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Hillary Clinton's Ancestors Were Oligarchs

(Roman Piso, 11-01-2018) [Please share this information widely]

[Chinese: '來自皇家奧利加奇的希拉蕊·克林頓的祖先'] [Danish: 'ForFædre af Hillary Clinton fra Royal

oligarker'] [Dutch: 'Voor ouders van Hillary Clinton van Koninklijke oligarchen'] [French: 'Ascendance
de Hillary Clinton de Royal oligarchs'] [German: 'Anzestry Of Hillary Clinton von Königlichen
Oligarchen'] [Greek: 'Καταγωγή της Χίλαρι Κλίντον από Βασιλική ευγενής'] [Hebrew: ' ‫ממוצא הילרי‬
‫[ ]'קלינטון מאוליגרכים‬Italian: 'Ascendenza di Hillary Clinton reale da oligarchi'] [Japanese: 'オリガルヒ
からのヒラリー・クリントン・ロイヤルの祖先'] [Korean: '힐러리 클린턴 로얄의 조상은 올리비
에에서'] [Latin: 'Hillary Clinton De genere ex Regius gratiosi'] [Norwegian (Bokmal): 'Opphav til
Hillary Clinton Royal fra oligarkene']
[Persian: '‫[ ]'رویال نسب هیلری کلینتون از اقلیت‬Polish: 'Przodkowie Hillary Clinton Royal z oligarchów']
[Portuguese: 'Ascendência Hillary Clinton Royal de oligarchs'] [Romanian: 'Strămoșii Hillary Clinton
regal de la oligarhi'] [Russian: 'Предки Хиллари Клинтон Королевский от олигархов'] [Serbian
(Cyrillic): 'Порекло Хилари Клинтон Ројал из олигарха'] [Serbian (Latin): 'Poreklo Hilari Klinton
Rojal iz oligarha'] [Sindhi: '‫[ ]' رائل اوکروجنس مان هیلري ڪلنٽن جو ٻڍاپو‬Slovak: 'Predkovia Hillary Clinton
Royal z oligarchovia'] [Slovenian: 'Prednikov Hillary Clinton Royal iz oligarchs'] [Spanish:
'Ascendencia Hillary Clinton real de los oligárquicos'] [Swahili: 'Ancestry ya Hillary Clinton Kutoka
kwa Oligarchs Royal'] [Swedish: 'Anor Hillary Clinton Royal från oligarkier'] [Turkish: 'Oligarchs
gelen kökenli Hillary Clinton Royal'] [Ukrainian: 'РОДОВІД Хілларі Клінтон Королевська з
олігархів'] [Urdu: '‫[ ]'شجرہ ہیلری کلنٹن رائل اولیگرچس سے‬Vietnamese: 'Tổ tiên Hillary Clinton Royal từ
oligarchs'] [Yiddish: 'Ancestry Of Hillary ‫]'קלינטאן פון רויאל אליגארטשס‬

The Truth About Hillary Clinton (And Many Other High-Profile Individuals)

Virtually no one today realizes the link between various individuals who are in powerful positions
today. It is up to those of us who have done our homework to expose the truth of “old money” and
those who are either of the 1%, the Oligarchy and/or who have carved out their position in life at the
expense of everyone else, by helping the Oligarchy.

Many people today are “Woke” to the reality of the situation that the 99% had been born into. And that
is that the world that we were born into had been rigged to work against us and to benefit the few who
were born into the 1% and the Oligarchy. It is going to be a monumental task to change this. But it can
and must be done. And that must begin by educating more people to this reality.

What is now known about some important aspects of this is that certain people that we know of as
being world figures got to be where they are simply because of the family that they were born into. Not
long ago (in 2009), there was a young girl who did a school project. In the course of her research for
that project, she discovered that the information that she had gathered showed that she could
demonstrate how all but one of the U.S. Presidents were not only related to each other, but that they
also had the same ancestor (King John of England, aka John Lackland) in common. Could that be a
coincidence? No.*

Our research is much more sophisticated than that of that young girl. And what we have discovered is
much more far reaching and important, as it reveals that the Oligarchy is nothing new. It has been
around for a very long time. And during all that time, it had been working to get a tighter and tighter
grip upon power, control and wealth of our planet – all at the expense of everyone else.

Relatives of Hillary Rodham Clinton. So, just who are some of the relatives of Hillary Clinton? Her
husband Bill Clinton is a cousin of hers by common ancestry. So, are the other Presidents, as had been
mentioned. Which, Hillary is well aware of. And, which, is why she has felt that it is her 'right' to be the
first female U.S. President.

Who else is she related to? Well, among those U.S. Presidents that she is related to, just think of Nixon,
George W. Bush, and yes, even Trump. She is also related to various Popes, including Pope Leo X.
Again, bear in mind that all of these individuals are keenly aware of their own ancestry and who they
are related to. Many are even what is called by some, of the 'Inner-Circle'. Which means that they have
knowledge of the reality of the situation in great detail – many of whom, receive that information by
oral tradition from their elder relatives.

The ancient royal oligarchy. Educating people to the Oligarchy (and the 1%) is not only key to
meaningful and lasting positive change, it is essential. There can be no real positive change in the world
until we take back our world from the 1%. Not all of those who are of the world's wealthiest 1% are of
the Oligarchy; but most of them, still, nonetheless, are doing the same things against the 99% that the
Oligarchy are. And, again, ALL of them have their wealth and power at the expense of everyone else.

Their greed is so overwhelming that they are fast destroying our planet by overuse of its resources, by
producing goods for profit that pollute our world, while keeping vital information from the rest of us. It
is difficult to even try to address all that is so very wrong with what they have been doing and what it is
doing to the rest of us – it is just too involved and vast to cover it all, even in many books.

As long as we allow them to "own" virtually all of our wealth, they will virtually rule over us with the
wealth and resources that is rightfully ours, they will continue to do what they can to retain that power
over us - just as they have been doing for hundreds of years! Please take the time to learn more about
the 1% so that you can help to educate and inform others. It is only in this way that we CAN make the
real and meaningful change that is needed to save our world.

