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Need to know medications for NCLEX

• Opioids
• pain threshold by altering pain

Common Brand Names Generic Names

Demerol Meperidine HCL

Dilaudid Hydromorphone ANTICONVULSANTS
❧ interval between seizures
Duragesic, Sublimaze Fentanyl
Morphine Sulfate Morphine Sulfate Common Brand Name Generic Name
Vicodin, Norco Hydrocodone
Dilantin Phenytoin
Neurontin Gabapentin
Tegretol Carbamazepine
Depakote Valproic Acid
• Azaspirodecanedione derivatives ❧ *Neurontin is sometimes prescribed for
• anxiety. Action unknown, thought to act by chronic pain neuropathy
the amount/action of serotonin in certain parts ❧ *Monitor blood levels: Dilantin, Tegretol,
of the brain. and Depakote

Common Brand Names Generic Names

Buspar Buspirone Hydrochloride ANTIDEPRESSANTS
❧ Act by inhibiting serotonin reuptake in CNS

Common Brand Names Generic Names

Celexa Citalopram
Effexor Venlafaxine
Lexapro Escitalopram Oxalate
Paxil Paroxetine
Prozac Fluoxetine
Zoloft Sertraline
• Act by blocking reuptake of norepinephrine
and serotonin at nerve endings

Common Brand Names Generic Names BENZODIAZEPINES ( Pam & Lam)

• Enhance/facilitate GABA, an inhibitory
Elavil Amitriptyline

Common Brand Names Generic Names

Ativan Lorazepam
Valium Diazepam
Xanax Alprazolam

Common Brand Names Generic Names DIURETICS

❧ fluid volume in the body
Ambien Zolpidem Tartrate **NI= monitor daily weight under standard
Lunesta Eszopiclone conditions, assess BP, I&O, presence of edema
❧ Inhibit reabsorption of Na+, CL-, K+ and H2O
(in loop of Henle), but also in proximal and
distal renal tubules
Common Drug Names Generic Names
Bumex Bumetanide
Demadex Torsemide
❧ Interferes with blood clotting processes.
Used to prevent thrombus and embolus Lasix Furosemide

Common Brand Names Generic Names

Coumadin Warfarin
Lovenox Enoxaparin
Thiazide Diuretics
• excretion of Na+, Cl-, K+,
Heparin Sodium-from H2O in distal tube and
beef/pork ascending loop of Henle

Common Brand Names Generic Names

Diuril Chlorothiazide Sodium
Hydrodiuril, HCTZ Hydrochlorothiazide
ANTIPLATELETS Zaroxolyn Metolazone
❧ Interferes with the 1 step in the clotting

process: platelet aggregation

Common Brand Names Generic Names

ASA-aspirin Acetylsalicylic Acid
❧ Contains aldosterone at receptor sites in
Plavix Clopidogrel distal tubule; excrete Na+, Cl-, H2O, not K+
❧ *Pepto-Bismol contains aspirin Common Brand Names Generic Names

Aldactone Spironolactone
Dyrenium Triamterene
• ACE Inhibitors
• Block the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II
(potent vasoconstrictor)-Causing vasodilation and
PVR (peripheral vascular resistance) without cardiac ALPHA 1 ADRENERGIC BLOCKERS
output/rate/contractility-Aldosterone is also blocked, -(ZOSYN)
causing a in Na+ and H2O retention. Side effect: • Dilate blood vessels and (PVR)
Nagging, nonproductive cough, angioedema

Common Brand Names Generic Names Common Brand Names Generic Names
Altace Ramipril
Hytrin Terazosin
Capoten Captopril
Minipress Prazosin
Prinivil, Zestril Lisinopril
Vasotec Enalapril
Lisinopril lowers blood pressure, not
❧ *check potassium level heart rate. ALPHA & BETA ADRENERGIC
Orthostatic hypotension is a
common side effect so Dangling BLOCKERS-(LOL)
legs at the side of the bed prior to
standing up. • Alpha blockers-block alpha 1 receptors
vasodilation. Beta blockers-block beta 1
ALPHA 2 ANTAGONISTS & beta 2 receptors:
❧ centrally-acting anti-hypes causing
• reduce HR, myocardial irritability, force of
amounts of norepinephrine to be
released, sympathetic activity
• depress automaticity of SA node,
Common Brand speed of AV & intraventricular conduction
Generic Names suppress release of renin from the kidneys
Catapres Clonidine
Common Brand Names Generic Names
Coreg Carvedilol
Trandate, Normodyne Labetalol

