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SMA ....


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari / Tanggal : …/….

Jurusan : IPA dan IPS Waktu : ….

Petunjuk Umum
1. Tuliskan nama dan nomor tes anda pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia
2. Kerjakan soal yang dianggap mudah terlebih dahulu
3. Laporkan pada pengawas jika terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau jumlah soal kurang
4. Periksalah lembar jawaban sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas

Petunjuk Khusus
1. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat pada salah satu huruf A, B, C, D atau E di lembar
jawaban .
2. Untuk membetulkan jawaban, hapuslah jawaban kemudian pilihlah jawaban yang benar.

1. Citra : When were you born Ari?

Ari : Well,………………….on February 3rd, 2005.
A. I born
B. I am born
C. I was born
D. My birth
E. I were born

2. Nisa : ……………….. ! Your presentation really convinced the audience!

Lucy : Thanks Nisa! You have always supported me.
What is the best compliment to complete the dialogue above?
A. You did it!
B. It was not bad.
C. It was Ok.
D. No problem
E. It was quite good.

3. Larry : I think you played very well.

Tom : But we still lost the match.
Larry : you must make better preparation next time.
Tom : I think so. We are…………………………………….
A. Practice more intensively
B. Going to practice more intensively
C. Will practice harder
D. Practicing harder
E. Practiced more seriously

The following is for questions 4 and 5.

Since we have finished the semester examination, we will have a class meeting . We will have futsal
competition for male students and volleyball for female to be held on:
Day/date : Thursday-Sunday, May 25-27, 2023
Time : 8.30- 14.30
Every class must take a part in each competition.
The first, second and third winners will get:
Special Prize.
So enroll your class’ teams at the latest May 22nd. Make the best preparation and be the winners!!

OSIS Chairperson

Rony Waluyo

4. What is the announcement about?

A. Volley ball and Futsal competition
B. Class meeting.
C. Semester examination
D. The winners
E. Special prize

5. Each class must enroll their teams before……..

A. May 21st
B. May 22nd
C. May 23rd
D. May 24th
E. May 25

The following passage is for questions 6,7 and 8

After graduating from The University of Texas, Pat Crown was unemployed for almost a year.
During that period she visited many countries around the world and took notes on special attractions,
traditions, cultures and environments of the countries.
When an advertisement was published by a leading local newspaper looking for a journalist she
applied for the post and was employed by the company. With her travelling experience, she was assigned to
the tour and travel department.
Needless to say, her new job suggested that she travel extensively from one country to another. Her
degree in tourism and recent trips to various countries helped her get along with the job. She has produced
many remarkable articles and short stories about tour and travel ever since she started working there.

6. From the first paragraph we can understand that Pat Crown………………… The University of Texas.
A. Study
B. Studies
C. Studied
D. Is studying
E. Has studied.

7. From the last paragraph we can say that Pat Crown …………… ..many good articles and short stories
about tour and travel.
A. Has written
B. Wrote
C. Was writing
D. Written
E. Will write

8. Which word say that Pat Crown did not work before she was hired by the local newspaper
A. Graduating
B. Unemployed
C. Applied
D. Assigned
E. Employed

The following is for question 9, 10 and 11.

Dear Parents
Of Grade XII students.

We are pleased to invite you for a meeting with the Form teacher and the Counselling teacher
Which will be held on
Day/date : Monday, March 20 2023
Time : 10. 00 a.m.
Agenda : Report pertaining to students’ progress, problems and preparation
for final exam.
Seeing how essential the agenda is, and for a better cooperation between the teachers and parents,
your presence is very much expected and appreciated.
Thank you very much for your good cooperation.

Senior High School Harapan

Hadi Sumarto, M.Pd.


9. The parents and teachers will discuss about the following EXCEPT:
A. Students’ progress
B. Students’ difficulties
C. Students’ achievements
D. Final exam preparation
E. Counselling teacher

10. Who do you think Mr. Hadi Sumarto is?

A. The form teacher
B. The school’s Principal
C. The counselling teacher
D. One of the parents
E. One of the school’s staff.

