assessment score from the leadership practices and can take advantage
Chairperson can evaluate each division to of each practice, depending on the situation;
illustrate the effectiveness and efficiency of a called ‘situational leadership’. Students can
division. assess which practices are appropriate for the
In the last stage, the researchers target. Students tend to easily move between
designed 12 closed-ended questions for the three leadership practices and have enough
set of individual case studies (Robson and experience and competence to understand
McCartan, 2016). The researchers why one practice is suitable for any situation.
interviewed informants online during 10–21 Areas of improvement include focusing on
February 2020, using the social media one area of practice or key attributes that
application WhatsApp. students want to develop further.
Category 2, total score between 110 and
4. Result and Discussion 124: Students have a strong preference for
The discussion of this research will explain: one or two of three leadership practices.
1) Analysis of the quiz results from ‘Evolving Students show competency in one or two
Leadership Practices Assessment’, based on fields and may get a high score in two of the
Olson and Singer (2004), at IMASIP FIB-UI; four main attributes. These leadership
2) Analysis of the results of the 2016–2019 practices are familiar to students, but they
IMASIP FIB-UI Responsibility Report; and 3) may not be able to apply every exercise as
Analysis of the results of the interview based easily or flexibly as they wish. Values also
on 12 closed-ended questions. indicate that students may be shifting from
command-and-control leadership in
significant and positive ways. Students can

Qois and Rahmi Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.3, No. 1 (2021) 1-15

demonstrate several levels of ‘situational new managers. Students are interested in this
leadership’ in one or two fields. Students aim emerging type of leadership and want to
to add leadership tools by developing know more about improving and using this
competencies in other fields. The leadership practice every day. In particular,
improvement area includes focusing on one behaviour and facilitation may be a
or two areas of practice and one or two of the challenge. Students aim to add leadership
main attributes students want to improve. tools by developing competencies in other
Students need not burden themselves and fields. The improvement area includes
the people around them. Take it slow and focusing on one or two fields of practice and
work on strategies and action plans to see one or two main attributes that want
fundamental changes and improvements improvement.
before moving to the next focus area. Five informants, including the first
Category 3, total score between 100 and researchers, completed the quiz and scored
109: Students have a strong preference for as Table 4 shows across the four score ranges.
one of the three leadership practices. Two informants—the Chairperson and Vice-
Students show competency in one or two chairperson of IMASIP in 2016—received
fields and may get a high score in two of the scores of 130 and 134, respectively, located in
four main attributes. This leadership practice Category 1. Then, two informants—the
is most likely new to students. Students are Chairpersons of IMASIP in 2017 and 2018—
interested in this emerging type of leadership received scores of 121 and 118, respectively,
and want to know more about improving in Category 2. In addition, one informant—
and using these practices every day. In the Chairperson of IMASIP in 2019—
particular, awareness and facilitation may be received a score in Category 3. No informants
a challenge. Students aim to add leadership received a score in Category 4. Furthermore,
tools by developing competencies in other the first researchers scored 127, included in
fields. The improvement area includes a Category 1. This shows and supports the
focus on one or two areas of practice and one assumption that age, years of leadership and
or two of the main attributes wanting various experiences will influence the scores
improvement. Students need not burden obtained at IMASIP FIB-UI, which must be
themselves and the people around them. studied in further research.
Take it slow and work on strategies and
action plans to see real changes and Table 4. Quiz results ‘Evolving Leadership Practices
Assessment’ in IMASIP FIB-UI
improvements before moving to the next ID Year Assessment score
focus area. KE01 2016 130
Category 4, total score below 100: WK02 2016 134
KE03 2017 121
Students prefer one of three leadership KE04 2018 118
practices and show the capacity for KE05 2019 100
involvement in one or two main attributes.
This leadership practise very new for 4.2. Analysis of IMASIP FIB-UI
students. Students may work in more Accountability Report 2016–2019
‘technical’ roles or as individual contributors, The researchers read the IMASIP FIB-UI
and they may want to switch to becoming Accountability Report from 2016 to 2019 and

