Sumatif Tengah Semester Genap

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Sumatif Tengah Semester Genap

Bahasa Inggris
Kelas X

Choose the best answer for the questions below!

1. Narrative text is……….

A. a factual story which aims to entertain the readers
B. an imaginative story which aims to entertain and teach moral lesson
C. a text which describes a thing, person or place
D. an argumentative text which aims to persuade the readers to do something
E. a text which tells past events and aims to inform the readers
2. Which of the followings are the types of Narrative text?
A. Recount - Fable - Legend
B. Descriptive - Myths - Fairy Tale
C. Legend - Procedure - Fantasy
D. Myths - Recount - Fable
E. Legend - Fairy Tale - Myths

3. The structure of Narrative text is…….

A. Re-orientation - Complication - Resolution

B. Orientation - Resolution - Complication
C. Complication - Orientation - Resolution
D. Orientation - Complication - Resolution
E. Resolution - Complication - Orientation

4. One of the language features of Narrative text is using Simple Past Tense.
Which of the following sentences uses Simple Past Tense?

A. Malin Kundang lives in Sumatera Island

B. Malin Kundang has become the most famous dangdut singer
C. Malin Kundang said goodbye to his mother
D. Malin Kundang had been approached by a talent agent
E. Malin Kundang's mother prays for his successful career

5. Change the sentence into a Negative sentence! *

Little Red Riding Hood met the Big Bad Wolf.

A. Little Red Riding Hood doesn't meet the Big Bad Wolf
B. Little Red Riding Hood hasn't met the Big Bad Wolf
C. Did Little Red Riding Hood meet the Big Bad Wolf?
D. Little Red Riding Hood didn't meet the Big Bad Wolf
E. Does Little Red Riding Hood meet the Big Bad Wolf?
6. What is a fractured story?
A. a retelling of past events where the purpose of the text is changed
B. a retelling of a traditional fairy tale where some of the story elements are
C. a story where the characters are animals who behave like humans
D. a story which is believed by some people to be true
E. a story which relates much with magical things

7. Cinderella wanted to go to the ball, but her stepsisters prevent her from going.

The statement above is a part of ....

A. orientation
B. complication
C. resolution
D. re-orientation
E. moral lesson

8. The intrinsic element which states the time and place of the story is called as…..

A. plot
B. message
C. characters
D. setting
E. theme

9. Point of view is…..

A. the perspective from which the story is told
B. the time and location in which the story takes place
C. the main idea or underlying meaning of the story
D. the people or animals that inhabit the story
E. the sequence of events which are experienced by the characters

10. Characters are……

A. the perspective from which the story is told

B. the time and location in which the story takes place
C. the main idea or underlying meaning of the story
D. the people or animals that inhabit the story
E. the sequence of events which are experienced by the characters
Read the text below to answer questions 11-15!
11. Why did Little Red Riding Hood walk through the forest?
A. to fight the big bad wolf
B. to buy a cake in a shop
C. to visit her sick grandmother
D. to meet her bestfriend
E. to gather some foods

12. Why was Little Red Riding Hood not frightened of the wolf at Grandma's house?
A. he was dressed in Grandma's nightgown
B. he gave her some sweets
C. she thought he was kind
D. he made her a cup of tea
E. he had big eyes

13. Based on the story, how is Little Red Riding Hood characterized?
A. big and strong
B. smart and brave
C. careless and naive
D. sly and evil
E. weak and cowardly

14. Based on the story, how is the Big Bad Wolf characterized?
A. old and sweet
B. smart and brave
C. careless and naive
D. sly and evil
E. weak and cowardly

15. What is the message of the story?

A. do not easily trust a stranger
B. do not be a disobedient child
C. we must always speak the truth
D. do not judge a book by its cover
E. we must keep our promises
Read the text to answer questions 16-20!

The story is told from the point of view of……

A. Little Red Riding Hood
B. Grandmother
C. Woodsman
D. The wolf
E. The dwarves

17. What is the main problem of the story?

A. the wolf wanted to eat Little Red Riding Hood
B. the wolf was misunderstood by Little Red Riding Hood
C. the wolf had cats and frogs in his stomach
D. the wolf met the mean seven dwarves
E. the wolf was scolded by the grandmothe

18. What does "cat got your tongue" mean?

A. the wolf swallowed a cat
B. the wolf was speechless
C. the wolf killed a cat
D. the wolf's tongue was tied
E. the wolf got a cat in his mouth

19. What is the similarity between the traditional and fractured story of Little Red
Riding Hood?
A. the setting
B. the beginning
C. the middle
D. the ending
E. the main characters

20. What is the message of the fractured story?

A. Do not lie to your mother
B. Do not hastily judge someone
C. Do not swallow a cat
D. Do not give anyone all-you-can-eat coupon
E. Do not give anyone friendship coupon

21. A type of text that describes the details of an object based on research is
called as....
A. narrative text
B. descriptive text
C. report text
D. hortatory exposition text
E. Analytical exposition text

22. The generic structure of Report Text is....

A. Identification - Description
B. Description - Identification
C. General Classification - Description
D. Orientation - Description
E. Description - Orientation

23. To convey factual and relevant information, we use…

A. simple past tense
B. simple present tense
C. simple future tense
D. past perfect tense
E. past continous tense

24. "An elephant is the largest and strongest of all animals. It is a strange-looking
animal that has thick legs, huge sides and backs, large hanging ears, a small
tail, little eyes, long white tusks and above all, the elephant has a long nose,
the trunk."
The paragraph describes ....
A. The physical details of an elephant
B. The habitat of an elephant
C. The behavior of an elephant
D. The way elephants give birth
E. The extinction status of an elephant

25. Which of the followings are "general nouns"?

Read the text below to answer questions 26-30!

