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Disaster Nursing | NCM 0120

MODULE 3 hypothalamus and have anti-stress effect v same with body

temperature can also be altered if exposed to higher
Guidelines in Disaster temperatures
and Emergency Situations § It enhances the infant’s immune response.
= Immunoglobulin g while nurse doesn’t know what to do
INFANT AND YOUNG CHILD FEEDING § It is the right temperature and helps to prevent hypothermia.
§ Hormone release during breastfeeding helps relieve maternal
stress and anxiety. = oxytocin has good effects to mother
In emergency situations, infants and young children can
#1. Preparation Matters
account for a significant percentage of deaths. Children under the age
§ Breastfeeding mothers and healthcare workers can discuss
of one year have a cumulative mortality rate of up to 53% (about half of
plans and be prepared before a disaster occurs. = health
children with illnesses → most vulnerable members of the community)
education o benefits of removing disaster
in emergency situations (Carothi and Grabbles, 2014). The most
common causes of death for infants and young children in
#2. Cleanliness is Key
emergencies are diarrheal disease and respiratory tract infections,
§ Before and after feeding, proper hand washing should be
with malnutrition commonly associated with both illnesses.
emphasized. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains
Breastfeeding and other recommended infant feeding strategies prevent
at least 40% to 60% above alcohol if soap and safe (clean) water
babies from illness and death. In this section, we will discuss the
are not available. = also clean their breasts
recommended actions for infant and young feeding. = feeding infants
§ Make disposable cups available, as bottles and nipples can
and children as much as possible should be ensured even during disaster
be difficult to clean efficiently when clean water is scarce.
= sometimes its hard to clean ups during a disaster
REMEMBER! § Ensure availability to essentials (cleaning materials) such as
In a Natural Disaster or Public Health Emergency, there may be a washbasin, dish soap, cleaning brushes, and a mesh bag to
no clean drinking water or sterile environment. It may be impossible to hang dry infant feeding items if there is clean water. = some
ensure cleaning and sterilization of feeding utensils... do breast pump and use bottles/pumps
The cleanest, safest food for an infant, in disasters or § Instruct families on how to properly clean infant feeding
emergencies, is human milk.
items. Always clean infant feeding items with bottled, boiled,
or treated water and soap before each use. = throw out
Breastfeeding bottle/pacifiers that have been in contact with flood water
• Breastfeeding is still the best infant feeding option in the event especially if they cannot sterilize
of a natural disaster. Breast milk protects babies from diseases § If you cannot clean infant feeding supplies safely, children can
like diarrhea and respiratory infections, as well as providing lap up milk from a disposable cup, if available. Throw out bottle
• them with the adequate calories and nutrients. This safeguard nipples or pacifiers that have been in contact with floodwater.
is especially crucial in the aftermath of natural disasters, when = cleanliness may help avoid diarrheal diseases
contaminated water and unclean conditions can heighten the
risk of diseases. #3. Create a Safe Space for Breastfeeding Families
§ Keep families together. Instruct parents to continue

G.M.M.E. | A.J.E.F. | T.A.M.M. – MARILAG

BREAST MILK FACTS nursing in the event of a medical emergency. Keep mother
§ The cleanest, safest food for an infant, in disasters or with the infant if not contraindicated (ex. contagious disease,
emergencies, is human milk. = safe because it comes from the quarantine, isolation) = will increase chance for breastfeeding,
mother and does not need sterilization especially if mother is decrease stress of mother which will facilitate breastfeeding.
free from disaster § Create discreet, safe spaces for breastfeeding mothers
§ It is nutritionally perfect. = contains calories, vitamins, to nurse their babies. Physical and psychological security.
minerals, ecg; contribute to development and growth of These havens should provide security, privacy, counseling
individual (mothers can be stressed which can affect their likeliness to
§ It is readily available without dependence on feeding supplies. breastfeed), water, and food. Pediatricians can contribute
§ It is protective against diseases, especially diarrhea and using offices, hospitals, or other shelters.
respiratory Infections. = protection of respiratory and gastric § Assure moms that they can and should continue to
lining that would help a avoid pneumonia act on breastfeed their babies and that they should offer the breast as
Disaster Nursing | NCM 0120

