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Superior college Bahawalpur

Most Important 2nd Physics Mcqs+Short Questions+Long

Compose by: Waqar Ejaz(M.phill) (HOD-Physics-Department-Superior
College BWP
Contact No: 03062900261
Most Important Full Book MCQS (325)
Q1 Questions Option A Option B Option C Option D
1 If potential difference Two times Eight times Four times Remains same
between plates of parallel
plate capacitor is doubled
then energy stored in it
2 The term “RC” has same Potential Capacitance Energy Time
as that of
3 The force on an electron 2.6*10-8 N 2.88*10-11 N 2.6*10-19N 1.6*10-27 N
in a
field of 1.8*108 N/C
4 If potential difference Two times Eight times Four times Remains same
between plates of parallel
plate capacitor is doubled
then energy stored in it
5 Presence of dielectric Increase the Decrease the Does not Double the
other than air or vacuum electric force electric force affect electric electric force
always force
6 For the computation of Closed Curved Inclined Spherical
electric flux the surface
should be
7 SI unit of electric flux is Nm2C-2 Nm2C-1 NCm-2 Nm-2C-3
8 The minimum charge on Zero 1.6x10-19 C -1.6x10-19C ±1.6x10-19C
object in nature cannot
be less than
9 If the distance between Half One fourth Two times Four times
two charges is half then
10 An ECG records, Current Voltage Resistance Capacitance
between points on human
generated by electrical
process in the heart
11 Two point charges +2C Zero N 8x109 108x109N 12x109 N
and N(attractive) (repulsive) (attractive)
+6C repel each other if a
charge of -2C is given to
each of them then electric
force will be
12 When vector area L is Maximum Minimum Either Negative
held perpendicular to maximum or
electric field lines then minimum
magnitude of
electric flux is
13 Photo copier and inkjet Electronics Electricity Magnetism Electrostatics
printers are the
applications of
14 An electric field can Neutron Gamma rays Beta particles Gamma particle
15 Electric flux depends Electric Area of surface Orientation All of these
upon intensity of area
16 Product of resistance and Gas constant Resistivity Boltzman Time constant
capacitance is called constant
17 SI unit of Ɛo is Nm2C-2 C2N-1m-2 C2N2m-2 Nm-2C2
18 If the magnitude of Doubled Halved Unaffected One fourth
charge and distance are
both doubled then
intensity of
19 A particle having charge 2.5eV 20eV 0.4eV 10eV
2e falls through a
potential difference of
5V. energy
acquired by it is
20 The force between two ½N 2N 4N 8N
charges separated by air
is 4N. When separated by
a medium of relative
permittivity 2. The force
between them becomes
21 Which one is photo Copper Selenium Mercury Aluminum
22 The expression of energy E=cV2 E=1/2 CV2 E=1/2 C2V E=1/2(CV)2
stored in a capacitor is
given by
23 The force b/w two 10 N 20 N 30 N 40 N
charges is
28N, if dielectric of value
2.8 is kept then force
24 A charge of 10-10C b/w 10 100V 1000V 1V
two parallel plates 1cm
experience a force of 10-
5N, the P.D is
25 A particle carrying a 9.6x10-16J 9.6x10-20J 9.6x10-15J 9.6x10-19J
charge of 2e falls through
a potential difference of
3V, energy
acquired by it is
26 Equation Ø=E.A is Spherical Cylindrical Conical Flat
applicable to surface
27 If time constant in RC Rapidly Slowly At constant Nil
circuit rate
is small, then capacitor is
charged or discharged
28 The capacitance of a 𝑨∈𝟎 𝐴∈0 𝑞∈0 None of these
plate capacitor is given 𝒅 𝑞 𝑑
by C=?
29 A 5Mega ohm resistor is 0.1 sec 1 sec 2.5 sec 10 sec
connected with 2 micro
farad capacitor. Time
30 Two opposite point 1V 2V 0.5V 0V
charge of same
magnitude separated by
distance 2d, electric
mid way between them is
31 In photocopier special Positive charge Negative Neutral none
black charge charge
powder called toner gives
32 A charge of 4 C is in the 8N 16N 4N 1N
field of 4 N/C, the force
charge is
33 If the distance between Half One fourth Two times Four times
two charges is half then
Chapter # 13
Q# Questions Option A Option B Option C Option D
34 If fourth band on a carbon ±1% ±5% ±10% ±20%
resistor is of silver color then
its tolerance is
35 Maximum power delivered E2/4R 4r2E Vit V2R
battery is
36 The substance having Germanium Aluminum Copper Cobalt
temperature co-efficient is
37 The resistance of open Zero Infinity 100 ohm None of these
38 The terminal potential 2E E E/2 0
difference of battery of
circuit of emf E is equal
39 The color code for carbon 2 bands 4 bands 5 bands 7 bands
resistor usually consist of

40 Tolerance for gold color is ±1% ±5% ±10% ±20%

41 In open circuit the current Infinite Finite Maximum Zero

flowing through circuit will
42 A source of 10V is applied 1A 2A 10A 15A
across 5ohm wire, the
through wire will be
43 The numerical value of 0 3 5 7
color in color code
44 A wire of uniform area of Doubled Remain same Half Increase three
cross section A and length L times
cut into two equal parts the
of each part is
45 Siemen is the unit of Resistance Conductance Resistivity Conductivity
46 Resistivity of conductor Increase in Increase in area Increase in its Decrease in
increase with Length temperature length

47 A student has five resistance 1/50 ohm 1/25 ohm 1/10 ohm 5 ohm
each of value 1/5 ohm. The
minimum resistance that
can be obtained by
them in parallel is
48 The power output of a lamp 3J 12J 120J 720J
6W. how much energy does
the lamp gives out in 2
49 A wire of resistance R is cut Double Same Half One fourth
into two equal parts its
resistance become R/2 what
happens to resistivity?
50 Three resistances 5000,500 1A 100mA 10mA 1mA
and 50 ohms are connected
series across 550V mains,
the current through them
51 Power output is given by E2R E2R I2R All of these

