Chapter Two Rubric

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Name: ______________________________________ STRAND: ___________ Date: __________________


Criteria Excellent (10 Good (8 points) Fair (6 points) Poor (4 points) Inadequate (0
points) points)
Coverage Literature review Literature Literature review Literature review Literature
and covers a wide review covers includes some is limited in review is
Relevance range of most relevant relevant sources scope or fails to insufficient or
relevant sources and but may overlook include irrelevant to
sources, provides a key studies or significant the research
demonstrating a good overview perspectives. relevant sources. topic.
comprehensive of the topic.
understanding of
the topic.
Critical Analysis of Analysis of Analysis of Analysis of Little to no
Analysis literature is literature is literature is literature is critical
thorough, mostly present but lacks superficial or analysis of the
critically thorough, depth or may be fails to provide literature
evaluating each providing overly descriptive meaningful provided.
source's insightful without critical critique of the
strengths, critiques and evaluation. sources.
weaknesses, comparisons of
and sources.
Synthesis of Findings from Findings from Synthesis of Synthesis of Synthesis of
Findings various sources different findings is findings is findings is
are synthesized sources are attempted but rudimentary or missing or
effectively, synthesized, may lack fails to draw inadequately
highlighting key demonstrating coherence or meaningful attempted,
themes, trends, an overlook connections resulting in a
and gaps in the understanding important between disjointed
literature. of the broader connections sources. literature
context. between sources. review.
Clarity of Literature review Literature Literature review Literature review Literature
Presentation is well- review is is somewhat is poorly review is
organized, with mostly disorganized or organized or extremely
clear headings, organized, but unclear in parts, lacks clear disorganized
transitions, and some sections making it structure, or poorly
citations, may lack clarity challenging to hindering presented,
facilitating easy or cohesion. follow the flow of comprehension. making it
understanding. ideas. difficult to
Alignment Literature review Literature Literature review Literature review Literature
with effectively sets review provides attempts to has limited review is
Research the stage for the some connect with the relevance to the completely
research, connection to research, but the research topic or disconnected
demonstrating the research link may be fails to establish from the
how existing topic, but the tenuous or a clear research
literature informs relevance may underdeveloped. connection. topic, offering
the study. be unclear at no relevance
times. or alignment.
Total Points


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