much as their infants want. Offer assurance especially to first o Mothers should consider temporarily stopping
time mothers. Breastfeeding is difficult but the benefits will be breastfeeding and switching to either expressed
both for the mother and infant. It is okay to continue milk from before the exposure or ready-to-
breastfeeding in times of emergencies or disasters. feed infant formula until the mother and infant
§ Provide support for breastfeeding through assessment of can be treated with KI. Powdered or
the infant’s and mother’s hydration and nutritional status. concentrated formula should only be used if the
Nursing mothers need more calories because they provide water is free from radiation. Priority for formula
breastmilk. Breastfeeding mothers may be considered as feeding is still ready-to-feed infant formula
part of the most vulnerable members of the society during a rather than powdered or concentrated formula.
disaster. If abnormal, o If no other source of food is available for the infant,
ü Increase breastfeeding frequency for the infant the mother should continue to breastfeed after
and nutritional support of the mother. washing the nipple and breast thoroughly with
ü Extra food and water (nutrition) should be soap and warm water and gently wiping around
provided for all pregnant and lactating women and away from the infant’s mouth.
during times of disasters. § For formula feeding:
ü Ready to use formula
#4. Be Ready to Answer Concerns ü OR Bottled water + powder
§ As community nurses/nurses during times of disasters, ü Boil water at least 1 minute if there is no availability
individuals & families have numerous questions. As much as of bottled water
possible, you have to be able to answer them correctly. o Take precautionary measures especially to the
§ In situations where the mother’s own milk is not available, the vulnerable infants (premature/preterm, w/
best option is pasteurized donor human milk. While illnesses, not fully immunized). They must be given
pasteurized donor milk from a regulated milk bank is breastmilk rather than formula feeding. If formula
preferred, it is often not available during a disaster (look for feeding is available, avoid powder feeding as
another mother who is breastfeeding who can give excess much as possible.
breastmilk). If formula is given, recommend ready to-feed o If already combined feeding (breastfeeding +
standard formula (liquid milk that are ready to drink). Use formula feeding), instruct to reduce reliance on
concentrated or powdered formula only if a safe water supply formula.
is ensured. Avoid concentrated/powdered formulas as § Disadvantages of Formula Use during Disasters or
much as possible during a disaster: It will be difficult to Emergencies:
acquire clean materials (practicality, safety issues, cleanliness o Supplies of formula may not be available
of tools); some foods are perishable and are not safe. Milk o Formula may become contaminated if prepared
formula can be an agent for bacterial growth (Cronobacter – with unclean water or stored in non-sterilized
gram-negative bacteria which can be found on milk formulas containers, or if refrigeration is not available for
which were not properly processed). This could lead to diarrhea storage.
or severe infection (CNS or brain infection) to infants. o Errors in formula preparation may occur leading to
§ Advocate for optimal feeding options for orphaned infants, diarrheal diseases (gastric irritation)
including donor human milk. Some infants lose their § It is important to reassure mothers that most medications
mothers during a disaster. are compatible with breastfeeding, including antibiotics.

G.M.M.E. | A.J.E.F. | T.A.M.M. – MARILAG

§ Lactating women may be immunized as recommended for
adults and adolescents. Advise that lactating is not a
contraindication for most vaccines (including COVID-19
vaccines). But, some but not all immunity (immunoglobulin)
can be passed from the mother to the child.
§ If radiation exposure is a concern...
o When the risk of exposure to radioactive iodine is
temporary, mothers can continue to breastfeed if
potassium iodide (KI) is given to her and the
infant within 4 hours of contamination. Also used
in radiation for thyroid cancer.
Disaster Nursing | NCM 0120



Food Safety
It is critical to take precautions to avoid illness caused by
contaminated food in the case of a disaster or emergency. These are
some ways to reduce risk of diseases:
1. After a disaster, throw away the following:
§ Perishable food that has not been refrigerated or frozen
properly due to power outages
§ Food that may have been contaminated by runoff or
§ Food that has an unusual odor, color, or texture.
When in doubt, throw it out!
Mother’s milk 2. Remember the rule of 4.
During and after a power outage:
§ Keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed as much as
Donor’s milk
possible. The refrigerator will keep food safe for up to 4
hours (USDA's Keeping Food Safe during an
Ready to use formula
§ After 4 hours without power, throw away refrigerated
perishable foods such meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and
§ If using a cooler, maintain temperature of 40 degrees
Fahrenheit or below.