(R + r)2 (R − r)2 + 4Rr

52 The magnitude of drift 10-3 m/s 106 m/s 10-6 m/s 107 m/s
is order
53 100W bulb is operated by 0.5A 1A 2A 2.5A
200V, the current flowing
through bulb is
54 The numerical value of 0 3 5 8
orange color in color code
resistor is
55 A wire of uniform area of Double Half 4 times One fourth
section A and length L is cut
into two equal parts, the
resistance of each part
56 Terminal potential V=E+Ir V=E-Ir V=E-r/l None
difference of battery of
resistance r and emf E is
57 A current of 1 A ampere 60C 30C 1c 0.016 C
passes through a wire in in 1
min, charge flowing
58 If there is no fourth band in ±1% ±5% ±10% ±20%
carbon resistor then
will be
59 A zero ohm resistor is Single black color Single red color Single blue color Single green
indicated by a color

60 What is the color code for Green,red,blue Green, blue, red Yellow,green, Violet,
52MΩ±5%? Gold Violet blue, yellow red,green, gray

61 Kirchoff 2nd rule is Energy Mass Charge Momentum

to law of conservation of
Q# Questions Option A Option B Option C Option D
62 Unit of magnetic flux is Weber Gauss Tesla Amper/m2
63 Galvonometer can be made Made large Made small Remains None of these
more sensitive if the value of constant
C/NAB is
64 In order to increase the Kept Decreased Increased Made zero
range of constant
voltmeter the series
resistance is
65 Which of the following is Ammeter Galvanometer VTVM Voltmeter
likely to
have least resistance
66 1 tesla is equal to 1 NA-1m-1 1NA-1m 1NAm-1 1Nam
67 Magnetic force is simply a Deflecting Reflecting Restoring Gravitational
force force force force
68 e/m of an electron B2r2/2V Br2/2V 2V/B2r2 2V2/B2r2
69 The mathematical expression Lenz law Ampere law Gauss’s law Faraday law
Ʃ(B.dl)= μoI is known as
70 The maximum torque on a NIBA IBA IBAsinƟ NIBAcosƟ
current carrying coil of N
turns is
71 Resistance of voltmeter Low Very high High Very low
should be
72 Sensitivity of galvanometer is Decreasing Decreasing the Increasing Using a fine
increased by the area of no. of turns of the magnetic suspension
coil coil field
73 A magnetic field acts on a Speed Energy Direction of All of these
charged particle so as to motion
change its
74 A current carrying coil placed 0˚ 90 ˚ 180 ˚ 45˚
in a
magnetic field experience
torque maximum when angle
75 Magnetic field B=4i^+18k^ 20 web 90x10-4 web 90 web Zero
webm- 2 passes through
5k^m2 area net
flux is
76 Two parallel wires current in No effect Repel each Attract each Neither
opposite direction other other attract
no repel
77 A 5m wire carrying current 5N 10N 20N 25N
2A at right angle to field 0.5T,
the force
78 When a small resistance is Voltmeter Ammeter Wheatstone Potentiometer
connected parallel to the bridge
galvanometer the result is
79 One weber is equal to N/A Nm-1A Nm/A N/Am
80 CRO works by deflecting Neutrons Protons Electrons Positrons
beam of
81 The deflection in 10 ohm 20 ohm 30 ohm 40ohm
galvanometer falls 50
division to 25 division when a
20 ohm shunt is applied
the galvanometer resistance
82 SI unit of magnetic induction Weber Tesla Gauss Farad
83 In CRO the number of anodes Cathode Grid Filament
electrons is
controlled by operating
84 The unit of E is N/C and B is ms-2 Ms ms-1 m-1s-1
the unit of E/B is
85 Two long parallel wires Repel Attract Remains at Start rotating
carrying current to same rest
direction will ---
each other
86 A charged particle moving in Field Motion Opposite to Perpendicular
a magnetic field experience a its motion to field and its
resulting force in the motion
direction of
87 Grid in CRO Control the Control the Has positive Accelerate
number of brightness potential electrons
waves w.r.t
89 To convert galvanometer into IgRg/I-Ig I-Ig/IgRg IR None
ammeter the parallel shunt
resistance Rs equal
90 Which one is correct Webm2=N/ 1 1 webm2=1 All of these
relation? Am tesla=104gauss tesla
91 Force on a moving charge in 0˚ 90 ˚ 60 ˚ 30˚
a uniform magnetic field will
maximum when angle
between v and B is
92 Shunt resistance is also called By pass Specific Reactance Impedance
resistor resistance
93 If 0.5T field over an area of 0.50 T 0.50 Web 0.25Web 0.25T
2m2 which lies at an angle of
60ᵒ with
field, then resulting flux
94 Work done on charge particle Maximum Zero Negative Infinity
moving in uniform magnetic
95 If the number of turns Half Double Remains Zero
become doubled but length same
remains same, then magnetic
field in the
solenoid become
96 e/m of neutron Less than Greater then Zero The same as
electron electron electron
97 Ampere law is magnetic Newton law Gauss law Faraday law Ohm law
equivalent of
98 The pointer of dead beat Variable Steady Continuous Slow
galvanometer gives a ----
deflection because of eddy
99 If current flowing through Becomes Becomes four No effect Becomes zero
solenoid becomes double half times
magnetic field inside
100 A 50mH coil carries a current 0.05 J 0.1 J 10 J 50 J
2A. The energy stored in B is

101 Shunt resistance is High resistance low infinite zero

102 Inductance is measured in volt Ampere Henry Ohm
103 A 50mH coil carries current of 2A the 0.05J 0.1J 10J 100J
energy stored in its magnetic field is
104 Energy stored in inductor is given by ½ cV2 ½ LI2 ½ BL2 None
105 An ideal transformer obey the law of Flux Momentum Energy Charge
conservation of
106 The device which converts electrical Transformer Galvanometer Ac generator D.C motor
energy into mechanical energy is called
107 The core of transformer is made of iron High melting Good Good Magnetic
because of point conductor of conductor of material
electricity heat
108 The ratio of average induced emf to Self- Mutual Self- Mutual
rate inductance inductance induction induction
of change of current in a coil is called
109 One henry is equal to VSA VSA2 VSA-1 None