The 1% is and will continue to use up our planet's limited resources and pollute our world for the sake
of their own greed. We need to put a stop to it as they will never quit on their own. We need to
introduce new laws that protect US from the 1%. And it is people like Bernie Sanders, Jesse Ventura
and Jimmy Carter who we need to help us do that. This is now a matter of our survival and the survival
of our planet. [Please share this information! Thank you.]

Vast Poor & 80% of Americans in Near Poverty

[While most live in near poverty, the 1% continue to destroy lives & ruin our world]

Where Did The Oligarchy Of Today Come From?

The Oligarchy (aka the 1%) uses organized religion to dumb-down the masses, so that they are easier to
control and manipulate. Napoleon: " Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."

Understanding The Oligarchy [at AcademiaEdu]

Understanding The Oligarchy (at Wordpress)

What I have been trying to educate and inform people about, is that many of us now know that most of
our world is not owned by us, The People, or Humanity, if you will.

Today, we know about the 1%, and many of us have even now heard of the 'oligarchy' within that 1%.
But what most people still do not know is how the 1% got to be the 1%. And that is where
understanding the difference between old & new money comes in.

When we understand that "old money" represents generations upon generations of individuals who
were born into money, we also begin to understand that it was not just that they had money; but how
they got it, maintained it, and got more.

And, the main way that they got it was to steal it from the rest of us - and what made it easier for them
to do so, was religion. So, the 1% and the oligarchy within that 1%, stole the majority of the world's
wealth and resources from Humanity itself. And, did so by using religion.

Even to this day, few people realize that Hitler and the Vatican were working together to revive the
Holy Roman Empire. That is exactly what “the 3rd Reich” meant. Examining the family tree
information and history within royal families can often shed new light upon motives for why they did
some of the things that they did and/or why they did them in the way that they did them. What was
Kaiser Wilhelm's motivation and aspirations with regards to WWI?

Kaiser Wilhelm's mother was a daughter of Queen Victoria of England. He may have thought that his
English relatives would get "on board" with his attempt to revive the 'Reich' in exchange for powerful
positions within the Reich.

Ancient Ancestry Of Kaiser Wilhelm II

Napoleon said that religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich. And, he would know. He
was descended from various papal families. What did Napoleon have to do with WWII? Well, he
fought against the 1st Reich (aka The Holy Roman Empire), and won. Unfortunately, the Reich rose
twice after he brought down the 1st Reich in 1806. When the Reich, or Holy Roman Empire began to
rise again, it resulted in World War I and World War II.

If it were not for Napoleon, we might very well still be living our lives in the Holy Roman Empire...
that means, no computers, no modern life, and no freedoms as we now know them.

Napoleon Bonaparte & The Holy Roman Empire

Regarding Pope Leo X. And, most certainly, with the help of those such as myself the public will, at
last, be armed with the knowledge that finally exposes the fraud to all. As you will see, this pope was
also a descendant of early Plantagenets, and the Plantagents shared the same common ancestry with
other royals and popes, going back to, of course, Arrius Calpurnius Piso ("All roads lead to Rome").

The Descent of Pope Leo X From Arrius Piso

Royal Supremacy: When The World Lacked Freedom
[Straight Line Genealogical Stemma Charts]

[Chart #1]