❧ Prevent sympathetic stimulation of the heart,
thus HR and contractility. CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERS
❧ myocardial irritability, depress • Block Na+ influx into the beta-receptors
automaticity of SA node, speed of AV & • force of myocardial contraction/conductivity
intraventricular conduction • HR, PVR.
❧ suppress release of renin from the kidneys. • Produce relaxation of coronary & vascular
smooth muscle; dilates coronary arteries;
Common Brand Names Generic Names myocardial O2 delivery, O2 demand.
• Side effect: edema, dysrhythmias
Inderal Propranolol
Common Brand Names Generic Names
Lopressor Metoprolol Tartrate
Toprol-XL Metoprolol Succinate Cardizem Diltiazem

Tenormin Atenolol Norvasc Amlodipine

Procardia Nifedipine
❧ *May cause bronchoconstriction.
Verelan, Isoptin, Calan Verapamil

decrease blood pressure and treat stable angina. Side effects

associated with amlodipine include the following: peripheral edema;
hypotension; dizziness; lightheadedness; sleep disturbances; and an
irregular heart beat.
ARBS-(SARTAN) ❧ Peripheral and coronary vasodilators.
• block binding of angiotensin II ❧ Treat/prevent angina, BP, preload/afterload,
at the receptor site, preventing myocardial O2 demand.
vasoconstriction & aldosterone ❧ **NI=rotate transdermal patches/remove after 12-14
secreting effect usually caused hours =(“patch free” interval of 10-12 hours daily)
by angiotensin II

Brand Names Generic Names Common Brand Names Generic Names

Atacand Candesartan Nitro BID
Cozaar Losartan Tridil
Diovan Valsartan Transderm Nitro
Imdur Isosorbide Mononitrate
Isordil Isosorbide Dinitrate
❧ Positive inotropes (improve contractility ❧ *Check Potassium Level
and cardiac output)
❧ Negative dromotropic slow AV ANTI-DIABETICS
conduction rate. • Sulfonylureas
❧ Negative chronotropes HR & improve • Promotes insulin secretion by the
cardiac output. pancreas; tissue response to insulin
❧ Act as antiarrhythmic via tropic effect.
❧ **NI=Monitor K+ level, S/S toxicity Brand Names Generic Names
Amaryl Glimepiride
Brand Names Generic Names Diabeta
Lanoxin Digoxin Glynase Glyburide
❧ *Monitor Dig & K+ level, S/S toxicity
Glucotrol (XL) Glipizide

• hepatic glucose production &
intestinal absorption of glucose GLITAZONES-(GLITAZONE)
• improves insulin sensitivity ❧ Decrease insulin resistance
(tissue response to insulin)
Brand Names Generic Names
Brand Names Generic Names
Actos Pioglitazone
Glucophage Metformin
Avandia Rosiglitazone
• *Initial drug therapy for newly DX T2DM.
• *Most common side effect: GI. ❧ *Edema; HF secondary to renal retention of fluid
• *Rare side effect: Lactic acidosis

GLIPTINS (DPP-4 Enzyme Inhibitors)

❧ levels of incretins-naturally occurring substances control
blood sugar by insulin release, especially after a meal.

Brand Names Generic Names

Januvia Sitagliptin
• Block final step of gastric acid production • Inhibit histamine at histamine H2-receptor
• Ulcer-reducing sites, gastric acid secretion

Brand Names Generic Names

Brand Names Generic Names
Nexium Esomeprazole
Pepcid Famotidine
Prilosec Omeprazole
Zantac Ranitidine
Protonix Pantoprazole

• Act by /preventing ❧ Inhibits HMG-CoA reductase, an early step in
nausea & vomiting cholesterol production

Brand Names Generic Names

Brand Names Generic Names
Crestor Rosuvastatin
Phenergan Promethazine
Lipitor Atorvastatin
Zofran Ondansetron
Zocor Simvastatin

❧ *Rhabdomyolysis, Hepatotoxicity

Brand Names Generic Names GI MEDS

❧ Non-absorbable medications used
Zetia prophylactically to treat/prevent
• Inhibits absorption of
• Selective cholesterol ulcers and GERD
cholesterol by small
absorption inhibitor ❧ GI Protectant
❧ Mixes with gastric acid to form a
Fenofibrate protective coating of gastric mucosa
• triglyceride
• Fibric Acid Derivative
synthesis in liver
Brand Names Generic Names
Gemfibrozil Carafate Sucralfate
• triglyceride
• Fibric Acid Derivative
synthesis in liver

Questran Cholestyramine
• Bile acid sequestrant • Binds bile acids,
(food additive improving impeding absorption
quality) (elimination in feces)

• Act by resting tone of esophageal sphincter
• Promotes gastric emptying/intestinal transit

