FTA e HRA Tavakoli2021

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Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag



Modification of the FFTA method for calculating and analyzing

the human reliability of maintenance groups in power
transmission grids
Mehdi Tavakoli1 • Mehdi Nafar1

Received: 13 August 2019 / Revised: 16 April 2021 / Accepted: 22 May 2021

 The Society for Reliability Engineering, Quality and Operations Management (SREQOM), India and The Division of Operation and
Maintenance, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden 2021

Abstract The probability of the correct performance of the Keywords Human reliability  Power transmission 
activities required by the system over a given period of Maintenance groups  Fault tree analysis
time and the working conditions specified by a person is
called human reliability. Human reliability is seen in all
industries, and it can affect the performance of the system 1 Introduction
or results in unpleasant events. In electrical power systems,
the human errors of maintenance groups are one of the The electric power industry is one of the most influential
most important factors in the failure of electrical equip- industries in present human life. Electrical energy supply to
ment. In this paper, a new method based on the combina- the customers starts from energy production level and
tion of Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and Human Factors transmitted by transmission grids and finally supplied by
Analysis and Classification System is presented in order to distribution network to the customers. A large number of
calculate and analyze the human reliability in electrical customers may experience unplanned outages (automatic)
power systems. In this method, the basic causes (roots) of due to failure of transmission equipment. Several factors
human errors are comprehensively identified in all aspects. lead to the automatic outages of transmission lines and
The relationship among the causing roots, and also between substations. Some of these factors have been expressed in
the human errors and these roots are established logically. Veloza and Santamaria (2016) by analyzing fourteen major
Finally, human reliability can calculate easily. Since the power system blackouts across the world between 2003 and
data available in this study are mostly linguistic, the fuzzy 2015. One of these factors is human errors during the
logic is used to eliminate the inaccuracy of the evaluation maintenance process. NERC studies show that in North
and to improve the FTA technique. The validity and the America automatic outages, human error is one of the four
accuracy of the presented method are assessed by the most important causes of outages (Ekisheva et al. 2016).
results of human reliability analysis in Fars Electricity Human error occurs in all industries and can affect the
Maintenance Contractor Company as a case study. Results performance of the system or results in unpleasant events
show the accuracy of the proposed method for human (DeMott 2016). The probability of the correct performance
reliability analyses of maintenance groups in power trans- of the activities required by the system over a given period
mission grids. and the working conditions specified by a person is called
human reliability (Tang et al. 2013). Research on Human
Reliability Analysis (HRA) has begun almost from the
& Mehdi Nafar 1950s and developed intensively in nuclear power plants,
mnafar@miau.ac.ir aerospace, and other industries with high safety needs
Mehdi Tavakoli (Tang et al. 2013). However, in the electrical industry
mehditavakoli@miau.ac.ir research on this concept is not fully carried out and needs
1 comprehensive studies to consider all affecting aspects of
Department of Electrical Engineering, Marvdasht Branch,
Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran human reliability. This matter is more important in the

