Actividad - 10 - Speech Acts Questionaire - Rita - López - BIDIESP - Word

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Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco

División Académica de Educación y Artes

Licenciatura en Idiomas, Plan 2017

Fecha: 20 de abril de 2024

Profesor: L.I. David Estuardo Córdova Madrigal
Asignatura: Análisis del Discurso
Integrantes de la Tercia:
Rita Guadalupe López Gurría, Cindy Vanessa Pérez de la Peña, Stefany Morales Jiménez
Nombre del estudiante: Rita Guadalupe López Gurría
Speech Acts
Tarea número: #10 Tema: Questionaire
Semana: 8

This week’s piece of homework consists of watching a set of videos concerning the
speech acts. You must watch each of the following videos:
Speech act:
Locutionary act:
Illocutionary act:
After watching each video you have to answer the following questions in small groups:

1. What are the speech acts?

Speech acts are actions performed through speech, where utterances not only

convey information but also perform actions, such as making requests, giving orders,

making promises, etc. They encompass the intention behind the speech, its literal meaning,

and its effect on the listener.

2. What is locutionary act?

The locutionary act refers to the literal act of saying something, which includes the

production of sounds or words with specific linguistic meanings. It is essentially what is

said, without considering the speaker's intention or the effect on the listener.
Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
División Académica de Educación y Artes
Licenciatura en Idiomas, Plan 2017

3. What is illocutionary act?

The illocutionary act refers to the intended meaning or force behind an utterance,

representing the speaker's purpose or intention in saying something. It focuses on what the

speaker is trying to achieve with their speech, such as making a request, giving a command,

expressing a belief, etc.

4. What is perlocutionary act?

The perlocutionary act refers to the effect or response produced in the listener as a

result of the utterance. It represents the impact or consequence of the speech act on the

listener, including the emotional or behavioral response generated, the outcome achieved,

and whether the effect was intended or unintended by the speaker.

5. What are the characteristics of each one?

-Locutionary Act: Involves the physical act of speaking, the production of sound

waves, and the grammatical structure and meaning of the words.

-Illocutionary Act: Focuses on the speaker's intention or purpose behind the

utterance, the effect it has on the listener, and the social and cultural conventions that give

meaning to the utterance.

-Perlocutionary Act: Concerns the response or effect produced in the listener,

including emotional or behavioral responses, the outcome achieved, and whether the effect

was intended or unintended.

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