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Relational Capital and financial performance: an empirical analysis on a

sample of Italian firms

Article in Problems and Perspectives in Management · March 2018

DOI: 10.21511/ppm.16(1).2018.24


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3 authors, including:

Gianpaolo Iazzolino
Università della Calabria


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“Relational Capital and financial performance: an empirical analysis on
a sample of Italian firms”

Gianpaolo Iazzolino https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9756-1223

AUTHORS Federica Chiappetta
Stefano Chiappetta

Gianpaolo Iazzolino, Federica Chiappetta and Stefano Chiappetta (2018).

Relational Capital and financial performance: an empirical analysis on a
sample of Italian firms. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 16(1),
245-258. doi:10.21511/ppm.16(1).2018.24

DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.16(1).2018.24

RELEASED ON Wednesday, 14 March 2018

RECEIVED ON Saturday, 25 November 2017

ACCEPTED ON Thursday, 08 February 2018

LICENSE This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

International License

JOURNAL "Problems and Perspectives in Management"

ISSN PRINT 1727-7051

ISSN ONLINE 1810-5467

PUBLISHER LLC “Consulting Publishing Company “Business Perspectives”


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Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018

Gianpaolo Iazzolino (Italy), Federica Chiappetta (Italy), Stefano Chiappetta (Italy)

Relational Capital and

financial performance:
an empirical analysis on
a sample of Italian firms
LLC “СPС “Business Perspectives”
Hryhorii Skovoroda lane, 10, Sumy, The aim of this paper is to study the relations existing between the relational capital,
40022, Ukraine both internal and external, and the firm financial performance. The investigation has
been carried out on quantitative and qualitative data extracted from a sample of 100
www.businessperspectives.org Italian large firms. The paper deeply analyzes the dimension of the internal relational
capital, not so widely studied in the literature. Findings demonstrate the influence of
the internal relational capital (IRC) and of the external relational capital (ERC) on per-
formance. The research suggests that an effort has to be devoted not only to improving
relations with external stakeholders, but also to developing intra-firm relations. The re-
search contributes to studies in management and in particular in internal organization
by demonstrating that designing and implementing systems for supporting internal
relation can improve firm performance.

Keywords intellectual capital, relational capital, financial

Received on: 25th of November, 2017 performance, AIDA
Accepted on: 8th of February, 2018
JEL Classification C10, M12, M41

© Gianpaolo Iazzolino, Federica
Chiappetta, Stefano Chiappetta, 2018 It is globally recognized that intellectual capital represents the key re-
source for economic improvement and growth and has an important
Gianpaolo Iazzolino, Ph.D., Assistant
Professor in Business Economics, role in the evaluation of firm performance (Alipour, 2012; Youndt et
Department of Mechanical, Energy al., 2004; Stewart, 1997; Thurow, 1999; Petty & Guthrie, 2000; Bontis,
and Management Engineering,
University of Calabria, Italy. 2001; Zambon, 2013; Iazzolino & Migliano, 2016).
Federica Chiappetta, M.Sc.,
scholarship holder in Business The debate about intangible assets or for example the intellectual capi-
Economics, Department
of Mechanical, Energy and tal (IC) started with Edvinsson and Malone (1997) and Sveiby (1997)
Management Engineering, University
of Calabria, Italy.
and has not been settled yet. Scholars and practitioners tend to agree
Stefano Chiappetta, M.Sc., Analyst of
on the idea that human capital (HC), structural capital (SC) and rela-
CRM Systems Everis Italia SpA, Italy. tional capital (RC) are the main components of the IC. The structure
of the firm’s IC is not the only open point of the debate. The relation-
ship between IC and firm’s performance is also a crucial point.

More and more scholars have shown an interest in this topic and have
started to carry out research in order to define the contribution to fi-
nancial performance of the intellectual capital and/or, more precisely,
of its three components.
This is an Open Access article,
distributed under the terms of the This paper considers, within the three components of the IC, only
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International license, which permits
the relational capital and its impact on the financial performance of
unrestricted re-use, distribution, the firm. The dimension of relational capital can be considered in the
and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly two forms of external relational capital (ERC) and internal relational
cited. capital (IRC). In this paper, the relation between the relational capital,

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018

both internal and external, and financial performance is analyzed. The investigation has been carried
out on quantitative and qualitative data, extracted from a sample of 100 Italian large firms.