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

maintenance actives in the electric network. The electrical (4) Most of the studies were based on the operator’s
maintenance activities involve different kinds of activity mistakes during the switching process. While the
which are different from other industries such as nuclear, analysis of the events of 2013 to 2018 in the Fars
for example working in a High Voltage environment, Electricity Maintenance Contractor Company
working in various climates (Gupta et al. 2013), variety of (FEMCC) indicated that the maintenance personnel
equipment, etc. errors were 406% higher than the operators.
In (Lu et al. 2013), a suitable method for quantitative (5) During maintenance operations, the supervisor mon-
assessment of human reliability is presented. However, in itors the operation of the maintenance which is an
the proposed method, organizational factors and inter-de- important issue for the assessment of the correct
pendency between operators in power system switching operation of the executive groups. The impact of this
operations are not considered (Tang et al. 2013; Bao et al. issue on the HR of executive teams has not been
2013). In order to improve the method in Lu et al. (2013), considered in previous studies.
references (Tang et al. 2013) and (Bao et al. 2013) suggest
According to these issues, the purpose of this paper is to
ways to measure and analyze human reliability in the
calculate and analyze the human reliability of the power
power system, taking into account organizational factors
transmission grids maintenance groups to cover the above-
and the interdependency between operators during the
mentioned fact in HRA. In this paper, the Modified Fuzzy
switching operations. The results of references (Tang et al.
Fault Tree Analysis (MFFTA) method is used for the
2013) and (Bao et al. 2013) indicate that the probability of
evaluation of HR and analysis. The FTA method is used to
human error is closer to the actual situation recorded in
evaluate the causes that lead to system failure (Benabid
statistics than (Lu et al. 2013). (Peng-cheng et al. 2012)
et al. 2018). The FTA is a quantitative evaluation technique
also presents a model for describing the impact of orga-
that identifies an event as the top event and systematically
nizational factors on the human reliability of the mainte-
arranges all the causes of the error in a top-down structure
nance groups at the nuclear power plant. The result of this
that looks like a tree in order to, calculate the probability of
assessment shows that the effect of factors such as
occurrence of the top event (Jaise et al. 2013). The FTA is
‘‘inadequate available time‘‘ and ’’inadequate training‘‘ are
used to predict power system reliability in different
high on human error, but factors such as ’’task design‘‘ and
researches (Benabid et al. 2018; Jaise et al. 2013; Rane and
’’operation procedure‘‘ have the least effect. Human relia-
Narvel 2016). In this paper, in order to improve the
bility analysis is done in Bao et al. (2018) for various
implementation of the FTA method, all aspects of the error
power system scenarios. Results show that the probability
roots were identified using the Human Factors Analysis and
of human error increases when the time of work extends to
Classification System (HFACS) model which is well suited
more than ten hours per day. During switching operations,
for identifying the roots of human factors compared to
’’experience‘‘ and ’’adequate available time‘‘ affect the
other methods. With the help of the HFACS model, all
operator’s performance. With regard to the above-men-
causes of human error can be identified from all aspects in
tioned researches, some issues need to be followed:
19 causal groups at four levels of unsafe acts, precondition
(1) Although human reliability analysis is very impor- for unsafe acts, unsafe supervision, and organizational
tant, most researches in the power system only influence (Dekker 2002; Daramola 2014). Advantages of
examine technical errors and neglect the impact of the proposed method are its simplicity comprehensibility,
human factors in this concept (Bao et al. 2014). the ability to identify the roots of the error completely and
(2) Most researches on HRA are done on other industries comprehensively, a simple calculation of HR, determina-
which are not completely adaptable to power system tion of the relationships between the roots of the errors, and
(Bao et al. 2018). (Peng-cheng et al. 2012) and (Bao the impact of each of them on the human error at a glance.
et al. 2014) explain that the available methods in the This study helps managers to design and implement cor-
HRA have drawbacks to be implemented in the rective and effective actions to reduce human error by
power system. providing a comprehensive view of the potential causes of
(3) The roots of human error identified in the previous human error.
studies have focused mainly on human performance, The paper is organized as follows Sect. 2 explains the
such as stress, working conditions, etc. (Bao et al. research methodology. Section 3, using the HFACS tech-
2014). However, in order to have an accurate nique, most of the root causes of human errors of mainte-
assessment of human reliability, it is necessary to nance groups are predicted. Then in Sect. 4, the
identify the roots of human errors comprehensively relationship between the causes is modeled using the fault
in all aspects at first. tree technique. In Sect. 5, the model presented with fuzzy
logic is quantified. The probability of human reliability of