110 The frequency of AC in Pakistan is 30Hz 40Hz 50Hz 100Hz

111 Which one is correct relation for Ns/Np=Vp/V Is/Ip=Vs/Vp Ns/Np=Ip/Is Is/Ip=Vp/
transformer is s Vs

112 Maximum value of induced emf in the NBA/W NωAB BA NIAB

coil of A.C generator is

113 The power loss in transformer due to Eddy current Magnetic Hysteresis Both
field A&C

114 Energy density of inductor is B2/2μo2 Μo/2B Μo/2B2 B2/2 μo

115 If velocity of a conductor moving -vBL -v/BL -BL/v Zero

through a magnetic field
B is made zero
then motional emf is
116 Energy stored per unit volume inside a Electric flux Energy Work Volume
solenoid is called density charge
117 Mutual inductance depends upon Density of Material Geometry Stiffness

118 When motor is just started, back emf is Maximum zero Minimum Infinite

119 Turn ratio of transformer is 50 if the 44V 4.4V 220V 1100V

220V is applied to its
primary coil .
voltage in secondary coil will be
120 Mutual induction between two coils Area of coils Number of Distance All of
depends upon turns between these
121 Hysteresis produced in transformer is Energy loss Step up Step down EM
responsible for process process inductio
122 If motor is overloaded then the Increases Decrease Constant Becomes
magnitude of back emf zero

123 If magnetic field is doubled then Four times Two times Three times Six times
magnetic energy density becomes

124 When back emf is zero it draws current Minimum Maximum Zero Steady

125 A metal rod of length 1m is moving at a 0.25N 0.25V 2.5V 25V

speed of 1m/s in a
direction making an
angle of 30˚with 0.5T the emf
126 When back emf in the generator is Maximum Steady Zero current None
maximum it draw current current

127 When a loop of wire is moved across a Eddy current DC current Photo Induced
magnetic field. The electric current
current produced in current
it which is called
128 A rod of length 20m is moving with 2000V 4000V 6000V 8000V
velocity 20m/s in a
direction perpendicular
to magnetic field of 20T
what is value of emf
129 When constant current flows in Zero Constant Alternating Irregular
primary of transformer then
emf induced across
secondary is
130 When the motor is just started, back Maximum Minimum Almost zero Equal to
emf is current

131 SI unit of mutual inductance is VSA VSA2 VSA-1 None

132 Commutators are used in DC AC AC motor AC

generat generator rotator
133 Commutator was invented in 1736 1834 1935 1885

134 The self-induction is given by NL=φI NI=Lφ Nφ=LI N=LI

Q# Questions Option A Option B Option C Option D
135 The power dissipated in AC circuit is Phase factor Gain factor Loss factor Power factor
given by P=IrmsVrmscosƟ, in relation
cosƟ is called
136 In a choke of inductance L and L is large and R L is small and R Both L and R Both L and R
resistance R is small is large are large are small
137 Power dissipated in pure inductor Large Small Infinite Zero
and pure capacitor is
138 In three phase AC supply the phase 45° 120° 90° 180°
difference between each pair of
coil is
139 Impedance Z can be expressed by Z= Vrms/Irms Z=VrmsIrms Z=RI None
140 A sinusoidal current has rms value 7.7A 10 A 14.14A 20A
of 10A, its maximum value is
141 The average value of AC over one Vo/√2 Vo √2𝑉𝑜 Zero
period with peak value Vo is
142 The rms value of AC supply is 220V 150V 311V 110V 440V
its peak value Vo is
143 In inductor the voltage Leads the Lags current by Is in phase with Changes
current 90° 90° current independently
145 High frequency radio wave is called Fluctuated Carrier wave Matter wave Emerge wave
146 An inductor may store energy in its Magnetic field Electric field In coils Circuit
147 The frequency of AC in Pakistan is 30Hz 40Hz 50Hz 60Hz
148 In RLC series circuit the true XL=Xc XL>Xc XL<Xc None of these
condition for resonance takes place
149 The highest value reached by the Peak to peak Peak value Instantaneous Root mean
voltage or current in one cycle is value value square value
150 SI unit of impedance is Henry Hertz Ampere Ohm
151 In RLC series circuit the current at Minimum Zero Maximum Infinite
resonance frequency will
152 The formula for resonance 1 1/ 1 None of these
frequency is fr= T 2√LC 2 C
153 If Io is the peak value of an AC Io/√𝟐 Io/0.707 √2 𝐼𝑜 Io/2
supply then rms value is given as
154 In pure resistive AC circuit, Current Current leads Both are in Voltage leads
instantaneous value of voltage or lags behind voltage by phase current by 90ᵒ
current voltage 90ᵒ
155 At resonance frequency, the Zero Minimum Maximum Moderate
impedance of RLC series circuit is
156 EM waves have frequency of range 10 4 Hz 10 5 Hz 10 6 Hz 102 Hz

157 Capacitive reactance Xc=? XL=Wc XL=WL Xc=1/Wc XL=1/WL

158 In pure inductive AC circuit the Lags Lead the In phase with Lead the
current behind voltage voltage voltage 270ᵒ
voltage 90ᵒ by 90ᵒ
159 The peak value of AC source is 20A, 14.2 A 10 A 20 A 28.2 A
then rms value will be