Arrius Calpurnius Piso (aka St. Peter, etc., b. 37, d. 118/119 CE)
M. (Several Wives* [see my other works for more info RE: wives])
Justus C. Piso (b. 77, d. 165, aka Justin Martyr, Pope Sixtus I, etc.)
M. Rupilia Faustina &/or Eunice
Julianus C. Piso (b. circ. 96, d. circ. 130, aka M. Annius Verus, etc.)
M. Domitia Lucilla II (dr. of Domitia Lucilla I & P.C. Tullius Ruso)
Emp. Marcus Aurelius (b. 121, d. 180, aka Pope Soter, etc.)
M. Faustina II (dr. of Emp. Antoninus Pius, aka Pope Pius I, etc.)
Annia Aurelia Galeria Lucilla (b.circ. 149 CE)
M. Emp. Lucius Verus (co-ruled w/ Emp. M.A. 161-169 CE)
Aelia Aurelia Commoda (b. circa 165 CE)
M. Pompeianus Qunitianus (c. 160-195 CE)
Commodus Pompeianus (c. 190 CE)
M. Mariana (Minor or 'The Younger')
Aelia Aurelia Pompeia
M. Flavius Crispus (bro. of Emp. Claudius Albinus, ruled 195-197 CE)
Flavia Claudia Crispa (sis. of Emp. Probus who ruled 276-282)
M. Eutropius (aka Ti. Cl. Marcian, Gregory, Pope Felix I, etc.)
Emp. Constantius Chlorus (ruled 305-306, aka Pope Eusebius, etc.)
M. Helena Britannia & Theodora
(Fl.) Constantina (sis. of Emp. Constantine I, who d. 337 CE)
M. Maecius Memmius (cos. 344?, d. 347 CE)
(Fl.) Blesilla
M. Rogatus (Greek Prince, c. 340-390 CE)
St. Paula (d. 404 CE)
M. Toxotius/Toxatius (c. 400 CE)
Toxotius/Toxatius (c. 450 CE)
M. (Laeta?)
(Fl.) Laeta Toxata
M. Fidius (Vidius) Atticus
(Fl.) Julia Fidia (Vidia) Perpetua
M. Faltonius (son of Adelphius, who d. 451, & Anicia Italia)
Ruric (Rurice/Ruricus, bishop of Limoges, d. 507 CE)
M. Hiberie (dr. of Ommatius, of Auvergne)
Ommace (of Limoges?)
M. Rusticus (Bishop of Lyons, d. 501 CE)
M. Florentius (Bishop of Genevea, d. 513 CE)
Industrie Arthemia
M. Ferreolus (son of Tontanius, c. 525)
Ansbertus (Senator, d. 570 CE)
M. Blithilde (dr. of Clothaire I, K. of the Franks)
Arnold (Bishop of Metz)
M. Oda of Swabia
Arnold/Arnould (Bishop of Metz, d. circ. 640 CE)
M. Dode-Clothilda c. 620)
Ansigis/Anchise (Duke of Brabant, c. 650)
M. Begga (dr. of Pepin of Landin, who d. 647 CE)
Pepin of Heristal (c. 670)
M. Alpais
Charles Martel (c. 686)
M. Rotrude of Trier
Pepin ('The Short', c. 750)
M. Bertha (c.730)
Emp. (King) Charlemagne (b. 748, d. 814 CE)
M. Hildegarde of Vinzgau (758-784)
Louis I 'The Pius' & 'Debonnaire' (K. Aquitaine, Emp. 814 CE)
M. Judith Welf (of Bavaria, 806-890)
Charles II (Carlo) ('le Cheuve', 823-877)
M. (had two wives, including Ermengard of Orleans, 823-869)
Godehilde of France (865-914)
M. Geoffroy III of Maine (860-952)
Godehilde of Maine (891-922)
M. Herve de Bretagne (871-955)
Gerberge du Maine (914-952)
M. Foulques II d' Anjou (her 2nd husband, 909-958)
Geoffroy I d' Anjou (940-987)
M. Adelaide de Vermendois (944-975)
Gerberge d' Anjou (c. 970)
M. Guillaume (William) IV 'Taillefer', d' Angouleme, c. 1028)
Geoffroy d' Angouleme (991-1048)
M. Petronilla d'Archiac (c. 1000)
Foulques d' Angouleme (1025-1087)
M. Condona de Vegena, d' Eu (c. 1040-1087)
Guillaume (William) [IV or V] d' Angouleme (1070-1118)
M. Vitapoy de Benauges d' Albret (c. 1100)
Wulgrin/Vulgrin II 'Taillefer', d' Angouleme (1089-1140)
M. Ponce de la Marche (c. 1095)
Guillaume (William) [V or VI] 'Taillefer', d' Angouleme (1115-1179)
M. Margarite de Turenne (1117-1163)
Aymar (Count of Angouleme, c. 1160-1202)
M. Alice of Courtenay (1160-1218, dr. of Peter I of Courtenay)
Isabella of Angouleme (m. 1200, born c. 1188, d. 1246)
M. John (K. of England, aka John Lackland, c. 1166-1216)
King Henry III of England (1207-1272)
M. Eleanor of Provence (1223-1291)
King Edward I of England (1239-1307)
M. Eleanor of Castile (1241-1290)
King Edward II of England (1239-1307)
M. Isabella of France (1295-1358)
King Edward III of England (1312-1377)
M. Phillippa of Hainault (c. 1310/1315-1369)
John of Gaunt (1st Duke of Lancaster, b. 1340, d. 1399)
M. Katherine Swynford (Duchess of Lancaster)
Joan Beaufort (Countess of Westmoreland; b. 1379, d. 1440)
M. Ralph de Neville 1st Earl of Westmoreland, d. 1425; her 2nd Husband)
Lady Eleanor Neville (Countess, 1397, d. 1472; dr. of Ralph de Neville)
M. Henry Percy (2nd Earl of Northumberland, d. 1455; her 2nd Husband)
Henry Percy (3rd Earl of Northumberland, 1421-1461)
M. Eleanor Poynings (married 1435)
Lady Margaret Percy (born circa 1447)
M. Sir William Gascoigne [V], “The Younger” (c. 1450-186)
Margaret/Margaretha/Margery Gascoigne (b. 1480, d. 1520)
M. (Lord) Ralph Olge (3rd Baron Ogle, 1468-1512)
Lady Dorothy Ogle [aka Lady Gray] (b. 1511, d. 1541)
M. (Sir) Thomas Gray of Horton, b. 1509, d. 1570 [2nd Husband], Eng.)
Isabel Gray (b. 1533, d. 1582)
M. Ralph Gray (b. 1529, d. 1565)
Margaret (De) Gray (b. 1565, d. 1647)
M. Edmund Rodham (b. 1589; son of Robert Rodham)
John Rodham (b. 1615, d. 1657)
M. Margaret (b. 1615, d. 1657 [?])
John Rodham (b. 1635, d. 1667)
M. Elisabeth Hall (b. 1630)
John Rodham (b. 1668-d. 1721)
M. Barbara Shield (b. 1668, d. 1706 [?])
Hugh Rodham (born c. 1706)
M. Anne Hutchison (born circa 1720)
Joseph Rodham (born c. 1742, d. 1822)
M. Dorothy Bell (b. 1750, d. 1835; dr. of John Bell)
Jonathan Rodham (b. 1779, Birkley, ChesterLeStreet, Durham, Eng.)
M. Ann Parkinson (born circa 1790)
Joseph Rodham (1817-1874, b. Tanfield, Durham, England)
M. Elisabeth Scurfield (1816-1909, married 1841)
Jonathan Rodham (1843-1917; b. Durham, Eng.; d. 1917, Scranton, PA, USA)
M. Isabella Simpson Bell (1849-1917)
Hugh Simpson Rodham (b. 1879, d. 1965; b. Durham, Eng., d. PA, USA)
M. Hannah Jones (One of two born c. 1882, Scranton, PA)
Hugh Ellsworth Rodham (1911-1993)
M. Dorothy Emma Howell (1919-2011 [3rd wife?])
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton (born 1947, married 1975)
M. William ('Bill') Jefferson Clinton (42nd U.S. President; Term, 1993-2001; b. 1946)
Chelsea Victoria Clinton (born 1980, married 2010; 2 children as of 2018)
M. Marc Margolies Mezvinsky (b. 1977, PA, USA)

[Chart #2; Compare this chart to that of Pope Leo X]