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

the FEMCC maintenance groups is calculated in Sect. 6. In human factors in events. Thus, a complete bank of
Sect. 7, effective and critical roots must be identified and human error roots in the transmission power main-
prioritized due to resource constraints. Corrective measures tenance groups is predicted and collected with the
to improve human reliability by analyzing critical roots are help of experts’ knowledge in 19 causal groups at
suggested in Sect. 8. four levels of the HFACS model.
(2) Since there is no documentary information from the
history of past events, especially about the basic
2 Methodology causes of errors, calculating the probability of
occurrence of human error roots is not possible
To calculate, analyze and improve the human reliability of simply. Therefore, a survey of experts is done by the
FEMCC maintenance groups, research has been done questionnaire, and the probability of occurrence of
according to the algorithm of Fig. 1. The steps defined in the event is calculated. Then the use of knowledge
the algorithm are as follows: and judgment of experts, given that expert individ-
uals have sufficient knowledge of the subject matter,
(1) The first step in the HRA is to identify the causes of
can be very helpful to evaluate the probability of an
human errors and their classification to reduce or
occurred error.
eliminate these errors (DeMott 2016). However,
(3) The FTA method has been used to establish a logical
comprehensive studies and research have not been
relationship between causes and ultimately find the
carried out to identify most of the causes of human
probability of a human error occurring. The Fault
error in the power transmission industry and to
Tree Analysis (FTA) method was first used by Bell
evaluate human reliability (HR). In this paper, a
Telephone Laboratories in the evaluation of the
comprehensive library study was conducted to iden-
reliability of the ballistic missile launch control
tify the root causes of errors in maintenance groups,
system in the years 1961–62 (Jaise, et al. 2013). The
which revealed that the HFACS model is well suited
top event is the unwanted event that is the subject of
to all the methods for identifying the root causes of

Human Reliability Calculation HFACS M odel

Identifying human error Task analysis

roots in maintenance
on four levels
of error

Human Reliability Analysis

Event records analysis

Predicting the
Taking steps to reduce
probability of the roots the method of
or eliminate critical
occurrence experts survey
(2) Interview with experts

Analysis and
Relationship between Review past articles
evaluation of root
roots and human error
effects on the FTA method
with roots
probability of human
error occurrence

Calculating the
probability of human Trapezoidal
Prioritization of roots
error in maintenance Fuzzy Logic
to identify critical roots
groups Technique

Fig. 1 Algorithm for calculating, analyzing, and improving the reliability of the maintenance groups used in this research

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

the FTA. The causes of the top event occurrence are • Interviewing the FEMCC maintenance experts and
the Intermediate events that their relation with the technicians who had made a mistake
top event is connected by logically. Intermediate • Interviewing FEMCC skilled staffs in the maintenance
events are also connected logically to the causes of groups
their occurrence, the basic events. • Interviewing FEMCC expert supervisors on mainte-
(4) The fuzzy logic method has been used to calculate nance personnel
the probability of human error due to the ambiguous, • Interviewing the FEMCC safety experts
qualitative, and subjective use of experts’ knowledge • Conclusion of the information and opinions related to
in estimating the probability of occurrence of the the previous sections in order to design of the
roots of the error. Fuzzy logic in encountering and questionnaire for human error description in power
evaluating incorrect and ambiguous situations pro- system through the HFACS framework
vides opportunities that embody the power of • Selecting a population and Survey their opinion again
creativity and human perception of ambiguous by the previous questionnaire
concepts. • Finalizing the basic causes of human errors at the four
(5) After calculating the probability of human error, the levels of errors in the HFACS method according to
effect of roots on the probability of human error Table 1.
occurrence is analyzed and evaluated. In the end,
solutions will be proposed to eliminate more effec-
tive causes. Again, the probability of the occurrence
4 Fault tree analysis of the identified causes
of the error roots is estimated, and the cycle shown in
Fig. 1 is repeated to the point where the reliability of
To construct a fault tree diagram, it’s necessary to deter-
the human being improves.
mine the top events, the intermediate events, and the base
event, and then establish the cause and effect relationship
between these events using logical gates.
3 Identification of the root causes of human error In this study, the top event is the human error of the
in maintenance groups maintenance groups. The intermediate events were identi-
fied as a failure to study the protection diagrams before the
The maintenance process is one of the important processes maintenance, failure to follow the instructions, careless-
in the operation of power grids. If the maintenance is done ness, lack of expertise or sufficient experience, and the
suitably it can reduce the power outages and interruptions. impact of the supervisor. According to expert opinion, each
Maintenance is a set of scheduling, preparation of spare of the intermediate events alone can cause the top event to
parts, implementation, monitoring, and management occur. Therefore, the relationship between the intermediate
activities to maintain or repair the system in a manner that events with the top event can be implemented by ’’OR‘‘
performs the expected performance throughout the system logic. Basic events are linked to intermediate events
life cycle. An error in the planning, implementation, or according to the information gathered in the previous
monitoring of maintenance operations can lead to system section. It is worth noting, that some of the basic causes
failure and, consequently, interruption of customer identified in the preceding section are due to the occurrence
services. of some other basic causes. Therefore they are considered
At the beginning of this research, all maintenance as an intermediate event. The relationship between the
groups in FEMCC were investigated in terms of tasks and intermediate and basic events is established with the ’’OR‘‘
activities. The results of these surveys showed that line, logic by examining. After construction of the fault tree
substation, and protection groups carry activities with high diagram based on experts’ opinions and studies of the
human error rates relative to the rest of the working groups previous section, the tree is again evaluated by the experts
in maintenance units. To identify and predict the causes of to confirm its accuracy. The final fault tree is shown in
human error in these groups, the following pattern was Fig. 2. Table 2 expresses the codes of the intermediate
implemented in the framework of the HFACS model: events and the basic events displayed in the fault tree.
• Collecting the results of studying researches on human
errors, especially in the field of maintenance
• Reviewing the steps of maintenance implementation
• Investigating the records of power transmission indus-
try events due to human error

