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Diagramação Maio/2019
Renato Calderaro
Unit 1
LSiftreeS ne
mein gs11 The way you are!

Task Put the conversation in the correct order. Then, check

picture that best represents it.

Mia: I’m from Italy.

Gloria: I’m 15 years old. And you, Mia?
Mia: Hi, Gloria, I’m Mia. Where are you from?
Gloria: Wow, I love Italian food!
Mia: Me too! How old are you, Gloria?
Gloria: Hi, my name is Gloria! What’s your name?
Mia: I’m 14.
Gloria: I’m from Argentina. What about you?

Unit 1
The way you are!
Diving In 1

Task 1 Match the names below to their nicknames.

a. Jacob Alex
b. William Barb
c. James Gabby
d. Alexander Jake
e. Kimberly Will
f. Barbara Dee
g. Edith Jimmy
h. Gabrielle Kim

Task 2 Read the names and choose first name or last name
according to the underlined name.

a. Antonio Ramirez first name last name

b. Mark Johnson first name last name

c. Claire Truman first name last name

d. Tom Adler first name last name

e. Karen Preston first name last name

f. Peter Donovan first name last name

Unit 1
The way you are!
Words Alive 1

Task 1 Do the math and write the results in full. Follow the example.

Example: 3 + 2 = five

200 – 100 = 8/4=

15 + 15 = 20 + 60 =

70 + 23 =
20 – 2 =


Task 2 Fill in the blanks with the number of students you hear. U1_1

The average number of students per class in the countries below is:

Japan: the U.S.A.:

China: Spain:

the U.K.: France:

Unit 1
The way you are!
Diving In 2

Task 1 Unscramble the sentences.

a. your do you how spell name ?

b. I’m old years 18

c. Parker my name is last

d. you old how are ?

e. my is number 8 lucky

f. is Nina my nickname

g. your what’s name last ?

h. first my is name Giulia

Task 2 Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. U1_2

a. What’s the man’s last name? .

b. How old is the man? .

c. Where is the man from? .

d. What’s the man’s nationality? .

e. What’s the man’s room number? .

Unit 1
Spot On The way you are!

Task Match the questions to the answers.

a. Where are you from? It’s John.

b. How old are you? Blue.

c. What’s your nationality? I’m 28 years old.

d. What’s your last name? It’s Silva.

e. What’s your first name? I’m from Canada.

I’m Canadian.
f. What’s your favorite color?

Unit 2
Words Alive My school rocks!

Task 1 Match the pictures to the corresponding subjects.

1 geography 2 science 3 math

4 Spanish 5 physical education 6 art

Task 2 Match the objects to the corresponding school subjects.

a. calculator English

b. scissors P.E.

c. dictionary app art

d. globe
e. test tube
f. whistle

Unit 2
My school rocks!
Diving In 1

Read the sentences below and

complete them using the words in
Task the box. Then, put the conversation
in the correct order. Fridays tomorrow art
math and science Spanish

Alicia: Hi, Malcolm. How are you?

Malcolm: I have Spanish classes on .

Alicia: Tomorrow I have and P.E.

Malcolm: Hey, Alicia. I’m great, what about you?

Malcolm: See you.

Alicia: Oh, I don’t like math… I have , which I love.

Malcolm: I love art, too. I have art class tomorrow. And you? What classes do you have

Alicia: Cool. I have to go now… I’m late for my class. See you!

Malcolm: I have today.

Alicia: I’m doing fine, too. What classes do you have ?

Unit 2
Spot On 1 My school rocks!

Task Write a or an to complete the sentences. Then, match

the pictures to the corresponding sentences.

a. She has big box of colored pencils.

b. I need to buy eraser.

c. We have to finish art project on Monday.

d. She has pink backpack.

e. We have to use ruler to finish the art homework.

f. I need calculator for my math test.

Unit 2
Words Alive 2 My school rocks!

Task 1 Match the room names to the uses they have at school.

a. Students have classes and learn new things in this place. lab
b. Students play sports and have P.E. classes in this area. library
c. Students have meals and snacks in this area. classroom
d. Students can find and read books in this place. principal’s office

e. Students have science classes in this room. cafeteria

f. The school principal works in this room. gymnasium

Task 2 Match the sentences to the corresponding pictures.

a. We eat at the cafeteria on Mondays.

b. I have history classes in the afternoon.
c. I spend my afternoons at the library.
d. We have P.E. classes on Tuesdays.

Unit 2
Spot On 2 My school rocks!