Arrius Calpurnius Piso (aka Flavius Josephus, St. Peter, etc., b. 37 CE)
M. (Several wives, including Queen Berenice of Judea)
Justus C. Piso (aka Verus, Justin Martyr, St. Sixtus I, d. 165? CE)
M. Rupilia &/or Eunice
Julianus C. Piso (aka Annius Verus, NT 'Timothy', d. 130 CE)
M. Domitia Lucilla II
Emp. Marcus Aurelius (b. 121, d. 180, aka St. Soter)
M. Faustina II (d. 175, dr. of Emp. Ant. Pius, aka St. Pius I)
Annia Aurelia Galeria Lucilla (b. 150, d. 183 CE)
M. Emp. Lucius Verus (co-rule w/ Emp. Marcus Aurelius, d. 169)
Aelia Aurelia Commoda (c. 183 CE)
M. Pompeianus Quintianus (d. 183 CE)
Commodus Pompieanus (d. 209 CE)
M. Mariana (Minor or 'The Younger')
Aelia Aurelia Pompeia
M. Flavius Crispus
Flavia Claudia Crispa
M. Eutropius (aka St./Pope Felix I)
Emp. Constantius Chlorus I (c. 305-306, etc.)
M. 1; Helena Britania, 2; Theodora, 3; [?] Eutropia
Julius Constantius (aka Eusebius & half-bro. of Emp. Constantine I)
M. Galla Neratia
Julia Galla Constantia
M. Vettius Justus (d. 361 CE)
Juliana Constantia (d. 387 CE)
M. Emp. Magnentius (350-353 CE)
M. Emp. Valentinian I (364-375 CE, possible/probable pope)
Julia Galla Valentina (dr. of Emp. Valentinian I)
M. (A royal cousin)
M. Emp. Theodosius I (379-395 CE, probable pope)
Galla Placidia (d. 450, sister of Emp. Honorius, aka St. Augustine)
M. King Atawulf/Athaulf (K. Visigoths, 410-415 CE)
M. Emp. Constantius III (410-421 CE)
M. Aleric I (K. of Visigoths 395-410 CE)
Wallia Placidius (K. of Visigoths)
M. (A Royal Baltic Cousin?)
Walla Placidia of the Visigoths
M. Suebian (King of Swabia)
Ricina of Swabia (Princess & Queen)
M. Gunderic (King of Burgundy, c. 437-473 CE)
Chilperic (K. of Burgundy, c. 480-490 CE)
M. Caretene/Caratine
Clothilde of Burgundy (aka Saint Clothilde, d. 548 CE)
M. Clovis I (King of the Franks, 481-511, d. 511 CE)
Lothar/Lothair I (K. 511-561 CE)
M. Ingund
Sigebert I of Austrasia, II of Franks (561-575 CE)
M. Brunhilde
Ingunde/Ingunda of Austrasia
M. Hermanigild aka Pope John III (son of Leovigild, K. Spain)
Athanagild aka Pope Pelagius II (aka John Fummini, K. Spain)
M. Flavia Juliana &/or Arabia, dr. of Emp. Justin II, c. 600)
Artabasto (Pope?) (King of Spain)
M. (Itha)-gota (dr. of Guilibald/Willibald II, Burgundy, d. 642)
Ervigio (King of Spain, 680-687 CE)
M. Liubigotona
Aupais/Alphaida of Spain
M. Pepin II of Heristal, d. 714 CE)
Charles Martel (Duke of France, 737-741 CE)
M. Rotrude (d. 724 CE)
Pepin 'The Short' (K. of France, 751-768 CE)
M. Bertha (d. 783 CE)
Charlemagne (Emperor of France, 800-814 CE)
M. (5 wives)
M. Bego I (Ct. of Paris, d. 816 CE)
Gerhard (Ct. of Paris, 834-841 CE)
M. (?) of Auvergne
Gerhard of Auvergne (d. 841 CE)
M. (dr. of Pepin I, K. of Aquitaine, 817-838 CE)
Ranulf I (Ct. of Poitiers/Poitou, D. Aquitaine, c.860-866)
M. Bilichilde of Maine (married 845 CE)
Ranulf II (Ct. Poitiers, K. Aquitaine, 850-866-d. 890)
M. Ermengarde (c. 867 CE)
N. (?)
Ebles Manzer 'The Bastard' (b. 870, d. 935 CE)
M. Emiliene
William III ('Towhead', Ct. Poitiers, 915-935-963)
M. Adele of Normandy (917-962)
William IV ('Iron Arm', Ct. Poitiers, 937-963-995)
M. Emma of Blois (950-1003)
William V ('The Great', Ct. Poitiers, 969-995-1030)
M. Agnes of Burgundy (995-1068)
William VIII (D. of Gascony, Ct. Poitiers, 1025-1058-1086)
M. Hildegard of Burgundy (d. 1104 CE)
William IX ('The Troubador', Ct. Poitiers, 1071-1086-1126)
M. Phillipa of Toulouse (d. 1117 CE)
William X ('The Saint', Ct. Poitiers, 1099-1126-1137)
M. Eleanor of Chatellerault (d. 1130 CE)
Eleanor of Aquitaine (1122-1137-1204)
M. Henry (I of Aquitaine; II King of England, 1133-1152-1168-1189)
John I 'Lackland', King of England; 1167-1199-1216 CE)
M. Isabella (Countess of Angouleme, 1188-1200-1246)
King Henry III of England (1207-1272)
M. Eleanor of Provence (1223-1291)
King Edward I ('Longshanks') of England (1239-1307)
M. Eleanor of Castile (1241-1290)
King Edward II of England (1239-1307)
M. Isabella of France (1295-1358)
King Edward III of England (1312-1377)
M. Phillippa of Hainault (b. 1311, d.1369)
John of Gaunt (1st Duke of Lancaster, b. 1340, d. 1399)
M. Katherine/Catherine Swynford Roet (Duchess of Lancaster; 3rd Wife, d. 1403)
Joan Beaufort (Countess of Westmoreland; b. 1379, d. 1440)
M. Ralph de Neville 1st Earl of Westmoreland, d. 1425; her 2nd Husband)
Lady Eleanor Neville (Countess, 1397, d. 1472; dr. of Ralph de Neville)
M. Henry Percy (2nd Earl of Northumberland, d. 1455; her 2nd Husband)
Henry Percy (3rd Earl of Northumberland, 1421-1461)
M. Eleanor Poynings (married 1435)
Lady Margaret Percy (born circa 1447)
M. Sir William Gascoigne [V], “The Younger” (c. 1450-186)
Margaret/Margaretha/Margery Gascoigne (b. 1480, d. 1520)
M. (Lord) Ralph Olge (3rd Baron Ogle, 1468-1512)
Lady Dorothy Ogle [aka Lady Gray] (b. 1511, d. 1541)
M. (Sir) Thomas Gray of Horton, b. 1509, d. 1570 [2nd Husband], Eng.)
Isabel Gray (b. 1533, d. 1582)
M. Ralph Gray (b. 1529, d. 1565)
Margaret (De) Gray (b. 1565, d. 1647)
M. Edmund Rodham (b. 1589; son of Robert Rodham)
John Rodham (b. 1615, d. 1657)
M. Margaret (b. 1615, d. 1657 [?])
John Rodham (b. 1635, d. 1667)
M. Elisabeth Hall (b. 1630)
John Rodham (b. 1668-d. 1721)
M. Barbara Shield (b. 1668, d. 1706 [?])
Hugh Rodham (born c. 1706)
M. Anne Hutchison (born circa 1720)
Joseph Rodham (born c. 1742, d. 1822)
M. Dorothy Bell (b. 1750, d. 1835; dr. of John Bell)
Jonathan Rodham (b. 1779, Birkley, ChesterLeStreet, Durham, Eng.)
M. Ann Parkinson (born circa 1790)
Joseph Rodham (1817-1874, b. Tanfield, Durham, England)
M. Elisabeth Scurfield (1816-1909, married 1841)
Jonathan Rodham (1843-1917; b. Durham, Eng.; d. 1917, Scranton, PA, USA)
M. Isabella Simpson Bell (1849-1917)
Hugh Simpson Rodham (b. 1879, d. 1965; b. Durham, Eng., d. PA, USA)
M. Hannah Jones (One of two born c. 1882, Scranton, PA)**
Hugh Ellsworth Rodham (1911-1993)
M. Dorothy Emma Howell (1919-2011 [3rd wife?])
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton (born 1947, married 1975)
M. William ('Bill') Jefferson Clinton (42nd U.S. President; Term, 1993-2001; b. 1946)
Chelsea Victoria Clinton (born 1980, married 2010; 2 children as of 2018)
M. Marc Margolies Mezvinsky (b. 1977, PA, USA)