160 The phase of AC at positive peak π/2 π/3 2π π

from origin

161 XL is low for low frequency but Xc is Low High Zero None

162 AC changes its polarity in once cycle Once Twice Thrice Four time

163 Metal detector consist of circuit LC RL RC RLC

164 All voltmeters and ammeters Rms value Peak value Average value None

165 Reciprocal of impedance is called Resistance Deflection admittance Coherence

166 Shake an electrically charged object Mechanical Transverse Longitudinal EM waves

to and fro and produce waves waves waves

167 When electrons in the transmitting 94 Hz 940 KHz 94 KHz 94 MHz

antenna vibrate 94000 times then
produce radio wave of
168 Second Ampere Hertz Farad

The unit of √𝐿𝐶 is

169 Inductive reactance is directly Frequency Resistance Inductance Both A&C
proportional to

Q Questions Option A Option B Option C Option D
170 The number of atoms in 104 to 106 106 to 108 1012 to 1016 1021 to1023
domains of macroscopic
size of a ferromagnetic
substance are
171 At curie temperature iron ferromagnetic Diamagnetic Paramagnetic Super
becomes conductor
172 SI unit of strain is N/m2 N/m Nm No unit
173 The most suitable material Iron Steel Aluminum Copper
for making permanentmagnet is

174 A semiconductor behave as When P.D is When its Pentavalent Trivalent

insulator when applied it temperature impurity is impurity is
is 0K added add
175 The temperature at which a Critical Absolute Curi’s All of these
ferromagnetic material temperature temperature temperature
becomes paramagnetic is
178 The ratio of stress to strainis Electricity Resistivity Conductivity Elastic
called modulus
179 To make a n type Ge P C Al
semiconductor a pure SI
should be doped with atoms
180 The substance which have Insulator Semiconduc Conductor Super
partially filled conduction tor conductor
band are called
181 The conductivity of materialis 101 (ohm m)- 1010 (ohm m)- 107(ohm m)-1 1015 (ohm
of the order of 1 1 m)-1
182 The substance with Conductor Insulator Semiconducto Super
183 The resistivity of 103(Ώm)-1 107(Ώm) 10-7(Ώm) 10-
conductor are of 6(Ώm)-1
184 Glass and high carbon Ductile Brittle Soft material Hard
steel are example of substance substance material
185 What type of impurity is to Mono valent Trivalent Tetra valent Pentavale
be added to the nt
semiconductor material to
provide holes
186 In n type materials Free electrons Holes Protons Mesons
minority carrier are
187 Curi temperature for iron 0K 570 K 1023 K 378 K
188 The substance in which the Ferro Para Diamagnetic Conductor
atoms do not form magnetic magnetic
dipole are called
189 Substance which break Ductile Hard Soft substance Brittle
just after the elastic limit is substance substance substance
reached are called
190 which of the following has Steel Wrought Soft iron Cobalt
the least hysteresis loop iron
191 A well-known example of an Germanium Phosphorus Aluminium Cobalt
intrinsic semi conductor is
192 The substance in which the Ferromagneti c Paramagnetic Diamagnetic Conductor
atoms do not form magnetic
dipole are called
193 The material below which Kelvin Critical Absolute Limiting
resistivity of some materials temperature temperature temperature temperatur e
become zero is called
194 Critical temperature for 7.2 K 4.2K 1.18K 3.7k
mercury is
195 According to band theory of Conduction Valence band Forbidden band First
solids the band in atom band conduction
containing conductive electrons then
is forbidden
196 At 0k semiconductor are Conductors Insulators Perfect Perfect
conductor insulator
197 Which pair belongs to acceptor Arsenic, Boron, Antimony, Arsenic,
impurity phosphrous gallium indium antimony
198 The young modulus of steel 20 x1011 Nm 3.9 x10 9 Nm 2 x109 Nm 2 1.5 x109 Nm
is 2 2 2
199 Which one is pentavalent? Boron Gallium Antimony Indium
200 Curie temperature for iron is 450 C 550 C 750 C 850 C
Q# Questions Option A Option B Option C Option D
201 If IE,IB and IC are emitter,base IE=IC+IB IC=IE+IB IB=IC+IE None of these
and coller current respectively ina
transistor then
202 The term inverter is used for NOR gate NAND gate NOT gate AND gate
203 The reverse current through a Holes Electrons Majority Minority
semiconductor diode is due to carriers carriers
204 The potential barriers for silicon 0.9V 0.3V 0.7V 0.5V
at room temperature is
205 Process of conversion of AC into Rectification Amplification Oscillation Modulation
206 process of conversion of DC into Rectification Amplification Oscillation Modulation
207 Mathematical notation for NOT ̅
X=𝐴 X=𝐴̅. 𝐵 X=̅𝐴̅.̅𝐵̅ X=𝐴̅+ ̅𝐵̅
gate is
208 Which one of the following is NOR gate NOT gate NAND gate Ex-OR gate
called fundamental gate?
209 The device used for rectificationis Rectifier Transformer Thermistor Wheat stone
called bridge
210 Two input NAND gate with B=0 A=B=1 A=B=0 None of these
inputs A and input B has an
output zero if
211 The diode characteristics curveis Time and Voltage and Forward voltage None of these
the graph between current current and reverse
212 Potential barrier for germanium 0.9V 0.3V 0.7V 0.5V
213 The mathematical notation for X=𝐴̅ X=𝐴̅. 𝐵 X=̅𝐴̅. ̅𝐵̅ X=𝐴̅+ ̅𝐵̅
NAND gate is
214 Base of transistor is very thin of
the order of 10-2 m 10-4m 10-6 m 10-8 m
215 Gain of operational amplifier as R1/R2 R1xR2 -R2/R1 -R1/R2
inverting amplifier is given as G=?
216 For non-inverting amplifier if -1 +1 Zero Infinite
R1=infinity and R2=0 then gain of
amplifier is
217 An expression for current gain of IB/IC Ic/IB IB+IC IC-IE
transistor is given by ß=?
218 A LED emits light only when it is Reverse biased Forward Unbiased None
219 The size of depletion region is of 10-6m 10-4 m 10-3m 10-2 m
the order of
220 Integrated amplifier is known as Power Push pull Operationa Current
amplifier amplifier l amplifier
221 In n-p-n transistor current does not Emitter to Emitter to Base to Collector to
flow in the direction from collector base collector emitter
223 An op-amp can be used as Comparator Inverting Non All of these
amplifier inverting
224 Potential difference across the 0.3V 0.7V 0.9V 1.2V
two terminal of silicon diode is
225 The mobility of electrons 2 to 3 times 5 to 7 times 9 to 11 10 to 12
the times times
mobility of holes therefore npn
devices are fast and preffered
Q# Questions Option A Option B Option C Option D
226 Momentum of photonis hf/λ hf/c fλ Hλ
given by
227 Compton effect is X-rays Visible light Radio waves All of these
observed with
228 Photon with energy Photo electric Compton effect Pair All of these
greater then 1.02 MeV effect production
can interact with
matter as
229 Maximum Compton 180˚ 90˚ 45˚ 60˚
shift in the wavelength
of scattered photon
230 The rest mass of X- ray Infinite Zero 9.1x10-31kg None
photon is

