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John Paul Corona / Axl Saron

3E Social Studies

TOPIC: Industrial Revolution

- Historical Analysis: Students should be able to analyze the causes and consequences of the Industrial Revolution, including its impact on
society, economy, and politics. They should understand the sequence of events that led to the Industrial Revolution and its long-term
effects on the world.
- Comparative Analysis: Students should compare and contrast the pre-industrial and industrial societies, highlighting key differences in
economic systems, social structures, and technological advancements. They should also examine how the Industrial Revolution varied
across different regions and countries.
Debate: Students will participate in debates on key questions related to the Industrial Revolution, such as the positive and negative impacts of
industrialization, the role of technological innovation, or the effects on different social classes. They will be divided into six groups, and each
will have five members, and each group will be assigned specific roles representing different perspectives, for example, workers, factory owners,
and government officials, and presenting arguments based on historical evidence.


Criteria 2 points 1 point 0 point

Knowledge of Topic Demonstrates thorough Shows basic understanding of Demonstrates significant gaps in
(Understanding) understanding of historical historical context, but lacks depth understanding of historical
2 points context, including key events, or specificity. context.
figures, and societal impacts of
the Industrial Revolution.
Engagement and Collaboration Works effectively with group Participates in group activities but Demonstrates little to no effort in
(Participation) members, actively contributing to may show limited engagement, collaborating with group
2 points discussions, respecting diverse communication issues, or members.
perspectives, and demonstrating difficulty working with others.
flexibility in roles.
Criteria 3 points 2 points 1 point
Persuasiveness (Argumentation) Presents clear, well-reasoned Provides arguments but lacks Fails to present coherent
3 points arguments supported by historical depth or coherence in reasoning, arguments or lacks any supporting
evidence, effectively defending or relies heavily on unsupported evidence.
assigned perspective. claims.
Use of Historical Evidence Integrates relevant historical References historical evidence but Fails to use or misuses historical
(Support) evidence seamlessly into may lack depth or relevance to the evidence to support arguments.
3 points arguments, demonstrating a deep arguments presented.
understanding of primary and
secondary sources.

TOPIC: Anthropology
- Identify and select diverse cultural elements from various regions around the world.
- Creatively arrange and present selected cultural in a visually appealing collage.
- Reflect on the cultural significance of the chosen images and articulate their understanding of cultural diversity.
- Communicate their understanding of cultural diversity effectively through the organized presentation of the culture collage.
PERFORMANCE TASK (Individual Activity)
Culture Collage : Students will demonstrate an understanding of cultural diversity and the ability to visually represent cultural elements through
the creation of a culture collage, by selecting diverse images that accurately portray various cultural aspects, creatively arranging them in a
visually appealing collage, reflecting on the cultural significance of the chosen images, and effectively communicating cultural themes through
organized presentation.


Criteria Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement
(5) (4) (3) (2)
Creativity and Originality Demonstrates exceptional Shows creativity and Shows some creativity, but Lacks creativity and
creativity and originality originality in the selection lacks originality in the originality in the selection
in the selection and and arrangement of selection and arrangement and arrangement of
arrangement of images. images. of images. images.
Relevance of Images to All images are highly Most images are relevant Some images are relevant Many images are
Categories relevant to their respective to their respective to their respective irrelevant to their
categories and clearly categories and represent categories, but may lack respective categories and
represent cultural aspects. cultural aspects. clarity in representation. do not represent cultural
aspects clearly.

Organization and Collage is well-organized, Collage is organized and Collage is somewhat Collage is disorganized
Presentation visually appealing, and visually appealing, but disorganized and may lack and visually unappealing,
effectively communicates may lack some clarity in visual appeal, hindering making communication
cultural themes. communication. communication. difficult.
Reflection and Provides insightful Offers reflection on the Provides minimal Fails to provide any
Understanding reflection on the cultural cultural diversity reflection on the cultural meaningful reflection on
diversity represented in the represented, but may lack diversity represented in the the cultural diversity
collage. depth or insight. collage. represented.

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