Notes & References:

Most of the information specific to Hillary Rodham Clinton that is contained in this genealogy may be
found and verified online. Other notes and references may be found in the various related genealogies
which are listed below &/or others which can be found posted in the Roman Piso Papers or The Piso

* This girl did her project in 2009. Here are links that still exist to her findings:

“In 2009, a 12-year-old girl stumbled onto an incredible genealogical connection:

Every American president but Martin Van Buren shares a common ancestor.
BridgeAnne d’Avignon, then a seventh-grader from Salinas, California, began
studying ancestral lineage as part of a summer project inspired by her
grandfather’s 60-year-long dedication to studying presidential genealogy.
With plenty of help from the 80-year-old man, BridgeAnne learned the process of
tracing ancestry on her own line. Once comfortable searching through countless
records and certificates, the young girl started looking into the background of
several presidents.” - Emily Arata, Elite Daily, Aug. 5, 2012

** Hannah Jones. There were two of the name born in Scranton, PA in 1882. It has been postulated that
the one which has been cited most, may be incorrect.

For ancient royal lineages, also see ancestry of Pope Leo X and Princess Diana (Spencer), etc.

The Descent of Pope Leo X From Arrius Piso

Princess Diana Was Descended From King James I of England

Descent Of King James From Arrius Piso (Genealogy)

Oligarchy And Ancient Genealogies

Please take the time to read our work revealing the true nature of history, especially in light of many
people who are now 'Woke' to the reality of our world being stolen from us by the Oligarchy.

The New Classical Scholarship: The New Forensic Study Of History

The True Context Of Ancient History & The Gordian Emperors

Ancient Alias Names List (2017)

-OR- The same papers posted to Wordpress within The Piso Project there:

The True Context Of Ancient History & The Gordian Emperors

Ancient Alias Names List (2017)

Okay, now it's time to learn just how those who created religion did so, and why. The ideas and
inventions (literary creations) that they came up with were those that they had thought about for a very
long time and then knew how to present them and how to fit them into a larger construct.

Concepts like 'God' and 'soul' were used as component parts in a very well thought-out fashion for a
deliberate purpose. 'God' is dead, when 'He' is revealed as a fraud and something that was just made up.
And one finds that out once the creators and their motives are revealed.

How & Why Ancient Royalty Created Facades & Illusions

[The Effective Creation of an Alternate Version of Reality]

Many people, including scholars and other researchers, who have researched the subject have the
opinion that Christianity really didn't exist until the time of Constantine. And that has led some to
conclude that it was created by Constantine.

This research, will show you that it was created by Constantine's ancestors. What Constantine did was
to bring it back to life! When its creators had tried to get it off the ground, it fizzled out. And it stayed
'dead' from about the year 120 AD/CE until Constantine revived it just after 310 AD/CE.

When The Real Popes Came To Power

When The Real Popes Came To Power


This Title, 'Ancestry Of Hillary Clinton From Royal Oligarchs' In Other Languages:

[Afrikaans: 'Ancestry van Hillary Clinton van koninklike Oligarchs']