Qois and Rahmi Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.3, No. 1 (2021) 1-15

identify that the Chairperson gives values Chairperson’s evaluation in 2018 to the Daily
ranging from 1 to 100 to the Daily Management Board for four components and
Management Board, consisting of 1) Vice- got a score of 88. However, the researchers
chairperson, 2) General Treasurer, 3) 1st did not include the four components in the
Mandatory Student Representative Council average assessment of the Chairperson for
(DPM), 4) 2nd Mandatory DPM, 5) Head of the whole Daily Management Board from
Human Resources Development Bureau 2016 to 2019.
(PSDM), 6) Head of Public Relations and In 2019, the Chairperson of IMASIP (ID:
Media Bureau, 7) Head of the Secretariat KE05) assigned values to six delegates to the
Bureau, 8) Head of Creative Business Bureau, combined Daily Management Board,
9) Head of Department of Community namely, 1) Vice-chairperson, 2) General
Service, 10) Head of Department of Arts, 11) Treasurer, 3) Head of PSDM (Human
Head of Department of Sports, 12) Head of Resources Development) Bureau, 4) Head of
Department of Research and Development Department of Sports, Arts and RnD, 5)
(RnD) and 13) Head of Department of Department of Adkesma (Student Welfare
Student Welfare Advocacy (Adkesma). Advocacy), Community Service and 6)
In 2016, the Vice-chairperson (ID: Public Relations and Media Bureau, and
WK02) assigned values to all Daily Creative Business.
Management Board except the Chairperson Table 5 also shows two assessment results
and Mandatory DPM 1 and 2. of the Chairperson and Vice-chairperson of
In 2018, the Chairperson of IMASIP (ID: the IMASIP FIB-UI Daily Management Board
KE04) assigned values to only four and shows that the Chairperson of IMASIP in
components, namely, 1) Vice-chairperson 2019 had a higher average score (88.18) than
(90), 2) Student Coordinator (85), 3) in previous years, followed by the
Community Social Coordinator (89), and 4) Chairperson of IMASIP in 2017 (86.53),
Vice-chairperson of UI Book festival and IMASIP Chairperson in 2016 (83.69) and
Telminas 2018 (88). The researchers averaged IMASIP Vice-chairperson in 2016 (82.9).

Table 5. Results of the Chairperson and Vice-chairperson evaluation of the IMASIP FIB-UI Daily Management Board
KE01 WK02 KE03 KE04 KE05 Average
2016 2016 2017 2018 2019 Score
Vice-chairperson 85 88 90 87.66
General Treasurer 83 82 88 90 85.75
1st Mandatory DPM 82 85 83.5
2nd Mandatory DPM 81 85 83
Head of PSDM (Human Resources Development) Bureau 85 83 87 89 86
Head of Public Relations and Media Bureau 84 81 88 86 84.75
Head of the Secretariat Bureau 84 82 85 89 85
Head of Creative Business Bureau 83 80 85 86 83.5
Head of the Department of Community Service 83 80 87 88 84.5
Head of Department of Arts 85 84 88 88 86.25
Head of Department of Sports 85 87 85 88 86.25
Head of Department of RnD (Research and Development) 85 90 88 88 87.75
Head of Department of Adkesma (Student Welfare Advocacy) 83 80 86 88 84.25
Average score 83.69 82.9 86.53 88.18 85.28

Qois and Rahmi Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.3, No. 1 (2021) 1-15