26. What is the text about?

A. Cheetah
B. Cat
C. Africa
D. Central Iran
E. Adults

27. What is the main idea of the second and third paragraph?
A. general classification of cheetah
B. the appearance of cheetah
C. the social groups of cheetah
D. the behavior of cheetah
E. the habitat of cheetah

28. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?

A. female cheetah lives sedentary life
B. female cheetah set up smaller territory
C. female cheetah lead a nomadic life
D. male cheetah search for prey in large ranges
E. male cheetah lives with the cubs

29. Based on the text, the cheetah is…..

A. Active during the day
B. Active during the night
C. A small cat
D. Originates from Asia
E. A slow animal

30. The purpose of the text is .....

A. to describe cheetah based on the writer's research
B. to tell the news about endangered cheetah
C. to amuse the readers with a story about cheetah
D. to persuade people to catch cheetah
E. to describe a specific cheetah

The giraffe is the highest animal in the world. Its height can reach 4.8 to 5.5 meters
and its weight is about 1360 pounds. Giraffe has unique characteristic. They have a
very long necks and two small horns on its head. Giraffes have big brown eyes and
are protected by thick and long eyebrows. Her body is covered with a unique pattern
that is attached by brown spots all over their body.
Just like camels, giraffes can survive without drinking for a long time because giraffes
can rely on the water contained in the leaves they eat. Giraffes are very selective in
choosing food. They always eat young leaves that grow in the tree tops. Their tongue
shaped like a knife help them to cut branches that are very hard.
Female giraffes can start pregnant at the age of five years, with a gestation period of
15 months. Commonly female giraffes bear one baby, but sometimes two babies at
once. Giraffes bear their baby in a standing position. When the baby is about to be
born, they drop it to the ground from a 1.5-meter height. A baby giraffe can stand
for about 20 minutes after being born, and begin breastfeeding within an hour of

31. What kind of text is above?

A. Report text
B. Descriptive text
C. Narrative text
D. Spoof
E. Exposition text

32. The text tells us about?

A. Giraffe's reproduction
B. The strange animals
C. The highest animal
D. Baby giraffe
E. The biggest animal

33. The unique characteristic of a giraffe is?

A. Two horns on its head
B. Their long neck
C. Brown spot
D. Their food
E. Their teeth

34. The second paragraph mainly discussed?

A. Giraffe's food
B. Giraffe's characteristic
C. Giraffe's life
D. Giraffe's reproduction
E. Giraffe’s habitat

35. The word "it" in the third paragraph refers to?

A. Neck
B. Horn
C. Baby giraffe
D. Food
E. Foot


Ant-eaters are perhaps the most curious-looking animals. Their long head and snout
look like tubes, and they have no teeth.
Their front legs are very strong and armed with heavily curved claws with which they
break open the nets of ants and termites and then, when the insects rush out, use
their long, sticky tongues to lick them up at great speed.
True ant-eaters are found in the swamps and forests of Central and South America.
Scaly ant-eaters, or pangolins, are found in Africa and tropical Asia.
Various other insect-eating animals are sometimes called ant-eaters, although they
really belong to other groups of animals.
One of them is the ant-bear, which lives on the plains of South and Central Africa.
This has long, erect ears but short blunt claws, an almost hairless tail, yellow-brown
in color. Unlike the true ant-eaters, it has small teeth.

36. The text tells us ...

A. the story of ant-eaters.
B. the report of ant-eaters.
C. the discussion of ant-eaters.
D. the description of ant-eaters.
E. the opinion of an ant-eaters.
37. Where can we find the ant-eaters?
A. In the Atlantic ocean
B. In the tropical forest of Asia
C. In the swamps and forests of Central and South America
D. In the Southern Pole
E. In the Northern Pole

38. Ant-eaters are perhaps the most curious-looking animals.

The meaning of the underlined phrase is….
A. Cute animal
B. Good animal
C. Wild animal
D. Strange animal
E. Tame animal

39. From the passage above, we can conclude that ...

A. all ants are friends of other insects.
B. ants live in disgusting places.
C. ants are classified as predators.
D. ants belong to the insect group.
E. ants are omnivore

40. What is the ant-bear?

A. The animal has long, erect ears and small teeth.
B. The animal looks like a pangolin.
C. The animal has no sticky tongue
D. The animal does not like to eat ants.
E. The animal have big teeth

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