Digital Practice Word and Powerpoint

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Tuesday, 7 May 2024

MS Word Exercise

Objective: Familiarize yourself with various tools and features in MS Word

1. Formatting Text:

a. Change the font of the title to "Arial" and increase its size to 18pt.

b. Underline the word "Objective."

c. Italicize the word "yourself".

2. Creating Lists:

a. Create a bulleted list of the tools and features mentioned in the "Formatting Text" section.

b. Convert the bulleted list into a numbered list.

3. Inserting Images:

a. Search for an image online related to "MS Word" or "Word processing."

b. Insert the image below the title.

c. Resize the image to 3 inches in width.

4. Creating Tables:

a. Insert a 3x3 table below the image.

b. Fill the first row with the following headers: Tool, Description, Shortcut.

c. Add another row below and in rows add at least three tools or features of MS Word, along with
their descriptions and any keyboard shortcuts.

d. Add colour to the first row of your table.

5. Formatting Paragraphs:

a. Write a paragraph explaining the importance of learning MS Word for everyday tasks.

b. Apply a 1.5 line spacing to the paragraph.

c. Justify the text.

6. Inserting Hyperlinks:

a. Find a useful online resource about MS Word for beginners.

b. Insert the hyperlink to this resource at the end of your document.

7. Add your name as a watermark to your document.

8. Insert page number to footer and date to header.

Tuesday, 7 May 2024

- Use the "Insert" tab to add images and tables.
- Explore the "Home" tab for text formatting options.
- Use the "Layout" tab for paragraph formatting and spacing.

MS Word Exercise: Creating a Rainbow Title


1. Inserting WordArt:

a. Open a new MS Word document.

b. Go to the "Insert" tab and click on "WordArt."

c. Choose a WordArt style and type your desired title, e.g., "Rainbow Title."

2. Applying Gradient Fill:

a. With the WordArt title selected, go to the "Format" tab (or "Drawing Tools" > "Format" tab).

b. Click on "Shape Fill" and choose "Gradient" from the dropdown menu.

c. Select "More Gradients" at the bottom of the dropdown.

3. Customizing Gradient Colors:

a. In the "Gradient Stops" section, click on the first stop (usually white) to select it.

b. Choose a color from the color palette or enter RGB values to set the first color of the rainbow
(e.g., red).

c. Add additional stops by clicking below the gradient bar. Set the colors of the stops to create a
rainbow effect (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet).

d. Adjust the position of each stop to evenly distribute the colors and create a smooth transition.

4. Enhancing WordArt Effects:

a. Go back to the "Format" tab and explore other WordArt styles, effects, and text formatting
options to enhance the appearance of your rainbow title.


- To access more advanced gradient options, click on "Gradient Options" in the "More
Gradients" menu.
- Use the "Rotate" handle to adjust the angle of the gradient for a more dynamic effect.

Tuesday, 7 May 2024

Tuesday, 7 May 2024

Rainbow Title

Tuesday, 7 May 2024

PowerPoint Exercise: Australia's History

Slide 1: Title Slide
- Title: "Australia's Rich History"
- Subtitle: "Exploring the Land Down Under"
- Image: A map of Australia with iconic landmarks in the background


Slide 2: Introduction
- Title: "Introduction"
- Bullet Points:
- Australia is the world's sixth-largest country by land area.
- It is a continent and a country.
- Indigenous people have lived in Australia for over 65,000 years.


Slide 3: Indigenous Australians

- Title: "Indigenous Australians"
- Bullet Points:
- The first inhabitants of Australia are the Indigenous people.
- They have a rich cultural heritage, with diverse languages, art, and traditions.
- Recognized as the world's oldest continuous culture.


Slide 4: European Settlement

- Title: "European Settlement"
- Bullet Points:
- Captain James Cook claimed Australia for Britain in 1770.
- The First Fleet arrived in 1788, marking the beginning of European settlement.
- British colonization had a significant impact on Indigenous communities.


Slide 5: Gold Rush Era

- Title: "Gold Rush Era"
- Bullet Points:
- In the 1850s, gold was discovered in Australia.
- This led to a massive influx of immigrants seeking fortune.
- The gold rush contributed to the economic development and population growth of Australia.


Slide 6: Federation and Independence

- Title: "Federation and Independence"
- Bullet Points:
- Australia became a federation on January 1, 1901.
- It gained full independence from Britain through the Statute of Westminster Adoption Act in 1942.
- Australia's national holiday, Australia Day, commemorates the federation.

Tuesday, 7 May 2024


Slide 7: World Wars and Modern Era

- Title: "World Wars and Modern Era"
- Bullet Points:
- Australia participated in both World Wars as part of the British Empire.
- Post-war, Australia experienced economic growth and cultural diversification.
- Today, Australia is a multicultural nation with a strong economy and global influence.


Slide 8: Conclusion
- Title: "Conclusion"
- Bullet Points:
- Australia's history is a blend of Indigenous heritage, European settlement, and multicultural
- Understanding Australia's past helps us appreciate its rich cultural diversity and global significance.


Slide 9: References
- Title: "References"
- Bullet Points:
- List of books, articles, and websites used for research

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