In addition, researchers averaged the chairperson of IMASIP. In Question 1, two

highest until the lowest ranks of the informants did not nominate themselves to
Chairperson and Vice-chairperson for each be the Chairperson, and three informants
Daily Management Board from 2016-2019, 1) nominated themselves to be the Chairperson
Head of the Research and Development and Vice-chairperson. Reviewing Question 2
Department, 2) Vice-chairperson, 3) Head of revealed that two informants who answered
the Department of Arts, 4) Head of the ‘not nominating’ had the same motivation:
Department of Sports, 5) Head of Human seeking experience and honing abilities.
Resources Development Bureau (PSDM), 6) Next, in Question 3, the election to become
General Treasurer, 7) Head of Secretariat Chairperson and Vice-chairperson is
Bureau, 8) Head of Public Relations and determined by the IMASIP Grand Election
Media Bureau, 9) Head of Community (PEMIRA) process, a pattern that does not
Service Department, 10) Head of Department change from year to year.
of Student Welfare Advocacy (Adkesma), 11) Question 1: Are you running for the
1st Mandatory DPM, 12) Head of Creative Chairman or Representative of IMASIP
Business Bureau, 13 ) 2nd Mandatory DPM. based on your own will?
This shows several aspects that can serve as Table 6. Answer to Question 1
ID Answer
evaluations for handling Daily Management KE01 No
Board during the next leadership period. WK02 Yes
KE03 No
KE04 Yes
4.3. Results of An Interview Analysis KE05 Yes
Using 12 Closed-ended Questions Question 2: What are the motivations
Researchers designed 12 closed-ended and goals that make you run for the
questions and interviewed informants online Chairperson or Representative of IMASIP?
during February 10-21, 2020, using the social
Table 7. Answer to Question 2
media application WhatsApp. Researchers ID Answer
found various obstacles because the time KE01 Motivation is encouragement, I think. The
motivation is trust and requests from the
available was very limited, and force forum and some friends outside the
communicating with the more senior department from the outer side. I want to
informants was difficult. The 12 questions hone my skills more. The goal is to learn
further to develop themselves in terms of
were divided into three parts, namely, 1) leadership and organization
before becoming Chairperson and Vice- WK02 Correcting the existing deficiencies in
IMASIP according to my observations
chairperson (questions 1-3), 2) when
while I was an IMASIP member and
becoming Chairperson and Vice-chairperson willing to take part in campus forums
(questions 4-9), and 3) after becoming covering the latest action and news in the
faculty and university environment.
Chairperson and Vice-chairperson KE03 Seeking experience, strengthening IMASIP
(questions 10-12). in developing library and information
students’ interests, especially in science.
KE04 Anxiety about the development and
Before becoming the Chairperson and Vice- motivation of the organization.
chairperson. Questions 1 to 3 are the KE05 Want to serve in the department after a
few years in another organization. I got the
questions that were explained before motivation because of support from
becoming the Chairperson and Vice- friends.

Qois and Rahmi Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.3, No. 1 (2021) 1-15

Question 3: How was the IMASIP PEMIRA Question 5: What are the opinions of the
(Pemilihan Raya or election day) process at people around you when you were elected
that time? as the Chairperson or Representative of
Table 8. Answer to Question 3 IMASIP? (Explain based on opinion:
ID Answer
KE01 PEMIRA Process
Parents, Lecturers, Peer Groups, and friends
Running according to the timeline, starting of one department, both senior, classmates
from sending the grand design and essay, and younger siblings)
exploration, campaigning until the election
period, all of which have been well Table 10. Answer to Question 5
accommodated by the committee. ID Answer
KE01 Parents: They are also happy with the
Selection of candidates achievement, and also remind always to
Both have supporters (no shadow maintain an attitude (don't be arrogant,
candidates) and compete fairly. don’t be bossy, etc.).
WK02 Through voting.
KE03 Open recruitment, election and Lecturer: (It seems) they used to have fun,
announcement. yes, because before becoming a chairman,
KE04 Going well with competitive and fair there was a closeness with them so that it
competition. was more accessible in terms of
KE05 Going smoothly through the election coordination.
When they became the Chairperson and Peer group: I am happy, and of course,
they always oversee my journey for the
Vice-chairperson. In Question 4, the same
next one year (this has agreed to the
pattern is seen in Question 2, namely, KE01 nomination, so if I go forward, they must
and KE03 have the same ‘unexpected’ be willing to take criticism and
suggestions as long as I am chairman).
perception and WK02, KE04, and KE05 have
‘trusted’ perceptions so that they can explore Friends in the same department: You are
happy, you are also giving trust and, of
themselves further. In Question 5, support
course, you are also giving advice,
from the surroundings was obtained from especially from your seniors and
the five informants, both internally and generation.
WK02 Shocked, happy and encouraged me.
externally. KE03 Parents feel proud, and lecturers give
Question 4: What was your opinion when congratulations and enthusiasm. Peer
you were elected as Chairman or groups are convincing for the right list to
receive. They are very supportive,
Representative of IMASIP? classmates rely on IMASIP even better,
Table 9. Answer to Question 4 and younger siblings certainly give
ID Answer congratulations.
KE01 To be honest, this is unexpected because KE04 Overall, they have the full support and
each candidate has supporters and cannot trust of these people because they already
be predicted. The acquisition results are have a good and relevant track record.
also not very far, it seems to be only two or KE05 They support and want to be with me to
thirty different votes (forgetfulness). Faced manage this organization. Maybe some
with it, yes, just live it. people don’t support me, but I don’t care.
WK02 This is a responsibility that I must carry
before taking on greater responsibility in
the post-campus real world.
Question 6: When you were chosen, did you
KE03 I didn’t expect that many would choose, so already know how to lead an organization?
I had to be enthusiastic and total. (If answering Yes, please provide a reason,
KE04 I was trusted to have responsibility for the
quality and image of the organization. and if answering no, please provide a reason)
KE05 This is a new challenge that, in my
opinion, can challenge myself.