231 Photo electric current Frequency of Intensity of light Speed of light Polarization of
depends on light light

232 Electron is an anti Proton Photon Positron Deuteron

particle of
233 The minimum energy 2MeV 1.02MeV 0.51MeV Zero
required by a photon to
produce electron
positron pair is
234 Due to annihilation of 1 2 3 4
electron and positron
the number of photons
produced is
235 Platinum wire becomes 500˚C 900˚C 1100˚C 1300˚C
yellow at temperature

236 In black body radiations Long Small wave Medium High wave
at low temperature a wavelength length wavelength length
emits radiation of
237 Compton effect prove Wave nature of Particle nature Dual nature of All of these
nature of light light of light light

238 Photo diode can be Light Heat Current Magnet

used as

239 The rest mass of m Infinity Zero C

photon is

240 The minimum energy 3MeV 4MeV 0.51MeV 1.02MeV

required by a photon to
create an electron
positron pair is
241 Uncertainty principle Velocity Momentum Time Mass of particle
related uncertainties in
the measurement of
energy and
242 Momentum of moving Zero H h/λ λ/h
photon is

243 Davisson and Germer Interference Polarization Electron Refraction

experiment indicates diffraction
244 Compton shift is equal 0˚ 90˚ 45˚ 60˚
to Compton wavelength
when scattered X-ray
photon are observed
at angle of
245 The coordinate system Special frame Inertial frame of Non inertial Standard frame
in which law of inertia of reference reference frame of of reference
is valid is called reference
246 Maximum kinetic Frequency Intensity Brightness Power
energy of photo
electrons depends upon
--- of incident light
247 Radiation emitted by a X-ray region Visible region Infrared UV region
human body at normal
temperature 37˚ lies in
248 In photo electric effect, Kinetic energy Stopping Work function No. of emitted
which factor increases of electrons potential electrons
by increasing the
intensity of incident
249 The reverse process of Compton effect X-ray Pair production Annihilation
photo electric effect is production

250 For pair production 0.51MeV 1.02MeV 931MeV 2.10MeV

minimum energy of
photon must be
251 A positron is a particle Mass equal to Charge equal to Equal mass but Mass equal to
having electron electron opposite to proton
252 When platinum wire is White Yellow Green Dull red
heated, then it becomes
--- at temperature about
253 The number of Color of target Shape of Frequency of Intensity of
electrons emitted surface surface incident light incident light
depends upon
254 In Stephen boltzman Plank constant Stephen Stephen Boltzman
law E=ơT4 “ơ” is called Boltzmann constant constant
255 The factor h/moC in Pressure Length Mass Momentum
Compton equation has
the dimension of
256 Wavelength associated mv/h hv/m h/mv m/hv
with particle of mass m
and moving with
velocity v is
257 The value of ћ in Zero 1.05x10-34Js 1.05x1034Js 9x109Js
uncertainty principle

258 The value of Wein 2.9x10-3mK 2.9x103mK 5.67x10-8mK 0


259 The energy of each 2MeV 1.02MeV 0.51MeV 5MeV

positron is given b

260 The mass of an object 2.6*108 m/s 1.6*108 m/s 3.6*108 m/s 0.6*108 m/s
will be doubled at
261 Ratio of energies of two Momentums Wavelengths Range None
photons is same as the
ratio of their
Q# Questions Option A Option B Option C Option D
262 If an electron jump fλ=En-Ep hc/λ=En-Ep hf=Ep-En hλ=Ep-En
from nth orbit of
energy En to
pth(lower) orbit of
Energy Ep and a
photon of frequency f
and wavelength λ is
thus emitted than
263 SI unit of Rydberg m-2 ms m-1 ms-1
constant is
264 If one or more Excited Ionized Polarized Stabilized
electrons are
completely removed
from an atom then
atom is to be
265 The numerical value of -10 13.6 10 -13.6
ground state energy for
atom in eV is
266 The residing time of 10-6Sec 10-5 sec 10-4sec 10-3 sec
atom in meta stable
state is
267 The value of Rydberg 1.09x107 1.07x108 1.07x109 6.63x10-34
constant is – m-1
268 X-rays are High energy High energy High energy High energy
electrons photons protons neutrons
269 Which one of the High intensity High directivity Incoherence Monochromatic
following is not
characteristic of laser
270 Laser can only be Normal state Excited state Ionized state De-excited state
produced if an atom isin
271 X-ray photon moves Less than light Light Greater than Sound
with a velocity of light
272 In electronic transition Gamma rays Infra red rays Visible light UV rays
atom cannot emit
273 The energy in the 4th -2.51eV -3.50eV -3.4eV -0.85eV
orbit of hydrogen
atom is
274 Helium Neon laser 82% 15% 25% 85%
discharge tube
contain neon
275 The relation between RH=Eo/hc RH=hc/Eo Eo=RH/hc RH=EohC
Rydberg constant RH
and ground state
energy Eo is
276 Balmer series lies in UV region Far UV region Infrared region Visible
the region
277 The radius of 2nd orbit 2 4 3 9
by a factor of
278 The radius of 10th 0.053nm 0.053nm 5.3nm 53nm
Bohr orbit in hydrogen
atom is
279 X-rays are EM 10-12 m 10-10 m 10-8 m 10-6 m
radiations having
wavelength in the
range of
280 X-rays production is Compton Photo electric Pair production Annihilation of
reverse phenomenon of effect effect matter
281 X-rays can be Reflected Diffracted Polarized All of these
282 After the emission of Doubly Single ionized In the excited In the ground
X-rays the atom of the ionized state state
target is
283 Which is an example Black body Molecular Atomic spectra None of these
of continuous spectra radiation spectra
284 Atomic spectra are Continuous Line Band Mix
the example of spectra spectra
285 What is color of light Blue Green Red Yellow
emitted from He-Ne
286 Electron can reside in 10-3 sec 10-5 sec 10-8 sec 10-11 sec
excited state for about
287 The radius of 3rdbohr 0.159nm 0.477 nm 0.53nm 1.59nm
orbit is
289 The diameter of an 10-12 m 10-10m 10-4 m 10-5 m
atom is of the order
290 Such a state in higher Normal Population Both A&B None
energy state has greater population inversion
population then lower
energy state is called