The paper contributes to research from both theoretical and practical point of view. From theoretical point
of view, it has been demonstrated that a good support to internal organizational relations can improve per-
formance; from practical point of view, firms are suggested to pay attention to designing specific systems
for supporting internal organizational relations, as they can positively impact on performance.

Section 1 describes the literature review. Section 2 describes the methodology, the sample and the in-
dicators used in the research. Results and discussion are included in sections 3 and 4. Next section de-
scribes limitations and future research. Last section concludes the paper.

1. LITERATURE REVIEW strategic point of view (Baiburina & Golovko, 2008;

Huang & Wang, 2008). Demartini et al. (2015) in-
Knowledge represents the key resource for generat- vestigated the relationships between IC, business
ing a competitive advantage and for increasing firm performance and sustainability management to
value. Chen et al. (2005), Phusavat et al. (2011), Tan et propose a model for measuring and managing in-
al. (2007), Razafindrambinina and Anggreni (2011), tangible assets. A methodology for auditing stra-
Wang (2011), Alipour (2012), Maditinos et al. (2011), tegic resources and dynamics of value creation
Joshi et al. (2013) have developed different frame- is proposed by Battagello et al. (2016). Kianto et
works aimed at analyzing this relation, by consider- al. (2014) studied the impact of both static (IC as-
ing the components of the Value Added Intellectual sets) and dynamic Knowledge Management (KM)
Coefficient (VAIC) (Pulic, 2000). Other studies were practices) aspects of organizational knowledge on
carried out on firm performance and different ways the value creation process in organizations.
for analyzing it (Iazzolino et al., 2013).
A methodology to assess the capacity of commu-
Scholars and practitioners have been debating nities of innovation to improve the value creation
about the meaning and the economic value of IC process was proposed in Grimaldi et al. (2012). A
since Edvinsson and Malone (1997) and Sveiby tool based on system dynamics has been used by
(1997). They converge on the idea that the IC con- Zakeryet al. (2017) for monitoring and improv-
sists of three groups of intangible assets, respec- ing the alignment of firm’s key resources with the
tively, related to: market growth strategy.

• Human capital (HC): experience, knowledge, According to Prahalad and Ramaswany (2000), re-
intellect, behavior, relationship, attitude and lational capital is one of the most important di-
special skills of employees. mensions of the IC. García-Merino et al. (2014),
Vishnu and Gupta (2014), Mention and Bontis
• Structural capital (SC): non-human store- (2013), Cabrita and Bontis (2008), Wang et al.
houses of knowledge existing in organiza- (2014) investigated this specific dimension of IC.
tions, technologies, organization, innovation There are not further empirical evidences analyz-
practices generating value. ing only this component of the IC .

• Relational capital (RC): the value generated by Furthermore, there are very few scientific evi-
inter-organizational relations or relations ex- dences concerning the internal relational capi-
isting between the firm and for example sup- tal. The organizational relational model (Ferioli &
pliers, customers, shareholders and other in- Migliarese, 1996) is one of the available models in
stitutions and individuals. the literature that can allow the intra-organiza-
tional relations to be studied in qualitative terms.
Some papers investigated the relation between in- The relation is intended as a social-economic en-
tellectual capital (IC) and firm value also from the tity between two actors. The organizational rela-

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018

tion is a link between individuals and/or organiza- The 8 years time horizon is valid for the financial
tions (or parts of organizations) aimed to a com- performance indicators and for 3 (out of 4) vari-
mon task/objective. The organizational relation ables of the external relational capital. The other
can be analyzed by considering the following four variables (purely qualitative) are calculated for the
dimensions (Ferioli & Migliarese, 1996): last year of the time frame (2013).