[Albanian: 'Ancestry Of Hillary Clinton Nga Oligarkët Mbretërore']
[Arabian: '‫]'النسب هیلري كلینتون رویال اولیغاركوس‬
[Armenian: 'Հիլարի Քլինթոնի նախորդը, արքայական օլիգարխներից']
[Bosnian (Latin): 'Poreklo Hillary Clinton iz kraljevske oligarhe']
[Bulgarian: 'Произход на Хилари Клинтън от Кралски олигарси']
[Cantonese: ' 來自皇家奥利加奇的希拉里·克林顿嘅祖先']
[Chinese: '來自皇家奧利加奇的希拉蕊·克林頓的祖先']
[Croatian: 'Podrijetlo Hillary Clinton iz Royal Oligarchs']
[Czech: 'Původ Hillary Clintonová od královských oligarchů']
[Danish: 'ForFædre af Hillary Clinton fra Royal oligarker']
[Dutch: 'Voor ouders van Hillary Clinton van Koninklijke oligarchen']
[Esperanto: 'Ancestrio De Hillary Clinton De Reĝaj Oligarkoj']
[Estonian: 'Sünnikoht: Hillary Clinton Royal oligarchs']
[Fijian: 'Baleti ira na qase ni Hillary Clinton mai vakaturaga na Oligarchs']
[Filipino: 'Ang mga ninuno ni Hillary Clinton mula sa maharlikang Oligarchs']
[Finnish: 'Suku juuret Hillary Clinton Royal oligarkkien']
[French: 'Ascendance de Hillary Clinton de Royal oligarchs']
[Frisian: 'Ancestry Of Hillary Clinton Ut Royal Oligarchs']
[Galacian: 'Ascendencia de Hillary Clinton dos oligarcas reais']
[Georgian: 'ჰილარი კლინტონის წინაპრები სამეფო ოლიგარქებიდან']
[German: 'Anzestry Of Hillary Clinton von Königlichen Oligarchen']
[Greek: 'Καταγωγή της Χίλαρι Κλίντον από Βασιλική ευγενής']
[Hebrew: '‫]'ממוצא הילרי קלינטון מאוליגרכים‬
[Hindi: 'कलन वर स ह लर क लटन रयल क परख']
[Hmong (Daw): 'Tseeg txog Hillary Clinton muaj koob muaj npe los ntawm Oligarchs']
[Hungarian: 'Ősei Hillary Clinton Royal-tól oligarchák']
[Icelandic: 'Forskóli Hillary Clinton Royal frá oligarchs']
[Indonesian: 'Keturunan kerajaan Hillary Clinton dari oligarki']
[Irish: 'Ancestry As Hillary Clinton Ó Royal Oligarchs']
[Italian: 'Ascendenza di Hillary Clinton reale da oligarchi']
[Japanese: 'オリガルヒからのヒラリー・クリントン・ロイヤルの祖先']
[Korean: '힐러리 클린턴 로얄의 조상은 올리비에에서']
[Latin: 'Hillary Clinton De genere ex Regius gratiosi']
[Latvian: 'Senči no Hillary Clinton Royal no oligarhiem']
[Lithuanian: 'Protėvių Hillary Clinton karaliaus oligarchija']
[Luxembourgish: 'Ancestry Of Hillary Clinton vu royal oligarchs']
[Macedonian: 'Предци на Хилари Клинтон Од кралските олигарси']
[Malay (Latin): 'Protėvių Hillary Clinton karaliaus oligarchija']
[Maltese: 'Ancestry ta Hillary Clinton Rjali mill-Ìimg˙a']
[Mongolian: 'Хиллари Клинтоны Эртний Олигархчуудын тухай']
[Nepali: 'ह लर क लटनक रन ओललग क पवज']
[Norwegian (Bokmal): 'Opphav til Hillary Clinton Royal fra oligarkene']
[Persian: '‫]'رویال نسب هیلری کلینتون از اقلیت‬
[Polish: 'Przodkowie Hillary Clinton Royal z oligarchów']
[Portuguese: 'Ascendência Hillary Clinton Royal de oligarchs']
[Romanian: 'Strămoșii Hillary Clinton regal de la oligarhi']
[Russian: 'Предки Хиллари Клинтон Королевский от олигархов']
[Samoan: 'Tuaa Hillary Clinton aiga mai Oligarchs']
[Scots-Gaelic: 'Ancestry De Hillary Clinton Bho Royal Oligarchs']
[Serbian (Cyrillic): 'Порекло Хилари Клинтон Ројал из олигарха']
[Serbian (Latin): 'Poreklo Hilari Klinton Rojal iz oligarha']
[Sindhi: '‫]' رائل اوکروجنس مان هیلري ڪلنٽن جو ٻڍاپو‬
[Slovak: 'Predkovia Hillary Clinton Royal z oligarchovia']
[Slovenian: 'Prednikov Hillary Clinton Royal iz oligarchs']
[Somali: 'Hooyo Hillary Clinton oo ka timid Oligarchy Royal']
[Spanish: 'Ascendencia Hillary Clinton real de los oligárquicos']
[Sundanese: 'Katurunan Of Hillary Clinton Ti Royal Oligarchs']
[Swahili: 'Ancestry ya Hillary Clinton Kutoka kwa Oligarchs Royal']
[Swedish: 'Anor Hillary Clinton Royal från oligarkier']
[Tahitian: 'To Royal Hillary Clinton tupuna no roto mai i te Oligarchs']
[Thai: 'บรรพบรษ Hillary คลลนตตนรอยตลจาก oligarchs']
[Turkish: 'Oligarchs gelen kökenli Hillary Clinton Royal']
[Ukrainian: 'РОДОВІД Хілларі Клінтон Королевська з олігархів']
[Urdu: '‫]'شجرہ ہیلری کلنٹن رائل اولیگرچس سے‬
[Uzbek: 'Hillari Klintonning otasi, qirol Oligarxlardan']
[Vietnamese: 'Tổ tiên Hillary Clinton Royal từ oligarchs']
[Welch: 'Hynafiaeth Hillary Clinton o'r Oligarchiaid Brenhinol']
[Yiddish: 'Ancestry Of Hillary ‫]'קלינטאן פון רויאל אליגארטשס‬
[Zulu: 'Ukuzalwa kukaHillary Clinton Kusuka Oligarchs Obukhosi']

We must work to change academia. Virtually all ancient history scholars have been wrong, because a)
as I have explained in my book 'Piso Christ', all of their work is based upon 6 major assumptions, and
b) as a result of these assumptions, they view ancient history in the wrong context. And, this is a cycle.
They were taught to study the subject incorrectly, and they continue to "teach" others to be wrong. This
must stop. Spread this information and help better educate as many people as you can, particularly,
those within academia. Please share this information.

Attention Classics & Ancient History 'Scholars': Richard Carrier, Marcus Borg, Robert M. Price, Bart
Ehrman, Robert Eisenman, Werner Eck, Anthony Birley. Particularly, Werner Eck, as I have talked to
him a number of times at the urging of Abelard Reuchlin and have sent him my material to study.