Qois and Rahmi Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.3, No. 1 (2021) 1-15

Table 11. Answer to Question 6 Question 8: What innovation (or

ID Answer
breakthrough) did you implement for
KE01 Yes, but only in moderation. Because it
happened to have had experience at IMASIP? please give a reason
IMASIP from staff, then continued the Table 13. Answer to Question 8
deputy head of the division, and had been ID Answer
at the BEM as well. So, there is already KE01 1. Culture of getting to know each other
provision (though not much), and during through Deep Sharing Online
the nomination process, I also took time to Reason: 2 years in charge of management,
study with the closest friends at DPM and there are still many friends who do not
BEM. know each other, and first, it is still very
WK02 Yes. I have to understand the different thick per class.
types of characters of people who will
work with me. How do I divide my time 2. Bidding BookFest involves lecturers as
for college and IMASIP. bidders
KE03 Yes, because I already have a grand Reason: To get views and input from
design, and there is prior experience. lecturers (and of course, to make it easier
KE04 Yes, because I already have some to get help from them) :))
experience leading in organizations, then
supported by soft skills and hard skills 3. Department concept initiation
that I have developed before. agreement
KE05 I have had several provisions leading Reason: Leave old-fashioned culture.
divisions in several organizations outside
IMASIP. So, in my opinion, I have an idea 4. IMASIP’s new logo contest
to lead the organization Reason: Meeting the direction given
several years ago.
Question 7: When you were chosen, did you WK02 Changing the IMASIP logo, combining
bureaus and departments to streamline the
already know the theories about leadership? flow of coordination, made IMASIP which
(If answering Yes, please provide a reason, was previously seen as a passive set to be
and if answering no, please provide a reason) an active set in the LFK FIB environment
KE03 IMASIP works . . . More intensifying and
Table 12. Answer to Question 7
coordinating scientific activities and
ID Answer
community service activities are livelier,
KE01 Yes, but only the basic to support the
for example, a reading campaign on the
needs of making essays. train.
WK02 Yes, but only a few. A leader is someone KE04 A major reorganization of structure,
who is able to arouse the spirit of his team. bureaucracy, Key Performance Indicators,
KE03 No. Because at that time, I didn’t think publishing and publication, internalization
about finding a theory. But more to ask the and externalization, and bylaws. I made
experience of senior level. these innovations conceptually and also in
KE04 Yes, because I’m used to reading self- the form of technical work programs. It
improvement reading. aims to improve and develop the
KE05 Yes, because I once took a leadership organization as a whole in a short period
seminar. of 1 (one) year of management (read:
reform) for the good of the organisation's
Questions 6 and 7 reveals that the five continuation afterwards.
KE05 Orderly administration by making SOPs,
informants already knew how to lead the profit-sharing mechanism with creative
organization. However, in Question 7, KE03 business bureaus, and conducting quality
control of existing work programs.
revealed that the informant did not know the
theories of leadership. This question needs to
be elaborated into open-ended questions that
reveal what theories the five informants

Qois and Rahmi Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.3, No. 1 (2021) 1-15