• goals: represent the objectives in a relation; The framework of the research is briefly represent-
ed in Figure 1 below.
• tools: support the relation by improving co-
ordination, communication and information 2.1. Data sources and sample
among its actors;
The sample used for the research is composed by
• organizational rules: represent the standards, 100 Italian firms. The selection was carried out on
tacit or explicit, that define the acceptable be- the AIDA database (Bureau Van Dijk) through the
havior for creating and managing the relation; following research criteria:

• cultural background: represents all the im- • active legal status: only firms still in business;
plicit key assumptions and the shared values
between the actors of the relation. • number of employees: 1,000 or more, at least in
one year of the time horizon;
On the basis on these attributes, it is possible to
evaluate, in qualitative terms, the relationships • sales revenue: 1,000,000,000 € or more, at least
within an organization. Further researches of the in one year of the time horizon.
same authors have deepened the model, describing
some applications (Laise et al., 2005; Migliarese & The reason for choosing big-scale firms is main-
Corvello, 2010). ly due to two factors: (i) big-scale firms invest
in relational capital (and, more generally, in in-
tellectual capital) to a greater extent than small
2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY firms; (ii) information is more readily available
for larger companies, and this is particularly
The aim of this paper is to identify the relation be- important when identifying elements regarding
tween the different components of the relational relational capital, that is, for its nature, hard to
capital, both internal and external, and the finan- assess.
cial performance of a sample of Italian firms. The
time frame for the analysis is 8 years (from 2006 Through the illustrated criteria, a sample of 151
to 2013). firms was selected. It was reduced to 100 because

Internal relational capital

organizational relational model

Financial performance
External relational capital
and quantitative indicators

Figure 1. Research framework

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018

of lacking data. After that, a deep analysis on the 3. Training and development tools: tools and
firms’ websites was carried out. instruments for employees training and
Then, the overall data sources were:
Goals: they represent the objectives and their
• The firms’ annual reports (including social sharing in a relation. They can be divided into:
and sustainability reports).
1. Reporting tools and transparency: reporting
• The firms’ websites. systems and degree of transparency of busi-
ness information.
• The firms’ financial data (collected from the
AIDA database and/or from reports). 2. Systems for quality of work: e.g. non-discrim-
ination, reconciliation of private, family and
2.2. Independent variables working life.

In order to express the value of the relational capi- 3. Remuneration and incentive systems.
tal, both internal and external, 8 variables has
been used, 4 for the internal relational capital and 4. Training and development systems: tools
4 for the external relational capital. and means for training and development of
For evaluating the internal relational capital,
the organizational relational capital (Ferioli & Organizational rules: they represent the stan-
Migliarese, 1996; Laise et al., 2005; Migliarese & dards, tacit or explicit, that define the acceptable
Corvello, 2010) has been used. The internal rela- behaviors and the admissible methods for creating
tional capital consists of qualitative variables only. and managing relations. They can be divided into:
Their value is calculated by using a scale of 1 to 5
with subjective criteria (Table 1). 1. Reporting tools and transparency: reporting
systems and degree of transparency of busi-
Table 1. Scale used for qualitative assessment
ness information.
2 MID-LOW 2. Ethical code.
4 MID-HIGH 3. Internal control, safety and health systems:
internal control and risk management (su-
pervisory organ, guarantees, management of
Variables are: relationships with suppliers and customers)
and tools to ensure safety and health on the
Tools: they support the relation, providing tools to workplace.
establish and maintain it, and they improve cooper-
ation, communication and information between the 4. Statute: policy instrument regulating the or-
subjects of the relation. This variable is divided into: ganization and the functioning of compa-
nies (rules and dispositions valid into the
1. Formal/informal sharing tools: sharing and co- organization).
hesion tools for employees, both formal (meet-
ing, training courses) and informal (team Cultural background: it represents all the implic-
building events, such as football match be- it key assumptions and the shared values between
tween colleagues). the actors of the relation. It can be divided into:

2. Sharing software: information tools for com- 1. Shared values on environment and social re-
munication, sharing information, working sponsibility: shared assumptions in respect of
used by employees. environment and social responsibility (com-