Robert Price, appears to be softening his view on our work and/or that of people like Joseph Atwill.
Bart Ehrman, has been researching a great deal, but he is still working 'blindly' as like many others who
are “studying” ancient history and religion today, he simply reads and believes what he has read – at
least to some degree. Scholars are asking questions, but many times, they are the wrong ones or do not
take into consideration another context. Ehrman at least has the view of the New Testament Jesus as a
'type' of created character, instead of an actual historic individual. The New Testament Jesus was a
creation; a composite character.

There was a time when I had been among a group of scholars who had all reached the same conclusion
(some in different ways), that the New Testament had been a creation of certain Romans. No one will
ever reach the level of scholarship that only a few of us have attained as long as those who study the
subject of ancient history do not realize that a) the authors were being deceptive, and b) they were
creating various facades and illusions, including c) the use of pen names and aliases for those whom
they were writing about. And that this could, d) have only taken place from within a closed or
controlled environment. And that was only possible if a certain group of people were in control of it all;
and that had to be e) royalty. That condition is a royal oligarchy, also now known as 'Royal Supremacy'.

There were once only about six of us (Abelard Reuchlin, Joseph Atwill, two from Australia, myself,
and a friend of mine). Another few friends of mine were also a possibility. Some of these have now
passed away, and we have lost them and much of their work. And I had suggested at that time (about
the year 2000), that we form an alliance with each other.

Because even though we had reached the same basic conclusion, it was still early for many of us and so
much more to learn... we were not all using the same methodology. And so, because of a few
differences in our views at the time, that alliance never came to be. However, if it had, there is little
doubt that more people would have heard more about the Roman authorship of the New Testament by
now. Even then, though, I could have helped them from making mistakes and from falling for literary
traps that were invented and used by ancient authors.

Attention New Testament/Biblical 'Scholars': Elaine Pagels, John Dominic Crossan, Jonathan Reed,
Ched Myers, Bernard Brandon Scott, N.T. Wright, Stanley Hauerwas, Amy-Jill Levine, Taylor Weaver,
Richard Hays, David Horrell, Bruce J. Malina, Craig Evans, Craig Keener, Raymond Brown, James D.
G. Dunn, Dale Martin, Stanley Stowers, John Barclay, Philip Esler, Garrett Fagan, Randel Helms.

Note: I have personally talked to several of these individuals, as well as friends of theirs who have tried
to get through to them about this work. Religious people particularly, strongly reject anything that
contradicts their beliefs. Which is why it has been so slow to make any real change within academia,
because so many of those who currently comprise it are either religious or biased in some way.

Richard Carrier has been making progress in terms of opening up to possibilities that he had once
rejected out of hand. He appears to be not as harsh towards our research or that of Joseph Atwill as he
once was. Perhaps someone in scientific or mathematical circles pointed out to him that Atwill's work
is based upon mathematical probability; which, is a form of proof. Or, perhaps, he had some time to
actually look into what we have been saying... and it may be making some sense to him now.

In any case, he (Richard Carrier) may now be aware that we have explored many areas that he had not
thought of or experienced before. Our work, in reality, is much more sophisticated and more complex.
It is that way as it is the way that this subject should be studied in order to finally get at the truth and
true nature of ancient history. The most basic thing here (when it comes to Academia) is to begin a
more complex, more critical study or examination of ancient texts as literature. That way, instances of
propaganda may be found, pointed out and discussed; as well as other literary devices. That is virtually
non-existent even after all these years. That, as methodology, cannot be “debunked” or dismissed.

Others that I know of have been on the wrong track entirely, and I have made an effort at one time to
correct them; but they would not listen, and as a result, have just spent their time on tangents...
following red-herrings, dead ends and falling for the various 'traps' that were set by ancient authors.

It is because these many 'traps' were constructed and used within ancient literature, that I am making as
many people aware of that fact as possible; mainly, by showing the examples and explaining those
things to them so that they, in turn, may teach others. That is the main purpose of my work, to help
bring others up to speed and so that they can finally be where they should have been a long time ago.

The study of ancient history and religion is only a part of it. My goal is to educate and inform enough
people to the degree that they can make a real change in the world for the better. I am educating people
to the existence of the ancient royal oligarchy that was in virtual control of the known world, so that
they may also follow their trail through history up to the present day.

That is right. Many of those who comprise the 1% today, and the smaller portion of that 1%, who are
the ultra-elite oligarchy, have what they have because their ancestors stole it from Humanity – and they
continue that “tradition” to this day. This must become known to all if we are to regain what rightfully
belongs to ALL of Humanity.

So, this work, my work, and that of all those who actually work to get at the truth, are working towards
an extremely important goal; not for ourselves, but for the sake of Humanity itself. Greed is killing our
world, is poisoning it with garbage, toxins and all forms of pollution. Fascists disguised as political
leaders are funded by the wealthy who want to get even richer at the expense of everyone else;
including future generations and our planet. This must be stopped if the world itself is to be saved from
destruction by ignorance and greed. And, the problem exists everywhere. Particularly, within

Many problems still exist within Academia. We need to bring Academia into the 21st Century.

Essential Changes To Academia Now Required (Objectivity Is Essential)

The New Classical Scholarship: The New Forensic Study Of History

A Few Words About The Royal Language (A Language Within Language)

The True Context Of Ancient History & The Gordian Emperors

Ancient Alias Names List (2017)

How & Why Ancient Royalty Created Facades & Illusions

[The Effective Creation of an Alternate Version of Reality]

The Roman Piso Papers

The Piso Project (Wordpress)