11. The closest meaning to the word essential is:

A. Good
B. Difficult
C. Urgent
D. Important
E. Serious

12. Marisca: You come by taxi? What’s wrong with your car?
Santika : It’s………………………..
A. Repaired
B. Been repaired
C. Being repaired
D. Repairing
E. Repairs

13. Anthony: Do you know the song “flash light”?

Donita : the song which was sung and………… Katty Perry right?
A. Popular
B. Popularly
C. Popularize
D. Popularity
E. Popularized

14. Sisca : Why was Sonia not allowed to join the class?
Mira : It was because of…………….
Sisca : No, late again?
A. Her lateness
B. She was late
C. She came late
D. Late
E. Lateness

15. Sisca : Why do you think Sonia is always late? Is she busy?
Mira : I think she is always late because…………………
A. Her laziness
B. She is lazy
C. Lazy
D. Very lazy
E. Lazily

16. Nanda : What’s wrong with Zaky? Everybody works in group but He works alone.
Mirna : No wonder. Nobody wants to work with him due to………………..
A. She is arrogant
B. Arrogant
C. Very arrogant
D. Arrogantly
E. Her arrogance

The following text is for questions 17, 18 and 19.

If you believe
Strive to be & Patch Crowe
If you believe
You can move the highest mountains
Cross the greatest oceans and
Walk across the water, the water

You feel defeated, falling on your knees, and

Looking up for some hope tonight
You try to stand up
But you throw your hands up

Like you no longer have the strength to fight

'Cause you've seen too many sunsets
Too many days ending in the darkest night
But, on your own, you'll never know
You'll never know

They say that all you need is faith

But it's almost like you lost your way
Took a few wrong turns, took a few breaks
Falling behind now, looking for grace

'Cause you need someone to lift you up

Yeah, make right all the things you done
'Cause on your own, you'll never know
You'll never know

17. What is the mode of the song?

A. Happiness
B. Sadness
C. Frustration
D. Encouragement
E. Confusion

18. What does you throw your hands up mean?

A. Raise your hands
B. Understand
C. Struggle
D. Strong
E. Give up

19. What does the song suggest?

A. we are weak
B. we must have faith
C. we are strong
D. We fail
E. We often fail
20. In which lines can we find that someone can feel so weak ( hopeless) and there is no one to help?
A. 1-4
B. 5-8
C. 9-13
D. 14-17
E. 18-21

The following text is for questions 21, 22, 23

Mr. Roy Palermo

Director of HRD PT. Karya Sejahtera
Jl. Sudirman 23, Central Jakarta

Dear Mr. Roy Palermo

Responding to your advertisement on Jakarta Post, January 10 2023. I am interested in the

position of Front Office and I feel I meet all the requirements. I am 24 years of age, good looking and
I am single. I am a University graduate majoring on communication. I have two year experience in
the same position. I can speak English actively and I can operate computer. For further detail I
attached my CV.
I am looking forward to working in your company and I am ready for interview at any time.
This is my number 0823 660 770.

Sincerely, yours

Dian Anitasari
21. Where did Dian Anitasari know the job vacancy from?
A. From the radio
B. FromTV
C. From Newspaper
D. From the internet
E. From Mr. Roy Palermo

22. Who is Dian Anitasari?

A. Front officer
B. Director of HRD
C. Employee
D. Applicant
E. University student

23. …..I meet all the requirements. What does the underlined word mean?
A. Fulfill
B. See
C. Understand
D. Visit
E. Encounter

24. where does the applicant mention her qualifications?

A. In the heading
B. In the salutation.
C. In the first paragraph
D. In the second paragraph
E. In the closing.

The following picture is for question 25

Reading is the window of the world

25. What is the purpose of the caption?
A. To teach reading
B. To practice reading
C. To motivate people to read
D. To introduce reading
E. To inform about reading class.

The following picture is for questions 26,27.

26. What is the best caption for the picture?

A. High school students
B. Students brawl
C. Students graduation
D. Students graduation parade
E. Naughty students

27. What does the caption implicitly suggest?

A. to have graduation parade
B. not to have graduation parade
C. the students are creative
D. the students celebrate their graduation
E. their express their happiness.