3. Following a flood...
#5. It Is All About Having Access
a. Throw food that may have come into contact with
§ Make pregnant and breastfeeding women a priority for food
floodwater or storm water, the following foods or food
and water access.
containers should be thrown away:
§ Be prepared to refer lactation support providers to
§ Food with an unusual odour, colour, or texture.
mothers and caregivers who require assistance (have physical
§ Food in packages that are not waterproof.
or psychological difficulties with lactating)
§ Food in cardboard containers, including
juice/milk/baby formula boxes.
QUESTION: Which response/s from a breastfeeding mother needs
§ Food containers with screw caps, snap lids,
further health education?
crimped caps, twist caps, flip tops, and snap
a. “It is ok to use a hand sanitizer prior breast feeding if there is

G.M.M.E. | A.J.E.F. | T.A.M.M. – MARILAG

no supply of soap and water...” = should be alcohol (at least
§ Home-canned foods. They cannot be disinfected.
§ Canned foods or food containers that are bulging,
b. “Use of tap water is not bad. I just have let it boil for at least 30
open, or damaged.
seconds...” = boiling of water should be at least 1 minute
c. “Donor’s milk for breastfeeding is not an alternative during b. Flooded food-contact surfaces should be cleaned and
disasters...” = false, donor’s milk is the second option sanitized. If wooden cutting boards, pacifiers, and infant
d. “If formula feeding will be utilized, ready-to-use infant formula bottle nipples have come into touch with floodwaters, throw
if available must be used...” = powdered milk should be them away. Floodwater contaminants cannot be
avoided during times of disaster because of issues on removed from these objects using sanitizing
practicality and cleanliness, and possibility of contracting procedures.
Disaster Nursing | NCM 0120

REMEMBER! • Disinfection: If used household bleach, wait for at least 30

Clean and sanitize dishes, utensils, and other surfaces that touch min before using. There are ready-made formulas given by
food (like refrigerator drawers or kitchen countertops) in a four- UNICEF or WHO to clean water during times of disasters
step process: • Filtering only removes parasites
§ Wash with hot, soapy water.
§ Rinse with clean, safe water. REMEMBER!
§ Sanitize: Water that has been contaminated with fuel, poisonous
o Make a solution of 1 cup (8 oz/240 mL) of unscented chemicals, or radioactive substances will not be safe even if it is
household chlorine bleach in 5 gallons of clean water. boiled or disinfected. If water is suspected or has been contaminated
o Soak items for 1 minute in the bleach solution (solution with gasoline or hazardous chemicals, bottled water or a different
should completely cover the items). water source must be utilized. In the event that bottled water is not
o For items that you can’t put in the solution (like available, the three most effective ways to make your water safe are
countertops), apply solution with a cloth. boiling, disinfecting, and filtering.
§ Allow to air dry.
QUESTION: Which is the most effective way of ensuring water safety
Water Safety during a disaster?
It is critical to take precautions to avoid illness caused by a. Boiling
contaminated water in a catastrophe or emergency. Boiling, adding b. Filtration
disinfectants, or filtering tainted water can often be used to make it safe c. Disinfection
to drink in a disaster. d. Evaporation = not included in ensuring water safety during a



Disaster risk reduction relies heavily on early warning

systems. They reduce the economic effect of natural disasters while also
preventing the loss of lives. One of the seven global goals outlined
by the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030
is to increase the availability of multi-hazard early warning
systems and disaster risk information. This portion of the module
will give you a discussion about the local rainfall and flood warning

Early warning systems are means by which people receive

relevant and timely information in a systematic way prior to a
disaster in order to make informed decisions and take action.
( The term "system" refers to the interaction of a

G.M.M.E. | A.J.E.F. | T.A.M.M. – MARILAG

number of parts (involving various individuals, government agencies)
that work together to make it easier to communicate and respond quickly
to protect and assist individuals who are in need.