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

Table 1 The number of basic causes of human error at the levels of the HFACS method
Error level Error category Error subcategory Number of basic causes of error

Unsafe acts Errors Skill based error 1

Decision error 5
Perceptual error
Violations Routine violation 2
Exceptional violation 1
Preconditions for unsafe Operator conditions Adverse mental state 5
acts Adverse physiological state 1
Physical/mental limitations
Individual factors Communication coordination and 4
Fitness for duty
Environmental factors Physical environment 1
Technological environment
Unsafe supervision Inadequate supervision 4
Planned inappropriate operations 9
Failed to correct a known problem 1
Supervisory violation 2
Organizational influences Resource management human resources 2
Funds 3
Equipment resources/facilities 3
Organizational climate Structure 4
Culture 1
Politics 3
Organizational process operation 2
methods 3

5 Determination of the basic events occurrence competence due to different criteria such as age, education,
probability experience, organizational title, etc. For this reason, the
method presented in Renjith et al. (2010) is used to
Since there is no technical and reliable data to determine determine the importance weight of these experts. Table 4
the probability of basic events, experts’ opinions are used shows the criteria of the importance of experts along with
to calculate this probability in this study. Since experts the corresponding scores for them. The relative weight of
cannot estimate the probability of an event exactly. The each expert is achieved from the division of the total scores
fuzzy logic is utilized to express the expert judgment using of each expert into the total score obtained by all the
linguistic terms (very low, low, moderate, high, and very participating experts in the study (Rajakarunakaran et al.
high). The fuzzy logic for calculation of the probability of 2015). This is expressed in Eq. 1.
the top and intermediate events is implemented in 5 steps P4
as follows: WK ¼ P10 i¼1 P4 ð1Þ
j¼1 i¼1 Sji

5.1 Determination of technical evaluation of experts where WK is the relative weight of the expert k, Ski is the
score of the expert k on four criteria, Sji is the score of the
Based on criteria such as experience, expertise, etc. 10 expert j on four criteria, i is the number of criteria for
experts are selected for expressing their judgments about ranking experts and j is the number of experts.
the probability of occurrence of basic events. Table 3
shows the opinions of these experts from FEMCC in
relation to basic events. These experts do not have the same

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

Organizational influences Unsafe supervision Preconditions for unsafe acts Unsafe acts

O3 IS6



IU1 Human error

O2 of
O14 maintenance

O12 O18
S7 P11

O19 IS5

U2 IE4







Organizational influences Unsafe supervision Preconditions for unsafe acts Unsafe acts




Human error
O9 of


O5 IO8

O20 IU9









S11 IS3


Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

b Fig. 2 Schematics of fault tree of the top event (maintenance human 5.5 Converting CPS of the basic events
error) into probability