291 Color TV (while operating) emits Alpha rays Beta rays Gamma rays X-rays
292 In a fast nuclear reactor U-238 absorb U-238 Pu-239 Pb-208 Th-232
a fast neutron and is ultimately
transformed into --- by
emitting beta particles
293 After two halve lives the number of N N/2 N/4 3N/4
decayed nuclei of an element are
294 Binding energy can be found by E=Δm/C2 E=ΔmC2 E=1/2 Δmc2 E=mgh
295 Which of the following is similar to Alpha Beta Neutrino Photon
electrons particles particles
296 The rate of decay of radioactive Remains Increase with Decrease May increaseor
substance constant with time with time decrease
time with time
297 Which of the following isotopes of U-234 U-235 U-238 None of these
natural uranium undergoes a
fission reaction with slow neutrons
298 The amount of energy equailent to 9.315 MeV 93.45 MeV 931.5MeV 1.025MeV
1amu is
299 Thyroid cancer is caused by C-14 Na-24 I-131 Co-60
300 Radiations emitted by a radioactive Visible Visible by Invisible None of these
element are pyrex glass
301 The element formed due to Parent Daughter Mother Son element
radioactive decay is called element element element
302 The name electron suggested by Thomson Rutherford Milllikan Stoney
303 The PU-239 breeder reactor is ACR PWR LMFBR HWR
304 The energy required to break a Atomic Nuclear Binding Breaking
nucleus of an atom is called energy energy energy energy
305 Which one the following is not the Alpha particle Beta particle Gamma rays X – rays
nuclear radiations
306 Gamma rays consists of Helium nuclei Hydrogen Neutrons Radiations
nuclei similar to X-
307 A detector can count fast and GM counter Solid state WC chamber Bubble
operate at low voltage is detector chamber
308 The most useful tracer isotopes is C-14 CO-60 I-131 St-90
309 The number of neutrons in nucleus N=A-Z N=A+Z N=A+Z/2 None
310 Materials can be identified by Hardness Density Mass Half life
measuring their
311 A sample contain N radioactive N/16 15N/16 N/8 7N/8
nuclei. After 4 half-lives number of
nuclei decayed is
310 When alpha particle is emitted from Increase by Decrease by Decrease Decrease
any nucleus, its mass number ---- 2, increase 4, increase by 4, by 4,
and its charge number ---- by 2 by increase decrease
2 by 2 by 2
311 The amount of energy released in 2MeV 24MeV 100MeV 200MeV
the fusion of four hydrogen nuclei to
form an alpha particle is equal to
312 In nuclear fission reaction when the 4 3 2 1
product are Xe-140 and Sr-94 the
number of neutrons emitted is
313 Energy given out per nucleon in p-p 5.2MeV 6MeV 6.4MeV 7.7MeV
reaction is
314 Extremely penetrating particles are Neutrons Alpha Beta Gamma
particle particle particle
315 Energy liberated when one atom of 28MeV 60MeV 140MeV 200MeV
uranium undergoes fission reaction is
316 The energy emitted from sun is due to Fission Fusion Chemical Pair
reaction reaction reaction production
317 The maximum safe limit dose for 1 rem 2 rem 3 rem 5 rem
person working in nuclear reactor is
318 A device which show the visible path GM counter Solid state Scalar WC
of ionizing particle is called detector chamber
319 Which group belong to hadrons Protons and Mesons Photons Positron
neutrons and and and
neutrons electrons electrons
320 The old and new units of absorbed 1Gy=10 rad 1Gy=100 1Gy= 1000 1Gy=10000
dose are related by rad rad rad
321 Half-life of I-131 is 8 days and its 2.5 mg 1.25 mg 0.625 mg 0.312 mg
weighs 20mg. after 4 half-lives, the
amount left undecayed will be
322 The speed of beta particle 106 m/s 108 m/s 105 m/s 107 m/s

321 Speed of alpha particles are 106 m/s 108 m/s 105 m/s 107 m/s

323 On what surface ozone becomes vital 10-20 km 20-25 km 20-50 km 20-30 km
to life as it absorb all UV
324 Xenon and cesium have isotopes 35 36 37 38

325 Which is most abundant isotopes of Neon-20 Neon-21 Neon-22 All


Chapter#12 Short Questions

1. What is role of drum in xerography? Give brief answer.
2. How can you identify that which plate of a capacitor is positively charged?
3. Write the Two properties of electric lines of force.
4. The potential is constant through out a given space.Is the electric field zero or non-zero in this
region? Explain
5. What information we get from the map of electric field lines of forces?
6. Give the dependance of electric flux.
7. Why does the charge given to the conductors tend to reside on its surfaces?
8. Electric lines of force never cross. Why?
9. Define Guass’s law and write its mathematical relation.
10. What is the relation between pot difference and electric intensity?
11. Show volt/m is equal to N/C.
12. If a point charge q of mass m is released in a non-uniform electric field with field lines pointing in the
same direction, will it make a rectilinear motion
13. Do electrons tend to go to region of high potential or of low potential?
14. Is it true that Gauss's law states that the total number of lines of forces crossing any closed surface
in the outward direction is proportional to the net positive charge enclosed within surface
15. What is effect of dielectric on the capacitance of capacitor?
16. What is meant by electron volt?
17. Why does capacitance of capacitor increas by placing some dielectric between plates of a cpacitor?