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018

panies sensitize their employees to pursue ob- of the firm on environmental issues and its
jectives related to these aspects). effort in the reduction of CO2, development
of “green” products, development of employ-
2. Model 231: adoption of an organizational, ees’ awareness on environmental matters;
management and control model (common-
ly “Model 231”) in accordance with Italian - relationships with other stakeholders (hu-
Legislative Decree 231 as of June 8, 2001, No manitarian organizations, sponsorship,
231 as anti-corruption legislation and, in gen- communities, associations): commitment
eral, crimes prevention from people working of the firm in social issues (fundraiser,
in the company. The concept is applicable also foundations), in sponsorships (culture, arts,
to the field of organizational relations inside music, sports), in cooperation with commu-
the companies, because the model pursues nities and/or associations.
principles of fairness and loyalty towards both
external stakeholders and employees. The value of first three abovementioned variables
can be calculated using the AIDA database, while
3. External reputation: external acknowledge- the value of the last one is obtained by calculating
ment for corporate governance (in the respect the average of values assigned to its sub-variables,
of Civil Code or specific certifications). through a subjective and qualitative evaluation,
according to the scale in Figure 2. For both types
The external relational capital is assessed through of relational capital, qualitative variables are as-
the following qualitative-quantitative indicators: sessed with a value referred to the last year (2013).

• total share holdings (in EUR 1000): this item Table 2 summarizes the independent variables.
includes participations in subsidiaries, affiliat-
Table 2. Variables of the internal and external
ed undertakings and parent companies. This relational capital
variable allows to evaluate the willingness of
the firm to construct relationships with other INTERNAL RELATIONAL EXTERNAL RELATIONAL
organizations from financial point of view;
1. Sharing software.
2. Formal/informal sharing
• sales revenues/number of employees (in EUR tools. Total shareholdinngs
1000): it expresses the performance of a single 3. Training and development
employee of the company;
• growth rate of revenues (as a percentage, calcu- 1. Reporting tools
and transparency.
lated year by year): it expresses, as a percent- 2. Systems for quality
age, the growth/decrease of revenues between of work. Sales revenues/number
3. Remuneration and of employees
two accounting years; incentive systems.
4. Training and development
• relations with stakeholders: it assesses the de-
Organizational rules
gree of involvement of the company in the re- 1. Reporting tools and
lationships with its stakeholders. It can be di- transparency.
2. Ethical code.
vided into the following sub-categories: 3. Internal control and safety Growth rate of revenues
and health systems.
4. Statute.
- relationships for research, development and
innovation of product/service: level of com- Cultural background Relations with stakeholders
mitment of the company to invest for offer- 1. Shared values on 1. Relationships for
environment and social environmental
ing more competitive products/services to responsibility. sustainability.
2. Model 231. 2. Relationships for research,
customers; 3. External reputation. development and
innovation of product/
- relationships for environmental sustainability 3. Relationships with other
(environment certifications): level of interest

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018

2.3. Dependent variables 3. RESULTS

The financial performance variables considered in
In this section, the abovementioned analysis is
this paper are the following: described. All the calculations have been carried
out through IBM SPSS Statistics 22. Only the most
1. EBITDA (in EUR 1000): Earnings Befo- significant results are presented. For further de-
re Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and tails please contact the authors of the paper.
Amor tization.
3.1. Internal consistency analysis
2. EBITDA/Sales (in percentage): it is a very of the internal relational capital
important profitability index at an operat-
ing level of the firm.
The internal consistency analysis of IRC factors
3. EBITDA/Total assets (in percentage): it is has been carried out through Cronbach’s Alpha
useful to assess the profitability of invested in order to verify if each sub-variable gives a real
capital. contribution to the value of the variable it belongs
to. It is possible to say that all IRC variables have
In the following table, the considered variables are a sufficient internal consistency for validating
summarized. reliability.
Table 3. The financial performance indicators
considered 3.2. Correlation analysis

The correlation between the variables has been
analyzed through the Pearson coefficient. The on-
EBITDA/Total ly correlations with a good significance, but still
EBITDA EBITDA/Sales assets
with a low Pearson coefficient, exist between the
following variables:

2.4. Research and analysis tools • tools and EBITDA, with a correlation coeffi-
cient ρ = 0.219;
The following statistical tools were used for
research: • tools and EBITDA/Sales revenues, with a cor-
relation coefficient ρ = 0.220;
1. Internal consistency analysis of the indepen-
dent variables (Cronbach’s Alpha) and analy- • goals and EBITDA/Sales revenues, with a cor-
sis of the degree of multicollinearity between relation coefficient ρ = 0.239;
the independent variables (Tolerance index
and VIF – Variance Inflaction Factor). • relations with stakeholders and EBITDA/
Sales revenues, with a correlation coefficient
2. Analysis of potential significant relations be- ρ = 0.208.
tween dependent and independent variables
through correlation analysis and multiple lin- The remaining correlation coefficients between
ear regression. dependent and independent variables show lower
In order to take back all variables in a common
and single scale, the normalization min-max has 3.3. Multicollinearity analysis
been carried out for non-qualitative data, reduc-
ing them to the range [1,5], the same used for qual- It has been necessary to carry out a multicollinear-
itative variables. Moreover, the average value on ity diagnosis on independent variables of some
the time frame 2006–2013 has been considered for regression models, as we see later on. The results
non-qualitative variables. follow.

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018

Table 4. Collinearity diagnosis on IRC variables Model 2. Models 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 (relation of ERC to
Financial performance)
Internal Relational Collinearity statistics
Capital variables Tolerance VIF β 0 + β1 ⋅ Total Holdings +
Pi =
Tools 0.455 2.199
Sales Revenues
Goals 0.293 3.416
+β2 ⋅ +
Organizational rules 0.467 2.141 Number of employees
Cultural background 0.606 1.651
+ β3 ⋅ Growth rate of revenues +
Tolerance indices are not high, but at the same + β 4 ⋅ Relations with stakeholders +
time, are not so low to prejudice significant
multicollinearity presence. Moreover, VIF +ε , i = 1, 2, 3.
values are below the acceptable threshold of
collinearity. The variable Pi , i =1, 2, 3, refers to financial per-
formance variables:
In summary, it can be said that there is a certain
degree of collinearity between IRC variables, • P1 = EBITDA (model 1.1 and model 2.1);
but it is pretty low. Therefore, there is a low risk
that these variables affect validity of regression • P2 = EBITDA/Sales revenues (model 1.2 and
models. model 2.2);

It does not exist collinearity within E.R.C. vari- • P3 = EBITDA/Total assets (model 1.3 and mod-
ables, thus regression models for them are valid. el 2.3).
Table 5. Collinearity diagnosis on ERC variables
In the following, the most significant results of
Collinearity statistics the regression analysis are shown. For further
External Relational
Capital variables details please contact the authors of the paper.
Tolerance VIF
Particularly, for each model, there are coef-
Total holdings 0.967 1.034
ficients of determination, results of F-test and
Sales revenues/ estimated partial coefficients of regression, as
0.980 1.021
N of employees
Growth rate of revenues 0.936 1.068
Relations with
Table 6. Overview of model 1.2
0.956 1.046
Model overview

3.4. Regression analysis Model R R2 Adjusted Standard

R2 error

In order to build up the regression models, the 1.2 0.328a 0.108 0.070 0.48887
contribution given from IRC and ERC variables to
financial performance has been checked separate- Note: a. Predictors: (constant), Cultural background, Tools,
Organizational rules, Goals.
ly. Each of the following models can be divided in
three sub-models, depending on the considered Table 7. ANOVA of model 1.2
dependent variable:

Model 1. Models 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 (relation of IRC to Model Sum of df Mean F Sign
squares square
Financial performance)
Regression 2.742 4 0.685 2.868 0.027b
β 0 + β1 ⋅ Tools + β 2 ⋅ Goals +
Pi = 1.2 Residue 22.704 95 0.239 – –

+ β3 ⋅ Organisational Rules + Total 25.446 99 – – –

+ β 4 ⋅ Cultural Background + Note: a. Dependent variable: EBITDA/Sales. b. Predictors:

(constant), Cultural background, Tools, Organizational rules,
+ε , i =1, 2, 3. Goals.