According to an article written by Jesicca Ronbins, There are

four essential elements to an early warning system where each part
must function efficiently for the system to be successful:
• Most effective ways to make water safe (from most effective to a. Risk knowledge builds the baseline understanding about
least effective): boiling, disinfecting, filtering risks (hazards and vulnerabilities) and priorities of the
• Boiling will kill bacteria, viruses, and parasites but not all. Boil community at a given level.
for 1 minute. b. Monitoring is the logical follow-on activity to keep up-to-date
on how those risks and vulnerabilities change through time.
(ex. a specific community is at risk of volcanic eruption, there
Disaster Nursing | NCM 0120

should be continuous monitoring on the activity of the active expected to continue in the
volcanoes) next 2 hours
c. Response capability insists on each level being able to Severe flooding is
reduce risk once trends are spotted and announced — this may EXPECTED. Take necessary
be through pre-season mitigation activities, evacuation or EMERGENCY precautionary measures
duck-and-cover reflexes, depending on the lead-time of a (early evacuation of
warning. community members located
d. Warning communication packages the monitoring in highly exposed areas;
information into actionable messages understood by those provide first-aid kits, food
that need, and are prepared, to hear them. Depends on the supplies)
level of technology that the community is using. As much as
possible, warning systems should send information early and Flash floods
in a timely manner. • While floods take some time, usually from 12 to 24 hours or
even longer, to develop after the occurrence of intense
rainfall, there is a particular type which develops after no
PAG-ASA more than six hours and, frequently, after an even less
Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical time. These are what are known as "flash floods".
Services Administration • A type of flood which occurs and develops to no more than or
• one of the attached agencies of the Department of Science shorter than 6 hours after the rain
and Technology (DOST) under its Scientific and Technical • ex. Flash flood in Ormoc, Leyte
Services Institutes, is mandated to “provide protection • You will not expect that a flood will happen earlier with flash
against natural calamities and utilize scientific floods
knowledge as an effective instrument to insure the
safety, well-being and economic security of all the THUNDERSTORM WARNINGS
people, and for the promotion of national progress.” § This will be issued when there is an indication
As much as possible, we want to monitor the occurrence of that a thunderstorm is threatening a
these natural calamities, prevent loss of lives and loss of specific area(s) within the next 2 hours.
properties. In this section, we will focus on its rainfall and flood (highest form of warning)
warning systems. Below are the tables and figure § Updates will be issued as frequent as
showing the various alert systems. Thunderstorm
Advisory § This will be disseminated via SMS, Social
Community AWARENESS § This will inform the public that TSTM
Yellow Warning 7.5-15mm (heavy) rain; formation is likely within the next twelve
observed in 1 hour and (12) hours.
expected to continue in the § This is more general than a warning.
the weather Thunderstorm § This will be disseminated thru Social Media,
next 2 hours condition (risk Watch
Flooding is POSSIBLE in low- website
for floods)
ADVISORY § Issued when TSTM is less likely within the

G.M.M.E. | A.J.E.F. | T.A.M.M. – MARILAG

lying areas
and near river channels Thunderstorm next twelve (12) hours.
Community AWARENESS Information § This will be disseminated thru Twitter,
Green / Orange Facebook, website
15-30mm (intense) rain;
observed in 1 hour and Response:
expected to continue in the ALERT for PUBLIC STORM WARNINGS
next 2 hours possible § 30 to 60 KPH
Flooding is THREATENING in evacuation § No damage to very light damage
low-lying areas and near river § The first signal indicates that the area affected should
ALERT expect intermittent rains within at least 36 hours
Community RESPONSE § 61 to 120 KPH within at least 24 hours
Response: #2
Red Warning More than 30mm rain; § Light to moderate damage
EVACUATION #3 § 121 to 170 KPH within at least 18 hours
observed in 1 hour and
Disaster Nursing | NCM 0120

