Galleros - Theology

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L- 4 – Act.


1. Upon knowing Jesus’ characteristics and behavior and on how He suffered and save
humankind, how do you experience the Paschal Mystery of Jesus in your daily life? In
what way?


If I go through the process of dying and rising, I will be able to experience the
Paschal Mystery of Jesus in my life. It's possible that I'll have a dying experience
when I have a fight with my family that makes me mad because it's difficult for
me to realize that they didn't believe in me or trust me, and that's a tough process
for me to accept. I always keep in mind that family is everything, not just a thing,
so an experience of rising could be reconciling with someone you've wronged or
who has hurt you in the past. I always keep in mind that family is everything, not
just a thing, so an experience of rising could be reconciling with someone you've
wronged or who has hurt you in the past. It might be having an open forum with a
family because sharing with them what the problem is makes me feel happy and
satisfied. Reconciliation is key to bring back the love to each other. I believe that
there’s no perfect family; we argue, we fight. We even stop talking at times, but in
the end, family is family. The love will always be there. When we examine the
Paschal Mystery in the life of Jesus Christ, we discover a deeper meaning of
dying and rising. The ultimate events of dying and rising, of death and new life,
are Jesus Christ's passion, death, resurrection, and ascension. We learn from
Jesus that death can bring new life, that we can discover significance in the face
of difficulty, and that there is indeed light in the middle of hardship. We learn that
all life has a dying and rising rhythm, and that God is with us in both happy and
bad times.

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