The last step of the fuzzy approach is to convert CPS of

5.2 Conversion of expert’s judgment into fuzzy basic events to the failure probability of the event using the
numbers Onisawa relationship (Eq. 4)(Renjith et al. 2010; Rajakar-
unakaran et al. 2015; Lavasani et al. 2015.
Since experts’ judgments are described qualitatively, the (
method presented by Chen, Hwang in 1992 (Renjith et al. FPi ¼ 10k CPSi 6¼ 0 ð4Þ
2010) is used to systematically convert linguistic expres- 0CPSi ¼ 0
sions to their corresponding fuzzy numbers. In this paper, 5 1  CPSi 1
linguistic expressions (very low, low, medium, high, and k ¼ 2:301  ð Þ =3
very high) are fuzzified using the membership function
shown in Fig. 3. Therefore each comment is expressed in where FPi is failure probability of the basic event i.
the form of a trapezoidal fuzzy numberMi ¼ ðm1 ; m2 ; Table 5 shows the results of quantifying experts’ opin-
m3 ; m4 Þ. ions regarding the probability of base events in Table 3 in
accordance with parts 4.2 to 4.5.
5.3 Aggregating fuzzy numbers all of experts
judgment related to any event
6 Determining the failure probability of the top
Because experts’ opinions differ on the probability of event
occurrence of the basic events. Therefore, there should
aggregate different opinions and convert them to a single The FP of the top event (the human error of the mainte-
one. Aggregating of experts judgment due to the avail- nance groups) can be calculated through the probability of
ability of the relative weight of the experts and the fuzzy a minimal cut set.
number of each expert’s linguistic expressions are obtained A cut set (CS) is a set of one or more basic events that if
with the help of Eq. 2 (Renjith et al. 2010). they occur together, the top event will occur. The minimal
cut set (MCS) is a CS that does not have any further
Ai ¼ Wj mij ð2Þ simplification. Identifying MCSs and calculating their
j¼1 probabilities (Eq. 5 (Renjith et al. 2010)) is important.
Because, with the help of them, the failure probability of
where Ai is fuzzy numbers summation of experts opinion the top event can be calculated by Eq. 6.
on the basic event i, mij is the opinion of the expert j about
the basic event i and wj is the average relative weight of the   Yn
P MCSj ¼ FPi ð5Þ
expert j. i¼1

5.4 Defuzzifying of aggregated opinions PTE ¼ 1  ð1  PðMCSj Þ ð6Þ
At this step, fuzzy numbers summation of experts’ opin-  
In the above equations, P MCSj represents the proba-
ions, which are called the aggregated fuzzy failure possi-
bility of MCS of j, n is the number of basic events per
bility (AFFP), should be converted into a crisp score under
MCS, k is the number of identified MCS and PTE indicates
the title of the crisp failure possibility (CFP). In this paper,
the failure probability of the top event (Rajakarunakaran
the center of gravity method is chosen for defuzzification.
et al. 2015).
The defuzzification of Ai ¼ ða1 ; a2 ; a3 ; a4 Þ is obtained using
In this research, with regard to the constructed error tree,
Eq. (3) (Lavasani et al. 2015).
the identified MCSs are similar to the basic events, because
ða4 þ a3 Þ2  a4 a3 þ a1 a2  ða1 þ a2 Þ2 all the relationships between the top events and the basic
CPSi ¼ 1=3  ð3Þ
ða 4 þ a 3  a 1  a 2 Þ events are through the ‘‘OR’’ gates. Therefore, the proba-
bility of MCSs is the same as the probability of basic
where CPSi is a crisp possibility score for the basic event i. events. The probability of human error occurrence of
maintenance groups according to experts’ opinions and the
Eq. 6 is calculated to be 0.0056, which according to this
value, the human reliability of FEMCC maintenance