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018

Table 8. T-test and estimation of regression coefficients for model 1.2


Non-standardized Standardized Collinearity statistics

coefficients coefficients
Model T T Sign
Std. Error β VIF

(Constant) 2.426 0.335 – 7.236 0.000 – –

Tools 0.035 0.109 0.046 0.321 0.749 0.455 2.199

1.2 Goals 0.321 0.153 0.376 2.102 0.038 0.293 3.416

Organizational rules –0.227 0.102 –0.314 –2.215 0.029 0.467 2.141

Cultural background 0.051 0.083 0.076 0.609 0.544 0.606 1.651

Note: a. Dependent variable: EBITDA/Sales.

Model 1.2 has a coefficient R 2 = 0.328, better than The regression models are the following:
model 1.1. Moreover, F-test states a significance of
Model A:
0.027, that confirms the presence of at least one
independent variable significant for the model. Tools = β 0 + β1 ⋅ Goals +
Hypothesis confirmed by T-test that identifies two
significant independent variables: + β 2 ⋅ Organisational Rules +
+ β3 ⋅ Cultural Background + ε .
• Goals, with a significance of 0.038 (so less than
0,05) and a regression coefficient β = 0.376, Model B:
that confirms the positive correlation between
this variable and the dependent variable = β 0 + β1 ⋅ Tools +
EBITDA/Sales, previously emerged; + β 2 ⋅ Organisational Rules +
• Organizational rules, with a significance of + β3 ⋅ Cultural Background + ε .
0.029 (so less than 0.05) and a regression coef-
ficient β = −0.314. This variable has a nega- Model C:
tive impact on the dependent variable of mod-
el 1.2. Organisational Rules = β 0 + β1 ⋅ Tools +
2 β ⋅ Goals + β3 ⋅ Cultural Background + ε .
Model 1.2 demonstrates that the dependent vari-
able is affected from two of the IRC variables. Model D:

3.5. Regression analysis β 0 + β1 ⋅ Tools +

Cultural Background =
on internal relational + β 2 ⋅ Goals + β3 ⋅ Organisational Rules + ε .
capital variables Results from the regression analysis are shown in
In order to measure the real link existing within the following tables.
the variables of IRC, an “internal” regression anal-
Table 9. Overview of model A
ysis has been carried out. Each variable is chosen
as dependent variable of the remaining ones. If Model overview
a variable defined irrelevant in the previous sec- Model R R2 Adjusted Standard
tion influences another variable that instead is sig- R2 error
nificant, it can be assumed that an indirect link A 0.738a 0.545 0.531 0.45976
between the first and the financial performance
Note: a. Predictors: (constant), Cultural background, Tools,
exists. Organizational rules, Goals.

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018

Table 10. ANOVA of model A This indicates that IRC and ERC do not play a rel-
ANOVAa evant role in the determination of firm’s financial
Sum of Mean performance. Thesis confirmed by the results of
Model squares df square F Sign
the regression analysis between IRC and ERC vari-
Regression 24.325 3 8.108 38.358 0.000b ables and financial performance that reveals that:
A Residue 20.293 96 0.211 – –
Total 44.618 99 – – –
• in all models, the determination coefficient
Notes: a. Dependent variable: Tools. b. Predictors: (constant), and F-test and T-test have never reached par-
Cultural background, Tools, Organizational rules, Goals. ticularly significant value; this confirms that
it does not exist particularly relevant rela-
Model A has a coefficient R 2 = 0.738. F-test states tions between IRC and ERC and the financial
a significance of 0.000, thus it exists at least an in- performance;
dependent variable that significantly affects the
dependent variable. T-test confirms that variable • two variables, for each of the relational capi-
Goals, with a significance of 0.000 and a regres- tal, affect, although in a moderate way, some
sion coefficient β = 0.795, is the only significant dependent variables, while the remaining in-
variable of the model. dependent variables result almost irrelevant.
Particular attention need to be paid to the vari-
As regards model A, thus, the variable Goals has a able Sales Revenues/Number of employees, that
significant impact on variable Tools. influences the value of two dependent variables
(EBITDA and EBITDA/Sales). It is clear indeed
that a higher economic productivity per single
4. DISCUSSION employee implies a better profitability for the
company. As regards the other variables:
Findings from correlation analysis demonstrate
that: - Goals positively impacts on EBITDA/Sales.
It is reasonable that an efficient management
• internal relational capital is linked to financial and incentive system gives a contribution to
performance with particular reference to vari- improve profitability at an operating level;
ables Tools and Goals;
- Organizational rules, not significant for
• external relational capital is linked to finan- correlation analysis, impacts negatively on
cial performance with particular reference to EBITDA/Sales. In this case, results of the
variables Sales Revenues/Number of employees multiple regression analysis are considered
and Relations with stakeholders. more reliable. It can be said that, from an
economic point of view, a management sys-
However, the correlations observed between de- tem for internal relations affects more in
pendent and independent variables are moderate. terms of increasing costs than in benefits;