The following text is for questions 28-36

Indonesian league halt: FIFpro urges FIFA, AFC to intervene

Jakarta (Antara). Global players union FIFpro has urged Federation Internationale de Football
Association (FIFA) and Asian Football Commission (AFC) to intervene in the cancellation of domestic
leagues Liga 2 and Liga 3 by the Indonesian Football Association ( PSSI ).
“FIFA and AFC should intervene as this terrible decision has a serious impact on the lives and career
of around 700 professional footballers in Indonesia who have a contract with Liga 2 clubs”, FIFpro’s deputy
secretary general, Simon Colosimo said in a statement issued on Thursday.
FIFpro stressed that the decision to cancel the league was “disturbing’ as there were no negotiations
nor consultation conducted with Indonesian Players Association (APPI). Moreover, the decision will affect
around 700 professional players.
Furthermore, the cancellation of Liga 2 will leave Indonesian football without a relegation system,
which is not in line with the FIFA structure, it stated.
FIFpro urges FIFA and AFC to intervene in this situation and find a suitable solution together with
the PSSI and players association to ensure that Liga 2 can continue”, it added.
The domestic league in Indonesia was suspended earlier following the Kanjuruhan Stadium
stampede in October last year.
PSSI successfully organized the restart of the top-tier league, Liga 1, in December 2022 after intense
consultations with the government and Indonesian Police.
The federation had earlier promised that it would continue Liga 2 and Liga 3 season from January
14, 2023. However, PSSI opted to stop the 2022/2023 Liga2 and Liga 3 seasons based on the results of
PSSI executive committee (Exco) meeting on January 12.
According to the PSSI, the league and clubs are facing financial problems in complying with the new
safety regulations put in place after the Kanjuruhan tragedy. PSSI also stated that the cancellation was
based on the request of the majority of Liga 2 clubs.
After a meeting on January 24, PSSI said that it will decide on the continuation of the league at the
PSSI extraordinary Congress on February 16, the same day as the PSSI elections. The congress will elect the
general chairman, deputy chairperson, as well as members of the PSSI Exco for the 2023-2027 period.
28. What is the news about?
A. Indonesian football league
D. Cancellation of Indonesian league
E. Kanjuruhan tragedy

29. What does FIFPro expect FIFA and AFC to do?

A. To cancel the league
B. To intervene
C. To sponsor the league
D. To stop the league
E. To take over

30. The Indonesian football league was cancelled because…….

A. It’s disturbing
B. Not permitted by FIFA
C. The Kanjuruhan tragedy
D. PSSI election
E. No sponsor

31. What was the purpose of FIFPro urging FIFA and AFC to intervene the league cancellation?
A. To ensure that the league is continued
B. To cancel the league
C. To investigate Kanjuruhan tragedy
D. To have PSSI election
E. To negotiate.

32. The word “cancelled” is closest in meaning to…..

A. suspended
B. Not permitted
C. Intervene
D. Urged
E. Disturbing

33. Why does FIFPro urged FIFA and AFC to intervene in the cancellation of the league?
A. Because the cancellation was terrible
B. Because there are 700 players
C. Because 700 players have their contract
D. Because it has serious impact on the players career and life.
E. Because there was a tragedy.

34. Which word means “to get actively involved in finding the solution”?
A. Intervene
B. Urge
C. Negotiate
D. Consultation
E. Impact

35. When will the continuation of the league be decided?

A. In October 2023
B. December 2023
C. JANUARY 14, 2023
D. January 24, 2023
E. February 16, 2023

36. In which paragraph does it mention the clubs’ difficulties in fulfilling the new safety regulation?
A. 3
B. 5
C. 6
D. 9
E. 10
The following text is for questions 37-40

An elephant is the largest and strongest of all animals. It is a strange looking animal which has thick
legs, huge sides and backs, large hanging ears, a small tail, little eyes, long white tusks and above all,
elephant has a long nose, the trunk.

An elephant is commonly seen in a zoo, it has hard found in it natural habitat.

This is because it’s not easy to find their natural habitat which is large enough for them to live

The trunk is the elephant's peculiar feature. This trunk has various usages. The elephant draws up
water by its trunk and can squirt the water all over its body like a shower bath. The elephant's trunk
also lift leaves and put them into its mouth. In fact, the trunk serves the elephant as long arm and
An elephant looks very clumsy and heavy and yet an elephant can move very quickly.
They may look clumsy because they have very big size.

The elephant is very intelligent animal. Its intelligence combined with its great strength makes an
elephant a very useful servant to man. Elephant can be trained to serve in various ways such as
carry heavy loads, hunt for tigers and even fight. An elephant is really a smart animal

37. From the text we know that….

A. The elephant is the strongest animal
B. The elephant is the largest animal
C. The elephant can do many works
D. The elephant is a smart animal
E. The elephant lives in the zoo

38. The elephant has better intelligence compared to other animals because….
A. The elephant can be trained by human
B. The elephant can move very quickly
C. The elephant can squirt the water
D. The elephant has long white tusk
E. The elephant has a long trunk

39. The trunk is the elephants’ peculiar feature. The underlined word is closest in meaning to..
A. Big
B. Long
C. Unique
D. Strange
E. Useful

40. Which paragraph can we find that people think elephants as slow animals and not smart enough.?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

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