Task Complete the sentences with in, on or at.

a. We like to hang out the mall.

b. I dance ballet Mondays.

c. We do homework the evening.

d. I go to school weekdays.

e. I eat the cafeteria sometimes.

f. I have a test Friday.

g. Paul is the library.

h. I play the piano the afternoon.

i. The boys go to the movies Saturdays.

j. I study for tests night.

Unit 2
Words Alive 3 My school rocks!

Task Write the ordinal numbers in full.

a. This is our 3rd English class this week.

b. This is the 2nd time I do this.

c. Tomorrow at 9 we have our 4th art class here at school.

d. I am 7th in line!

e. The 1st thing I do in the morning is taking a shower.

f. Christine is the 6th student to win the math olympics in the


Unit 3
Welcome to my
Words Alive 1 hometown!

Task Match the places to the corresponding pictures.

1 basketball court 2 grocery store 3 amusement park

4 Italian restaurant 5 bakery 6 water park

Unit 3
Welcome to my
Words Alive 2 hometown!

Task Choose the correct answers according to the map.

1. It’s across from the park. 2. It’s near a tall yellow building and
behind the fire department.
a. The police department.
a. The basketball court.
b. The fire department.
b. The train station.
c. The museum with tall windows.
c. The hospital.

3. It’s in the middle of the square. 4. It’s in front of a tall red building.

a. The fountain. a. The grey building.

b. The slide. b. The yellow buildinc.

c. The swings. c. The square.

Unit 3
Spot On 1 Welcome to my

Task Fill in the blanks with is or are. Read the entire

sentence first to check if it’s singular or plural.

a. There many hot days in one year.

b. there good schools in your city?

c. There a bus stop across the street.

d. there a park near here?

e. There two malls near my house.

f. there a hotel near here?

g. There a new coffee shop in our neighborhood.

h. There twelve kids in my class.

Unit 3
Welcome to my
Diving In 1 hometown!

Task Read the sentences and choose the correct adverb of frequency.

1. Patrick is very punctual. He is late for his meetings.

a. always b. never c. usually

2. Eve smiles all the time. She seems to be happy!

a. always b. rarely c. never

3. I have English classes five times a week, so I speak English.

a. rarely b. always c. usually

4. I hate sports, so I watch them!

a. never b. always c. usually

5. My mom goes to the gym every day. I go with her, because

I don’t like working out.

a. often b. always c. never

6. I don’t like to clean my room, so I do it.

a. usually b. rarely c. always

Unit 3
Welcome to my
Words Alive 3 hometown!

Task 1 Read the sentences and complete

them with the words in the box.
kitchen garage
front yard bedroom
backyard bathroom
living room

a. We have a big TV in our .

b. There are two cars in the .

c. My brother and I share the .

d. There’s a round table in our , so we can all eat together in the


e. On weekends, we like to play soccer in the .

f. There is a a big bathtub in the .

g. There are some beautiful flowers in the .

Task 2 Unscramble the sentences.

a. games play room we in the living usually video

b. the don’t I to kitchen eat in like

c. bedroom two are beds in my there

d. yard garden our a in there front is

Unit 3
Welcome to my
Diving In 2 hometown!

Task Match the sentences to the corresponding pictures.

a. Pete lives in a house with his parents and his younger brother.

b. There are six small vases at my mom’s office.

c. There are two beds in my bedroom.

d. There are no chairs, only stools in our kitchen.

e. Dad keeps his bike in the garage.

f. There’s a nice pink chair in my sister’s bedroom.

Unit 3
Spot On 2 Welcome to my

Task Read the sentences and complete

them with the words in the box.
between    in    at
under    on

a. My dad hangs his shirts the closet.

b. I always leave my books my desk.

c. My sister and I always meet the front door when we’re going out.

d. Our bathroom is my parents’ and my sister’s bedrooms.

e. I keep my shoes my bed.

Unit 4
ttrreeea nn
cmc s1s1
ege Coming soon!

Task Put the sentences in the correct order to form conversations.

Josh: Oh, I like him, too. He’s that guy from Spider-Man, right?
Ted: Yes! That’s my favorite movie!
Josh: Who’s your favorite actor?
Ted: My favorite actor is Tom Holland.

Anna: Oh, really? And what is your favorite superhero movie?
Mia: No, not really. I like superhero movies.
Anna: Do you like drama movies?
Mia: My favorite superhero movie is Captain Marvel.

Rachel: How often do you go to the movies?
Pete: I’m going to watch Thor!
Rachel: And what movie are you going to watch this week?
Pete: I go every week!