Table 11. T-test and estimation of regression coefficients for model A

Non-standardized Standardized Collinearity statistics
Model T coefficients coefficients T Sign
Std. Error β VIF
(Constant) 0.503 0.311 – 1.616 0.109 – –
Goals 0.897 0.111 0.795 8.111 0.000 0.493 2.027
Organizational rules –0.152 0.095 –0.159 –1.602 0.112 0.480 2.085
Cultural background 0.068 0.078 0.077 0.872 0.386 0.610 1.638

Note: a. Dependent variable: Tools.

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018

Table 12. Overall regression analysis results

Type of relational capital Independent variables Influenced variables

of financial performance

Tools → –

Goals → EBITDA/Sales
Internal relational capital
Organizational rules → EBITDA/Sales

Cultural background → –

Total holdings → –

Sales/Number of employees EBITDA/Sales
External relational capital
Growht rate of revenues → –

Relations with stakeholders → EBITDA/Sales

- Relations with stakeholders positively im- A regression analysis within IRC variables has been
pacts on EBITDA/Sales. A company that carried out because of a certain degree of multicol-
takes care of stakeholders can get better op-linearity between them. This analysis allowed to
erating results than others; clarify some aspects. First of all, each model has
a good coefficient of determination and this con-
• EBITDA/Total assets results to be the only firms the presence of multicollinearity between the
dependent variable that does not have rela- IRC variables, even if it is low. The IRC variables
tions with any independent variables, while are linked among them as in Figure 2. Then the
EBITDA/Sales is the most influenced; two variables Tools and Cultural Background have
at least indirect influence on financial performance,
• Tools, resulting relevant for the correlation because these variables, which in the first regression
analysis, does not have a significant influ- analysis have not directly influenced the dependent
ence on firm’s performance variables in variables, have a direct and significant connection
the multiple regression analysis. Therefore, with the variables Goals and Organisational Rules,
correlations previously evidenced between which are significant for model 1.2.
Tools and financial performance are ran-
dom and not characterized by a relation Each of those relationships can be explained as
of dependence. Also in this case, as for follows:
Organizational rules, regression analysis re-
sults are preferred because more reliable. As • Tools and Goals: using effective tools for sup-
a consequence, it can be deducted that all fi- porting internal relationships can allow bet-
nancial performance do not have link of de- ter results in sharing and achieving goals to be
pendence with Tools. reached, and vice versa;

In Table 11, the results of regression analysis be- • Goals and Organizational Rules: a higher level
tween IRC and ERC variables and financial perfor- of goal sharing allows a system of tacit or ex-
mance are briefly represented. plicit rules accepted from everyone to be easier
defined, and vice versa;

