4th Sunday Intros & POF

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January 28, 2024

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Intros and POF

Introduction to the Mass

Dear Brothers and Sisters, the readings of today collectively focus on the
recognition and acceptance of divine authority, the call to obedient and joyful
worship, the importance of discerning true prophetic voices, and the unique and
powerful role of Jesus Christ in salvation history. They offer rich material for
reflection on how Christians are called to respond to God’s word and authority in
their everyday lives.

Introduction to the 1st Reading

In the First Reading Moses assures the people that God will not abandon them and
after his death would continue to speak to them through prophets. They ought to
listen to these representatives of God just as they listened to Moses.

Introduction to the 2nd Reading

In the second reading, we are reminded by St Paul that words are not sufficient in
witnessing the gospel of the Kingdom. It must be matched by actions and a
particular value-based lifestyle.

Prayers of the Faithful

The psalmist calls us to not harden our hearts, so with faith in God’s goodness we
offer all our needs and the needs of the world.


For the Church: We pray that the Church, under the divine authority of Christ, may
continue to be a beacon of truth and love, guiding us to live in accordance with
God's will and sharing the message of divine authority with the world. We pray to
the Lord.

For World Leaders: May leaders across the globe recognize the divine authority that
governs all, guiding them to make decisions rooted in justice, compassion, and the
common good. We pray to the Lord.

For Families: May families, the foundational units of society, be blessed with the
grace to acknowledge and honour the divine authority that binds them together. May
they find strength and wisdom in their shared journey of faith. We pray to the

For Healing: We lift up all those who are in need of physical, emotional, or
spiritual healing. May the divine authority bring comfort, strength, and
restoration to those who are suffering. We pray to the Lord.

For Unity in Faith: As a community of believers, may we be united under the divine
authority of God, setting aside differences and working together to build a world
that reflects the values of love, justice, and peace. We pray to the Lord.

(Please pray for your local and community needs)


Lord, we entrust these prayers to your divine authority, knowing that you are the
source of all wisdom and goodness. Hear our petitions and guide us on the path of
righteousness. Amen.

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