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System: PVS & Lymphatics

Subjective Data
Objective Data – PVS Objective Data – Regional Lymphatics
Peripheral Vascular
Inspect & Palpate Arms Inspect Head & Neck
• Leg pain, cramps?
• Skin changes arms/legs?
• Skin color, lesions, arm symmetry • Head midline, erect
• Any swelling? • Profile sign of nail beds (normally 1600)
• Accessory muscles symmetrical, no
• Any “swollen glands” noticed? • Temperature, cap refill 1-2 seconds
limitation of ROM
• Radial & brachial pulses
Breast & Axillary Lymphatics • Any obvious neck swelling?
o Normal 2+, regular, = bilaterally
• Pain? • Palpate epitrochlear nodes (normally not Palpate cervical lymph nodes (10 locations)
• Lumps, tenderness or swelling? palpable)
• Rash or discharge? • Gentle circular motion with fingertips
Inspect & Palpate Legs • Follow sequence in text (Jarvis, 2024)
• History of breast disease?
• Skin color & condition, hair distribution, • If palpable, nodes should be discrete,
Neck/Regional Lymphatics
venous pattern, symmetrical size soft, moveable, and non-tender
• Headaches? • Palpate temperature bilaterally (use dorsa
• Head injury, dizziness? of hands)
• Neck pain, swelling, lumps? • Popliteal & Pedal pulses bilaterally
• Femoral pulses bilaterally if indicated
• Assess for edema
o Grade from 1+ to 4+

Objective Data – Axillary Lymph Nodes

(normally not palpable)
Palpate 4 locations (think of it like a box)

• Pectoral (anterior)
• Central (high in the axilla)
• Subscapular (posterior)
• Lateral (inner aspect of upper arm)
Patti Manson 2021
Revised February 2024 Melissa Hrebenik

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