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Romeo and Juliet Comprehension Questions – Act 3

Scene 1
1. What is the primary cause of the tragic events that unfold in Act 3?
The primary source of the tragic is Tybalt wanting to fight Romeo.
2. How does Mercutio’s death affect the overall plot of the play?
The relation ship between the two houses was affected badly.
3. What role does Tybalt play in Act 3, and how do his actions impact the relationship between Romeo
and Juliet?
Tybalt played as the antagonist of act 3, his action separated Romeo and Juliet since Romeo killed
Scene 2
4. How does Romeo’s response to Mercutio’s death differ from his response to Tybalt’s death?
Romeo weeps at Mercutio’s death but was only shocked at Tybalt’s.
5. What motivates Romeo to seek revenge against Tybalt despite his love for Juliet?
Mercutio’s death motivated him to seek revenge.
Scene 3
6. How does Juliet react when she learns of Romeo’s involvement in Tybalt’s death?
7. What is Friar Laurence’s role in Act 3, and how does he contribute to the unfolding events?
Scene 4
8. How does the marriage between Juliet and Romeo become endangered in Act 3?
The marriage between the two became endangered in act 3 because Romeo killed Tybalt and he is
Scene 5
9. Why does Romeo feel banishment is worse than death?
Romeo felt this way because banishment would mean he cannot see Juliet for the rest of his life.
10. How does Act 3 end, and what are the immediate consequences for Romeo and Juliet?

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