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Read ore about the life of Misty Copeland Pat a check (7) next to the correct form of the verb, An Unlikely Ballerina in 19820 © misty copetand Kansas ly, Missour. born isbom vesbomn Interested in dancing O sto at age 13, whichis late fora thor first ballot cass professional dancer. took has taken wae taken © Wien she was 15, she first place in the prestigious Los ‘Angeles Spottight Award. O hae won © she __ the american salet Theater in 2000, O ined hasjoined ) wasjained © Ext inher career she ‘rts becouse of her tnconventinaly curvy body © faced ) as faced ) has been faced @ uring her carer she Jn many major productions, Including The Nuteracker, Firebird, Coppelia, and ‘Swan Lake, > starred © hes starred © 2015, sve dancer for the ABT the fist bac female to achieve that position hee named has been named > was named 3 have been or went? © inadeition 1 dancing, Copeland ‘memoir ented Life a ‘Motion: An Unkely Balferina O has rocenty published > has recently been published was recent published © currently. New Line cinema 2 film based on Copeland's life. is producing ) produces O hes produced ‘Complete the sentences with have been or went. 1 A Wheres Mom? B She to the post alice 2 Where. you You're home so late! 3 A Are you going tothe library today? B No, already yesterday. 4 Wanyone calls, tell them tolunch, Pl be back at wo, 5 We to Japan, but wei like to go. 6. A When are you going on vacation? B Wealeeady to Florida 7 A What happened to your neighbors? B Didrt | tll you? They tol south of France. 4 Time expressions 1 Put the word in parentheses in the correct place in the sentences. 1 Theard about your accident. (just) Have you had breakfast? (yet) I finished my exams. (already) Have you been to Thailand? (ever) Thaver't seen that movie. (yet) aeon 2. Rewrite the sentences using for, since, and ago. 1 Llast saw him in 2010. a (for) b (since) (ago) 2. She went to Korea in April. a (for) b (since) © (ago) 3. Read the situations below. What would you say? Use a time expression from exercises 1 and 2. 1 You're having lunch in a cafe. You stop eating for a minuteand the waiter tries to take your plate away. Excuse mel - (not finish) 2 Youhad a cup of coffee. Your sister comes in and offers you another cup. No, thanks. (have) one. 3. Tom went out two minutes ago. The phone rings. It’s someone for Tom. go out) 4 Yourush home to sce the World Cup final on TV. You want to know if you've missed the beginning. (start) 5. Its 9 pM. You're watching TV. You finished your homework at 8 pat. Your mom asks why youre not doing your homework. But (finish) 6 Youmeet an old friend. You can't remember when you last met. How long 2(meet)

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