Chapter#13 Short Questions

1. A potential difference is applied across the ends of a copper wire. What is the effect on the drift
velocity of free electrons by increasing the potential difference?
2. Do bends in a wire affect its electrical resistance? Explain.
3. What do you mean by steady current?
4. What is meant by source of current? Name any three sources of current.
5. Explain the magnetic effect of current.
6. Give an application of chemical effect of current.
7. Why does the resistance of a conductor rise with temperature?
8. When is maximum power dilivered to the circuit of resistance “R” and battery resistance “r”?
9. Is the filament resistance lower or higher in a 500 W, 220 V light bulb than in a 100 W, 220V bulb?
10. What is thermistors? Also write its one application.
11. Some materials have –ve temperature coefficient ( α ).What does its mean?
12. What are uses of Rhostst?
13. Describe a circuit which will give a continuously varying potential
14. Why potentiometer is prefered than voltmeter for the measurement of pot diff ?
15. What is Wheatstone bridge? How can it be used to determine an unknown resistance?
16. Explain why the terminal potential difference of a battery decreases when the current drawn from it
is increased?
17. What is meant by Kirchhoff’s point rule?

Chapter#14 Short Questions

1. For what orientation of the loop is the flux a maximum? For what orientation is the flux a minimum?
2. Describe the change in the magnetic field inside a solenoid carrying a steady current I, if(a) the
length of the solenoid is doubled but the number of turns remains the same
3. What is meant by magnetic field strength of one tesla?
4. At a given instant, a proton moves in the positive x direction in a region where there is magnetic
field in the negative z direction. What is the direction of the magnetic force? Will the proton
continue to move in the positive X direction? Explain
5. What is magnetic flux density? Also write its unite
6. State right hand rule to find magnetic field around current carrying current.
7. If a charged particle moves in a straight line through some region of space, can you say that the
magnetic field in the region is zero?
8. Suppose that a charge q is moving in a uniform magnetic field with a velocity v.Why is there no work
done by the magnetic force that acts on the charge q?
9. Why does the picture on a TV screen become distorted when a magnet is brought near the screen?
10. Is it possible to orient a current loop in a uniform magnetic field such that the loop will not tend to
rotate? Explain
11. What is the funtion of grid in cathode ray oscilloscope?
12. What is lorentz force?
13. How can you use a magnetic field to separate isotopes of chemical element?
14. How can we increase the sensitivity of galvanometer?
15. Why the resistance of an ammeter should be very low?
16. What is meant by dead beat galvanometer?
17. What should be the orientation of a current carrying coil in a magnetic field so that torque acting
upon the coil is (a) maximum (b) minimum?
Chapter#15 Short Questions
1. Does the induced emf in a circuit depend on the resistance of the circuit? Does the induced current
depend on the resistance of the circuit?
2. How can we increase the value of induced current?
3. Does the induced emf always act to decrease the magnetic flux through a circuit?
4. A square loop of wire is moving through a uniform magnetic field. The normal to the loop is oriented
parallel to the magnetic field. Is a emf induced in the loop? Give a reason for your answer
5. State Faraday’s law of electro-magnetic induction and write its formula.
6. Give a method of producing induced emf by changing the orientation of coil in magnetic field.
7. How would you position a flat loop of wire in a changing magnetic field so that there is no emf
induced in the loop?
8. When electric motor, such as electric drill, is being used; does it also act as a generator? if so what is
the consequence of this?
9. Show that ε and ΔΦ/Δt have the same units
10. Can a D.C motor be turned into a D..C generator? What changes are required to be done?
11. What is meant by one henry of mutual inductance?
12. Can an electric motor be used to drive an electric generator with the output from the generator
being used to operate the motor
13. In a transformer, there is no transfer of charge from the primary to the secondary, How is, then
the power transferred'7
14. How fluctuation in voltage in D.C generator can be minimized?
15. When the primary of a transformer is connected to a.c mains the current in it is very small if the
secondary circuit is open, explain
16. Why soft iron is used as a core in transformer?
17. What is meant by back emf effect in motors?

Chapter#16 Short Questions

1. A sinusoidal current has rms value of 10A. What is the maximum or peak value?
2. Why DC can not flow through the capacitor?
3. How many times per second will an incandescent lamp reach maximum brilliance when connected
to a 50 Hz source?
4. What is meant by phase lead explain with sine waves.
5. Name the device that will (a) permit flow of direct current but oppose the flow of alternating
current (b) permit flow of alternating current but not the direct current
6. A circuit contains an iron-cored inductor, a switch and a D.C. source arranged in series. the switch is
closed and after an interval reopened. Explain why a spark jumps across the switch contacts?
7. How does doubling the frequency affect the reactance of (a) an inductor (b) a capacitor?
8. Why iductance coils acts as choke?
9. In a R - L circuit, will the current lag or lead the voltage? Illustrate your answer by a vector diagram
10. What is meant by impedance? Also write its formula
11. What is power factor?
12. A circuit contains an iron-cored inductor, a switch and a D.C. source arranged in series. the
switch is closed and after an interval reopened. Explain why a spark jumps across the switch
13. How does doubling the frequency affect the reactance of (a) an inductor (b) a capacitor?
14. Why iductance coils acts as choke?
15. In a R - L circuit, will the current lag or lead the voltage? Illustrate your answer by a vector
16. What is meant by impedance? Also write its formula
17. What is principle of metal detector?
18. Explain the conditions under which electromagnetic waves are produced from a source?
19. What is meant by A.M. and F.M.?
20. How the reception of a particular radio station is selected on your radio set?
21. What is meant by a choke?