Unit 4
Diving In 1 Coming soon!

Read the sentences below and complete always favorite

Task them using the words in the box. Then, put
the conversation in the correct order.
actress month
animated movies
love actor

Markus: Oh, Toy Story is awesome!

Linda: I know! It’s my all-time movie!

Markus: My favorite is Lupita Nyong’o. What about you?

Linda: I go to the movies every . And you?

 Markus: I go to the movies every weekend, and I watch action movies. I


Linda: Cool! I prefer movies, like Toy Story.

Markus: Oh, he’s very funny! How often do you go to the ?

Linda: I like her, too. But my favorite is Adam Sandler.

Linda: Hi, Markus. Who’s your favorite actor or actress?

Unit 4
Words Alive 1 Coming soon!

Task What movie genre are the images representing?

Check the correct options.

a. b.

superhero romance

horror drama

romance comedy

c. d.

sci-fi superhero

animated romance

comedy sci-fi

e. f.
horror animated
romance drama
superhero western

Unit 4
Words Alive 2 Coming soon!

Task 1 Read the sentences and write T (True) or F (False).

a. Superman is a musical about a sad boy.

b. Deadpool is a comedy movie.

c. Scream is a romantic movie.

d. Annabelle is a horror movie.

e. Mamma Mia is a documentary about a family living in Peru.

f. The Incredibles is an animated movie.

Task 2 Listen to two friends talking about movies and

complete the dialogue with the missing information. U4_1

Pete: Hey, do you like to watch movies, Josh?

Josh: Yeah, I love it! And you, do you like it?

Pete: I do! What kind of movies do you like?

Josh: I like movies! I can’t wait to watch the new movie from DC!

Pete: Cool! I like them, too! But I also like to watch movies.

Josh: Really? I don’t. I think they are too slow.

Pete: I also like movies. They’re so scary! I like movies,

like the Fast and Furious movies: I like all of them!

Josh: What about movies? They are so funny! I loved watching White Chicks!

Unit 4
Spot On 1 Coming soon!

Task Unscramble the sentences.

a. your do you how spell name ?

b. don’t movies my like sisters action

c. movies you like do adventure ?

d. like they popcorn do ?

e. we thriller like movies don’t

f. comedies and Jean romantic Emma love

g. musical like they movies do ?

h. we sci-fi watch to like movies

i. are movies funny animated usually

Unit 4
LSiftreeS ne
mein gs12 Coming soon!

Task Listen to the dialogue and write T (True) or F (False).


a. The man calls the wrong number.

b. The man is calling a shopping mall.

c. The man wants to buy tickets to the movies.

d. The man wants to watch Captain America.

e. The attendant says it’s possible to buy tickets over the phone.

f. According to the attendant, there is no movie session at 8 PM.

Unit 4
Diving In 2 Coming soon!

Task Read the text and answer the questions about Jennifer Lawrence.

Jennifer Lawrence is a North American actress. She was born on August 15th, 1990 in the

city of Indian Hills, Kentucky. From 2007 to 2009 she played a teenage girl in the cable

comedy The Bill Engvall Show, but her first movie was Winter’s Bone, in 2010.

In 2011 she played Mystique in X-Men First Class, a character that she reprised later

in X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) and X-Men: Apocalypse (2016). In 2012 she

impersonated the heroine Katniss Everdeen, the first film from the Hunger Games

trilogy, and on that same year she played the role that gave her an Oscar. As Tiffany

Maxwell in the movie Silver Linings Playbook, she was nominated and won the

Academy Award. She was only 22 years old. She admires the actresses Meryl Streep

and Cate Blanchett. Jennifer is single and has no kids.

a. When is Jennifer Lawrence’s birthday?

b. Is Jennifer Lawrence single?

c. In what movie does she play Katniss Everdeen?

d. How old was Jennifer Lawrence when she got her first Oscar?

e. Where is Jennifer Lawrence from?

Unit 4
Spot On 2 Coming soon!

Task Write appropriate questions for the answers below.


I live in Los Angeles.


I like action movies.


I go to school at 7:00 AM.


In my free time, I like to visit my family and my friends.


My birthday is on November 28th.


I love Jennifer Lawrence and Tom Holland.

Unit 5
LSiftreeS ne
mein gs12 Family bonds

Task Read the text and write T (True) or F (False).