History, Ancient History, Rome, Ancient Rome, Roman Empire, Roman Emperors, Popes, Papal
History, Christianity, History of Christianity, Origin of Christianity, Emperor, Emperors, Roman
Catholic History, Holy Roman Empire, Arrius Calpurnius Piso, Roman Piso Family, Ancient Alias
Names, Ancient Pen Names, Gordian Emperors, Emperor Antoninus Pius, Arius Antoninus, Marcus
Aurelius, Oligarchy, Royal Supremacy, Royal Language, Aliases, Genealogy, Ancient Genealogy,
Ancient Genealogies, Historia, Historia Augusta, Flavius Josephus, Pliny The Younger, Suetonius,
Tacitus, Plutarch, Hero of Alexandria, Apollonius of Tyana, Philostratus 'The Athenian', Philostratus
'The Younger', Herodian, Emperor Constantine, Vespasian, Titus, Domitian, Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian,
Lucius Verus, Commodus, Pertinax, Pescennius Niger, Didius Julianus, Clodius Albinus, Septimius
Severus, Severus Alexander, Maximinus, Maximus, Probus, Clodius II, Constantius, Constantius
Chlorus, Eusebius, Pope Eusebius, Church Father, Early Christianity, Roman Creation of Christianity,
Nero, 666, Julius Calpurnius Piso, Julius Piso I, First 10 Popes, Justin Martyr, St. John 'The Divine',
The Revelation, gospels, The Gospel of Thomas, Gnostic, Gnostic Gospels, Apocryphal, texts, holy,
sacred, free, info, sample, paper, papers, research, research paper, Heron, Herod, Agrippa, Philo, Logos,
Talmud, Pharisee, pharisees, sect, Cornelius, Theodosius I, Arcadius, Honorius, Byzantine, Byzantium,
Constantinople, ancient literature, forensic history, censorship, Medieval, medieval censorship,
Inquisition, Crusade, crusades, Church, Church History, comparative, religion, religious, organized
religion, Abelard Reuchlin, Professor, Bruno Bauer, James Ballantyne Hannay, Marcus, Antonius,
Cleopatra, Julius, Caesar, Caesars, Antonius Primus, Cestius Gallus, Nero, Vitellius, Otho, Licinianus,
Frugi, Piso, Julius Servianus, Julius Severus, Julius Constantius I, Galba, New, New Testament, Bible,
gospels, epistles, Panegyricus, Timothy, Justinian The Jurist, Proculus Calpurnius Piso, Silanus Piso,
Herodes Atticus, ben Pantera, Scribes, genealogy, genealogies, royal, royal line, royal blood,
historiography, philosophy, history of, historical Jesus, Dark Ages, Secular Humanism, Atheism,
Atheist, Atheists, Historical Anthropology, Anthropology, Anthropology of Religion, Imperial, Imperial
Rome, Roma, Classics, Classical Antiquity, Religion as psychological warfare, Hillary Diane Rodham
Clinton, Bill, Bill Clinton, William Jefferson Clinton, Clinton, Hillary, Hillary Rodham, genealogy,
family tree, family tree of, Hillary Clinton's family, Hillary Clinton's family tree, Chelsea Clinton.

President, Presidents, Presidents related to each other, world leaders, Democratic Socialism, Social
Democracy, Progressive, Progressives, Woke Progressives, Secular, Secular Humanist, Secular
Humanism, Woke Humans, Woke Humanity, Humanity, Secular Humanity, Secularist, Secularism,
Atheist, Atheists, Atheism, Humanist, The One Percent, The 99%, The Revolution, Revolt, Revolution,
Revolting, America, American, Americans, U.S., U.S.A., President Trump, George W. Bush, King
George III, President Clinton, Arius Calpurnius Piso, Arrius Calpurnius Piso, Calpernius Piso,
Calpurnius Peison, Julius Calpurnius Piso, Justus Calpurnius Piso, Claudia Phoebe Calpurnia Pisa, aka,
Pompeia Plotina, Proculus Calpurnius Piso, Alexander Calpurnius Piso, Silanus Calpurnius Piso,
Julianus Calpurnius Piso, Lucius Calpurnius Piso, Gaius Calpurnius Piso, Calpurnius Piso family.

Anthropology, genealogical charts, genealogy, archaeology, Origins of Christianity, Holy, Holy Roman
Empire, Imperial Rome, Roman Empire, popes, emperor, emperors, King James, Bible, biblical,
classics, classical history, historic, Pliny The Elder, Seneca, Aria, Arria, Arria The Younger, Arria The
Elder, Arius, Arrius, Fadilla, Arria Fadilla, Arria Antonina, Antonius, Marcus Antonius, Antonius
Primus, of Alexandria, of Tyana, of Rome, of Athens, Gnostics, gospel, Gospel of, Thomas, Mary,
Magdalan, magi, three, three days, three wise men, rooster, hen, cock, crow, crew, Alexander, Sabina,
Gaius Calpurnius Piso, Constantine, Julius Constantius, Constantius Chlorus, Emperor, emperors,
Flavia, Flavian, Flavians, Titus, Domitian, Vespasian, Nerva, Augustus, Julius Caesar, Caesar, Tiberius,
Gneius Calpurnius Piso, Gaius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Galba, Otho, Vitellius, Trajan, Hadrian,
Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius, Commodus, Pertinax, Didius Julianus, Clodius Albinus, Septimius
Severus, Severus Alexander, Pupienus, Claudius Gothicus, Probus, Gallienus, Tacitus, Florian,
Florianus, Balbinus, Postumus, Philip I, Philip II, Pacatian, Jotapian, Aquilia Severa, Annia, Annia
Faustina, Julia Soaemias, Julia Maesa, Diadumenian, Elagabalus, Julia Domna, Caracalla, Lucius
Verus, Lucilla, Geta, Titiana, Manlia Scantilla, Didia Clara, Pescennius Niger, St. Peter, Saint, Saint
Peter, Linus.

Roman coins, denominations, coinage, province, Augustus, Claudius, Nero, Vitellius, Domitian, Trajan,
Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius, Septimius Severus, Severus Alexander, Elagabalus, Gordian
III, Philip I 'The Arab', Claudius II 'Gothicus', denari, denarii, denarius, coins, coin, ancient coins,
numismatic, celator, ancient mints, silver, gold, copper, aureus, drachm, didrachm, tetradrachm, follis,
antoninianus, antoninianii, potin, billon, error, restrike, restrikes, silver wash, silvered, limes, AE, AE3,
AR, AV, miliarense, siliqua, centenionalis, argenteus, dupondius, quadrans, cistophorus, sestertius,
quinarius, as, As, Semis, triens, sextans, unica, quadrigatus, moneyer, victoriatus, solidus, scripulum.

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