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

Table 2 Intermediate and basic events codes in Fig. 2

Event Causes of the error Event Causes of the error
code code

IE1 Carelessness S7 Highly demanding maintenance operations and accompanied

by repetitive actions
IE2 Lack of protection diagrams S8 Tracking to fix mistakes related to the existing data, settings,
spare parts, etc. by executive teams at runtime
IE3 Failure to study the protection diagrams before the IS9 Longer maintenance time of more than 8 h
IE4 Failure to follow the instructions S10 The employer’s request for the operation of the maintenance
outside the rules or guidelines
IE5 Lack of expertise or sufficient experience S11 The synchronization of corrective or defective projects with
maintenance operation
IE6 The impact of the employer IS12 Unsuitable appointment of personnel for sensitive tasks
IU1 Hurry up in work S13 Repeat the actions
U2 Mobile answering during work S14 Lack of follow-up for the fixing of defects by the supervisor
IU3 Personnel are sometimes not ready for maintenance for any S15 The supervisor’s work announcement out of the maintenance
reason program
IU4 Do not check some checklist items S16 Inappropriate respect for the personnel
IU5 The instructions and setting have not been revised and the IO1 There is no proper motive
mistakes have been repeated several times
IU6 The existence of viewpoints that some checklist items are O2 Lack of proper specialized training
important and should be checked and the rest is not needed
IU7 Insufficient knowledge of the cause and performance of each O3 Insufficient salary
item in the checklist or settings
IU8 Tasks are more than a person’s ability O4 There is not much difference between personnel with and
without responsibility
IU9 Choosing the wrong method for maintenance O5 Lack of budget to provide new or updates for the grid
P1 Pride for various reasons, including experience, age, specialty, O6 Development in power grids

IP2 Psychasthenia O7 Complex and varied electrical network equipment
IP3 Lack of paying attention to the family and time spent on them, IO8 Lack of sufficient and up-to-date equipment
which can be a source of discomfort and fatigue for the staff
P4 The misconception is that increasing the workload grows the O9 Information, instructions, results of meetings, etc. from the
probability of a human error directors or heads of departments to the personnel are not
properly transmitted
IP5 Impatience of groups O10 The personnel promotion manual is not transparent and
IP6 Physical tiredness O11 Lack of proper communication between the subgroups and
feedback from each other
IP7 Lack of backup technician O12 Transmission of stresses and work collisions from upstream
to downstream
IP8 Having a second task O13 Lack of financial and mental attention of the organization to
IP9 Continuous missions abroad O14 There is no specific policy for empowering and trusting
personnel with less experienced
IP10 Not paying attention to the mistakes expressed in previous O15 Delays in employing expert personnel
operations and corrections by the relevant subgroups
P11 Not suitable environmental conditions (heat, cold, weather, O16 Not enough attention is paid to employment factors based on
etc.) that can affect the performance of the person merit and professional qualifications
S1 Inappropriate knowledge of equipment instruction due to lack O17 Lack of test instructions
of proper transfer of prior experience
S2 Limited knowledge or experience of the supervisor O18 Job description and organizational structure are not complete
IS3 The supervisor emphasizes the full implementation of the O19 lack of clear instructions for punishment and encouragement
maintenance operation without prioritizing tasks

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

Table 2 continued
Event Causes of the error Event Causes of the error
code code

S4 Employer or supervisor having the view that the appearance O20 Inappropriate planning to use all staff and facilities
and cleanliness of the work are less important than the
correct performance of the equipment
IS5 Maintenance personnel does not have the proper time to rest O21 lack of exact analysis of the human errors event
and upgrade their knowledge
IS6 Doing the maintenance operation at an inappropriate time
(such as: from 0 am to 6 am or holidays)

Table 3 The opinions of experts in relation to basic events

Basic event code Expert 1 Expert 2 Expert 3 Expert 4 Expert 5 Expert 6 Expert 7 Expert 8 Expert 9 Expert 10

P11 H L H H L M L L M M
S2 L M L L M H M L M M
S4 M H M M M M H M L M
S8 M H L H L H M M M M
S13 H H M H L L H M M M
S14 H M H H L VH L H L H
S15 L M L M L L M M L L
S16 VL M L H L M M M L L
O4 L H M L M H H H M L
O6 M M M L H L L M M M
O9 L M M M M H L L L L
O11 L VH H L M L L M M H
O12 M M L M H VH L H L M
O14 L H L H M H H M M M
O15 H H L M H VH H M L H
O17 L M L L L H VL L M L
O18 L H H VH H H L M L L
O19 L VH L L L H H M M M
O20 L H L M M VH L L M M
O21 L VH L M H H M M M H

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

Table 4 Scoring criteria for experts 7 Determining the importance and ranking
Constitution Criteria Score of the basic events