My name is Russell. My grandparents immigrated

to the United States when they were young. They
are both from Jamaica. My grandpa, Paul, is 83
years old, and my grandma, Rose, is 81.
My grandma has a very beautiful brown skin and
big green eyes. Her hair is long, and she wears
braids. My grandpa’s skin is darker, and he has
big dark eyes and white hair.
My dad’s name is Patrick. He has dark skin, big
brown eyes and very short black hair. My mom,
Vicky, is from Ireland. She’s blonde and has
hazel eyes. My younger brother, James, has our
dad’s dark skin and our mom’s hazel eyes. He’s
pretty short. I am tall and thin. I have short
brown hair and dark eyes. Our dog, Marley,
has black, white and brown fur! We’re a mixed

a. Russell’s parents are from Jamaica.

b. James and Russell are Vicky and Patrick’s sons.

c. Russell’s mother is blonde.

d. Russell’s grandfather has dark eyes and white hair.

e. James is short and has blue eyes.

f. Russell and James’s father is blond.

Unit 5
LSiftreeS ne
mein gs12 Family bonds

Task Two friends are texting. Organize the sentences

to put their conversation in the correct order.

Miles: Thanks, man! I see you guys on Monday, at school.

George: Oh, no, man! Does it have to be today?
 Miles: Yeah, tonight my granny Eve arrives from Utah with my aunt Sally and my uncle Paul.
My cousins Raymond, Jake and Sarah are coming with them.
 George: Bye!
 Miles: When they arrive, the house needs to be clean, and I have to clean my room. I’m sorry
for that.
 George: And why does your mom need you?
 Miles: Hey, George. I can’t go out today. Our family is coming to visit, and I need to help
my mom.
 George: That’s OK. Good luck cleaning that mess!

Unit 5
Spot On 1 Family bonds

Task 1 Check the correct pronouns according to the pictures.

a. are my cousins. b. is my grandmother. c. are my parents.

These Those This This That These These That Those

d. is my brother. e. are my aunts. They are sisters.

This Those That Those These That

Read the statements below

Task 2 and choose the correct word
to complete each of them.
that those this these

a. We use to refer to a single thing that is close to us.

b. We use to refer to things that are distant from us.

c. We use to refer to things that are close to us.

d. We use to refer to a single thing that is distant from us.

Unit 5
Diving In 1 Family bonds

Task Unscramble the sentences.

a. is mother this my

b. name what her is ?

c. those my are cousins

d. what his name is ?

e. their are names what ?

f. sisters are these my

Unit 5
Spot On 2 Family bonds

Task Read about these people’s families and complete

the sentences with the correct pronouns.


Mia and family are from

Germany, but live in


Andre is married to Eve.

have two kids. names are
Hannah and Jacob.


Joel is 11 years old. father

is a mechanic and mother
is a teacher.


This is my family. I have a sister

and three brothers. baby
brother is so cute! name
is Charlie.

Unit 5
LSiftreeS ne
mein gs12 Family bonds

Task 1
Listen to the audio and circle the correct names. U5_1

a. Pierre / Phillipe / Jean is Phillipe’s brother.

b. Pierre / Phillipe / Jean is tall and blond.

c. Pierre / Phillipe / Jean lives in the United States.

Task 2
Listen to the audio and circle the correct names. U5_2

a. Johanna / Violet is from Colorado.

b. Johanna / Violet admires her aunt.

c. Johanna / Violet has long black hair and green eyes.

Task 3 Listen to the audio and circle the correct names. U5_3

a. Frankie / Paul doesn’t meet his uncle frequently.

b. Frankie / Paul is a professional basketball player.

c. Frankie / Paul has brown eyes and black hair.

Unit 5
Diving In 2 Family bonds

Task Complete the sentences using is or has.

a. My cousin tall.

b. My grandmother blue eyes.

c. My brother intelligent.

d. Jade a cool voice.

e. William tall and black hair.

f. Emma a friendly person. She a good heart.

Unit 5
Spot On 3 Family bonds

Task Check the correct options to complete the conversations.

a. b.

A: Does she have blue eyes? A: Is his hair black?

Are her eyes brown? What is he like?

What is she like? Does he have black hair?

B: No, she doesn’t have blue eyes. B: Yes, he does. He has black hair.

c. d.
A: Does she have grey hair and hazel eyes? A: Does he have blue eyes and black hair?

B: Yes, she has. B: No, she isn’t.

Yes, she does. No, he isn’t.

Yes, she is. No, he doesn’t.

e. f.
A: Does she have a beautiful smile? A: Is Adam a funny guy?

B: Yes, she does. B: Yes, you are.

Yes, she has. No, he isn’t a patient guy.