Organizationa Cultural
Tools Goals
l rules background

Figure 2. Results of regression within IRC variables

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018

Internal relational capital

Tools Goals Financial performance

0.398 0.635

0.293 -0.314 EBITDA/Sales

Cultural Organizational
Background rules

External relational capital

Sales / No. Employees 0.231

Relations with

Figure 3. Framework of relations with β coefficients

• Organizational Rules and Cultural Background: As regards the internal relational capital, Migliarese
it is reasonable that a well defined set of rules and Corvello (2010) claim that an organizational re-
makes sharing common values between the lation is coherent only if there is coherence between
actors of a relation easier, and vice versa. Tools, Goals, Organizational rules and Cultural
Background. This statement is aligned with results
Figure 3 shows the complete framework with all achieved in the regression analysis on IRC vari-
the significant relations and their regression coef- ables, in which it has been found that these variables
ficients β . have an impact on each other, directly or indirectly.
Instead, as stated by Laise et al. (2005), the creation
Results of the analysis on external relational cap- of new knowledge does not arise from information
ital are in line with studies carried out by Cabrita already available in a database, but from existing
and Bontis (2008), Wang et al. (2014) and Tseng organizational relations between different actors of
and James Goo (2005), in which this dimension the organization. ICT tools do not play active role in
of intellectual capital has a positive relation with the creation of new knowledge, but they support in-
firm performance. Also researches of García- dividuals belonging to the organization in pursuing
Merino et al. (2014), Vishnu and Gupta (2014), their objective. Consequently, as intellectual capital
Mention and Bontis (2013) founded a similar re- is based on knowledge, it is clear that IRC plays an
lation, with the difference that, in this paper, a important role in the value creation for the compa-
good significance has been found, while in the ny. The presence of intense organizational relations
abovementioned studies the contribution is not between the actors of an organization is a neces-
statistically significant. A common element for sary condition for the knowledge organization to be
many studies of the literature is that a significant defined.
relation exists for a subset of the ERC variables
only. In the studies by Wang (2008) and Yu and A more collaborative environment could im-
Zhang (2008), the relations between the relation- prove business climate and employees’ motivation
al capital and the market value are only partial- (Calabrese et al., 2013). Also Drucker (1999) supports
ly verified. Results of these studies suggest that the importance of IRC by describing the future or-
companies should develop and maintain exter- ganizations as composed by professionals with high
nal relations and, particularly, with customers, autonomy who promote collaboration relationships
as the main source of success for the firm. aimed at achieving the assigned objectives.

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018

5. LIMITATIONS AND relations also of non-linear type between the vari-

ables that in this paper have been recognized as
FURTHER RESEARCHES not significantly related to each other.
One of the limits of this research is the qualitative
nature of some variables. They have been subjec- For further researches, the internal relational cap-
tively assessed. ital could be evaluated through questionnaires
and interviews. Regarding the external relational
Another limit is related to unavailability of in- capital, it could be useful to use other kinds of in-
formation about indicators that could express in dicators, as well as those already proposed in this
a better way the external relational capital. The study, of qualitative nature, obtainable from other
variables used in this study interpret only partially Databases (DBs) or from accounting tools avail-
that dimension of the intellectual capital. able on companies’ websites.

A further limitation can be considered the choice Finally, the sample of firms could be extended and
of the linear regression analysis: there could exist eventually also classified on a sector basis.

This work aims to study the relations existing between (i) internal and (ii) external relational capital to
financial performance of a sample of big-scale Italian companies.

Literature concerning the intellectual capital is surely wide. Many scholars have carried out researches
on the impact of intellectual capital on financial performance and the market value of the firm by using
different statistical methodologies, often achieving contrasting results.

This paper is based on the assumption that, in addition to capital characterized by relations existing
with the external environment, also internal relations have a significant importance for the perfor-
mance of the firm. In this paper, the internal relational capital and its contribution to firm performance
have been deeply analyzed.

Results of regression and correlation analysis show that a relation between the relational capital and
financial performance exists. The study demonstrated the influence of the IRC and ERC on value cre-
ation process. It suggests focusing not only on improving relations with external stakeholders, but also
on paying particular attention on intra-firm relations.

The paper contributes to research from both theoretical and practical point of view. From theoretical point
of view, it has been demonstrated that good support for internal organizational relations can improve per-
formance; from practical point of view, firms are suggested to pay attention in designing specific systems for
supporting internal organizational relations, as they can positively impact on performance.

In particular, the attention of firms should be paid to the variables that impact more directly on finan-
cial performance, as already discussed in section 5.

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