Title Manager 5 Corrective action should be taken to improve HR. How-

Chief of group 4 ever, due to the limited resources, corrective actions on the
Chief of subgroup 3 causes that would have a greater impact on the reduction of
Expert 2 the main event (human error) should be considered. In this
Workman 1 study, the MCS importance method is used to determine
Experience (Years) Greater than 20 5 the importance of basic events and their classification.
15–20 4 Minimal cut sets are the shortest paths that the top event
10–15 3 is achieved through the basic events. Therefore, their
5–10 2 analysis can help a deep understanding of the researchers in
Less than 5 1 relation to the importance of each of the possible routes of
Educational qualification Ph.D 5 occurrence of the top event. The importance measure of
M. Eng 4 MCSs is calculated using Eq. 7 (Rajakarunakaran et al.
B.Eng 3 2015).
Electrical technician 2
  P MCSj
Secondary school 1 IM MCSj ¼ ð7Þ
Age Greater than 45 4  
35–45 3 where IM MCSj is importance measure of MCSj.
25–35 2 Table 6 shows the importance measure of MCSs
20–25 1 according to their classification. Given that each MCS is
expressed by a basic event, therefore the basic event can be
ranked according to the MCS classification, according to
Table 6.
Figure 4 shows how the reliability of the maintenance
groups is obtained 0.9946. On the other hand, the events groups improves relative to the human reliability calculated
caused by the maintenance groups’ error were 33 of 3359 in Sect. 6 if basic events in the order in Table 6 are
workdays of groups at the FEMCC grid within 2018 which eliminated. For example, Four of the most critical MCSs
is led to the human error probability of 0.0049. Therefore, are respectively: delays in employing expert personnel, the
Compared with the statistical data, it is obvious that con- misconception is that increasing the workload grows the
sidering the effect of supervisor on the maintenance per- probability of a human error, lack of follow-up for the
formance using the proposed method can reach an estimate fixing of defects by the supervisor and the personnel pro-
of the human error probability close to the actual value motion manual is not clear and appropriate. If these causes
which is also far higher than the average probability are eliminated, about 20% of the human reliability of
(\ 1%) provided by State Electricity Regulatory Com- FEMCC maintenance groups will improve. Also, if 11
mission (Bao et al. 2013). basic events are removed, it will increase the human reli-
ability from 0.9944 to 0.9973. That is, human reliability
can be increased up to 50% by making corrections in 32%
of the basic events.

Fig. 3 The weight of expert Very low Low Medium High Very high
linguistic expressions in fuzzy

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

Table 5 The probability of

Basic event code a1 a2 a3 a4 CFP FP
basic events
U2 0.10091 0.15244 0.15579 0.21067 0.15522 0.00009
P1 0.06707 0.12119 0.12790 0.18872 0.12672 0.00004
P4 0.16372 0.22058 0.22790 0.27744 0.22187 0.00032
P11 0.10122 0.15473 0.15473 0.20823 0.15473 0.00009
S1 0.05427 0.09604 0.10610 0.15793 0.10427 0.00002
S2 0.09238 0.15625 0.15625 0.22012 0.15625 0.00009
S4 0.12500 0.19284 0.19284 0.26067 0.19284 0.00020
S7 0.09360 0.15381 0.15777 0.21402 0.15449 0.00009
S8 0.12957 0.19360 0.19360 0.25762 0.19360 0.00020
S10 0.10213 0.15137 0.16265 0.20732 0.15556 0.00009
S11 0.13323 0.18948 0.19741 0.24573 0.19089 0.00019
S13 0.13872 0.20046 0.20046 0.26220 0.20046 0.00022
S14 0.16220 0.21707 0.22104 0.27195 0.21776 0.00030
S15 0.06585 0.12805 0.12805 0.19024 0.12805 0.00004
S16 0.07957 0.13567 0.13994 0.20030 0.13920 0.00006
O2 0.14726 0.20793 0.21189 0.26860 0.20861 0.00026
O3 0.13598 0.18963 0.19665 0.24939 0.19284 0.00020
O4 0.13354 0.19360 0.19360 0.25366 0.19360 0.00020
O5 0.13750 0.19558 0.20351 0.25366 0.19698 0.00021
O6 0.10030 0.16616 0.16616 0.23201 0.16616 0.00011
O7 0.12561 0.18399 0.18826 0.24238 0.18473 0.00017
O9 0.08506 0.14710 0.14710 0.20915 0.14710 0.00007
O10 0.15183 0.21067 0.21799 0.26951 0.21196 0.00027
O11 0.11890 0.17744 0.18140 0.23598 0.17812 0.00015
O12 0.13384 0.19421 0.19817 0.25457 0.19489 0.00020
O13 0.13567 0.18095 0.19223 0.23415 0.18552 0.00017
O14 0.13902 0.20122 0.20122 0.26341 0.20122 0.00023
O15 0.17348 0.23003 0.23399 0.28659 0.23071 0.00037
O16 0.11555 0.16905 0.17637 0.22927 0.17252 0.00013
O17 0.06768 0.12119 0.12454 0.18140 0.12397 0.00004
O18 0.14268 0.19787 0.20122 0.25305 0.19844 0.00022
O19 0.12226 0.18049 0.18445 0.23872 0.18117 0.00016
O20 0.11220 0.17210 0.17607 0.23201 0.17279 0.00013
O21 0.14878 0.20869 0.21265 0.26860 0.20937 0.00026