Yes, she is. Yes, he is a funny guy.

Unit 6
LSiftreeS ne
mein gs11 Have a nice vacation!

Task Number the paragraphs in the correct order to form an email.

 I like going to the museum, I like going to the movies, I like meeting new people,
riding my bike, watching TV, going to the beach. Are there beaches in your city?

 Love, Chris.

 Hi, Aunt Hannah, how are you? I’m so happy to hear you’re coming to our house!
I can’t wait to see you again!

 Please let me know when you read this email! I’m very excited about your visit!

 Mom said I should write you an e-mail saying what I like to do on my vacation.
I love visiting new places!

Unit 6
Have a nice vacation!
Diving In 1

Task Complete the sentences with the

activities represented by the images.

a. Do you like to b. Do you like to

? ?

c. I enjoy going d. I like going to

. parks.

e. I like to f. Do you like to

. ?

Unit 6
Diving In 2 Have a nice vacation!

Task Check the appropriate answer to each question.

a. What about going to the beach?

 Sorry, I can’t.

 Sorry, I don’t.

 No, I don’t.

b. Do you want to go camping?

 Yes, I am.

 No, I’m not.

 Yes, I do.

c. What about watching a movie?

 No, I don’t.

 Yes, of course!

 Yes, I am.

d. Do you like to take naps on your vacation?

 No, I don’t.

 Yes, I am.

 No, I’m not.

e. What do you think of this kite?

 Yes, I can.

 No, I don’t.

 I love it!

Unit 6
Spot On 1 Have a nice vacation!

Task Match the questions to the answers.

a. What about going to an amusement park?

b. What do you think of our plans?

c. What do you think of spending our vacation in Spain?

d. What about going camping this weekend?

e. What about taking a nap now so we can go out later?

Europe? Count me in!

I don’t think so. I’m not sleepy now...

Great idea!

I’m sorry, I can’t. I already have plans for the weekend.

I don’t know... Your plans sound a bit boring.

Unit 6
LSiftreeS ne
mein gs12 Have a nice vacation!

Task Listen to the audio and complete the sentences.

Then, match the pictures to the corresponding sentences. U6_1

1. What do you think of going to instead of going to ?

2. What about trying our ? It looks delicious!

3. What do you think of coming and visiting our new ? We sure can

host you and your entire family!

4. What about this afternoon? The waves are just amazing today!

Unit 6
Spot On 2 Have a nice vacation!

Task Write full sentences with the hints provided. Follow the example.

Example: Emma / love / skateboard / with her friends

Emma loves skateboarding with her friends.

a. Tracy / hate / be late for school

b. Karamo / like (neg.) / eat / Japanese food

c. I / like (neg.) / watch / horror movies

d. Margaret / enjoy / ride her bike / weekends

e. My cousins / love / have slumber parties / at my house

f. My parents / enjoy / go to the movies / Monday nights

Unit 6
Diving In 3 Have a nice vacation!

Task 1 Match the questions to the answers.

a. Hey, Tom, do you like going to the movies?

b. Does Emma like going to the beach?

c. Do you like having slumber parties at your friends’ houses?

d. Do your children like going to the zoo?

e. What do you think of going camping?

f. Do you like riding a bike?

I do! We always stay up until late at night, and we have a lot of fun!
Of course she does. She even has a house in Rio de Janeiro.
No, I don’t. In fact, I can’t ride a bike, can you believe it?
No, I don’t, but I enjoy watching series on TV.
That’s a good idea! I love the outdoors!
No, they don’t. They don’t like seeing animals in cages!

Task 2 Peter posted his plans for next weekend on his profile. Put the
paragraphs in the correct order so you can find out what his plans are.

 My mom is a bit worried. But she knows that I enjoy spending time with George’s family. And
besides, Dana, George’s mother, doesn’t let us stay up late at night.
 Hey, guys! How are you doing? I’m doing great! My friend’s parents have a house in Miami,
and they invited me over for the weekend. I love having fun at the beach and spending time
outdoors, so I said yes! My friend George likes going to the beach too, so I’m really looking
forward to it.
 George sometimes goes to my family’s house in Colorado, and we have a lot of fun, too. George
and I like playing games together, and that’s why we’re best friends!
 I can’t wait to go to the beach with George and his family! But don’t worry. I’ll post pictures of
all the things we do, OK? Bye!
 When we’re at the beach, we like swimming in the ocean, playing volleyball, and riding our
bikes. We don’t waste any time taking afternoon naps, because there’s a lot to do. We always
make a lot of plans when we travel.


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