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Description of the Project

Herbington High School is a private high school in JamWorld and has been in existence for the
past 50 years. Since the outbreak in 2020. Parents have been experiencing difficulty in honoring
school fee commitments. School fee compliance for the past 2 years has fallen dramatically and
is now at an all-time low of 50%.
The Board of Directors have met and devised a strategy dubbed - BACK TO SCHOOL
SPECIAL. The Board Chairman has commissioned the head of the IT Department along with
staff to utilize appropriate Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Database Management and
Applications to design and implement a computer based solution to effectively execute the

Design a spreadsheet that will accept payment data of no more than 35 students but NOT less
than 30 (across ALL grade levels), lower school, upper school and sixth form. Name the
Workbook Herbington_SBA_Spreadsheet.


Student Payment Information
ID Number First Name Last Name Gender Grade Level

The tuition for each level would be:

● Grades 7 – 9: $210,000.00 per annum (Lower School)
● Grades 10 – 11: $270,000.00 per annum (Upper School)
● Grades 12 – 13: $300,000.00 per annum (Sixth Form)
Payment plans available are:
● E-Full or Early Full payment plan which attracts a 10% discount on the tuition for Full
Payment of Tuition.
● Bi-Payment which is a Part Payment Plan: Where an initial payment of minimum of
50% is required for persons to be qualified for a 5% discount on the total tuition.
● Tri-Payment which is a three Part Payment Plan: This option attracts a 7.5% interest
which will be added to the tuition fee.
Create a worksheet called Fees
The sheet should contain the following information

Grade Level Amount
7-9 Lower 210000
10-11 Upper 270000
12-13 Sixth 300000

Payment Plan
Plans Discount Interest Schedule
E-Full 10% 0% 1
Bi-Payment 5% 0% 2
Tri-Payment 0% 7.50% 3

You are required to:

1. Create a table in spreadsheet that records the following data for each student: ID Number,
First Name, Last Name, Gender, Grade and Level.
2. Add a new column to determine the students school fee based in their Grade Level.
3. In an appropriate part in the spreadsheet count the total number of students.
4. Insert columns to:

a. Determine Tuition Amount

b. Determine the appropriate payment plan
c. Calculate discount or interest due for each payment
d. Calculate the amount to be paid for tuition
e. Enter the actual amount to be paid by each student based on Payment plan.
5. Calculate totals for all tuition, discount/interest, actual amount paid
6. Spreadsheet Heading should be font size 18 and choose an appropriate font style.
Sub-Heading should be font size 16 and column headings font size 14. Main heading and
sub-heading must have the same font style. ALL other areas of the spreadsheet should be
Font Times New Roman and size 12. Bold ALL headings. Centre ALL column headings.
7. Format all monetary values to currency with comma style.

Rename Sheet1 as Herbington1.

Copy the data from Task A and place in a new worksheet Save) as Herbington2

Modify the spreadsheet to show the following:

1. A new student O’Neil Golding has been added to the upper school population, the
student’s fee was pain in full.
2. The third student was unable to meet the requirement for full payment plan and instead
selected the tri-payment plan. Make the necessary changes.
3. Insert a column to calculate the remaining balance to be paid
4. Sort the data by payment plan in ascending order then by last name in ascending order
5. In another section of the spreadsheet use complex criteria to extract all person who opted
for bi-payment and tri-payment
6. The principal in a bid to encourage the payment of balances has decided to reduce the
interest rate to 6.5%. Make the necessary changes in the spreadsheet.

7. Create a pivot table to show the amount due based on the level and payment plan.
The Principal has made plans to present a report to the Board Chairman who is interested in
the payment plans along with expected revenues to be collected.
You are required to:
8. Create a pie chart to illustrate the total number of students for each Payment Plan. Name
the chart appropriately and place it on a separate sheet.

Save your chart as HerbbingtonChart.

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