Brand Names Generic Names

Reglan Metoclopramide
• *Sometimes used with diabetic gastroparesis
• inflammation, produce intentional
STOOL SOFTENERS immunosuppression, and treat adrenocortical
❧ surface tension of interfacing liquid insufficiency
contents of the bowel-promoting additional
liquid into stools=softer mass. Brand Names Generic Names
Celestone Betamethasone
Brand Names Generic Names Decadron Dexamethasone
Colace Docusate Sodium Deltasone Prednisone
Surfak Docusate Calcium Solu-Cortef Hydrocortisone
Solu-Medrol Methylprednisolone

• *Monitor WBC and Blood Glucose levels

❧ Aminoglycosides

Brand Names Generic Names

Gentamicin Gentamicin Sulfate
Streptomycin Streptomycin Sulfate
Tobramycin Tobramycin Sulfate ANTIPROTOZOAL
Brand Names Generic Names
Flagyl Metronidazole
❧ Bronchodilators • *No alcohol products, including mouthwash,
❧ Relax bronchial smooth muscle aftershave, deodorant, bath splashes.
• Disulfiram- type reaction may occur (flushing,
nausea, vomiting, palpitations).
Brand Names Generic Names • ß-LACTAMs
Proventil, Ventolin Albuterol Sulfate • ß-Lactam antibiotics include:
Brovana Arformoterol Tartrate PCNs, cephalosporins, monobactams,
Foradil Formoterol Fumarate
• *Assess for allergies to any ß-Lactam antibiotic
Atrovent Ipratropium Bromide
Xopenex Levalbuterol
Spiriva Tiotropium
❧ *combo drug Brand Names Generic Names
Advair (flut-potent
Rocephin Ceftriaxone
Advair Diskus anti-inflam
effects/Salm-bronch Maxipime Cefepime
odilator) Mefoxin Cefoxitin
Ancef Cefazolin
PENICILLINS Brand Names Generic Names
Invanz Ertapenem
Brand Names Generic Names
Merrem Meropenem
Amoxil Amoxicillin
Primaxin Imipenem
Omnipen Ampicillin
Unipen Nafcillin
Pipracil Piperacillin
Zosyn Piperacillin/Tazobactam FLUOROQUINOLONES (oxacin)

Brand Names Generic Names

Cipro Ciprofloxacin
Levaquin Levofloxacin
Brand Names Generic Names • *Tendon rupture.
• *Adjust dosage for renal patients.
Bactrim SMZ-TMP
Bactrim DS Trimethoprim-Sulfa
Septra methoxazole
*Avoid or use with extreme caution if allergic to
sulfa: Erythromycin-Sulfisoxazole, Sulfasalazine, Brand Names Generic Names
Dapsone, Sulfonamides, Celebrex, Imitrex, Lasix, Tetracycline Tetracycline
Hydrochlorothiazide HCTZ Vibramycin Doxycycline


Brand Names Generic Names


❧ *Nephrotoxicity, Ototoxicity, Red-Man Syndrome

❧ *Peak: 30 minutes to 1 hour after administration.
❧ *Trough: 30 minutes before the next dose.
• blood glucose by transporting glucose into cells
• promoting conversion of glucose to glycogen
• inhibiting the liver from changing glycogen to glucose Names Onset Peak Duration
Types of Insulins Names 5m 60-90min 4-6h
Insulin Lispro-Humalog
Rapid-Acting Aspart 10-20m 1-3h 3-5h
Insulin Aspart-Novolog
Regular SQ: 30-60m SQ: 2-4h SQ: 5-7h
Regular Insulin-Humulin R IV: 10-30m IV: 15-30m IV: 30-60m
(Humulin R)
• Regular insulin is the
Short-Acting only one given IV
• Concentrated U-500 2-3h 5-7h
insulin-Insulin U-500
(Humulin N, Novolin 8-12h 18-24h
Intermediate-Acting NPH-Humulin N, Novolin R R)
Insulin Glargine-Lantus Glargine
• Cannot mix with None 24h
Long-Acting (Lantus)
Insulin Detemir-Levemir Detemir
3-14h 24h
NPH/REG (Levemir)
• Humulin 50/50
• Humulin 70/30 NPH
• Novolin 70/30 (Humulin 50/50,
Humulin 70/30,
4-8h 24h
Novolin 70/30)
Premixed Aspart
protamine/aspart Apart
Protamine/aspart 1-4h 24h
• Novolog Mix 70/30 (Novolog mix 70/30)

Lispro protamine/lispro Protamine/lispro 2.8h 24h
• Humalog Mix 75/25 (Humalog mix 75/25)

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