Question 9: How do you manage yourself in Table 15. Answer to Question 10

ID Answer
the face of difficulties and resolve difficulties
KE01 No. Because I am the type who
or problems in leading IMASIP? understands the class lessons, so if you
pass the exam just stay overnight racing
system and even though the next few days
so forget again.
Table 14. Answer to Question 9 WK02 No. I manage my time well so that
ID Answer everything can run smoothly without any
KE01 Well thought out, seen from the other side, significant problems.
then communicated to others. KE03 No, because it has its own way to stay
WK02 I always divide my time well and good in academia.
prioritize my studies (study) because my KE04 Yes, making me more accustomed to
main goal here is to study. Then my speaking in public helps me to be active in
second priority is IMASIP and other class.
activities. I always get a discussion partner KE05 Not really. I separate college from the
when I face a problem. Because I am also organization, and each has the same
active in the Cultural Festival, I have many portion
friends to exchange ideas in the faculty,
not only in the IMASIP environment.
KE03 Write priority scales, often consult with Question 11 expresses the SWOT analysis
fellow organizers and stick to plans that used in the library-planning process (or any
have been made.
organization). SWOT analysis is a tool that
KE04 Be assertive in making decisions and
planning things. helps organizations to assess the overall
KE05 Think calmly, find a way. Then discuss position of the organization relative to
with the representatives and core
management. If it’s still not right, ask the constituents, users and competitors. The
predecessor if you’ve ever experienced the SWOT analysis results can be used as the
same thing and used to have a solution.
main input for the long-term planning
Then modified. If you have problems with
yourself, talk to a close friend and consult process to develop key strategic goals and
a psychologist. initiatives. Question 12 provides suggestions
for future IMASIP leadership.
Question 8 reveals that there are connections, Question 11: Please explain the SWOT
contributions, and collaborations with KE01 analysis (Strengths, weaknesses,
informants, according to the Olson and opportunities and threats) when you lead
Singer (2004) criteria, whereas Question 9 IMASIP in one period; please explain
reveals the informants' priority constraints. Table 16. Answer to Question 11: Strength
ID Answer
KE01 Having organizational and bureaucratic
After becoming the Chairperson and Vice-
experience, willing to go down, be
chairperson. Question 10 reveals that being diligent, conscientious, calm, patient,
the Chairperson and Vice-chairperson does responsible
WK02 Skills that are owned by every IMASIP
not affect the study. However, KE04 stated member in the fields of science, sports and
that being the Chair helped him to be more arts.
accustomed to speaking in public and active KE03 Have a team that is competent in their
in class. KE04 Assertive, innovative leadership.
KE05 Flexible, sociable, responsible.
Question 10: Did leading IMASIP influence
your study? (If answering Yes, please
provide a reason, and if answering no,
please provide a reason).
Qois and Rahmi Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.3, No. 1 (2021) 1-15