Chapter#17 Short Questions

1. What is meant by ultimate tensile stress?
2. Distinguish between crystalline, amorphous and polymeric solids
3. Draw a stress-strain curve for a ductile material, and then define the terms: Elastic limit
4. What is crystal lattice and unit cell?
5. Show that the units of modulus of elasticity and stress are the same. Also discuss its three kinds
6.Define stress and strain. What are their SI units? Differentiate between tensile, compressive and shear
modes of stress and strain

1. Give methods to demagnitise a ferromagnetic substance?

2. Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic semi-conductors. How would you obtain n-type and
3. Explain the difference amongst electrical behavior of conductors, insulators and semi-
conductors in terms of energy band theory
4. How we can magnectized the ferromagnetic materials?
5. What is meant by hysteresis loss? How is it used in the construction of a transformer?
6. What information we get from the area of hysteresis loop?
Chapter#18 Short Questions
1. What is effect of reverse biasing on width of PN juction?
2. How does the motion of an electron in a n-type substance differ from the motion of holes in a p-
type substance?
3. What is the net charge on a n-type or a p-type substance?
4. The anode of a diode is 0.2 V positive with respect to its cathode. Is it forward biased?
5. What are the biasing rules for common emitter transistor?
6. Why charge carriers are not present in the depletion region?
Chapter#19 Short Questions
1.All exercise short questions?
Chapter#20 Short Questions
1. Differntiate atomic emission and atomic absorption spectrum.
2. Bohr's theory of hydrogen atom is based upon several assumptions. Do any of these
assumptions contradict classical physics?
3. Find the speed of an electron in the 1st Bohr orbit.
4. What is meant by a line spectrum? Explain, how line spectrum can be used for the
identification of element
5. How de-Broglie justfy the 2nd pastulate of Bohr’s model of hydrogen atom?
6. Can the electron in the ground state of hydrogen absorb a photon of energy 13.6 eV and
greater than 13.6 eV?
7. What is cause of continuous spectrum?
8. How can the spectrum of hydrogen contain so many lines when hydrogen contains one
9. What is meant by exitation of an atom.
10. Is energy conserved when an atom emits a photon of light?
11. Prove that electron can’t exist inside the nucleous.
12. Show that electron can not reside in atomic nuclecus.
13. What do we mean when we say that the atom is excited?
14. Can X-rays be reflected, refracted, diffracted and polarized just like any other waves?
15. What are the advantages of lasers over ordinary light?
16. Write the four uses of laser beam.
17. Explain why laser action could not occur without population inversion between atomic
Chapter#21 Short Questions
1. What is meant by unified atomic mass?
2. What are isotopes? What do they have in common and what are their differences?
3. Why are heavy nuclei unstable?
4. What fraction of a radioactive sample decays after two half-lives have elapsed?
5. What is meant by mass defect and binding energy?
6. If a nucleus has a half-life of 1 year, does this mean that it will be completely decayed after 2
years? Explain
7. What is self quenching in commercial geiger tubes?
8. Describe a brief account of interaction of various types of radiations with matter
9. A particle which produces more ionization is less penetrating. Why?
10. What information is revealed by the length and shape of the tracks of an incident particle in
Wilson cloud chamber?
11. For what purpose, Alcohol or bromine is mixed with principle gas?
12. Why must a Geiger Muller tube for detecting u-particles have a very thin end window? Why
does a Geiger Muller tube for detecting y-rays not need a window at all?
13. How does human activities result in increase odf radioactive radiations?
14. What is a radioactive tracer? Describe one application each in medicine, agriculture and
15. How can radioactivity help in the treatment of cancer?
16. Which radiation dose would deposit more energy to the body (a) 10 mGy to hand, or (b) 1
mGy dose to the entire body
17. What do you understand by "background radiation"? State two sources of the radiation
18. If some one accidentally swallow an  -source and a  -source, which would be more
dangerous to him? Explain why?
Long Questions
a) Electric field intensity due to infinite sheet of charges?
b) Electric field intensity between two oppositely charged parrel plates?
c) Electric potential due to a point charge?
d) Millikan Method?
e) Energy Stored in a Capacitor?
Exercise problem

a) emf?
b) Wheatstone Bridge?
c) Potentiometer?
Exercise problem

a) Solenoid detail?
b) Force on a moving charge in a magnetic field?
c) Torque on a current carrying coil?
Exercise problem
14.1 to 9

a) Motional Emf?
b) Faraday law?
c) Energy Stored ia an inductor?
Exercise problem
15.4 to 8
15.10 11 14 15 17

a) Rc Series Circuit
b) Rl Series Circuit
c) RLC Series Resonance
d) Modulation
Exercise problem
16.1 3 4 6 7 8 9 10

a) Strain energy in deform material ?
b) what are semiconductor formatiom of extrinsic and intrinsic semiconductor?
c) Hysteresis loop?
Exercise problem
17.1 to 5

a) Rectification half and full
b) Transistor as an aqmplifier
c) operational amplifier invering and non inverting
Exercise problem
18.1 4 5 6

a) Photo electric effect with Einstein theory.
b) Davisson and Germer Experiment.
c) Uncertainty Principle.

Exercise problem
19.1 2 5 6 7 9 10

a) atomic Spectrum
b) Production of Xray
Exercise problem
20.2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

a) Isotopes Mass-spectrograph
b) Wilson Cloud Chamber
c) GM counter
d) Nuclear Fussion and Fussion in Sun
Exercise problem
21.1 to 7 and 9

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