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Discussing new Here are some strategies to improve your reading skills:
concepts and
practicing new skill. While you read:
 Engage actively: Don't just passively skim the text. Ask yourself questions,
predict what will happen next, and connect the information to things you
already know.
 Focus on comprehension: Don't prioritize reading speed over
understanding. Take your time, re-read confusing parts, and use context
clues to figure out unfamiliar words.
 Take notes: Jot down key points, new vocabulary, or questions you have.
This helps you stay focused and revisit important details later.

After you read:

 Summarize: Briefly rephrase the main points and supporting details in

your own words. This helps solidify your understanding and identify any
gaps in comprehension.
 Discuss what you read: Talk to friends, family, or online communities
about the text. Discussing interpretations and perspectives can deepen
your understanding.
 Practice regularly: The more you read, the better you'll become at it.
Make reading a daily habit and gradually increase the difficulty of the
material as your skills improve.

Additional tips:

 Build your vocabulary: Learn new words daily and actively try to use
them in your own speaking and writing.
 Read aloud: Hearing yourself read can help with pronunciation, fluency,
and comprehension.
 Use audio books: Listening to audio books while following along with the
text can be a good way to improve listening comprehension and
 Explore different formats: Don't limit yourself to just books. Read
magazines, articles, blogs, and other types of written content to keep your
reading practice diverse and engaging.
Now let me introduce to you a very interesting story! It’s is called,
“The Husband of the Rat’s Daughter”. Is anybody familiar with this
The teacher will give the hand out to the students.

E. Developing “Read Me and Perform Me”

The teacher will divide the class into small groups of 3 – 4 students
and each group will be given a short story hand out. They will be
given 5 minutes for preparation. The group will then perform the
given short story hand out. The activity will then conclude with a
short reflection where students share their thoughts on the
challenges faced, lessons learned, and how the activity contributed
to their reading skills.
F. Finding practical
applications of
concepts Think-Pair-Share
The students will be
working with a pair.
Each pair must discuss
and create a visual story
that showcases the
different places that the
rat family went to find a
husband for their
daughter. The map must
be in correct order and
labelled correctly. They
may take their time to
and effort to ensure that
their map is correct and
The students will be
working with a pair.
Each pair must discuss
and create a visual story
that showcases the
different places that the
rat family went to find a
husband for their
daughter. The map must
be in correct order and
labelled correctly. They
may take their time to
and effort to ensure that
their map is correct and
The students will be working with a pair. Each pair must discuss and
create a visual story map that showcases the different places that
the rat family went to find a husband for their daughter. The map
must be in correct order and labeled correctly. They may take their
time to and effort to ensure that their map is correct and appealing.

G. Generalizations
Developing strong reading skills is vital for effective comprehension, allowing students to
express themselves, articulate thoughts, and master correct pronunciation and grammar.
H. Evaluation
Direction: Match the items from column A to its corresponding phrases on column B. Write
the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
Column A Column B

A. Rat

B. Cloud

C. Sun

D. Wind
E. Wall

F. Star
A. Rat

B. Cloud

C. Sun

D. Wind
E. Wall

F. Star
_______ 1. “You do me great honour
by your proposal. Only, in one point you A. Rat
are mistaken, and it would be wrong of
me to take advantage of your
ignorance.” B. Cloud
_______ 2. He has power to stop the
wind in his flight. C. Sun
_______ 3. “The wall is the proper
husband for your daughter,”
D. Wind
_______ 4. “Indeed, I am unworthy of
anything so charming,' answered the
cloud; 'but you make a mistake again in E. Wall
what you say. There is one thing that is
even more powerful than I, and that is
the wind.” F. Star
_______ 5. “It is the ______ who
passes through me, and can reduce me
to powder, simply with his teeth.”

I. Assignment Direction: Interview a family member and listen

to their account about their most unforgettable
experience. Write down the important key
points of their story.

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