8 Analyzing and controlling the critical basic 1. The most important basic cause from the viewpoint of
causes the FEMCC maintenance groups is ‘‘delays in employing
expert personnel’’. Because reducing human resources
A successful strategy to reduce the human error of main- (due to retirement, death, injury, etc.) and the lack of
tenance groups is the analysis of the important basic causes timely recruitment of new personnel will put pressure on
of this error. In the previous sections, four critical causes existing personnel, which leads to the physical exhaus-
were identified, two of which relate to the performance of tion and homesick of personnel. Investigating the causes
the organization, one to the mental conditions of the of delay in the recruitment of new personnel showed that
maintenance-man and one to poor supervisor performance. the main factor is the time-consuming process of
By analyzing these critical causes, the weaknesses and recruitment, at least six months. Therefore, the following
solutions to resolve them were as follows: solutions were proposed to eliminate this problem:

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

Table 6 The importance

MCS Relevant basic events IM(MCS) MCS Relevant basic events IM(MCS)
measure of MCSs along with
their classification 1 O15 0.066 18 O7 0.030
2 P4 0.057 19 O19 0.028
3 S14 0.054 20 O11 0.027
4 O10 0.049 21 O20 0.024
5 O21 0.047 22 O16 0.024
6 O2 0.046 23 O6 0.021
7 O14 0.041 24 S2 0.016
8 S13 0.040 25 S10 0.016
9 O18 0.039 26 U2 0.016
10 O5 0.038 27 P11 0.016
11 O12 0.036 28 S7 0.016
12 S8 0.036 29 O9 0.013
13 O4 0.036 30 S16 0.011
14 O3 0.035 31 S15 0.008
15 S4 0.035 32 P1 0.008
16 S11 0.034 33 O17 0.007
17 O13 0.031 34 S1 0.003

P4100 S1
S14 O17
O10 P1
O21 80 S15 Percentage
O2 60 S16
O14 O9
S13 S7
Basic event code
O18 P11
O5 U2
O12 S10
S8 S2
O4 O6
O3 O16
S4 O20
S11 O11
O13 O19

Fig. 4 The percentage of human error probability when eliminating previous basic events

• Provide recruiting instructions to reduce employment 2. The most dangerous thinking of a maintenance man to
time justify others for the mistakes can be that ‘‘due to the
• Action to recruit staff before retiring existing personnel high workload, there is also a possibility of error’’. This
and train them point of view makes the person do his job imprecisely
• Provide a database of job applicants and does not take responsibility for his mistakes. In order
to reduce the effect of this thinking, the following
suggestions were given:

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

• Explain the importance of customers interruption for organization, one to the mental condition of the main-
maintenance groups tenance man and one to improper supervisor perfor-
• Considering incentives for personnel without error mance. If these causes are eliminated, about 20% of the
human reliability of FEMCC maintenance groups will
3. One of the main problems during the maintenance
operation is the lack of documentation, such as technical
drawings, equipment catalogs, test documents, etc. at the
substation. The supervisor is responsible for document
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