§ Moderate to heavy damage

§ 171 to 220 KPH within at least 12 hours
§ Heavy to very heavy damage
§ More than 220 KPH within at least 12 hours
Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology
#5 § Very heavy to widespread damage
The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology
§ Super typhoon
(PHIVOLCS) is a service institute of the Department of Science and
• Public storm warnings show the risk that the typhoon or storm Technology (DOST) that is principally mandated to mitigate disasters
poses to your community. that may arise from volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunami and
• ex. Bagyong Lawin (Super typhoon) = Signal No. 5 with other related geotectonic phenomena. It provides timely, quality and
a speed of 225 KPH. The first typhoon in the Philippines socially-inclusive information and services for warning, disaster
where the PAGASA used the term Signal No. 5. Before 2015, preparedness and mitigation through the development and application
there were only Signals No. 1-4. of technologies for the monitoring and accurate prediction of, and
• Examples of Super typhoons: determination of areas prone to, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and
o Yolanda (November 2013) = 235 / 275 KPH tsunamis and other related hazards, and gender-responsive capacity
o Juan (October 2010) = 225 / 260 KPH enhancement for comprehensive disaster risk reduction.
o Trining (October 1991) = 250 / 285 KPH
Earthquakes (Information based on PHIVOLCS)
The abrupt movement of rock elements beneath the earth's
surface causes an earthquake, which is a faint to intense shaking of the
ground. The earthquakes start at the tectonic plate boundary. The
epicenter is the place on the earth's surface exactly above the focus,
while the focus/hypocenter is the location inside the earth where the
earthquake began.


1) Tectonic earthquakes – are produced by sudden movement
• Eye of the storm (Mata ng Bagyo) – maganda ang along faults and plate boundaries. Usually more common than
panahon at mainit volcanic earthquakes in our locality.
• Eye wall – peripheral area; pinaka-malakas na hangin at ulan

QUESTION: When a tropical depression forms, it is closely monitored for

any further development. When the sustained wind speeds reach a
certain point, the system is then elevated to public storm signal #3. At 2) Volcanic earthquakes – induced by rising lava or magma beneath
which wind speed does this occur? active volcanoes.
a. 61 kph
b. 121 kph
c. 151 kph
d. More than 220 kph

G.M.M.E. | A.J.E.F. | T.A.M.M. – MARILAG

In the Philippines, we are part of the Pacific Ring of Fire
EARTHQUAKE WARNING SYSTEM wherein we are predisposed to both types of earthquakes.

The Institute's National Earthquake Monitoring and TWO WAYS TO MEASURE THE STRENGTH OF AN EARTHQUAKE
Information aims to provide accurate and timely information on 1) Magnitude
significant earthquakes and tsunami events that may significantly impact • Is proportional to the energy released by an
the Philippines; and to ensure the accessibility and integrity of earthquake at the focus.
earthquake data. Lesson 3 will give you a background of PHILVOCS and • The higher the magnitude, the higher the energy
its warning system for earthquakes. release by the earthquake.
• It is calculated from earthquakes recorded by an
instrument called seismograph. It is represented by
Arabic Numbers (e.g. 4.8, 9.0).
Disaster Nursing | NCM 0120

2) Intensity strongly. Rumbling sound may

• Is the strength of an earthquake as perceived and felt sometimes be heard.
by people in a certain locality. Generally felt by most people indoors
• It is a numerical rating based on the relative effects to and outdoors. Many sleeping people
people, objects, environment, and structures in the are awakened. Some are frightened,
surrounding. some run outdoors. Strong shaking
• The intensity is generally higher near the epicenter. and rocking felt throughout building.
• It is represented by Roman Numerals (e.g. II, IV, and IX). Hanging objects swing violently.
• In the Philippines, the intensity of an earthquake is V Strong Dining utensils clatter and clink;
determined using the PHIVOLCS Earthquake some are broken. Small, light and
Intensity Scale (PEIS). unstable objects may fall or overturn.
Liquids spill from filled open
PHIVOLCS currently has 108 seismic monitoring stations containers. Standing vehicles rock
across the Philippines (as of December 2020). Seismometers are noticeably. Shaking of leaves and
used to detect and record earthquakes at these locations. To estimate twigs of trees are noticeable.
earthquake parameters such as magnitude, depth of focus, and Many people are frightened; many
epicentre, data is forwarded to the PHIVOLCS Data Receiving Centre run outdoors. Some people lose their
(DRC). Once these data are determined, earthquake information is given balance. Motorists feel like driving in
together with reported felt intensities in the area (if any). flat tires. Heavy objects or furniture
move or may be shifted. Small church
PHIVOLCS EARTHQUAKE INTENSITY SCALE (PEIS) bells may ring. Wall plaster may crack.
INTENSITY Very old or poorly built houses and
SCALE man-made structures are slightly
Perceptible to people under damaged though well-built structures
favourable circumstances. Delicately are not affected. Limited rock falls
I balanced objects are disturbed and rolling boulders occur in hilly
slightly. Still Water in containers to mountainous areas and
oscillates slowly. escarpments. Trees are noticeably
Felt by few individuals at rest indoors. shaken.
Slightly Hanging objects swing slightly. Still Most people are frightened and
Felt Water in containers oscillates run outdoors. People find it difficult
noticeably. to stand in upper floors. Heavy objects
Felt by many people indoors and furniture overturn or topple. Big
especially in upper floors of church bells may ring. Old or poorly-
buildings. Vibration is felt like one built structures suffer considerably
passing of a light truck. Dizziness damage. Some well-built structures
III Weak
and nausea are experienced by some are slightly damaged. Some cracks
people. Hanging objects swing VII Destructive may appear on dikes, fish ponds, road
moderately. Still water in containers surface, or concrete hollow block

