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Good afternoon, Ma'am Jolly and classmates, I'm here to tell you that while grades are important

Students' school went on progress through high school, grades become more important,
especially for older students hoping to go on to college. This can lead to extra stress, making
school a much less enjoyable experience.

Grades are just one importance of our academic journey, not the defining factor of your
intelligence or capabilities your worth is not just determined by a test score or grade point
average your person, your resilience, and your passion for learning, are the own qualities that
truly define you to do set goals, work harder, and challenge yourself to reach high grades, but
always remember to prioritize your well-being don't sacrifice your mental health problems in
pursue of a perfect. Learn to balance academics, because your health and happiness matter just as
much as your grades.

As we navigate the highs and lows grades of junior high school to keep perspective. Mostly,
grades are important, but not everything. I know you are very capable, you are resilient, and you
are so much more than a page. We believe in ourselves, to pursue passion, and remember to
enjoy the journey of our life.

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