Table 17. Answer to Question 11: Weakness KE04 Be assertive when leading and making
ID Answer policies that are oriented towards others.
KE01 Forgetful, sometimes too perfectionist, the KE05 Leading in accordance with the
ability of public speaking is not too good environment and human relationship that
WK02 Funds owned by the set are fairly minimal. currently being led. No need to compare
KE03 Team performance up and down. with the previous leadership. Do your
KE04 Perfectionist, distraction, overthink. best, and be sincere.
KE05 I cannot wait.
The analysis of some of the above,
Table 18. Answer to Question 11: Opportunities
especially the results of the analysis of 12
ID Answer
KE01 The Daily Board of Management is loyal, closed-ended questions for Questions 6 and
supports classmates and outside the 7, shows that the informants selected to be
department, has good relations with
people in the study program, departments
leaders in IMASIP FIB UI did not yet have
and deans. good knowledge of leadership. Therefore,
WK02 Many alumni from the library and seminars and training on leadership must be
information science undergraduate
program did not establish good relations developed and improved among students
with IMASIP in the past few periods. since they enter the world of lectures. This is
KE03 There are a lot of competitions in FIB-UI.
very important to prepare leaders in the
KE04 Relationship and time.
KE05 Close to my house, get support from future because doing so can increase
family and friends. students’ readiness to lead so that they can
become provision is needed to improve the
Table 19. Answer to Question 11: Threats
ID Answer
organisation's performance and increase
KE01 Other activities outside the campus, connections, contributions, and collaboration
unscrupulous alumni who participate in a as important steps to advance the nation.
way that he thinks is good.
WK02 At that time, I also became the Daily Based on the results of the analysis, we also
Management Board of the 2016 Culture found that efforts can be made to improve the
quality of leadership among students in
KE03 Busy in other organizations.
KE04 Other interests. addition to developing and improving
KE05 Responsibilities in other organizations. seminars and training on leadership, namely,
by taking the quiz ‘Evolving Leadership
Question 12: Your suggestions and criticisms Practices Assessment’ (Olson and Singer,
for the future leadership of IMASIP 2004) one of the requirements in the process
Table 20. Answer to Question 12 of selecting leaders.
ID Answer
KE01 Honestly, I don’t know. But, if seen from
the existing programs, it feels increasingly 5. Conclusion and Suggestion
good. In general, keep the spirit and keep
the communication (both in the This research contributes in three ways. First,
management's internal scope, majors,
study programs and deans). this study presents an analysis of the results
WK02 Be a leader who nurtures. Don’t be an of the quizzes ‘Evolving Leadership Practices
indifferent leader and feel superior to his
Assessment’ by Olson and Singer (2004),
members. Cheap smiles and always greet
all the JIP UI children and establish good distributed by the Chairperson and Vice-
relations with departments and alumni. chairperson of the Library Science Student
KE03 More real for the work program, more
intimate with the department (lecturers) Association (IMASIP), Faculty of
and better kinship. Humanities, Universitas Indonesia (FIB-UI).

Qois and Rahmi Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.3, No. 1 (2021) 1-15

Two informants—the Chairperson and Vice- correlation of demographic characteristics

chairperson of IMASIP in 2016—received with a larger sample in the context of youth
scores that were in Category 1; two leadership.
informants—the Chairpersons of IMASIP in In addition, efforts were found to build
2017 and 2018—received scores that were in and improve leadership among students by
Category 2; and one informant, the developing and improving seminars and
Chairperson of IMASIP in 2019, received a training in leadership, to prepare students
score in Category 3 (see Table 4). This shows who have a role as the successors of the
and supports the assumption that age and nation’s leadership, and by making the quiz
years of leadership will affect the IMASIP ‘Assessment of Evolving Leadership
FIB-UI scores, which further research must Practices Assessment’ (Olson and Singer,
examine. 2004) a basis for consideration and
Second, the results of the assessment of requirements in the process of selecting
the Chairperson and Vice-chairperson of the leaders, of improving the quality of
IMASIP FIB-UI Daily Management Board leadership. This research is expected to be a
found that the Chairperson of IMASIP in reference for further research on a larger
2019 obtained an average score higher than scale.
those in previous years. This research
suggests that the highest-ranking Daily Acknowledgements
Management Board can maintain the The authors thank the anonymous reviewers
Chairperson and Vice-chairperson's average for their constructive comments to improve
value of IMASIP FIB-UI. The lowest ranking the article. The authors would like to thank
Daily Management Board can improve Universitas Indonesia for funding this
performance by connection, contribution and research through PUTI Q1 with contract
collaboration. number NKB-
Finally, this study also interviewed five 1450/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2020. Any
informants with 12 closed-ended questions opinions, findings, and conclusions
that have the potential to be elaborated into described here are the authors and do not
open questions to explore ideas and necessarily reflect those of the sponsors.
examples of behaviour from the Chairperson
and Vice-chairperson of IMASIP FIB-UI.
In this study, several limitations were References
identified. First, this research was conducted Australian Library and Information
in one of the many student associations at Association. (2014). Future of the Library
universities in Indonesia. Second, this and Information Science Profession.
research was conducted merely at a specific Bryman, A. (2016). Social research methods.
time and sample, such as interviewing and Oxford university press.
giving four students assessments before the Byke, S., & Lowe-Wincentsen, D. (2014). A
pandemic. Third, the understanding and leadership primer for new librarians: tools for
literature on youth leadership are very helping today’s early-career librarians become
limited in the Indonesian context, so that tomorrow’s library leaders. Elsevier.
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