G.M.M.E. | A.J.E.F. | T.A.M.M. – MARILAG

oscillates moderately. walls. Limited liquefaction, lateral
Felt generally by people indoors and spreading and landslides are
by some people outdoors. Light observed. Trees are shaken strongly.
sleepers are awakened. Vibration is (Liquefaction is a process by which
felt like a passing of heavy truck. loose saturated sand lose strength
Hanging objects swing considerably. during an earthquake and behave
IV Dinner, plates, glasses, windows and like liquid).
doors rattle. Floors and walls of wood People panicky. People find it
framed buildings creak. Standing difficult to stand even outdoors.
motor cars may rock slightly. Liquids VIII Many well-built buildings are
in containers are slightly disturbed. considerably damaged. Concrete
Water in containers oscillate dikes and foundation of bridges are
Disaster Nursing | NCM 0120

destroyed by ground settling or QUESTION: An earthquake drill was performed. During the drill the
toppling. Railway tracks are bent or scenario was: People are forcibly thrown to ground. Many cry and shake
broken. Tombstones may be with fear. Most buildings are totally damaged. The bridges and elevated
displaced, twisted or overturned. concrete structures are toppled or destroyed. Numerous utility posts,
Utility posts, towers and monuments towers and monument are tilted, toppled or broken. Landslides and
mat tilt or topple. Water and sewer liquefaction with lateral spreading and sandboils are widespread. The
pipes may be bent, twisted or broken. ground is distorted into undulations. Trees are shaken very violently with
Liquefaction and lateral spreading some toppled or broken. Boulders are commonly thrown out. River water
cause man-made structure to sink, tilt splashes violently on slops over dikes and banks. The portrayed scenario
or topple. Numerous landslides and is______.
rock falls occur in mountainous a. Intensity 5
and hilly areas. Boulders are thrown b. Intensity 7
out from their positions particularly c. Intensity 9 = keyword is liquefaction with lateral spreadings
near the epicentre. Fissures and faults and sandboils are widespread
rapture may be observed. Trees are d. Intensity 10
violently shaken. Water splash or stop
over dikes or banks of rivers. SUMMARY
People are forcibly thrown to The important points regarding this module are as follows:
ground. Many cry and shake with § Breastfeeding is still the best infant feeding option in the event
fear. Most buildings are totally of a natural disaster.
damaged. Bridges and elevated § In terms of food safety during disasters, when in doubt, throw
concrete structures are toppled or it out!
destroyed. Numerous utility posts, § The three most effective ways to make your water safe are
towers and monument are tilted, boiling, disinfecting, and filtering.
toppled or broken. Water sewer pipes § Early warning systems are means by which people receive
are bent, twisted or broken. relevant and timely information in a systematic way prior to a
IX Devastating
Landslides and liquefaction with disaster in order to make informed decisions and take action
lateral spreadings and sand boils
are widespread. The ground is
distorted into undulations. Trees are
shaken very violently with some
toppled or broken. Boulders are
commonly thrown out. River water
splashes violently on slops over dikes
and banks.
Practically all man-made structures
are destroyed. Massive landslides
and liquefaction, large scale
X subsidence and uplifting of land

G.M.M.E. | A.J.E.F. | T.A.M.M. – MARILAG

forms and many ground fissures are
observed. Many trees are toppled,
broken and uprooted.

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